Primrose, David
In recent years, heterodox economists challenging
'mainstream' theories and policy prescriptions have been
criticised for misrepresenting the heterogeneity of the latter (e.g.
Fullbrook 2001; Garnett 2006). Their categorisation of 'mainstream
economics' as synonymous with neoclassicism--grounded in 'a
strict adherence to the holy trinity [of] rationality, selfishness, and
equilibrium' (Colander et al. 2004: 485)--is said to hinder
heterodox economists from acknowledging the nascent pluralism now
characterising the discipline (Rodrik 2015). With the increasing
prevalence of fields such as behavioural economics, new institutional
economics, new information economics, evolutionary economics, various
iterations of game-theory, experimental economics, social choice theory,
agent-based complexity-theory and neuroeconomics, neoclassical economics
is depicted to have been progressively supplanted as the dominant
research programme. The 'death of neoclassical economics' has
even been claimed (e.g. Colander 2000). In its place, these
'genuinely different approaches' (Davis 2006: 9) offer a
'more eclectic position of purposeful behaviour, enlightened
self-interest and sustainability' (Colander et al. 2004: 485).
This 'pluralist turn' in mainstream economics constitutes
the background for critically engaging with one constitutive approach:
behavioural economics ('BE'). This article considers its
philosophical foundations and questions the extent to which these depart
from neoclassicism. It challenges the self-representation of BE as
transcending neoclassical presuppositions of hyper-rational (1)
decision-making in favour of more empirically realistic representations
of behaviour (e.g. Rabin 1998, 2002; Camerer 1999, 2003; Altman 2015).
It argues that a methodological commitment to greater empirical realism,
alongside retention of neoclassical axioms of hyper-rationality,
reflects behavioural economists' efforts to reconfigure, rather
than reject, the theoretical problematic of neoclassical humanism (Madra
2016). That is, BE utilises psychological insights to understand why
markets fail to function as predicted by neoclassicism. By articulating
bounded-rationality as an irrational 'deviation' from Homo
Economicus, BE positions Homo Economicus as the ideal subject for
functioning markets and potentially realisable through corrective
In presenting this case, the article is structured as follows. The
next section examines the respective positions adopted by neoclassicism
and BE concerning the 'rationality' of subjects. While BE
criticises Homo Economicus as empirically unrealistic, BE's
methodology retains some key neoclassical features. Drawing on this
critique, section three lays the foundations for a more capacious
appraisal of the performative significance of BE by introducing
theoretical humanism and its relevance to neoclassicism. Emphasis is
placed on delineating the two theoretical presuppositions underpinning
theoretical humanism--namely, the concepts of human subject and social
reconciliation--and how these structure the theoretical problematic of
neoclassicism. Section four argues that, through its reworking of this
problematic, BE subjectifies (Foucault 1982, 2003) Homo Economicus as
the microfoundation for functioning markets. In pathologising
'irrational' decision-making as responsible for markets
failing to operate as predicated, behaviouralism brings Homo Economicus
back in as both a normative ideal and potentially realisable subject.
Section five then addresses the policy implications arising from this
pathologisation. It considers how boundedly-rational subjects are
positioned as legitimate targets for corrective actions to make their
decisions approximate hyper-rationality.
Behavioural economics: challenging Homo Economicus?
To begin, it is useful to be clear sbout what comprises BE. A
distinction is often made between the 'old and 'new'
strands of BE (Sent 2004; Heukelom 2014). The former, associated with
Simon (1955, 1956, 1959), Selten (1998) and Gigerenzer (2000, 2015),
constructs an account of rationality as 'bounded' and rejects
the neoclassical atomistic conception of individuals in favour of an
evolutionary account promulgating a more holistic, ecological conception
of rationality and individuality (Goldstein and Gigerenzer 2002). The
'new' school--arising from the work of Kahneman and Tversky
(1979)--retains neoclassicism's atomistic conception of
individuals, but revises it to embed agents within an ahistorical and
non-developmental social ontology (Davis 2011, 2015; Leggett 2014). This
article concentrates on the newer iteration as it constitutes the
mainstream of behavioural research (Heukelom 2014) and is also the most
politically influential--as manifest in the growing institutionalisation
of 'nudge' research units in governments around the world
(Jones et al. 2013). Hence, unless otherwise-specified, all references
to 'BE' throughout this article refer exclusively to the new
school. The first issue to consider is how it relates to neoclassical
Neoclassical Hyper-Rationality: Homo Economicus
Neoclassicism seeks to develop a positive theory promulgating the
notion that all individuals approach decision-making in a universally
'rational' manner, thereby engendering common responses. This
standard model is based on a corpus of assumptions concerning the
decision-making characteristics of agents, rendered axiomatic in
rational-choice theory and embodied in the avatar of Homo Economicus
(Hollis and Nell 1975). Neoclassical rationality theory, or expected
utility theory, is axiomatic in that it is constructed around a specific
set of logical assumptions (completeness, transitivity, independence and
continuity) formulated to produce well-defined preference orderings
(Davis 2011). The 'von Neumann-Morgenstern utility function
theorem' articulates that satisfaction of these axioms enables
representation of any set of well-ordered preferences through a distinct
individual utility function, as embodied in Homo Economicus (von Neumann
and Morgenstern 2007). That is, conceiving the fundamental economic
problem as relations between a suite of scarce resources and
psychological ends (utility) (Robbins 1935), actors are conceptualised
as making choices which maximise individual utility. This choice, in
turn, reduces to the four consistency conditions above. This formally
defines hyper-rationality in that it is the violation of these
conditions that results in incorrect choices and 'irrational'
behaviour (Sen 1977). Hyper-rationality and individuality are, thus,
deductively and logically coupled: the utility function representation
of individuals is logically derived from the axiomatic assumptions
governing preferences, while selection of those assumptions is driven by
the imperative to extrapolate a distinct utility function securing
rational choice-making, understood as choice consistency (Davis 2011,
More specifically, three qualities are attributed to the
hyper-rational subject of Homo Economicus. First, each individual is
assumed to possess consistent, well-defined and coherent preferences,
grounded in self-interested forms of utility maximisation as manifest in
her/his choices. Second, these preferences are taken to be rationally
maximised by individuals--assuming a given set of available options,
s/he evaluates the costs and benefits of countless choices and follow
the appropriate strategy to maximise her/his expected utility. Third,
the model presumes that individuals possess well-formed assumptions
applicable to any given situation and modify these when receiving new
information. Consequently, individuals are not cognitively impeded in
assessing the various alternatives at hand, nor hindered by problems of
self-control impairing articulation and pursuit of the optimal choice.
Given the subject is guided by narrow self-interest, choice depends on
individuals' subjective preferences and the constraints they face,
especially income and the relative price of each alternative (Senstat
and Constantine 1975; Screpanti 2000; Davis 2011). These attributes are
deemed to equip individuals to pursue and realise the best possible
outcomes for themselves in market interactions. The market is assumed to
provide relevant information and incentives to augment choices, thereby
maximising individual utility and social welfare (the sum of individual
utilities) (Sen 1977).
This formulation of Homo Economicus thereby shows the separation of
neoclassicism from psychology (Sent 2004). While neoclassicism may
informally address individuals' 'preferences' as
psychological phenomena, as suggested above, the term embodies a formal
ordering relation fashioned to enable equilibrium analysis. Rational
'choices' depend on 'well-behaved' preferences,
guaranteeing downward-sloping demand and upward-sloping supply curves
with parametrically varied prices through fostering a functional
representation of individuals. Reasoning is assumed to be
instrumentally-oriented, while individuals are held to act as if drawing
on mathematical logic: each actor is assumed to form correct beliefs
about her/his environment, as well as her/his own and others'
behaviour, and select actions satisfying her/his preferences (Davis
2011). Thus, rationality and individuality are co-defined according to
the logical-mathematical properties of equilibrium analysis.
The behavioural challenge: the boundedly rational individual
Taking exception to assumptions required to rationalise the utility
function interpretation of preference ordering and the self-interested
actor, many critical accounts have challenged the realism and logical
consistency of this neoclassical formulation of hyper-rationality (e.g.
Hollis and Nell 1975; Sen 1977, 2002; Hewitson 1999; Davis 2011).
