Impact of Online Reading on Skills of Professionals.
Ashfaq, Hira ; Ansari, Munira Nasreen
Impact of Online Reading on Skills of Professionals.
The fast and speedy mean communication have revolutionized the
societies into information society where the generation of information
is tremendously high. Information accessing and information use is the
dominating factor. In this age, every work and every decision is based
on the information. Simultaneously Variety of forms and formats of
information are available. The huge amount of information is accessible
through the internet in digital form. Now readers can read any
information without any cost and without going anywhere. Coincidentally
it changes the reading practice and reading behavior of peoples.
According to Guthrie, Benneth & McGough (2007) "Reading is the
act of getting meaning from printed or written words, which is the basis
for learning and one of the most important skills in everyday life
Reading is a process of glancing the written words and symbols and
getting meaning from them. First we read something, second we looking at
the written symbols and finally, we use our brain to translate them into
words, sentences, and paragraph that communicate something to us. It is
the ability to interpret anything that is intended to convey or
communicate. Stallfter (1969) claimed that reading is a complicated
procedure. Readers read to get information from the printed pages. They
should be able to pronounce and comprehend the printed words, signs,
letters, and symbols by assigning meaning to them.
Reading is the mental process which requires concentration. On the
internet, so many things are available which distracted the attention of
readers. It is challenging for readers to focus on their required
information. However, Internet enhances the reading interest.
Furthermore, Karim, Hasan, and Shahriza (2006) determine that the
online format are most popular among younger because of availability of
increasing amount of information and entertainment.
Additionally, Liu (2005) also supports that the new reading
behaviors are influenced by the growth of online information available
and people spend more amount of time on online reading. It is an
imperative need to understand the reading phenomena for getting the
benefits of Reading.
Research Question
What is the impact of reading on different skills of professionals?
Relevant studies
Ajayi, Shorunke, and Aboyade (2014) studied the influence of the
use of electronic resources on reading culture and reading pattern of
the students of Adeleke University. The research discloses e-resources
influence reading culture. The most of the respondents answered, it
increases their reading habit; it makes reading further enjoyable and
enhanced their reading possibility and independent lifelong reading
skills. It also identified that poor internet facility is a key factor
hindering the use of electronic resources in the library.
Hooper and Herath (2014) identified the impact of the internet on
reading behavior and difference between online and offline reading. The
findings reveal respondent reading behavior changed due to online and
offline reading. Most people used online reading during the day and at
the work while offline reading used during the evening and at home.
Respondents prefer online reading for the information seeking and
commitments whereas prefer offline reading for the pleasure and detail
reading. Furthermore, availability of cross-references and hyperlinks on
the online reading encourage people to read more. Online reading has had
a negative impact on people cognition and concentration. Comprehension,
absorption, recall rates are low in online reading as compare to offline
Chauhan and Lal (2012) examined the impact of information
technology on reading habits of four college students in an H.P.
University. This research investigated that now reading habit has
changed from paper to online reading. Students read the news, e-mails,
sales information, movie review, fashion news, newspapers and magazines
through the internet.
Loan (2012) investigated the impact of internet surfing on reading
practices and choices of the net generation of students of degree
college of Kashmir. The result revealed that internet surfing has
altered the reading practices. Interactive reading and superficial
reading increased while sequential reading, concentrated reading, and
in-depth reading decreased. Additionally, reading of news, reviews,
general information, selected fields and the religious text has
increased through internet surfing while reading of literature has
Onovughe (2012) investigated the influence of interest use on
reading habit among students in tertiary institutions. The finding
revealed that 78.3% students enjoy reading generally and to a
comparative amount read web pages each day, they also spend most of
their time after school in watching television, VCD, playing computer
games. The finding also revealed that a good number (127) of respondents
use the internet for academic purpose, nevertheless 52% spend less than
two hours reading web pages each day. This can almost not impact heavily
on academic performance.
Verma and Malviya (2010) explored the impact of the internet and
digital media on reading habit. In this study, they compared the
traditional reading habits with reading habit in the electronic
environment. The findings of this comparative study showed the reading
habit of traditional library reader changed due to the electronic
environment and working culture. The shift in reading habit has been
caused by the internet. The internet provides easy access to information
without traveling and moving. It is a great source for sharing and
receiving a large amount of information. People no longer read long, but
may simply skim to find the important information or the information
that is most interesting to them. Now people want to get an opportunity
to read in an electronic manner. Moreover, people can read while
traveling or while moving around the world without going and staying in
the library.
Mokhtari, Reichard, Gardner (2009) studied the impact of internet
and television use on the reading habits and practices of college
students. This research examined the amount of time college students
spend on recreational and academic reading. The result revealed that
students used internet for using e-mail, chatting, instant messaging,
surfing the web, listing to music and conducting research. A majority of
the students indicated that they enjoyed internet more than recreational
and academic purposes reading or watching television.
