摘要:The study analyzes social representations of teenagers who are members of Sports Schools in Vitória/ES about that social project. It is a descriptive-interpretative study anchored in the Social Representations theory. For data collection, semi-structured interviews were carried out with 108 participants in the project. Interpretation uses the Iramuteq software through the following analytical strategies: word cloud, analysis of similarities, and descendant hierarchical classification. As a result, the work determines that the word playing is the core of respondents’ social representations. Meanings linked to playing are related to friendship, learning sports disciplines, esthetics/health, social rise and new perspectives in life. Beyond such learning images/figures, it identifies representations associated to the moralist nature of social projects.
关键词:Proyectos de inversión social; Deportes juveniles; Valores sociales;;Projetos de investimento social; Esportes juvenis; Valores sociais
其他关键词:Social investment projects; Youth sports; Social values