Nevertheless, neoclassical axioms have appeared largely impervious to
falsification, partly due to increasing formalism in the tradition
encouraging escalating forms of reductionism in general equilibrium
theory, while hyper-rationality axioms have been taken as self-evident
(Dow 2013). More recently, a different challenge has arisen from
confrontations between pure theory and applied work, with hyperrational
presuppositions and the formalist structure of neoclassicism
increasingly confronted by empirical counter-evidence. As Blaug (1992)
demonstrates, anomalies arising from such evidence were initially
rejected as random micro-level perturbations, though the mainstream has
increasingly sought to theorise such deviations from the predictions of
hyper-rational behaviour and the pertinence of socioeconomic
institutions in shaping this behaviour and aggregate outcomes, as
examined below (Wolff and Resnick 2012). This shift partially reflects
the pervasive influence of BE within the mainstream of the discipline.
BE amalgamates psychological insights with the 'tractability'
and 'parsimony' of neoclassical methods (Rabin 1998: 12) to
construct more empirically-realistic models of behaviour. Inspired by
empirical evidence countering hyper-rationality axioms, alongside
articulations of the mind as constituting an information-processing
device arising from cognitive psychology, BE formalises and tests
psychological predictions and draws conclusions about decision-making
processes (Heidl 2016). Demonstrating that neoclassicism accords little
emphasis to constructing models based on realistic assumptions, nor the
institutional and sociocultural parameters affecting decision-making,
behaviouralism identifies the observable realities of decision-making as
diverging from the precepts of hyper-rationality (Altman 2005, 2015).
Empirical accounts involving the study of real-world decision-making and
the neural gaze of laboratory brain-scanning equipment--reveal that,
while 'irrational' from the neoclassical perspective, such
divergent behaviour is pervasive (e.g. Fehr et al. 2002; Henrich et al.
2005). In turn, this behaviour is theorised as depending on
psychological, cultural and biological considerations affecting and
constraining choice.
The entry-point for considering BE as a form of critique and
alternative theory of behaviour may be summarised in the now-pervasive
notion of simultaneous 'dual processes' operating in the brain
and shaping decision-making. Although not a unified theory, this
heuristic has been introduced to represent the foundations of BE
research (Sloman 1996; Kahneman 2003b). Actors' mental capacities
are conceptualised as aligned with properties of two systems: one
'automatic' and one 'reflective' (Thaler and
Sunstein 2008: 21). In turn, decision-making is theorised as a process
in which each system concentrates on addressing differing cognitive and
deliberative tasks. As depicted in Table 1 above, the automatic system
is formulated as rapid, instinctual and emotional and, thus, capable of
managing straightforward precepts and stimulation beyond contemplation.
By contrast, the reflective system better handles concepts and
deliberative behaviours considered rule-bound, deductive and logical, as
it is described as controlled, effortful and neutral (Roberto and
Kawachi 2015). While neoclassicism assumes decision-makers possess
complete access to and utilise the latter, empirical evidence indicates
that the former underpins decision-making in practice. BE thereby
conceptalises the biases, heuristics and framing effects affecting
decision-making, explored below, as grounded in information being
simplified and distorted by the automatic system, leading actors to
expedient, albeit not always prudent, choices (Heilmann 2014).
To some extent, BE models utilising this heuristic depart from the
same behavioural assumptions informing neoclassicism, given the
individual is assumed to be purposefully seeking to ascertain the
optimal choice based on her/his preferences across the available options
(Laibson and List 2015). Yet, rather than a logico-deductive theory of
choice giving rise to Homo Economicus, individuals are described as
characterised by bounded-rationality. Initially proposed by Simon (e.g.
1955, 1956), bounded-rationality proposes a foundational challenge to
the axioms of hyper-rationality. Rather than decision-making reflecting
consistent application of knowledge, reflection and deliberation
(comprising the 'reflective system'), Simon contended that
insufficient knowledge, suboptimal cognitive practices and the
imperative for regular hasty decisionmaking led to bounded rationality
(Velupillai and Kao 2016). He utilised this conception to explain actors
pursuing short-term over long-term objectives, making impulsive
judgements and allowing social norms and past habits to influence
decisions--that is, decision-making operates according to the
'automatic system' (Kahneman 2003b). While such behavioural
'aberrations' transcended the purview of neoclassicism, the BE
tradition initiated by Simon centred them as an object of analysis
(Velupillai and Kao 2016).
The 'prospect theory' of Kahneman and Tversky (e.g. 1973,
1974) subsequently sought to deepen this conception of real-world
decision making by uncovering the processes engendering the
bounded-rationality identified by Simon. Utilising detailed empirical
studies, Kahneman and Tversky isolated various heuristics (or necessary
shortcuts) as steering decision-making by rendering complex problems
more manageable, thus inhibiting hyper-rationality. Specifically,
through streamlining matters of judgement (evaluating options, including
estimating probabilities) and choice (choosing between those options),
heuristics constitute context-specific rules of thumb facilitating
choices without thorough deliberation (Kahneman 2003b). These heuristics
seem intuitively judicious to optimising individuals and enable
practical strategies to manage given situations: 'a good heuristic
provides fast, close to optimal, answers when time or cognitive
capabilities are limited' (Camerer and Loewenstein 2004: 11). Yet,
they simultaneously infuse systematic biases into decision-making and,
consequently, may engender sub-optimal outcomes relative to those
realised by hyper-rational individuals. BE thus presents individuals as
lacking complete information and having recourse to biases and
heuristics to enable swift and satisfactory decision-making, albeit
leading to choices differing to those anticipated by neoclassicism. Such
insights would be relatively unproblematic for neoclassicism so long as
behavioural deviations remained idiosyncratic and would, on average,
cancel each other out. The problem, however, arises from BE's
universalist assumption that utility maximisation is hindered by
systematic biases underpinning decision-making (Ariely 2008). As Thaler
and Sunstein (2003: 176) explain:
People do not exhibit rational expectations, fail to make forecasts
that are consistent with Bayes' rule, use heuristics that lead them
to make systematic blunders, exhibit preference reversals (that is,
they prefer A to B and B to A) and make different choices depending
on the wording of the problem.
That is, the nature of human cognitive processes inherently
engenders 'irrationality'. In turn, as identified in
DellaVigna (2009), BE challenges the assumption of expected utility
maximisation by positing three qualities of individuals that differ from
those found in Homo Economicus. First, while neoclassicism assumes
individual preferences concerning future plans remain identical at
different points in time, BE conceptualises non-standard preferences.
For instance, there is a tendency for decision-makers to put
disproportionate weight on present over future concerns, as in the case
of individuals choosing to consume income at any given moment despite
committing to long-term savings plans (O'Donoghue and Rabin 1999;
Benartzi and Thaler 2007). These are said to be systemic present-biased
preferences. Second, subjects are conceptualised as holding non-standard
beliefs. This may include, for instance, systematic overconfidence,
whereby subjects overestimate their own capabilities and undervalue the
probability of adverse phenomena and time required to accomplish
projects, such as individuals naively overestimating their commitment to
future gym attendance (Griffin and Tversky 1992; Camerer and Lovallo
1999). Third, subjects are held to be informed by non-standard
decision-making, whereby a decision associated with equivalent
opportunity-costs and logic can be made differently depending on its
framing in experiments. In contrast to the neoclassical assumption that
behaviour is determined by individuals weighing-up the costs and
benefits of alternatives, BE regards individuals as having inconsistent
standpoints on risk and responding to difficulties according to their
framing. This recognises that decisionmaking is affected by context
(Tversky and Kahneman, 1986, 1991).
These features of BE present an important challenge to the
usefulness of neoclassicism grounded in hyper-rationality axioms. They
also offer an alternative conception of the subject to that manifest in
Homo Economicus. The contrast is encapsulated by Thaler and
Sunstein's (2008: 24) dichotomy between the 'econs' of
neoclassicism and the 'humans' that inhabit the real world.
The former are assumed to be hyper-rational utility maximisers replete
with a given utility function, whereas the latter are shambolic in their
decision-making--more akin to the Homer Simpson 'lurking somewhere
in each of us' than to Homo Economicus. Even when strategic and
purposeful, humans make repeated miscalculations in pursuing their
objectives and are influenced by external factors, especially comparison
against social norms. In contrast to Veblen's (1898: 398-9)
sardonic depiction of the neoclassical subject as 'a lightning
calculator of pleasures and pains, who oscillates like a homogeneous
globule of desire of happiness under the impulse of stimuli that shift
him about the area but leave him intact', BE depicts Homo Sapiens
as failing to cognitively approximate Homo Economicus.
