摘要:We present new results for LambdaCC and MotifCC, two recently introduced variants of the well-studied correlation clustering problem. Both variants are motivated by applications to network analysis and community detection, and have non-trivial approximation algorithms.
We first show that the standard linear programming relaxation of LambdaCC has a Theta(log n) integrality gap for a certain choice of the parameter lambda. This sheds light on previous challenges encountered in obtaining parameter-independent approximation results for LambdaCC. We generalize a previous constant-factor algorithm to provide the best results, from the LP-rounding approach, for an extended range of lambda.
MotifCC generalizes correlation clustering to the hypergraph setting. In the case of hyperedges of degree 3 with weights satisfying probability constraints, we improve the best approximation factor from 9 to 8. We show that in general our algorithm gives a 4(k-1) approximation when hyperedges have maximum degree k and probability weights. We additionally present approximation results for LambdaCC and MotifCC where we restrict to forming only two clusters.