摘要:Cleft Lip and Palate (CLP) - a common facial malformation in newborns - is typically corrected by surgical intervention to allow for normal speech development, psychosocial adjustment, and facial attractiveness. The long term treatment outcome can be evaluated after a number of years, possibly in adulthood. We investigated the aesthetics of the nasolabial region by subjective ratings. To compare various surgical approaches we recruited 12 raters to evaluate 429 patients. Expert and lay raters judged photographs from patients, who have completed treatment with one of three different surgical strategies performed in our institution over 50 years. Facial photographs were cropped, presented to the raters in a randomized sequence, and judged by the raters on a 5 point Likert scale. The subjective ratings between the raters revealed a fair to substantial inter-rater reliability. The average ratings of the surgical outcome improved continuously over the investigated 5 decades. Despite possible differences between raters and rater groups this overall result was consistently seen in the gender groups (male/female), or expertise related groups (expert/lay). Our analysis revealed that patients with bilateral CLP scored worse than patients with unilateral CLP when treated in the fifties; more recently treated patients of both groups scored similarly.