摘要:Ebolaviruses comprises 5 species that exert varying degrees of mortality/infectivity in humans with Reston ebolaviruses (REBOV) showing the lowest and Zaire ebolaviruses (ZEBOV) showing the highest. However, the molecular basis of this differential mortality/infectivity remains unclear. Here, we report that the structural features of ebolavirus envelope glycoproteins (GPs) and one of their counter receptors, macrophage galactose-type calcium-type lectin (MGL/CD301), play crucial roles in determining viral infectivity. The low infectivity of REBOV mediated by the interaction between GPs and MGL/CD301 dramatically increased when the N-terminal 18 amino acids (33rd through 50th) of GPs were replaced with that of ZEBOV. Furthermore, structural analysis of glycans of GPs revealed that N-glycans were more extended in REBOV than in ZEBOV. N-glycan extension was reversed by the replacement of aforementioned N-terminal 18 amino acid residues. Therefore, these data strongly suggest that extended N-glycans on GPs reduce MGL/CD301-mediated viral infectivity by hindering the interaction between GPs and MGL/CD301 preferentially binds O-glycans.