出版社:Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences (BMSU).
摘要:Introduction : Academic procrastination is one of the prevalence variables in students and the varibles affecting it, such as academic self-handicapping and self-efficacy should be examined. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the role of academic self-efficacy and academic self-handicapping In Academic dawdle Bahonar University. Methods: This study is a correlational study that stratified sampling, 120 students from Birjand Shdndabzar . Research tools Scale Academic dawdle Rasblvm & Solomon (1984), academic self-handicapping Medgley & et al (2000) academic self- McIlroy & Bunting (2002).Were completed. For data analysis, descriptive statistics such as frequency tables, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics, correlation and multiple linear regressions were used. Results: Results showed that academic self-efficacy and Academic dawdle (R = -0.34) academic self-handicapping with Academic dawdle (R = 0.21) There was a significant negative correlation. Together these two variables also predict Academic dawdle amount of variance 16.0. Conclusions: The results of the study and operators more attention to education and higher education institutions in the field of Academic dawdle sectors.