出版社:Rural Development Institute, Brandon University
其他摘要:This study is an investigation of a host community's perception of the social and cultural impacts of casino gambling in the major coastal tourist destination of Northern Cyprus, where it represents a vital source of income and employment for the area. The study is also an evaluation of this perception within the context of "tourism-host community? interaction, in respect to a general theory of community participation in the decision-making process. To achieve this aim, a survey questionnaire was applied to collect data from the Kyrenia district (the main venue for casino gambling activities) in Northern Cyprus (TRNC). The questionnaires were analyzed to access: (1) the general attitude towards casino gambling, (2) the social and cultural impacts of casino gambling on local residents, (3) the community?s concerns about the presence of casinos in their community, and (4) to develop a profile of respondents in respect of their attitudes towards gambling behaviour. Findings indicated that the respondents had a negative attitude towards casino gambling. The socio-cultural impacts that were cited most frequently were crime and domestic violence, prostitution, threat to the traditional way of life, social values, diminishing the historic, aesthetic value of Kyrenia town, and threatening the basis of family structure and life. Findings also revealed that tourism planners and developers need to be aware of the perceptions of the community and of actively encouraging community members involvement in any decision-making processes, connected to specific types of tourism - particularly gambling. Many casinos have been constructed on the coastal environment, which raises numerous concerns regarding the ecological impact of casinos on the health and sustainability of the coastal areas. The study revealed that there is no integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) in place which "emphasizes the integration of systems, co-ordination of policies and institutions, management concerns, development objectives andstakeholder interests across the different landscapes of the coastal zone" (Hope & Lekorwe, 1999, p. 853). The community's concerns were directed at the serious lack of awareness displayed towards these issues.