摘要:, with 59-78% viability. Pyrosequencing generated 273,102 reads for the five triplicate ice samples, which corresponded to 3,464 operational taxonomic units (OTUs). The distribution of the bacterial phyla in the perennial cave ice varied with age, organic content, and light exposure. Proteobacteria dominated the 1 and 900 years old organic rich ice deposits, while Actinobacteria was mostly found in 900 years old ice strata, and Firmicutes was best represented in 400 years old ice. Cyanobacteria and Chlorobi representatives were identified mainly from the ice block surface samples exposed to sunlight. Archaea was observed only in older ice strata, with a high incidence of Crenarchaeota and Thaumarchaeaota in the 400 years old ice, while Euryarchaeota dominated the 900 years old ice layers, with Methanomicrobia representing the predominant taxa. A large percentage (55.7%) of 16S rRNA gene amplicons corresponded to unidentified OTUs at genus or higher taxa levels, suggesting a greater undiscovered bacterial diversity in this glacial underground habitat. The prokaryotes distribution across the cave ice block revealed the presence of 99 phylotypes specific for different ice layers, in addition to the shared microbial community. Ice geochemistry represented an important factor that explained the microbial taxa distribution in the cave ice block, while the total organic carbon content had a direct impact on the cell density of the ice microcosm. Both bacterial and archaeal community structures appeared to be affected by climate variations during the ice formation, highlighting the cave ice microbiome as a source of putative paleoclimatic biomarkers. This report constitutes the first high-throughput sequencing study of the cave ice microbiome and its distribution across the perennial underground glacier of an alpine ice cave.