摘要:generation dual-source CT with an optimized DE CTPA protocol and a low CM injection protocol (5.4 g iodine). 100 further patients were either examined with a standard CTPA protocol or a standard DE CTPA (32 g iodine). For the DE CTPA virtual monoenergetic spectral datasets (40-100 keV) were reconstructed. Main pulmonary arteries at 50 keV and peripheral pulmonary arteries at 40 keV datasets provided the highest contrast-to-noise-ratio (CNR) for both the standard DE CTPA and the optimized protocol, with significantly higher CNR values for the standard DE CTPA protocol (p < 0.05). No pulmonary embolism was missed on the optimized CM protocol. DE CTPA utilizing image reconstruction at 40/50 keV allowed for a reduction of 84% in iodine load while maintaining CNR, which is especially important in patients with acute/chronic renal failure.