'As-if behavioural economics
The analysis so far has depicted neoclassicism and behaviouralism
as apparent antinomies. BE demonstrates the empirical unreality of
neoclassical axioms of hyper-rationality and, in turn, rejects Homo
Economicus in favour of alternative accounts of decision-making. Rather
than framing individual choice through a cost-benefit calculus enabling
utility maximisation, BE demonstrates that individuals have recourse to
myriad heuristics and biases, such that boundedly-rationality is the
norm in reality. This inference has gained popularity within the
economics profession and the broader social sciences, partly because it
seems to advance beyond an earlier orthodoxy grounded in neoclassicism
and libertarian philosophy. For instance, Conly (2012: 8) concludes that
Mill 'failed to adequately reckon with human psychology, as we now
know it to be', while 'the existence of cognitive deficits
does suggest a need for different sorts of legislation [...] coercive
paternalism, for laws that force people to do what is good for
them'. Similarly, Kahneman (2011: 145) asserts that
'[d]emocracy is invariably messy, in part because the availability
and affect heuristics that guide citizens' beliefs and attitudes
are invariably biased, even if they generally point in the right
direction'. More broadly, the award of the 2017 Sveriges Riksbank
Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel to Richard Thaler
for his contributions to behavioural economics continues popular
recognition--following Herbert Simon (1978), Daniel Kahneman (2002) and
Robert Shiller (2013)--for the contribution of behaviouralists to
enriching mainstream economics. Such examples highlight how unrealistic
hyperrationality axioms are deemed to have been cast aside in BE.
Nevertheless, a fledgling critical literature has contested the
contribution of behaviouralism to greater empirical realism. 3
Specifically, it has demonstrated that BE is underpinned by an
incongruous methodological configuration, simultaneously promulgating
the need for more realistic accounts of behaviour while retaining
unrealistic assumptions associated with hyper-rationality. The
foundations of this critique may be best understood according to the
Lakatosian yardstick of 'verification' (Dow 2013). Within the
Lakatosian philosophy of science, a 'theory' constitutes a
succession of gradually established marginally dissimilar hypotheses and
experimental techniques sharing a common hard core (the 'research
programme'). Practitioners operating within research programmes
protect this core from falsification through devising a protective belt
of auxiliary hypotheses (Caldwell 1991; Backhouse 1998). The Popperian
methodological concern with the truth or falsity of a paradigm is
supplemented by investigation into whether a programme is
'progressive' or 'degenerating'. The former embodies
development, prediction of novel facts and precise predications;
conversely, the latter is marked by minimal progress, such that its
auxiliary belt does not engender novel and verifiable predictions.
From this perspective, BE is regarded as a degenerative programme.
While its modus operandi has been the introduction of psychological
insights to explain evidence of behaviour deviating from that assumed by
neoclassicism, BE has largely incorporated such insights within the
standard hyper-rational choice framework. Thus, behaviouralists Camerer
and Loewenstein (2004: 3) highlight how BE centres on 'the
conviction that increasing the realism of the psychological
underpinnings of economic analysis will improve the field of economics
on its own terms' through 'generating theoretical insights,
making better predictions of field phenomena, and suggesting better
policy'. In turn, consideration of psychological factors does not
necessitate 'a wholesale rejection of the neoclassical approach to
economics based on utility maximization, equilibrium, and
efficiency'. Such reasoning is mirrored in the 2015 World
Development Report ('the Report'; World Bank 2015). While
stating its primary objective as being 'to inspire and guide
researchers and practitioners who can help advance a new set of
development approaches based on a fuller consideration of psychological
and social influences' (p. 2), the Report qualifies that 'the
new tools based on this full consideration of human factors do not
displace existing policy approaches based on affecting self-interested
personal incentives; rather, they complement and enhance them' (p.
3). Such examples do not point to a new Lakatosian research programme,
so much as a marginal modification of the protective belt of auxiliary
hypotheses: the neoclassical hard core of hyper-rationality axioms is
retained, with constraints on hyper-rational choice elucidated through
more complex representations of 'rationality' or otherwise as
'irrationality' (Dow 2013).
The result is an incongruous methodology. On the one hand, BE holds
that the empirical lessons of psychological experiments will advance
economic analysis when filtered through models allowing for behavioural
phenomena diverging from hyper-rationality. On the other hand, such
modelling often does not pursue psychological realism, depending on
Friedman's (1953) instrumentalist 'as-if' defence to
justify increasingly unrealistic formulations of psychological choice as
resolving more elaborate constrained optimisation problems than the
simpler neoclassical models they intended to transcend (Berg and
Gigerenzer 2010). That is, BE has retreated from exploring and
theorising actual decision-making processes. Instead, it regularly
conforms to Friedman's defence of unrealistic models endowed with
additional psychological parameters, assuming that individuals behave as
if they are resolving intricate constrained optimisation problems and
modelling cognitive limitations in the objective function or constraint
set. Indeed, Jolls et al. (1998: 1471) mirror Friedman in asserting that
'economics should not be judged on whether the assumptions are
realistic or valid, but rather on the quality of its predictions'.
The result of this seemingly inconsistent methodological posture may be
labelled 'as-if behavioural economics' (Berg and Gigerenzer
To clarify, much behavioural modelling generalises
otherwise-familiar neoclassical accounts, incorporating novel parameters
in the objective function or constraint set to characterise
psychological phenomena (Pesendorfer 2006). Reflecting Kahneman's
(2003a: 1469) concession that it largely 'retain[s] the basic
architecture of the rational model, adding assumptions about cognitive
limitations designed to account for specific anomalies', BE expands
the scope of the neoclassical utility function to represent heuristics
through incorporating psychology. It consequently aims to accord
increased theoretical exactitude to notions of bounded-rationality and
their consequences for decision-making outcomes. Thus, as Camerer (1999,
n.p.) notes, 'psychology provide[s] a way to model bounded
rationality which is more like standard economics than the more radical
departure Simon had in mind ... [and] ... incorporate this kind of
psychology into [neoclassical] economics.'
The result is that potentially valuable behavioural insights are
lost by maintaining that actors optimise more-or-less complex utilities.
For example, in conceptualising inter-temporal choice, models of time
inconsistency fuse discounting parameters with non-exponential weighting
schemes while preserving the assumption that individuals maximise a
time-separable utility function (e.g. Laibson 1997). Similarly, social
preferences theorists affix parameters weighting individuals'
concern for gaining more or less than others to an
otherwise-neoclassical utility function (e.g. Fehr and Schmidt 1999).
Such models retain the neoclassical supposition that all behaviour is
oriented around constrained optimisation--decision-makers systematically
explore every potential consumption sequence, calculate the weighted sum
of utility terms for each and choose that with the highest weighted
utility. Incorporating psychological elements thereby simply produces
more complex optimisation problems to solve (Gigerenzer and Selten
2001). Given the lack of empirical evidence that individuals actually
solve such problems or more substantive empirical accounts of
decision-making processes, BE thus relies on arguments approximating
Friedman's 'as-if' doctrine (Gigerenzer and Berg 2010).
Such accounts of the incongruous methodological configuration of BE
offer a pertinent critique of its claims to greater empirical realism.
The progression of behaviouralism beyond neoclassicism remains limited
by the former's acceptance of the latter's rational-choice
axioms as their hard core, while only modifying its auxiliary hypotheses
through amending its models to taike account of restricted cognitive
limitations and asymmetrical preferences.
The theoretical problematic of neoclassical humanism
Because BE has largely sought to modify rather than reject
neoclassical models of hyper-rationality based on constrained
optimisation, its capacity to utilise insights from cognitive psychology
and social experiments is restricted. This tempers its claim to be
constructing more realistic descriptions of individuals' cognitive
processes. It would, therefore, be tempting to dismiss behaviouralism on
Lakatosian grounds as yet another string in the epistemological bow of
neoclassicism and, instead, turn to alternative schools adopting
different stances on the nature and meaning of theory and evidence.
