摘要:Seed vigor, an important index of seed quality, determines the potential for rapid and uniform emergence of plants. The objective of this study was to explore a rapid method for evaluating seed vigor. To analyze the correlation of seed traits and seedling traits related to seed vigor, we designed five experiments including nitrogen fertilizer, irrigation and seed sorting treatments in wheat. The results showed that only the absolute content of protein (ACP) in wheat seed was significantly correlated with plant dry weight in five experiments. Subsequently, another experiment including 30 wheat seed lots was used to validate the above results. Although 100-grain weight was also correlated with plant dry weight (R = 0.799, p < 0.01), the correlation coefficient was lower than that between ACP in seed and plant dry weight (R = 0.897, p < 0.01). Moreover, the results of three experiments using maize seeds was similar with above. The relative content of protein in seed detected by near-infrared spectrum combining with seed weight could realize rapid and nondestructive testing ACP in seed. Collectively, ACP in crop seed could be applied in rapid evaluation of seed vigor and could potentially be used for processing and screening high vigor seeds.