摘要:The phase and frequency of neural oscillations in the alpha band (8-12 Hz) have been recently proposed as key parameters for the temporal resolution of visual perception. Here, we tested the possible causal links between these oscillatory features and temporal integration/segregation. The individual alpha frequency (IAF) peak as obtained from resting-state electroencephalography was used to set the frequency of sensory (audio-visual) entrainment for the lower (IAF - 2 Hz) and upper (IAF + 2 Hz) alpha. Entrainment at IAF ± 2 Hz was administered in the prestimulus interval to align oscillations to a faster or slower rhythm. We densely sampled in time the accuracy for integration/segregation by using identical stimuli with different instructions. The spectral peaks of performance fluctuations over time were found in the upper or lower alpha band for the IAF + 2 and IAF - 2 Hz entrainment, respectively, implying that faster entrainment resulted in faster behavioral fluctuations. Moreover, the entrainment frequency had opposite effects on temporal resolution: faster entrainment improved segregation while slower entrainment improved integration. Performance fluctuations were almost in anti-phase between the two tasks, such that highest integration performance coincided with lowest segregation performance. These findings provide evidence for a direct link between changes in the alpha band and the temporal resolution of perception.