Heterodox economics approaches such as Marxism, old institutionalism and
post-Keynesianism offer that option because they employ different, more
holistic methodological and conceptual frameworks and, thus, constitute
competing Lakatosian research programmes.
While not disregarding this need for alternatives, the political
economic significance of behaviouralism's retention of
hyper-rationality extends beyond methodological incongruity. Rather than
focussing on the apparent fissure between pursuing greater realism and
preserving neoclassical axioms as a methodological contradiction per se,
the remainder of this article argues this is actually consistent with
the theoretical problematic of neoclassical humanism ('theoretical
problematic') that structures BE. That is, behaviouralism remains
within a problematic in which the interests of hyper-rational and
autonomous human subjects are to be reconciled through markets.
From this perspective, beyond the 'as-if' critique
outlined above, retention of hyper-rationality alongside more realistic
descriptions of psychological processes has critical performative
implications. Specifically, as demonstrated below, BE engages in the
subjectification of Homo Economicus by reworking, rather than rejecting,
the theoretical problematic. Explaining the failure of markets to
perform as predicted by neoclassicism as stemming from the
bounded-rationality characterising decision-making in reality, BE
pathologises the latter as an irrational divergence from Homo
Economicus. It thereby fosters a functionalist explanation of non-market
institutional arrangements to buttress markets through correcting such
deviations. The remainder of this article is, thus, not concerned with
the empirical truth or logical consistency of behaviouralism per
se--that is, its failure to represent the truth of the subject. Rather,
it examines how BE discursively produces and accords authority to a
particular hyper-rational subjectivity as the normative
'microfoundation' for harmonious economic and social order.
To appreciate this position, it is first necessary to comprehend
the key philosophical tenets of theoretical humanism ('TH')
and its significance in structuring neoclassicism. Initially arising
with the Renaissance and developing alongside the transition from
Feudalism to Capitalism in Europe, TH constitutes a post-Enlightenment
philosophical orientation informing numerous social theories (Rabil
1988a, b; Wolff and Resnick 2012). It reflects a focus on individual
human subjects as the fundamental driving force for and essence of
society and thought. In contrast to extant religious thought, human
subjects thereby supersede the central ontological position (logos)
previously occupied by God as the sine qua non for deliberation and
practice (Copson 2015). From this foundation, TH is underpinned by two
theoretical conceptions: (i) the human subject and (ii) social
reconciliation (Madra 2016). With regard to the former, as Ruccio and
Amariglio (2003: 48) explain:
Placing humans at the center [sic] of schemas of progress and
history and meaning is what distinguishes theoretical humanism, as the
human subject is thus the beginning and ending point of all movement
from the growth of knowledge ([...] understood as undertaken by, for,
and through human subjectivity) to the transformation of the natural
world (through science and technology oriented to human desires and
ends, such as happiness).
This subject is an essentialist conception of a rational, centred
and autonomous self-consciousness possessing, or capable of possessing,
complete knowledge of its 'true' preferences formed largely in
isolation from external influence, and largely unbounded computational
capacities to purposefully utilise whatever measures are required to
realise her/his individual ends (Screpanti 2000; Madra 2016). Thus, the
TH subject is both an epistemological and ontological entity: enjoying
the cognitive capacity to recognise its interests and understand how to
satisfy them, and benefiting from an intentional 'agency' to
purposefully attain these ends through all means necessary (Madra 2016).
The corollary of this subjective essence is the utopian vision of
an accommodating harmonious and contradiction-free social order
reconciling the aggregation of subjects' interests (Garnett 1994;
Madra 2016). Regardless of whether this order is realised, the concept
remains a reference-point to juxtapose actually-existing states as
imperfect approximations of the ideal. Within neoclassical theory, for
example, this notion of social reconciliation is most discernible in
notions of equilibrium, which conceptualise an ideal social order
grounded in the unimpeded competitive interaction of rational and
autonomous subjects (i.e. individuals who possess consistent preferences
reflecting their welfare and choose according to these preferences). If
such subjects only interact through markets, social relations are
reduced to exchange relations, such that competitive equilibrium is
underpropped by Homo Economicus. Reconciliation of actors' various
interests through the market thereby ensures that hyper-rational
individuals, in pursuing their own objectives, enable all others to
pursue theirs (Garnett 1994; Screpanti 2000). Thus, while not
necessarily representing reality, reconciliation is normatively founded
on an essentialist subject. This, in turn, legitimises free markets as a
theoretically efficient apparatus to secure Pareto-optimal states of
equilibrium (Shaikh 2016).
These two presuppositions--the essentialist hyper-rational subject
and harmonious reconciliation of these subjects' interests--inform
the constitutive problematic of neoclassicism. In contrast to the
structuralism informing Keynesianism and some variants of Marxism (see
Wolff and Resnick 2012), TH structures this problematic within
neoclassicism as studying the conditions of existence for reconciling
individual and collective rationality (Madra 2016). That is,
neoclassicism is concerned with conceptualising how reconciliation (for
instance, equilibrium) of the diverse demands of hyper-rational
individual subjects may be realised. This problematic has taken
heterogenous forms within neoclassicism. For instance, while the
invisible-hand constitutes one formulation--assuming that equilibrium
maximising social welfare is secured through subjects' activities
being channelled by competitive markets and private ownership -its form
varies across the tradition (Aydinonat 2009; Wolff and Resnick 2012).
This divergence is evident amongst early neoclassical practitioners
where, for example, Walrasians constructed general equilibrium models
bottom-up from individual agents, whereas the British tradition of
utility calculus articulated a partial equilibrium approach utilising
representative agents and market-level analysis (Hennings and Samuels
1990; Ingrao and Israel 1990). In a static equilibrium and
price-adjustment formulation, the former conceptualises competitive
markets as an auction, such that the invisible-hand equates to a
hypothetical auctioneer. Conversely, the Marshallian School favoured an
evolutionary interpretation of the problematic, whereby competition is
theorised as a quasi-Darwinian selection process clearing out
inefficient agents, with the 'invisible hand' reflected in
this mechanism (Koppl 1992; Roncaglia 2005). Thus, while formulating the
problematic differently, each neoclassical school remains structured
around investigating reconciliation of individual and collective
rationality (see Madra 2016 for a survey).
The subjectification of Homo Economicus
BE reworks the theoretical problematic by continuing to posit human
rationality as the logos of economic processes, while examining how and
why societies fail to secure reconciliation through markets. It does not
reject Homo Economicus, but reinterprets it as the normative ideal
against which reality is compared. The behavioural criticism of
neoclassicism for failing to realistically describe decision-making is
concerned not with the anthropological truth of Homo Economicus: rather
it introduces psychological insights to explain why subjects in reality
deviate from this ideal. Behavioural discourse thus contributes to the
discursive subjectification of Homo Economicus as the normative
microfoundation for functioning markets. Bounded-rationality, arising
from systemic biases and heuristics, is pathologised as
'anomalous' relative to this ideal and articulated as
explaining why markets fail to perform as anticipated by neoclassical
models. This section explains each of these features in BE and the
pitfalls therein.
Subjectification and economic discourse
In challenging the notion of the subject as ontologically given,
Foucault (1982, 2003) conceptualises 'subjectification' as
entailing the process whereby a discursive formation (in this case, BE
theory) produces and accords authority to a particular subjectivity as
the essence of economy and society (Butler 1995; Callari 2011). That is,
while the TH discourse previously examined presupposes hyper-rational
subjects as a site of epistemological certitude, Foucault's
deconstructs the category of 'subject' as an entry-point by
examining how it is produced in a particular form through a structured
set of discursive processes and practices (Callari 2011). By questioning
the naturalised ontological status of Homo Economicus as the logos for
economic processes, Foucault's insights enable evaluation of how
this subject is articulated as an authoritative figure within BE.
