The softer side of "no excuses": a view of KIPP schools in action.
Boyd, Alexandra ; Maranto, Robert ; Rose, Caleb 等
The softer side of "no excuses": a view of KIPP schools in action.
Since their start in Houston in 1994, KIPP (Knowledge Is Power
Program) charter schools have been the most celebrated of the No Excuses
schools. Employing strict discipline, an extended school day and year,
and carefully selected teachers, No Excuses schools move disadvantaged
students who start behind their peers academically up to and above grade
level in reading and math, and on the path to success in college.
Studies conducted by Mathematica Policy Research show that KIPP schools
achieve significantly greater gains in student achievement than do
traditional public schools teaching similar students. Recent large-scale
research at Stanford University's Center for Research on Education
Outcomes (CREDO) also finds that KIPP teaching is highly effective, with
individual students learning far more than their statistical
"twins" at traditional public schools. KIPP's own studies
find that the schools substantially increase the odds that a
disadvantaged student will enter and graduate from college. Not
surprisingly, the 144 KIPP charter schools across the nation have no
shortage of fans, including President Barack Obama, Microsoft founder
Bill Gates, and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.
Also not surprisingly, KIPP and other No Excuses schools have no
shortage of critics. Furman University education professor P. L. Thomas,
who admitted in a recent speech at the University of Arkansas to never
having been in a No Excuses charter school, complains in a widely
referenced 2012 Daily Kos post that in such schools, "Students are
required to use complete sentences at all times, and call female
teachers 'Miss'--with the threat of disciplinary action taken
if students fail to comply." Regarding KIPP in particular,
Cambridge College professor and blogger Jim Horn, who admits to having
never been inside a KIPP school, nonetheless has referred to KIPP as a
"New Age eugenics intervention at best," destroying
students' cultures, and a "concentration camp" at worst.
Such criticisms could be dismissed if held on the margins of
American public education. Unfortunately, within many education schools
and teachers unions, KIPP detractors are more prevalent than KIPP
backers. All too many professors and education administrators think that
KIPP, and schools like it, succeed by working their students like dogs.
Like all charter schools, KIPP schools are chosen by parents, but
critics fear that disadvantaged parents do not know enough to choose
wisely, or else do not have their children's best interest at
heart. Leaving aside whether the critics patronize the people of color
KIPP schools serve, we propose that KIPP and similar schools are not
nearly as militaristic as critics, who may have never been inside them,
Inside a KIPP School
We have done hundreds of hours of fieldwork over the past eight
years in 12 KIPP schools in five states, interviewing scores of
teachers, students, and administrators. It is true that an atmosphere of
order generally prevails. We found that schools that begin by
establishing a culture of strict discipline, in neighborhoods where
violence and disorder are widespread, ease off once a safe, tolerant
learning environment is secured. "KIPPsters" and their
teachers live up to the Work Hard, Be Nice motto but also play hard when
the work is done. A schoolwide focus on academics is palpable. The
schools nonetheless make time for band, basketball, chess, prom, and any
number of clubs.
Student interactions are atypical. The KIPP schools we observed
emphasize teamwork and assuring success for all ("team beats
individual"; "all will learn"), encouraging more-advanced
students to help their peers rather than just fend for themselves, in
contrast to more individualistic traditional public schools.
Teachers in KIPP schools have to be willing to go the extra mile.
We demonstrate in a forthcoming Social Science Quarterly article that in
advertisements for teaching positions, KIPP schools consistently
emphasize public service incentives, serving kids, while nearby
traditional public schools emphasize private incentives, namely salary
and benefits. One principal explained that KIPP's New Orleans
region hires teachers, in part, for "the J factor--Joy--enthusiasm
and joy in learning, how to make learning fun; you were just in that
classroom and could see that teacher had joy in the way he was leading
the class." If teachers don't have it, then they probably
can't succeed at KIPP.
