摘要:The aim of the present study is to assess the effects of unilateral revascularization on the contralateral foot circulation using indocyanine green (ICG). From January 2016 to April 2016, a total of twenty-one patients were included in this study. The patients underwent elective unilateral revascularization at our institution and we evaluated the feet circulation by indocyanine green angiography (ICGA) tests preoperatively and postoperatively. The ICGA parameters included the magnitude of intensity from the onset of ICG to the maximum intensity (Imax), the time from the onset of ICG to the maximum intensity (Tmax), and the time required to reach the half maximum intensity from the onset of ICG (T1/2). There were significant differences in the treated limb Tmax (P = 0.016) and T1/2 (P = 0.013) values and in the contralateral limb Tmax (P = 0.013), and T1/2 (P < 0.001) values on the perioperative ICGA tests. These results reflect the increase in skin perfusion in the treated limb and the decrease in skin perfusion in the contralateral limb. Unilateral revascularization decreases contralateral foot circulation. The preoperative contralateral lesion should be evaluated when revascularization is performed.