摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi (1) lingkungan strategis implementasi kebijakan, (2) proses implementasi kebijakan, dan (3) hasil implementasi kebijakan sertifikasi guru di Kementerian Agama RI. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan model evaluasi Countenance yang dikembangkan oleh Stake. Lingkungan strategis implementasi kebijakan sertifikasi guru di Kementerian Agama RI cukup mendukung keterlaksanaan dan pencapaian hasil kebijakan namun masih ditemui beberapa kelemahan dan kendala yaitu peserta mengundurkan diri, belum ada rencana induk pengembangan, belum ada evaluasi diri dan penjaminan mutu kelembagaan LPTK. Kementerian Agama RI melakukan proses pengawasan dan evaluasi namun kurang terdokumentasikan sehingga proses tindak lanjut tidak dilaksanakan. Implementasi kebijakan menghasilkan lulusan guru profesional namun terdapat kelemahan dan kendala yang menyebabkan banyaknya peserta yang mengundurkan diri dan tidak lulus. Pada angkatan I seluruh peserta sertifikasi guru lulus. Pada angkatan II dari 947 peserta jumlah yang lulus sebanyak 945 (99,79%) dan yang tidak lulus sebanyak 2 (0,21%). Kata kunci : kebijakan, evaluasi, guru, sertifikasi EVALUATION OF IMPLEMENTATION OF TEACHER CERTIFICATION POLICY IN THE MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS Abstract This study aims to evaluate (1) the strategic environment of the policy implementation; (2) the process of the policy implementation; and (3) the results of the policy implementation of teacher certification on the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA). The research method was a qualitative evaluation approach based on a model of evaluation developed by Stake. The strategic environment in the MORA is sufficient to support the implementation and achievement of the policy result although there are still weaknesses and obstacles follows that the participants resign, there is no PPG development master plan, no self-evaluation, and institutional quality assurance. The MORA has conducted a process of monitoring and evaluation although it is not documented so that the follow-up process is not implemented. Implementation of the policy shows the results of graduates of professional teachers despite the weaknesses and obstacles that caused many participants who resigned and did not pass. In the first batch of all teacher, certification participants passed all. In the second batch of 947 participants, the number passed as 945 (99.79%) and who did not pass as much as 2 (0.21%).