摘要:Today’s world is the era of technology and it is playing a dominant role in the field of education. The current
research work is quantitative in nature. It aims to investigate students’ attitudes, their interests and difficulties
regarding the concept of computer assisted language learning at intermediate level. A self reported questionnaire
(SRQ) was designed and administered to obtain the objectives of the current study. The sampling statistic
comprised of 300 students with equal gender from public and private colleges. The collected data was
statistically analyzed by running descriptive statistic technique. The findings revealed that male students had
more positive attitude towards CALL as compared to their female counterparts. However, it was also revealed
that male students found CALL interesting for the development of language proficiency while female students
faced more difficulties in using computer technology for English Language learning. The results provide ideas,
paths and suggestions to the future researchers to undergo further investigations in developing computer
mediating language learning programs for the benefits of learners and learning.
关键词:computer assisted language learning; English proficiency; learners’ attitude; gender differences