摘要:In this paper, a tunable broadband metamaterial absorber (MA) based on graphene is investigated theoretically and numerically at mid-infrared regions. Compared with the previously reported multiband graphene-based MAs, a broad bandwidth of 11.7 THz with the absorption over 90% is obtained in the proposed MA, which is composed of a Jerusalem cross (JC) metal encrusting into the slot graphene layer in the top layer. The results show that the origin of broadband absorption is caused by coupling effect between metal and graphene, and this effect is explained by the two-mode waveguide coupling theory. The tunability of MA is achieved via changing the external gate voltage to modify the Fermi energy of graphene. Further results show that the proposed MA can be used as the permittivity sensor with a high absorption. This work indicates that the proposed MA has the potential applications with respect to sensors and infrared absorbers.