摘要:In realistic social system, the role or influence of each individual varies and adaptively changes in time in the population. Inspired by this fact, we thus consider a new coevolution setup of game strategy and vertex weight on a square lattice. In detail, we model the structured population on a square lattice, on which the role or influence of each individual is depicted by vertex weight, and the prisoner's dilemma game has been applied to describe the social dilemma of pairwise interactions of players. Through numerical simulation, we conclude that our coevolution setup can promote the evolution of cooperation effectively. Especially, there exists a moderate value of δ for each ε that can warrant an optimal resolution of social dilemma. For a further understanding of these results, we find that intermediate value of δ enables the strongest heterogeneous distribution of vertex weight. We hope our coevolution setup of vertex weight will provide new insight for the future research.