To understand the logic of subjectification through economic
discourse, it is necessary to briefly consider Foucault's approach
to the discursive construction of semantic fields. Interrogating the
conditions engendering certain objects of analysis, Foucault (e.g. 1972,
1980) held that, as part of the signification system producing and
reproducing meaning and identity, discourse exerts power over knowledge
by serving as a locus of truth. In turn, it legitimises authority and
social control. Rather than being given, analytical objects arise in a
contextually-specific form through a nexus of interrelated institutional
and discursive practices, such as behavioural patterns, norms and forms
of classification (Foucault 1991). Concepts (e.g. 'student')
are established not simply through their pronouncement as such. Rather,
the articulation of mutually-reinforcing practices enables the
referenced concept to materialise as a prospective given, thereby
buttressing specific formulations (for instance, labelling a particular
contribution in class as 'disruptive') and points of authority
(e.g. 'teacher') (Mehta 2013). These givens structure
relationships accordingly: operating beyond actors' conscious
deliberation (e.g. that of the teacher, student or University attesting
'disruptiveness') and, instead, functioning as givens (outside
questioning) and points of authority (authorising the practices and
relationships) (Callari 2011). Concomitantly, economics constitutes a
modernist discourse abstracting the human experience and demarcating it
into distinct fields of inquiry: 'history',
'society' and myriad subdivisions (e.g. 'the
economy') and combinations (e.g. 'economic history')
(Screpanti 2000). These fields are constitutive of a Foucauldean process
of subjectification because they engender subject-effects', insofar
as they are conceptualised and come to be known as products of a subject
(or collectivities thereof), these fields and the discursive protocols
through which they are constituted make the subject visible and imbue
that vision with epistemic authority (Callari 2011). This combination of
visibility and authority discursively constructs the subject as the
essence of society and economy.
Reworking the theoretical problematic of neoclassical humanism
Examined through this Foucauldean lens, BE subjectifies Homo
Economicus as a normative ideal for cognition and behaviour, and a
potentially realisable subject to be procured through policy measures.
To develop this case, the remainder of this article examines the
conceptual and discursive logic and terms distinguishing
boundedly-rational subjects from their hyper-rational counterparts. This
shows the values that are embodied in giving normative priority to the
latter. Specifically, the articulation of Homo Economicus as the
authoritative subject in BE is underpinned by the identification and
pathologisation of 'anomalies'. Boundedly-rational
decision-making is derided as both 'irrational' and requiring
correction to become congruent with the hyper-rational ideal. That is,
BE discourse determines and hierarchically organises categories of
'(hyper-)rationality' and 'bounded-rationality'
based on assumptions about what constitutes 'normal' or
'desirable' decision-making characteristics (Mehta 2013).
Comprehending this subjectification initially requires grasping how
BE remains oriented to the theoretical problematic. BE constitutes one
of a plethora of contemporary mainstream traditions which has, since the
1970s, responded to the crisis in Walrasian general equilibrium analysis
(4) --formalised in Arrow-Debreu (A-D) general equilibrium models
through rehabilitating and reworking the two presuppositions
underpinning the problematic explored above. (5) As Madra (2016)
demonstrates, such efforts have taken one of two forms: i) isolating
specific axioms in A-D and constructing models derived from these
weakened assumptions without emasculating the neoclassical humanist
presuppositions; or ii) reformulating the problematic, through either
integrating non-Walrasian neoclassical schools or incorporating concepts
and methods from other disciplines. These two steps have enabled the
production of concepts explaining why the requisite conditions for the
operation of the 'invisible hand' cannot be secured (markets
are insufficient) or why its realisation necessitates measures
instituting favourable conditions (insufficient markets exist).
Numerous examples are evident in contemporary mainstream economics.
Concepts associated with information failures (moral hazard and adverse
selection), for instance, relax assumptions of perfect information to
rationalise phenomena such as unemployment (e.g. Shapiro and Stiglitz
1982; Bowles and Gintis 1990). Similarly, notions of transaction costs
loosen assumptions of the smooth formulation and enforcement of
contracts enabling perfect competition (e.g. Coase, 1937; 1960). These
conceptual innovations, in turn, inform functionalist formulations of
'institutions' as arising to resolve the inability of the
price-mechanism to produce unique Pareto-efficient equilibrium outcomes.
While taking many forms in such accounts, by theorising the conditions
unsettling or inhibiting markets from conforming to the predictions of
perfect competition and how (extant or potential) institutions may
resolve such tensions, the theoretical problematic is thus not abandoned
but reproduced in novel forms.
BE distinctively reformulates this problematic through the notion
of bounded-rationality discussed above. In contrast to the
representation of the subject in the A-D model, BE relaxes the
assumption that actors exercise hyper-rationality in decision-making.
Concomitantly, this failure to conform to Homo Economicus is used to
rationalise why individuals and, in turn, markets fail to function as
predicted by neoclassicism. Analogous to concepts such as information
failures and transaction costs, BE posits bounded-rationality as another
reason individual and aggregate rationality fail to reconcile through
markets, engendering functionalist explanations of complementary
institutional arrangements to buttress markets through enabling
individuals to make choices as if they were Homo Economicus, as explored
further below.
Specifically, BE reworks the theoretical problematic by
investigating conditions for social harmony premised upon hyper-rational
subjects, given that subjects are assumed to be characterised by
bounded-rationality in reality. Recall from above that the problematic
is underpinned by a notion of the subject as an autonomous,
self-transparent and rational self-consciousness cognisant of her/his
true, welfare-enhancing preferences and capable of translating these
into choices within markets. BE departs from this conception to the
extent that it acknowledges actual decision-makers fail to approximate
Homo Economicus. However, BE continues to accord this ideal central
ontological status as logos determining the economy as a whole in that
deviations from it are held responsible for markets failing to function
effectively in practice. Thus, Akerlof and Shiller (2015: 164) summarise
their objective as being to analyse 'the role of markets when
people have weaknesses, so markets are not efficient'. Similarly,
Camerer and Fehr (2006: 47) contend that while behaviour deviating from
hyper-rationality may occlude welfare-maximising outcomes, the presence
of sufficient subjects approximating Homo Economicus 'may cause
aggregate outcomes to be close to the predictions of a [neoclassical]
model that assumes that everyone is rational and self-regarding.'
Illustrative examples abound in the behavioural literature.
Consider, for example, Thaler and Sunstein's (2008) study of high
rates of household indebtedness and financial instability in the Global
North. They contend that these have arisen partly due to
individuals' self-control problems (favouring immediate
gratification over the long-term costs of impulsiveness) and
difficult-to-comprehend information, resulting in injudicious
consumption and investment decisions. (6) Similarly, Akerloff and
Shiller (2009) appropriate Keynes' 'beauty contest model'
of expectations formation to attribute persistent global macroeconomic
problems to financial volatility stemming from boundedly-rational
self-fulfilling beliefs. In both cases, while Homo Economicus is
positioned as the normative microfoundation for properly functioning
markets, divergence from this subjective ideal due to
bounded-rationality is held to compromise such order.
In this respect, behaviouralism exists symbiotically with
neoclassicism, as it is primarily organised around explaining failures
of the latter. Rather than laying the foundation for a more complex
theory of subjectivity per se, BE introduces psychological factors as
means to explain why individual behaviour does not correspond to Homo
Economicus and, concomitantly, how this prevents markets from
functioning effectively. For example, although appreciating Berg and
Gigerenzer's (2010) critical assessment, discussed above, that BE
models assume that agents solve complex optimisation problems as if they
were Homo Economicus, Rabin (2013) defends modelling behaviour as
stemming from such optimisation problems while recognising contextual
influences on preferences. For Rabin, it is problematic to assume that
all deviations from neoclassical models stem from agents'
incapacity to solve complex optimisation problems. In some situations,
agents may be theoretically capable of solving such problems and try to
do so, yet commit systemic errors in doing so due to their underlying
biases and heuristics. As Rabin (2002: 611) elsewhere articulates, the
objective of BE thereby becomes utilising empirical methods and
experimental evidence to identify which departures from neoclassicism
are necessary through categorising such departures in a manner which
enables theorists to distinguish 'as precisely as possible where
and how [neo] classical economic assumptions go awry' (see also
Camerer and Loewenstein 2004).
