摘要:is the value of ϕ at the percolation threshold, and μ is the dynamic exponent. The universality of μ is important because it implies that very different processes, such as protein diffusion in membranes and the electrical conductivity in two-dimensional networks, obey similar underlying physical principles. In this work we demonstrate, using computer simulations on a model system, that the exponent μ is not universal, but depends on the microscopic nature of the dynamics. We consider a hard disc that moves via random walk in a matrix of fixed hard discs and show that μ depends on the maximum possible displacement Δ of the mobile hard disc, ranging from 1.31 at Δ ≤ 0.1 to 2.06 for relatively large values of Δ. We also show that this behavior arises from a power-law singularity in the distribution of transition rates due to a failure of the local equilibrium approximation. The non-universal value of μ obeys the prediction of the renormalization group theory. Our simulations do not, however, exclude the possibility that the non-universal values of μ might be a crossover between two different limiting values at very large and small values of Δ. The results allow one to rationalize experiments on diffusion in two-dimensional systems.