摘要:Nipah virus (NiV) is a highly pathogenic paramyxovirus that causes lethal encephalitis in humans. We previously reported that the V protein, one of the three accessory proteins encoded by the P gene, is one of the key determinants of the pathogenesis of NiV in a hamster infection model. Satterfield B.A. et al. have also revealed that V protein is required for the pathogenicity of henipavirus in a ferret infection model. However, the complete functions of NiV V have not been clarified. In this study, we identified UBX domain-containing protein 1 (UBXN1), a negative regulator of RIG-I-like receptor signaling, as a host protein that interacts with NiV V. NiV V interacted with the UBX domain of UBXN1 via its proximal zinc-finger motif in the C-terminal domain. NiV V increased the level of UBXN1 protein by suppressing its proteolysis. Furthermore, NiV V suppressed RIG-I and MDA5-dependent interferon signaling by stabilizing UBXN1 and increasing the interaction between MAVS and UBXN1 in addition to directly interrupting the activation of MDA5. Our results suggest a novel molecular mechanism by which the induction of interferon is potentially suppressed by NiV V protein via UBXN1.