摘要:Living beings permanently receive electromagnetic radiation, particularly from extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs), which may cause adverse health effects. In this work, we studied the in vivo cytotoxic effects of exposing BALB/c mice to 60 Hz and 8.8 µT EMFs during 72 h and 240 h in a switchyard area, using animals exposed to 60 Hz and 2.0 mT EMFs or treated with 5 mg/kg mitomycin C (MMC) as positive controls. Micronucleus (MN) frequency and male germ cell analyses were used as cytological endpoints. ELF-EMF exposure was observed to significantly ( p < 0.05) increase MN frequency at all conditions tested, with the 2 mT/72 h treatment causing the highest response, as compared with untreated control. In addition, increased sperm counts were observed after switchyard area ELF-EMF exposure, as compared with untreated control. In contrast, low sperm counts were obtained for 72 h/2.0 mT-exposed animals and for MMC-treated mice ( p < 0.05), without altering male germ cell morphological characteristics.