摘要:Within the context of translation and foreign language teaching, some studies have had positive results by joining translation activities with the practice of didactic sequences with authentic text genres (BARRIENTOS, 2014; DEMÉTRIO, 2014; LAIÑO, 2014; PEREIRA, 2016; PONTES, BRASIL AND PEREIRA, 2016; DUARTE, 2017).This paper aims to analyze the contributions of the functionalist translation uses in the teaching of “Pretérito Perfecto Simple” (PPS) and “Pretérito Perfecto Compuesto” (PPC) for Brazilian learners of Spanish. Therefore, the paper examines the linguistic and extralinguistic conditioning in the uses of these verb tenses in Portuguese and Spanish considering the phenomenon of linguistic variation to verify how the functionalist translation can contribute to the teaching of the linguistic variation of Spanish PPS and PPC tenses. This article was based on the theoretical foundations of Functionalist Translation (NORD, 1994, 2009, 2012), Translation and Sociolinguistics (BOLAÑOS-CUELLAR, 2000, MAYORAL, 1998), elaboration of SD (CRISTÓVÃO, 2010, BARROS, 2012) and research on the variation in the forms of preteritions of Spanish and Portuguese (PONTES (2009),OLIVEIRA (2007, 2010), BARBOSA (2008), DIAS (2004) AND OTHERS).
关键词:Tradução Funcionalista;Pretérito Perfeito;Variação Linguística;Ensino de Espanhol