Such reasoning, whereby observed deviations from hyper-rationality
are conceptualised as resulting from mistakes, effectively presupposes
the neoclassical optimising model of decision-making as correct at one,
normative level. As explored below, BE thus seeks to demonstrate, before
offering a psychological explanation of, the unreality of neoclassical
hyper-rational presuppositions in practice through pathologising
cognitive biases and heuristics as perceptual and inferential mechanisms
linked to subjects (Gilovich et al. 2002; Pesendorfer 2006). Rather than
being employed to conceptualise an emotionally-whole actor, BE utilises
psychology to comprehend the factors hindering actors' capacity to
approximate Homo Economicus. Psychology is thereby reduced to an
arrangement of dynamics affecting behaviour by interfering with
hyper-rationality and articulating bounded-rationality as an individual
failure to process knowledge (Pykett 2012; Wilkins 2013). The result is
an epistemology grounded in an implicit dualistic model of the
hyper-rational subject, as the normative microfoundation for functioning
markets, effectively constrained inside an obstructive psychological
shell (Sugden 2015; Infante et al 2016)--depicted in Figure 1 as a
behavioural matryoshka:
Coterminous with the TH subject, the 'inner' actor is
delineated as the essential locus of rational human identity and
foundation of normative authority concerning its interests and
objectives. Assuming its hyperrationality as given, BE does not seek to
investigate the psychology of this subject; instead continuing to assert
that '[t]here is basically only one way to be rational'
(Laibson 2002: 22). Conversely, psychological mechanisms inducing
deviations from hyper-rational decision-making are relegated as
constitutive of the 'outer-shell' inhibiting the agent in the
rational 'inner-core' from acting according to its true
preferences, 'as if the individual's psychology were an
external force subverting the will of the true self' (Sugden, 2015:
584). Thaler and Sunstein (2008), for example, articulate psychological
limits--including time, cognitive capacity, information availability and
unconscious emotional drives--as hindering hyper-rational
decision-making. Boundedly-rational decisionmaking is, thus,
conceptualised as reflecting interactions between the self-governing
reasoning of the rational inner-agent and constraining properties of the
psychological outer-shell. However, the inner-agent remains the
normative authority with regard to matters of judgement and preference,
such that BE theory and policy seeks to comprehend and reconstruct the
preferences of this fictional agent, as examined below.
Pathologising the 'deviant' subject
This reworking of the theoretical problematic through investigating
the psychological factors hindering the realisation of Homo Economicus
and, thus, the effective functioning of markets is underpinned by the
discursive pathologisation of boundedly-rationality. BE positions Homo
Economicus as the normative microfoundation for functioning markets and
introduces psychology to explain their failure to perform as predicted
by neoclassicism. In turn, it subjectifies the former as the norm from
which bounded-rationality deviates. That is, while recognising that this
hyper-rational subject does not describe human rationality in reality,
through revising the theoretical problematic, behaviouralism
discursively prioritises it over explanations of actual behaviour as an
ideal. Moreover, by treating it as a potentially-realisable state, it
provides a rationale for policies seeking to change individuals'
behaviour to more 'rational', market-conforming forms.
The normative priority accorded to Homo Economicus is informed by a
methodological delineation between the descriptive and normative
orientations of BE. Within neoclassicism, departures from
hyperrationality are deemed anomalous and usually self-correcting, such
that it is unnecessary to abandon it as a description of decision-making
or the assumption that markets are generally efficient (Shaikh 2016).
Conversely, BE introduces the novel--from the perspective of
neoclassicism--differentiation between 'descriptive' and
'normative' theories of choice (Heukelom 2011). Questions of
'normativity' have been identified in neoclassicism at least
since Keynes' (1973) Scope and Method of Political Economy: the
'normative' addressed ethical questions, while the
'positive' embodied the empirical basis of a valuefree
discipline (Davis 1998). In contrast, BE defines 'normative'
as the rubric defining how one ought to behave to be
'rational' (Heukelom 2011, 2014). Used to 'characterize
rational choice' (the universal rules of rational decision-making
accorded by actors' reasoning), the term 'normative' is
thereby distinguished from 'descriptive' accounts of
'actual choices' (empirically-grounded theories of
actors' decisionmaking) (Thaler 2000: 138).
From this distinction, BE articulates the characteristics of
'rational' behaviour in accordance with Homo Economicus, while
recognising that individuals must be described as generally acting
otherwise (Davis 2011). BE theorises decision-making by utilising an
individual value function expressed according to two scales. The first
assigns weights to diverse probabilities, whereby individuals overreact
to minor probability events and underreact to medium and large ones; and
the second ascribes subjective value to prospects relative to choice
reference points, whereby individuals are risk-averse about gains and
risk-seeking regarding losses. Neoclassical utility functions are then
reclassified as normative explanations of choice, while the BE function
is classified as a descriptive representation of actual choices (Davis
2011; Heukelom 2011). As outlined below, this implies that
properly-designed choice architectures (Thaler and Sunstein 2008), a
policy-driven construction of the choice-making environment, should
facilitate decision-making as if individuals had complete information
about the consequences of their choices and could compensate for biases
and heuristics.
From Kahneman and Tversky (1974) onward, BE has thereby proceeded
from presuppositions of hyper-rationality and analysed deviations from
this 'rational' yardstick as 'irrational' (Berg and
Gigerenzer 2010). Thus, as Kahneman (2003a: 1449) suggests, '[t]he
rational-agent model was our starting point and the main source of our
null hypotheses.' In making this case, bounded-rationality is
articulated as departing from hyperrationality, thereby reinforcing the
latter as the essential reference-point in decision-making theories.
While BE acknowledges that Homo Economicus constitutes an empirically
unrealistic representation of subjects, it remains the norm against
which reality is compared. For instance, although Kahneman and Tversky
(1979) contend that neoclassical theories of constrained optimisation
fail to realistically describe human behaviour and propose their own
prospect theory as an alternative descriptive account, they do not
abandon the former as the normatively favourable account of rationality.
Consistent with the reasoning of Rabin (2013) above, they posit that
'departures from expected utility theory must lead to normatively
unacceptable consequences, such as inconsistencies, intransitivities,
and violations of dominance' (Kahneman and Tversky 1979: 277).
The categories utilised to classify and distinguish
boundedly-rational individuals from their 'rational'
counterpart subsequently pathologise the former. While characterising
these subjects as 'deviants' requiring rehabilitation and
boundedly-rational behaviour as 'anomalous', Homo Economicus
is presented as a complete, healthy individual simultaneously advancing
their own interests and that of society through behaviour enabling
functioning markets. For instance, Thaler (1987: 198) elucidates an
'anomaly' as an empirical 'result inconsistent with the
present economics paradigm', one 'difficult to
"rationalize"' therein, or requiring 'implausible
assumptions [...] to explain it within the [dominant] paradigm'.
Analogeously, Medin and Bazerman (1999: 543), frame BE as concerned with
delineating the 'systematic ways in which people deviate from
optimality or rationality', while Diamond (2008: 1859) contends
that BE aims to identify 'circumstances where people are making
"mistakes"' arising from their deviations from
hyper-rationality. Koszegi and Rabin (2008) and Beshears et al. (2008)
then formulate techniques to distinguish such mistakes--understood as
revealed preferences--as deviations from 'normative'
preferences conforming to neoclassical presuppositions. Critically, this
pathologisation does not stem from empirical investigation correlating
deviations to negative outcomes, with psychological enquiry restricted
to gauging whether behaviour conforms to hyper-rationality (Infanti et
al. 2016). (7) Such use of the terms 'anomaly' and
'deviation' here articulate a hierarchical correlation between
the categories of (hyper-)rationality and bounded-rationality, whereby
the latter accedes to and is refracted through the former (Mehta 2013).
Through positioning these representations of decision-making in binary
opposition, each procures meaning when juxtaposed, such that
bounded-rationality is articulated as contrary to that deemed normal or
This hierarchical ordering is especially evident in the growing
literature of behavioural development economics ('BDE'). While
claiming that such research should not be conflated with
'pejorative attempts to label the poor as "irrational"
[...] blame the poor for their poverty [or] argue that the poor have
specific irrationalities' (Mullainathan 2005: 47), it proceeds to
consider how impoverished individuals' failure to conform to the
hyper-rational presuppositions of Homo Economicus engenders and
entrenches poverty in the Global South by limiting engagement in more
'rational', welfare-enhancing economic activities (e.g.
