Knowledge and practices of Village Health Team members in early detection and care for children with severe acute malnutrition at the community level: a case study in rural Uganda.
Kemigisha, Elizabeth ; Atwine, Daniel ; Orikiriza, Patrick 等
Knowledge and practices of Village Health Team members in early detection and care for children with severe acute malnutrition at the community level: a case study in rural Uganda.
Malnutrition remains a serious problem for young children in many
developing countries. In Uganda, high malnutrition rates have been
reported in the southwest region where 40% of children have chronic
malnutrition, 5% with acute malnutrition. Community-based Village Health
Teams (VHTs) with very basic health knowledge provide the first level of
government-supported health care. WHO (World Health Organization)
recommends community management of malnutrition, but little has been
documented on the role of VHTs in this regard. We carried out a survey
to compare VHTs in two rural communities in terms of: knowledge in food
classification, malnutrition detection using MUAC (mid upper arm
circumference) tape, and VHT advice on breastfeeding options for those
with HIV. We also documented the challenges faced in community
management of malnutrition.
We conducted a cross-sectional survey among 124 VHTs (59 in site A
and 65 in site B) from two randomly selected rural areas in Southwest
Uganda: Mbarara district (Site A) and Bushenyi district (Site B). Site A
had VHTs with one-time training at recruitment with no refresher
training and Site B VHTs had several trainings through the Healthy Child
Uganda/MUSKOKA project. Data collection took place between August 2013
and June 2014.
Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used. A pretested
structured questionnaire was administered by trained research
assistants. Socio-demographic data, nutritional knowledge of VHTs,
training and use of MUAC tapes, and quality of VHT advice on
breastfeeding options for those with HIV were collected. A list of 14
local food items was given to the VHTs: 5 body-building (e.g., beans), 7
energy-giving (e.g., potatoes or bananas) and 2 health-protective foods
(e.g., fruits or vegetables). A VHT was considered to have adequate
nutritional knowledge if they correctly classified more than 50% of the
common local foods according to the three main types.
The data from the questionnaires were entered in SPSS v. 20 and
analyzed. Chi-square was used to compare the VHT characteristics between
Five focus group discussions were held in the same study period in
the two sites, each involving 8-12 mothers and/or fathers with children
less than five years of age, to discuss care practices and challenges
faced in tackling malnutrition in the community. These discussions were
led by trained research assistants, carried out in the local language
(Runyankole), recorded, transcribed and translated into English. The
principal investigator verified the translation and together with the
team identified consensus key themes arising from the discussion through
content analysis.
Informed consent was obtained from all the VHT and focus group
participants. The project received ethical approval from Mbarara
University of Science Technology research ethics committee and funding
and support was obtained from MicroResearch.
A total of 124 VHTs from the 6 parishes were interviewed; 75% of
the VHT members were female, 95% had completed initial 5-day training
for VHT role; 70% had served on a VHT <5 years. Table 1 summarizes
the demographics and interview findings. There was a significant
difference among VHTs in sites A and B regarding training on and
receiving MUAC tapes and VHT advice on breastfeeding options in HIV+
individuals, but no difference was noted regarding nutritional knowledge
for classification of foods (Table 1).
Of the five focus group discussions, two were held in Site A and
three in Site B, and 80% of the 56 participants were mothers, 20% were
fathers or other caregivers. The main themes arising included
recognition of the need for improved nourishment, the need to seek
traditional or hospital care, and delivery of health care by a VHT
member to the community members. Challenges noted included insufficient
food supply, insufficient time to care for children, low male
involvement, and disconnect between nutrition knowledge acquisition and
application in care for children.
Despite the recommendation in Uganda that HIV-positive mothers on
antiretroviral therapy should continue breastfeeding, the advice
provided by VHTs in the two sites was different. This could be
attributed to changing guidelines with poor flow of new information to
the grassroots. To improve child nutrition in the community, VHTs would
benefit from refresher courses on a) recommended nutrition for infant
and young children of HIV+ mothers, b) training on MUAC measurement,
normal values for age and provision of MUAC tapes for detection of
malnutrition, and c) nutrition diversity and job aids on food crops to
share with the community. Efforts should be made in community
sensitization programs to recognize the need to improve nourishment of
children, to seek help when malnutrition occurs and to encourage men to
participate in supporting adequate nutrition for children.
Thanks to Silvano Twinomujuni, Rosemary Namayanja, Umar Masereka,
Gad Agaba and George Stephen Ochwo, who contributed to the research
project development, and Dr. Francis Oriokot, a pediatrician at the
Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital and MicroResearch for the mentorship
and guidance offered.
Elizabeth Kemigisha, MD, MMED(Paediatrics), [1] Daniel Atwine, MD,
MPH(M), [1] Patrick Orikiriza, BSc, MSc, [1] Naome Natukunda,
BSc(Nursing), [1] Noni E. MacDonald, MD, MSc, FRCPC [2]
[1.] Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Mbarara, Uganda
[2.] MicroResearch Canada and Department of Pediatrics, Dalhousie
University, Halifax, NS
Correspondence: Dr. Elizabeth Kemigisha,
doi: 10.17269/CJPH.107.5764
Table 1. Comparison of demographic characteristics, training
experience and nutritional knowledge between VHTs
in Site A and Site B
Characteristic Site A Site B p-
(N = 59) (N = 65) value
n (%) n (%)
Age categories in years
22-40 38 (64.4) 46 (70.8) 0.2428
>40 21 (35.6) 16 (29.1)
Female 44 (74.6) 47 (73.4) 0.7753
Education status
Non-formal vs. secondary/tertiary 1 (1.8) 0.0 (0) 0.4167
Primary vs. secondary/tertiary 36 (64.3) 37 (56.9) 0.3401
Secondary/tertiary 19 (34) 28 (43.1)
Period served as VHT (years)
Less than 5 years 43 (72.9) 46 (70.8) 0.7941
More than 5 years 16 (27.1) 19 (29.2)
Nutrition assessment
VHT trained on MUAC tape use 34 (57.6) 62 (95.4) 0.0000
VHT trained and given MUAC tapes 0 (0.0) 55 (84.6) 0.0000
VHT had adequate nutritional knowledge 49 (82.9) 48 (73.9) 0.2149
with correct classification of local
food types
VHT advice on breastfeeding option in
HIV-positive mothers
VHT advises mother and child to take 11 (18.9) 27 (41.5) 0.0057
HAART and continue breastfeeding
VHT advises mother to abruptly wean/ 48 (81.3) 38 (58.5)
do no breastfeeding at all
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