出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:In the 21 st century, managing knowledge globally in organizations has become a big challenge. In particular, it has become very difficult for researchers to ascertain how knowledge management and motivation generally impact organizational performance. Our study seeks to ascertain the effect of knowledge management and motivation on organizational performance in a localized context, with a study of the Techiman Municipal Assembly of the Brong Ahafo Region of the West African nation of Ghana. While, a descriptive approach is to be employed in the study, the population of the study has been pegged at three hundred and eighty (380) junior and senior staff employees, who were randomly selected for the purpose of our study. Operationally, a sample size of one hundred and ninety-five (195) members has been selected by utilizing the Taro Yamani formula at a significance level of 5%. Stratified random sampling technique has also been utilized to identify the categories of staff for consideration. Questionnaire instruments were designed and subsequently used to collect data for the study. The variables were coded and descriptive statistics, along with regression analysis, were employed in the process. Our findings have, so far, revealed that the most prominent knowledge management practices at the Techiman Municipal Assembly constitute training through induction and workshop (with Mean score=3.98), and a seminar (with Mean score=3.89), all of which are identified as knowledge acquisition and knowledge sharing, respectively. The study is also expected to reveal that the most crucial challenge in managing knowledge at the Techiman Municipal Assembly is the lack of processes for conversion of implicit knowledge to explicit Knowledge (with Mean score=4.11). Furthermore, the findings of the study shows a significant positive relationship between knowledge management and organizational performance (r = 0.362ᵃ, sig. value=0.000), as well as motivation and organizational performance (r = 0.333ᵃ, sig. value=0.001). Furthermore, multiple regression has, as well, been conducted, which has indicated that a significant positive relationship between knowledge management and motivation (independent variables) and organizational performance (r = 0.395ᵃ, sig. value=0.000) does exist. The study, overall, recommends that there is the need for the assembly’s management to develop localized motivational strategy and packages, which will promote job advancements, job rotation, accommodation, recognition, promotion, and cash rewards for the employees, incentives that are expected to motivate employees to the extent of ultimately making them willing to share their maximum knowledge to bring about higher quality as well as sterling performance.
关键词:Assembly; Municipal; Region; Knowledge; Management; Motivation; Organizational Performance; and Public Sector