Banerjee and Duflo 2011; Datta and Mullainathan 2014). This is routinely
conceptualised through identification of 'anomalies'
restricting potentially profitable, albeit risky, entrepreneurial
endeavours (Berndt 2015). For instance, the principle of loss aversion
is held to explain individuals' apprehension about the prospect of
loss rather than risk per se (Mullainathan and Thaler 2001; Gachter et
al. 2009). This leads to vulnerable farmers being reluctant to modify
their behaviour and thereby rationalises their unwillingness 'to
put assets at risk by buying agricultural inputs they are not guaranteed
to recoup' (Fafchamps 2009: 16) and entrenching extant practices
(Fowler and Brand 2011). Thus, Banerjee (2004) and Liu and Huang (2013)
interpret the failure of impoverished peasants to adopt the
'optimal' (largely commercial) technology with which to
cultivate their land as arising from biases against loss aversion, such
as exhausting a considerable portion of their savings or the potential
health effects of utilising pesticides. In these cases, the impoverished
are held to be sufficiently averse to loss that they inadvertently
propagate the poverty-cycle by declining otherwise-judicious investment
Coterminous with the TH centring of the subject as logos, such
discourse articulates a social ontology according to the accepted
behavioural norms from which boundedly-rational individuals are deemed
to have diverged. That is, the notions of 'deviation' and
'anomaly' encode the BE concern with investigating how an
aggregation of hyper-rational actors enables markets to operate
effectively. As outlined above, neoclassicism holds the essence of
properly-functioning markets to be decision-making by the hyper-rational
individual subject, while all subjects will derive collective benefits
from the aggregation of such behaviour. Conversely, individuals
exhibiting limited capacity to operate in this manner impose social
costs by undermining functioning markets. Importantly, however,
boundedly-rational behaviour is not inherently problematic to others: it
only appears so in the context of neoclassical presuppositions
concerning market operations and social welfare as depending on the
reconciliation of individual and aggregate rationality in these markets
(Mehta 2013). BE discourse thus legitimises interventions to
'correct' boundedly-rational behaviour, as examined below.
To substantiate the implications of this pathologisation of
bounded-rationality, it is apposite to consider the behavioural
assumption that realworld decision-making may be conceptualised through
the 'dual process' heuristic, outlined above. Recall that this
depicts the human brain as comprised of two systems of thought operating
simultaneously: the emotional and impulsive automatic system and the
more deliberate, rational reflective system. Reliance on the former
augments decisionmakers' vulnerability, as the ensuing biases and
heuristics lead to faulty perceptions about the effects of her/his
actions, preferences detrimental in the long-term, or individuals
choosing damaging behaviours even when preferring otherwise. In
challenging the universalist presumptions of hyper-rationality, this
articulation of a more complex account of decision-making appears to
complement long-standing calls for such an approach within political
economy (e.g. Simon 1959). In particular, through embracing a form of
economic analysis previously denigrated as 'feminine' and
'soft' (Nelson 1995: 134; Hewitson 1999), BE seemingly answers
the case made by critical feminist political economists for a theory of
cognition and behaviour transcending the modernist reason-emotion
dualism embodied in 'Descartes' Error' (Damasio 1994). As
illustrated in Table 2, rather than privileging characteristics of
'rationality' (left column) in the reason-emotion dualism, BE
recognises behavioural diversity and explicitly models emotion,
intuition and social cognition (right column).
Yet, as depicted in Figure 1, rather than examining emotion and
intuition primarily to understand human behaviour, they are articulated
as hindering hyper-rational decision-making and preventing markets from
functioning effectively. BE thereby continues to implicitly separate the
rational and emotional in explanations of decision-making. This depends
on neurobiological interpretations of the latter as cognition:
determining immanent thought processes identified within a particular
(anterior insula) region of the brain (Gladwell 2005), rather than a
differentiated, socially contextualised feeling (Pykett 2012; Wilkins
2013). By subsuming emotion into cognition, it remains grounded in
'a system of binary opposites that privileges the masculine over
the feminine' and 'coopts emotional experience' (Mumby
and Putnam 1992: 469) into a limited rationalist frame (cf. Thaler and
Sunstein 2008: 21). Put differently, BE perpetuates a binary
construction subordinating the automatic, emotional,
'feminised' brain to the norm of its deliberative, rational,
'masculinised' counterpart: relegating feelings and ambiguity
to the physical and feminine sphere of irrational, corporeal reaction
and demarcating it from non-rational judgement and instinct (Pykett
2012). Individuals are thus held as predictably erring due to their
brain chemistry or inability to manage it and, consequently are unable
to consistently formulate utility-maximising choices.
This appropriation of psychology to pathologise bounded-rationality
formulates the limitations of actors' cognitive capacities as
inherent, biomedical in origin or indicative of mental abnormality
(Mehta 2013). Discursive allusions to irregularity are exacerbated by
evocations of mental disorder and bodily affliction, such as the Report
(World Bank 2015) identifying 'willpower deficits' (p. 115),
'low bandwidth' (p. 87) and diminished capacity to
'control temptation and delay gratification' (p. 123) as
hindering the capacity of the poor to escape impoverishment. Similarly,
in examining the prevalence of HIV in specific sub-Saharan African
countries, (de Walque et al. 2012: 6) assert that individuals engage in
risky sexual behaviour despite the pervasiveness of HIV due to myopia:
weighing the short-term benefits more highly than the long-term costs.
By favouring short-term physical pleasure, young people 'appear to
understand their HIV risks and know how to behave to prevent
transmission--yet they don't choose to act on that knowledge.'
Finally, DellaVigna and Malmendier (2004: 394) demarcate
'sophisticated' Homines Economici, for whom 'market
interaction with [...] firms enables the individuals to achieve the
efficient consumption level' from 'naive'
boundedly-rational subjects, for whom 'firms design the pricing so
as to take maximal advantage of the consumer overconfidence and
underestimation of renewal'. Such labels denegrate
boundedly-rationality individuals as deficient relative to their
(hyper)rational counterparts. Credence is thus buttressed in
hyper-rational presuppositions as prescribing how a 'whole'
subject should be configured.
Implications for policy
This subjectification of Homo Economicus has tangible consequences
for boundedly-rational actors. Since they are conceptualised as
deviating from Homo Economicus, they are positioned as legitimate
targets of corrective policy. This logic mirrors that of the
'medical' model of disability identified by Handley (2003:
110), in which medical knowledge classifies 'disability' as
'the reduction or absence of an individual's physical,
cognitive or sensory functions to the point that "normal"
functioning and capabilities are restricted or absent and that such
states are entirely natural phenomena'. Actors are constructed in
binary opposition by refracting conceptions of disability through the
prism of assumptions concerning what constitutes 'normalcy',
'able' and 'disabled'. Correspondingly, articulating
'(hyper-)rational' and 'boundedly-rational' actors
as antinomies in BE presents the latter--like disabled individuals--as
deficient relative to the ideal (Mehta 2013). Comprehending disability
as actors' functional limitations, policy prescriptions underscore
convalescence and cure to reintegrate disabled individuals into social
processes, rather than positing social reform accommodating them or
questioning structural and cultural factors relating to disability.
Analogously, by articulating bounded-rationality in terms of
actors' deficient cognitive systems, BE policy prescriptions aim to
engender behaviour approximating hyper-rationality, rather than
interrogating the values and concerns leading BE to pathologise
bounded-rationality (McMahon 2015).
In addition to constituting the normative ideal for subjects, Homo
Economicus is thus also subjectified as a state potentially-realisable
through policy. BE policy initiatives are oriented around an imperfect
and irrational subject requiring correction--whether overtly, such as
through social marketing (Crawshaw 2013); implicitly, as in providing
'cooling-off periods' when purchasing insurance (Dolan et al.
2010); or circumventing the inexorable irrationality of individuals,
such as through default pension enrolments (Benartzi and Thaler 2007).
As Pykett (2012: 222) observes, '[p]eople who are not expert in
managing their emotions, by implication, need the government to manage
their emotions for them --through affective arrangements, support for
mental short-cuts and education and training for the more reflexive
aspects of the brain.'
