摘要:The mineral industry has commitments towards sustainability that are urgent and permanent. The sectorrepresents a rich field of analysis for the encounter of economic and environmental rationalities. Dueto the scale of activities and socio-environmental impacts, and their operation under heavy pressuresfrom the global commodities markets, it is important to understand the recent evolution of this sector. Inparallel, building sustainability indicators to monitor regions with large mines is a growing imperative.This article discusses various features of sustainable development and analyzes existing categories ofsustainability indicators for mining, based on recent literature. It also proposes sustainability indicatorsfor industrial mining, in the environmental, economic and social spheres, adaptable to tropical regions,including the Carajás Mineral Province, southeast of Pará State (Amazon, Brazil).
关键词:Mineração;Sustentabilidade;Licença social de operação;Indicadores;Província Mineral de Carajás