其他摘要:Government Regulation and Presidential Regulation are the basis for delegating the authority within the constitutional system in Indonesia. As the foundation of the implementation of the government, the accuracy of the content material and boundaries that are regulated are needless to say, significant. This paper is written with the intention to analyze several models of regulatory delegation in Indonesia. Government Regulation and Presidential Regulation as mentioned in Article 7 Paragraph (1) Constitution No 12 Year 2011, concerning the establishment of Legislative Regulation did not provide clear limitations regarding these two matters and when it is practiced, problems evoked. This paper analyzes that delegation in Government Regulation and Presidential Regulation and how it should be given clear and detailed restrictions on the content, in question to avoid overlapping rules and poor choices that can invite inaccurate interpretations which ultimately can result in confusion in its implementation.
关键词:Delegation; Material Content;Government Regulation;Presidential Regulatian