摘要:Conventional concepts of resistive pulse analysis is to discriminate particles in liquid by the difference in their size through comparing the amount of ionic current blockage. In sharp contrast, we herein report a proof-of-concept demonstration of the shape sensing capability of solid-state pore sensors by leveraging the synergy between nanopore technology and machine learning. We found ionic current spikes of similar patterns for two bacteria reflecting the closely resembled morphology and size in an ultra-low thickness-to-diameter aspect-ratio pore. We examined the feasibility of a machine learning strategy to pattern-analyse the sub-nanoampere corrugations in each ionic current waveform and identify characteristic electrical signatures signifying nanoscopic differences in the microbial shape, thereby demonstrating discrimination of single-bacterial cells with accuracy up to 90%. This data-analytics-driven microporescopy capability opens new applications of resistive pulse analyses for screening viruses and bacteria by their unique morphologies at a single-particle level.