出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:Despite the general ignorance of Spanish literature by the Sephardic communities of the East, in recent years some examples of the dissemination of several works of Spanish literature among Levantine Sephardim have been located. Some of those examples came together with the Protestant missions established in the Ottoman Empire since the mid-nineteenth century. In the following pages we will show the case of the Castilian poems included in the pedagogical work La escalera a la anṿeźadura (Constantinople 1853 y 1888), composed by Rev. Alexander Thomson.
关键词:Judeoespañol;literatura española;literatura pedagógica;misioneros protestantes;Imperio otomano;siglo XIX
其他关键词:Judeo-Spanish;Spanish literature;Pedagogical literature;Protestant missionaries;Ottoman Empire;19th Century