At KIPP McDonogh 15, a combined elementary and middle-school
building in New Orleans's French Quarter, the middle-school
principal played music, and students and staff danced down the hallways
as they moved from one class session to another. In the elementary
school a floor below, some teachers took this concept a step further,
using a lively musical transition from one lesson to another. Like most
KIPP teachers elsewhere, teachers here constantly judge students, but
their pronouncements are more positive than negative, as in, "I
like how you stopped working as soon as I asked you," and
"I'll shout out to you for helping your neighbor with that
Out of earshot of teachers, we talked with five elementary
students. Though one boy said, "I liked my old school better; it
was easier," his peers preferred KIPP. Another boy said of his old
school, "I was learning badly. Now I'm learning better."
One boy, who had been afraid in his old school, said, "I
didn't have any friends, and now I have lots of friends." All
the students we spoke to liked their KIPP teachers, teachers like
Garrett Dorfman, a bespectacled 20-something in a #9 Drew Brees jersey,
who looks older than his years but really comes alive in front of his
3rd graders. Although he originally planned to teach for just a few
years, Dorfman is now hooked for life on New Orleans and on teaching at
After finishing an engaging lesson in which students competed to
see who could answer math questions the fastest, Dorfman called on one
of us to answer his students' questions about college, where they
would all be in just 10 years. The students asked good questions about
how to choose a college, how to pick a major, and the advantages of
commuting as opposed to living on campus, until one student asked if
most colleges did "celebration." When asked what celebration
is, the 3rd grader said we would have to stay after lunch, and then we
could see. Dorfman ended class with a pep talk about the upcoming
standardized tests:
I have this tough homework for you. Play with your
friends. Get a good night's sleep. I do have these
450 homework problems for you. [Class answers NO!]
Would you believe 450 pages' worth? [Class answers
OK, the main thing is to come here next week on
time at 7:40 sharp, because they won't let you
start the test late, with your game face on.
Let's see your game face. [They roar and he
roars back.] Remember that you can call me
over the weekend if you need to. Now four
shoutouts and go downstairs to celebration!
School Spirit, KIPP-Style
At celebration, held at McDonogh 15 most Friday afternoons,
students played games devised by staff for a half hour, after which
students who had no behavioral issues and who had won the lottery could
hit any teacher or leader they chose with a pie. (Not coincidentally,
Friday is casual-dress day at the school.) One mile away and four days
later, a professor at the AERA (American Educational Research
Association) annual conference denounced KIPP as a "concentration
camp," but to those of us who have been there, KIPP McDonogh 15 is
about as far from a concentration camp as you can get.
Not all KIPP schools manage the school day in exactly the same way.
On a day-to-day basis, the KIPP Delta schools in Arkansas are a little
stricter than the KIPP schools in New Orleans: the network varies across
communities more than critics or supporters realize. But even at KIPP
Delta, teachers may not survive the day without getting a pie to the
face. We spent two days observing at KIPP Blytheville College
Preparatory School (BCPS) in Blytheville, Arkansas, in March 2013 during
Geek Week. Each March at KIPP BCPS, students participate in a week of
activities similar to Spirit Week in traditional public schools. Geek
Week included Pattern Day, where students mismatched different patterns
on their clothing; Superhero Day, where students dressed as their
favorite superhero; and Geriatric Day, where students dressed like the
elderly. The festivities culminated with Pi Day, on March 14 (3.14). On
Pi Day, students were given an information sheet about the number pi,
noting its history and function in mathematics. The sheet included a
mirror image of the number 3.14, which looked like the letters P, I, and
A general air of excitement preceded the Pi Challenge, in which
students competed to see who could recite the most digits of pi,
followed by the chance to hit a teacher with a pie. Student surveys
picked the three "meanest" teachers in the school to
"pie," along with school director Maisie Wright, and they in
turn got to honor, or dishonor, three students with pies in the face,
perhaps students who had overcome great challenges, or who gave them the
most grief. Prior to the main event of pies to the face, the assembled
KIPPsters cheered on their classmates in the Pi Challenge. The
cafeteria-turned-temporary-auditorium was hushed as one student after
another recited the digits and Ms. Wright checked the numbers. One
student in the audience looked on with baited breath, a 7th grader who
held the school pi record at 186. This young woman had moved out of
state, returning to KIPP Blytheville during her spring break to see if
her record would indeed be broken. A valiant effort was made by all
competitors, but in the end, a girl in 6th grade won the crown for the
day by reciting 158 digits of pi without tripping up. After the Pi
Challenge, one by one, starting with a countdown from 5 ... 4 ... 3 ...