Grounded in the logic of what Hausman (2012: 102) labels
'preference purification', BE seeks to investigate and
reconstruct the preferences that would have informed the decision-making
of hyper-rational individuals had her/his cognition not been obstructed
by psychological factors, while establishing realisation of such
reconstructed preferences as a normative benchmark for policy-making
(Infante et al. 2016). That is, based on the dualistic model of
individuals in Figure 1 above, BE attempts to recreate the preferences
of the hyper-rational agent in the inner-core through isolating this
norm from the distorting influences of the psychological outer-shell. In
turn, it recommends policies enabling individuals to make decisions in
accordance with these preferences as if they were Homo Economicus
(Thaler and Sunstein 2003). (8) For instance, to enable overweight
individuals to counter their willpower problems and consume healthier
diets, O'Donoghue and Rabin (2006) recommend taxing potato chips
and subsidising carrots. This formulation assumes hyper-rationality to
be hindered by irrational biases favouring immediate (as opposed to
long-term, rational) gratification (Loewenstein 1996). Striving for
ideal subjectivity, therefore, engenders policies enabling suspension or
moderation of emotion to complement the performance of its inferred
opposite: hyper-rational decision-making based on constrained
optimisation in which behaviour is finely attuned to pecuniary
Consequently, individual bounded-rationality, presented as
explaining why markets fail to operate as predicted by neoclassicism,
engenders a functionalist rationalisation for corrective non-market
institutional arrangements. By subjectifying Homo Economicus as the
ideal, BE assumes that constructing institutional environments enabling
individuals to formulate more 'rational' decisions--through
designing default options curtailing inertia or conceiving information
devices bolstering her/his capacity to select welfare-enhancing
options--will resolve the theoretical problematic of mediating between
individual and collective rationality. Whether grounded in discourse of
libertarian-paternalism or 'nudging' (Thaler and Sunstein
2003, 2008; Sunstein 2015), debiasing through law (Jolls et al. 1998;
Jolls and Sunstein 2006), or asymmetric paternalism (Camerer et al.
2003), BE policy seeks to implement modest interventions facilitating
subjectivity approximating Homo Economicus and, thus, accord the
microfoundation for markets to function effectively. (9) By not
restricting choice, such interventions claim to benefit
boundedly-rational actors while imposing minimal harm on
'rational' actors (Sunstein 2015).
In this respect, by seeking to correct the marginal problems posed
by individuals' deviations from Homo Economicus, the objective of
BE remains to improve the functioning or expansion of markets. That is,
through circumspectly arranging each individuals' choice
architecture to enable her/him to act in accordance with her/his
'true' preferences (Hausman 2012), behavioural programs are
deemed a means to secure the competitiveness and, indeed, legitimacy of
markets (Santos and Rodgrigues 2014). The result is that political
questions concerning individual decision-making are confined to
empirical and technical problems concerning economic actors and the
market (McMahon 2015). In their discussion of mortgage markets, for
instance, Thaler and Sunstein (2008) disregard the contribution of the
global financial system in augmenting rates of household indebtedness,
while restricting their focus to the complexity of individual financial
decisions as the primary problem to be redressed through the appropriate
choice architecture. In turn, choice architects may focus on formulating
and implementing default options to shield actors from inertia or design
information devices to bolster her/his ability to select
welfare-enhancing options. In both cases, in accordance with the
dualistic model of behaviour depicted in Figure 1, policy should seek to
enable individuals to act as if s/he were Homo Economicus according to
her/his underlying hyper-rational preferences, whilst simultaneously
avoiding alteration of the extant structure of incentives defining a
given problem-situation. That is, '[t]he central goal would be to
inform consumers of fees rather than set prices' (Thaler and
Sunstein 2008: 83).
This looks like two steps forward and two back. BE seems to be an
advance on neoclassical theory in two respects: i) it makes mainstream
economics more 'realistic' by taking account of people's
decisionmaking behaviour in the real-world; and ii) it draws on
literature from psychology, thereby giving the appearance of a more
interdisciplinary method. However, as this article has demonstrated:
iii) it retains the neoclassical focus on the individual and rational
behaviour, but now treating it as a normative ideal rather than a
description; and iv) it is used as the basis for developing public
policies that seek to 'nudge' people into behaving more like
the hyper-rational ideal underpinning neoclassical theory. Arguably,
this last feature makes BE more actively pernicious because it has
become an active agent in trying to make realworld behaviour more like
the Homo Economicus found in neoclassical economics textbooks.
David Primrose is a doctoral candidate in the Department of
Political Economy at the University of Sydney. He would like to thank
Frank Stiwell and the anonymous referees for their helpful advice on
previous versions of this paper.
david.primrose@sydney. edu. au
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(1) To circumvent the neoclassical practice of contrasting
hyper-rationality as perfect with actual behaviour that is imperfect,
this article will refer to the neoclassical conception of rationality as
the doctrine of 'hyper-rationality'. This distinguishes
neoclassical conceptions of rationality from the broader philosophical
principle of 'rationality' which hold that actions and
opinions should be grounded in reason (Shaikh 2016: 78).
(2) See Kahneman (2003a: 1451) and Thaler and Sunstein (2008: 21)
for more extensive accounts of this heuristic, which also feature
additional reflections on the cognitive processes associated with dual
process. An excellent critical reflection on the philosophical and its
political foundations of this framework is presented in Heilmann (2014).
(3) The foregoing examination of continuities running through the
neoclassical and behavioural traditions is not intended as an exhaustive
discussion of such elements, nor the critical political economy
literature in which such matters are addressed. Rather, the examples
considered are indicative of the focus on methodological incongruities
informing such critiques of BE. These are the most important
considerations for the purposes of the present analysis. For critiques
of a range of the assumptions underpinning the behavioural canon, see
Berg and Gigerenzer (2010); Davis (2011, 2015); and Heidl (2016).
(4) For consideration of this crisis in general equilibrium theory
since the 1970s and some of the ensuing responses, see e.g. Bell and
Kristol (1981); Hahn (1984); Arrow (1987); Katzner (1999, 2010); Bowles
and Gintis (2000); Ackerman (2004); and Madra (2016).
(5) For surveys of such mainstream approaches, see e.g. Colander et
al. (2004); Colander (2006); Milonakis and Fine (2008); Fine and
Milonakis (2009); Chernomas and Hudson (2016); Madra (2016); Crespo
(2017); and Mirowski and Nik-Khah (2017).
(6) More explicitly, in referring to mortgage markets, Thaler and
Sunstein (2008: 134) argue that:
When markets get more complicated, unsophisticated and uneducated
shoppers will be especially disadvantaged by the complexity. The
unsophisticated shoppers are also more likely to be given bad or
self-interested advice by people serving in roles that appear to be
helpful and purely advisory. In this market, mortgage brokers who
cater to rich clients probably have a greater incentive to
establish a reputation for fair dealing. By contrast, mortgage
brokers who cater to the poor are often more interested in making a
quick buck.
(7) Bruni and Sugden (2007: 148) identify the analogous
methodological defence rationalising the shared normative elucidations
informing neoclassicism and BE:
The essential idea behind the discovered preference hypothesis is
that rational-choice theory is descriptive of the behaviour of
economic agents who, through experience and deliberation, have
learned to act in accordance with their underlying preferences;
deviations from that theory are interpreted as shortlived errors.
(8) For a comprehensive critical overview of this logic of
'preference purification', see Infante et al. (2016).
(9) Behavioural experts have increasingly been invited by national
and supranational public agencies to offer alternative policy analyses
and recommendations. The former Obama administration in the United
States, for example, implemented myriad BE-inspired reforms, such as the
Making Work Pay tax cut in 2009, the individual mandate informing the
2010 health-care reform bill, various components of the Dodd-Frank
financial reform bill, and assorted other regulations and policy
measures. Embodied in the Behavioural Insights Team, the Conservative
government in the United Kingdom similarly accorded increasing influence
to BE, while the influence of behavioural techniques has also been noted
in countries such as New Zealand, Brazil and France (for surveys, see
Jones et al. 2013). Indeed, in the context of Australia, a Behavioural
Economics Team (BETA) was also established in the Department of Prime
Minister and Cabinet in 2015 (see
Caption: Figure 1: The behavioural matryoshka
Table 1: A simplified model of dual process
Automatic System Reflective System
Processes Fast Slow
Parallel Serial
Automatic Controlled
Effortless Effortful
Associative Rule-governed
Slow-learning Flexible
Emotional Neutral
Source: Adapted from Kahneman (2003a: 1451). (2)
Table 2: Dichotomy of the 'rational' and 'emotional'
Rational Emotional
Deliberative Intuitive
Objective Subjective
Thoughts Feelings
Conscious Unconscious
Mind Body
Cerebral Visceral
Dynamic Predetermined
Reason Deception
Source: Adapted from Wilkins (2013: 7)
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