Oras, Ester
This volume of the Estonian Journal of Archaeology is dedicated to
the Kohtla-Vanakula (from here onwards Kohtla) site--a recent discovery
of iron weapons and tools in the midst of a small meadow field in
north-east Estonia. The site was discovered accidentally by a metal
detectorist in 2013. The Kohtla deposit is a rare find containing ca 400
iron artefacts including hundreds of weapons and tools such as
spearheads, axes, sickles, etc., deposited in the wetland context over
several centuries during the first half of the first millennium AD.
The discovery of the Kohtla find and studies conducted there are
unique for several reasons in the history of Estonian archaeology.
First, the find itself and the following fieldwork exemplify the
possibilities of fruitful co-operation between the metal detectorists
and archaeologists. Second, the opportunity to conduct extensive
excavations and in situ documentation of such sites is so far still a
rare occasion in the eastern Baltic archaeology. Therefore we hope that
our work will set an example of the various possibilities of excavation
techniques as well as further analysis of artefacts which allow gaining
better understanding of past depositional practices and their further
interpretations. Third, the Kohtla project illustrates possibilities for
interdisciplinary archaeological research combining geology, chemistry,
conservation sciences, biology any many more, with the team of both
local and international scientists.
There are altogether four articles in this volume discussing very
different aspects of the find, its context and content, but also setting
the Kohtla deposit into a wider context of the Baltic Sea Iron Age
archaeology. The first by Oras et al. outlines the find itself, its
story of discovery, the main results of fieldwork together with
preliminary overview of different artefact types, contexts, dates and
further discussions of similar finds in Estonia and in the wider
circum-Baltic region.
The general paper is followed by more detailed overviews of the
main artefact types discovered in Kohtla. Tvauri et al. discuss the
spearhead finds, especially in relation to eastern Baltic Iron Age
spearhead typology and in the light of direct AMS dates from the sockets
of Kohtla spearheads. Saage et al. dedicate their paper to axe finds
with a special emphasis on metallurgical analysis and identifying the
production sequence of a particular socketed axe from Kohtla.
The last paper by Kriiska et al. introduces the results of
environmental analysis of the site. These include various geological and
micromorphological studies, but also data from historical and
contemporary maps. Although currently a simple dry meadow field, there
are several indicators showing that at the time of deposition, i.e.
during the Iron Age, the site was probably a flooded area suggesting
that the weapons and tools were initially deposited in a watery context.
Besides the papers presented here the Kohtla find has resulted in
several outputs including preliminary overview research article,
popular-science articles in local journals and newspapers, student
projects, etc. The artefacts themselves are stored at the University of
Tartu archaeological collections and are open to further analysis by
anyone interested in this rare find. Additionally, curation of a
selection of objects and the story of the Kohtla find is on display in
the recently opened new exhibition of the Estonian National Museum in
Tartu. Thus, with this special volume of research papers, we hope that
we have managed to introduce the Kohtla deposit to very different
audiences both in Estonia and abroad.
Finally we would like to express our special gratitude to everyone
who participated in the Kohtla project both indoors and outdoors. The
list of people would be vast, but we are extremely grateful to all the
volunteers who helped with fieldwork in 2013, and especially a local
metal detectorist club Kamerad for their cooperation. Also we are
thankful to the land owner of Luharahva farm, local community and civil
servants who helped us during the fieldwork at Kohtla. Further
conservation work would have been impossible without the help of Kristel
Kajak and Andres Vindi (University of Tartu), and without the advice
given by dear colleagues at the National Museum of Denmark and Moesgaard
Museum, Denmark. The excavations, conservation and detailed analysis
were supported by the Estonian National Heritage Board, University of
Tartu Faculty of Arts and Humanities base funding for the research of
national significance, Arheograator Ltd., Estonian Ministry of Education
and Research institutional research project IUT20-7, and the European
Union through the European Regional Development Fund (Centre of
Excellence in Cultural Theory, CECT).
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