2 ... 1, the participating teachers and students smashed pie plates of
whipped cream into each other's faces. The student assembly, which
had remained seated and mostly quiet, was now in an uproar, with
high-fives, hooting, hollering, cheering, even jumping up and down, as
they watched their teachers and KIPP "teammates" getting pied.
Prior to Geek Week at BCPS, we observed a lock-in event 1: cleverly
named Benchmark Madness, after the Arkansas Benchmark tests to be
administered in a month's time. We were surprised when a teacher 2
rolled into a cafeteria full of quietly seated students on a scooter, in
his pajamas, complete with matching bathrobe and house shoes, spraying
students with Silly String and Nerf gun darts.
Inside and outside the classroom, students are encouraged to work
together. That evening, students enjoyed numerous team-building events
uniting students, faculty, staff, and parent volunteers. Students
participated in a variety of activities. Walking from room to room,
students could be seen tie-dyeing shirts, building clay sculptures,
singing karaoke, building forts, and attempting to best each other in
word games. These activities mostly took place in classrooms or at
stations outside, through which small groups of students would rotate.
Once students had made complete rotations through the teacher-led
activities, the students would return to the cafeteria for an Hour of
The first Hour of Power consisted of students learning song
parodies that were focused on strategies and motivation to do well in
school and on the upcoming Benchmarks. Students belted out the lyrics of
a song titled "Beat That Benchmark Test." A nonstop dance
party held from midnight to 1 a.m. was the second Hour of Power. The
final Hour of Power took place at 5 a.m. Using the light of the rising
sun, the students followed a few teachers on a morning jog around
campus. At the end, other teachers positioned on top of the school
buildings bombarded students with water balloons.
While none of these activities seemed to be related to the specific
items that students would soon face on the benchmark exam, it was
obvious that teamwork and leadership were being developed. Students
relied on and supported one another as they traveled from one activity
to the next with a great deal of autonomy from their teachers and
responsibility for keeping up with all of their group members. In the
end, the purposes of Benchmark Madness were to have fun and to motivate
students in their battle to dominate standardized tests.
As KIPP Delta director Scott Shirey put it, the state benchmark
exam is the enemy that unites students and faculty: "If it
didn't exist, we would have to create it."
The Takeaways
Of course, these are just a few days in the life of these KIPP
schools. Typical times are more mundane. Even so, from what we have
seen, KIPP schools are successful high-poverty schools. Teachers and
kids have good days and bad days. Many kids have troubled home lives,
which make schooling more challenging and require that school staff be
flexible and accommodate changing student needs. The toughest times in
KIPP schools are when the schools are new and the Work Hard, Be Nice
culture is being established. Principals and teachers have to set up the
goals of the school dearly and gain student buy-in through constant
feedback, both positive and negative. Once basic safety and a
college-bound culture are established, KIPPsters and their teachers get
down to the daily tasks of teaching and learning. But they can also have
fun. There may be more opportunity for fun than at most schools, since
KIPP schools seem to have less bullying, no competition over clothes,
and students who share the goals of getting ahead academically and
helping their peers do the same.
Our extensive fieldwork shows that in contrast to the claims of
some KIPP backers, there is no magic. In contrast to the claims of KIPP
detractors, there is no ill treatment of children. There is lots of hard
work and hard play, led by teachers and administrators who, at most KIPP
schools, know every kid and every family. Traditional public schools can
copy nearly all of the KIPP playbook, if they wish to try. If doing so
establishes a culture of cooperation and academic success among
students, teachers, and parents, would that be such a bad thing?
Alexandra M. Boyd is doctoral academy fellow in the department of
education reform at the University of Arkansas, where Robert Maranto is
professor of education reform. Caleb Rose teaches in a dropout recovery
charter school in Little Rock.
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