摘要:Selenium deficiency is closely related with various type of cardiovascular disease. However, the miRNA-mRNA regulatory network in Selenium deficiency related cardiac change remains to be understand. In the present study, a reliable Selenium deficiency rat model was established and confirmed by pathological and biochemical examination. The mRNA and miRNA expression profiles were conducted by microarray technology. Gene Ontology (GO) Analysis and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) Pathway Analysis was performed to investigate the function of targeted genes, and the relationship between miRNA and mRNA was studied by network analysis. A total of 4931 mRNAs and 119 miRNAs was differentially expressed between any two groups (control group, low-selenium group and selenium supplementation group). GO and KEGG pathway analysis of selected miRNAs target genes found that selenium deficiency was related to several different biological processes. Furthermore, a miRNA-mRNA regulatory network was conducted to illustrate the interaction of miRNAs and these targeted genes. In conclusion, our present study provides a new insight that potential molecular mechanism of Selenium deficiency was a multiply miRNAs and mRNA caused biological change.