The STEAM-GAAR Field Learning Model to Enhance Grit is a learning model using STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) integrated with gamification (G), animation (A), augmented reality (AR) and space utilization (Field) to promote the factors that enhance a learner’s grit. The purpose of this research is to: (1) synthesize a STEAM-GAAR Field Learning Model to Enhance Grit; (2) evaluate the STEAM-GAAR Field Learning Model to Enhance Grit. The sample is made up of ten specialists–two instructional model design specialists, two STEAM education specialists, two gamification specialists, two animation specialists, and two augmented reality (AR) specialists–selected by purposive sampling. The instrument used in the study was an evaluation form with regard to the Model. The statistics used in the study were arithmetic mean and standard deviation. The results show that: (1) a STEAM-GAAR Field Learning Model to Enhance Grit contains four elements. The first element relates to input factors including 1) Expected Learning Outcomes (ELO), 2) Learning Objectives, 3) Teacher Analysis, 4) Student Analysis, 5) Content Analysis, 6) Environment Analysis, and 7) The Learning Management Plan. The second element relates to the STEAM-GAAR Field Learning Process, including 1) Investigate by Game, 2) Discover by AR-Game, 3) Connect by Animation and Game, 4) Create by Game Animation and AR and 5) Reflect by Knowledge Exchange Field. The third element relates to evaluating learning achievement and grit, conducted via teachers’ observation and an evaluation form. And the final element relates to an analysis of feedback; (2) All ten specialists agreed that the STEAM-GAAR Field Learning Model to Enhance Grit developed through this study demonstrates the highest level of appropriateness ( x= 4.65, S.D. = 0.57).