摘要:The translation of fictional orality is a very productive subject in Translation Studies, many theorists having already studied the use of orality in literature (BERMAN, 2012; VITALI, 2011). Thereby, the present article intends to analyze the strategies for translating the oral representations and accents present in Luiz Ruffato's novels. We have chosen, to that end, the French translation of Mathieu Dosse, À Lisbonne j'ai pensé à toi, published in 2015 by the Publishing House Chandeigne, because it is a novel that contains several variations of Portuguese spoken in Brazil and in Portugal. Firstly, we briefly contextualize Ruffato's writing within translated Brazilian literature, as well as the way his novel is presented to the French public. Next, we set forth the critical literature analyzing oral marks and the representation of accents in the novels. Finally, we seek to give visibility to the translator's task, considering it a critical and in-depth reading of the text to be translated.