Research Methodology
The study is conducted to investigate the skills develop by online
The purpose of this research is to identify the impact of the
internet on different skills. The qualitative approach is applied to get
the objective of the research.
A questionnaire is developed to fulfill the objectives of this
study. The questionnaire consists of three parts. The first part
consists of demographic questions e. g. name (optional), gender,
profession, and age. Second part investigated the impact of online
reading on different skills.
A pilot study was conducted to make certain the credibility of the
questionnaire. Three interviews were conducted for the pilot study and
minor changes were made.
The students and professionals of different fields are selected for
the study. They are teachers, doctors, researchers, bankers,
journalists, librarians, businessmen and students (Regular Students of
University of Karachi). All participants are the regular user of
internet and reader of online materials.
The sample size is 50 professionals and students. Participants
selected by purposive sample method. Purposive sampling is based on the
criteria, selected participants having a shared characteristic or set of
characteristics. This type of sampling can be very useful in situations
when you need to reach a targeted sample quickly, and where sampling for
proportionality is not the main concern" (Ashley, 2016). For this
study, the participants selected who read online for an average of >
12 hr or =12 hours per week.
Selection of participants
The distribution of participants according to different profession
University teachers 9
Researchers 8
Bankers 6
Businessman 4
Doctors 5
Librarians 5
Journalist 5
Students 8
Data Collection
The researcher sent consent form and got time for the interview.
The interviews were conducted for the data collection. These were
recorded on the smartphone and transcribed for analysis. Interview
conducted at respondent's workplace and their home. All
students'interviews conducted on the premises of the University of
Karachi. For conducting the interviews date and time priory fixed so
that without any interruption they gave an interview.
Data Analysis The questionnaire consists of two types of questions
open-ended and close-ended. Close-ended questions were analyzed by SPSS
statistics software whereas open- ended were analyzed by Grounded Theory
method. Interviews were transcribed. Various themes were discovered from
the transcribed data and these themes were encoded by open coding
According to Rubin and Babbie (2005) the open codes are suggested
by the researcher by examination and questioning of the data."
For the explanation of qualitative data respondents are coded as:
Professionals Codes
Banker Bk
Businessman Bm
Teacher Tch
Doctor Dr
Researcher Re
Journalist Jr
Librarian Lb
Student St
Respondent Demographics
According to Table 1 1l (22%) male and 39(78%), female are included
in the study. The age distribution shows the majority of the respondents
(48%) belong to age group of 23 to 27, whereas 22% fall the age group of
28-32. The age distribution of 18-22, 38-42, 33-37 and 8-42 are 12%, 8%
and 4% respectively. The last age group 43-onward are only 6%
Time Spend on Online Reading
As far as time spends on electronic reading table 4.4 show majority
48% respondents spend more than 2 hours on electronic reading. While 26%
identified they read 30 minutes to 1 hour and 1 to 2 hours on online
reading with the same ratio.
Online Reading Behavior
To find out the reading behavior three options were given. It was
multiple choices question. As table 4.5 identified, majority 46%
participants mentioned they direct read on the internet because internet
available in portable devices and they can access information anywhere.
44% respondents first download the information and then read on screen.
This screen can be the screen of any gadget or desktop computer screen.
They read through the screen because of the problems of electricity
failure and poor internet connections. 7% respondents pointed out that
they download and printout than read when they feel that this
information very important to them.
Internet Improve Independent Lifelong Learning Skills
Lifelong learning skills are the activities which need to learn
whole life. These activities improve knowledge and skills relevant to
profession and day to day activities. According to respondents internet
improves their lifelong learning skills because they can access and
retrieve any information through the internet. Doctors indicated that
online surgical videos enhanced their all-time learning skills. In
addition librarians, bankers, teachers, and students said, they can
easily learn and run new software without attending workshops and
consultation of teachers through online demos and tutorials. Hence these
are the important source for increasing learning skills. Furthermore,
Graphic representations of any topic and animations also improve
learning skills by exploring the topic.
Tch. 1 said, "I learned computer graphic with the help of
Educational websites and Google helps to learn independent lifelong
learning skills. The brief and concise information on any topic can be
getting through Google. It provides hyperlinks and related links about
the topic which helps to understand and comprehend the topic which helps
to develop the understanding of the topic. Moreover, it gives
information about the different subject through which respondents
understand about any subject, it must improve their lifelong learning
Tch. 8 identified "I take information about other field
subjects myself".
The Internet makes possible the access to the information without
going to the library. It provides books and other literature free of
cost. Printed materials take time to publish but the internet gives
access to the current, up to date and recent information. Teachers,
researchers, and doctors require the latest research, accessible
journals, current and up to date literature, information about social
changing and rapidly economic condition. The Internet provides all these
information and increases their independent lifelong learning skills.
Jr. 4 indicated "It makes possible to connect the further
Tch. 5 said, "Internet improves independent lifelong learning
skills when we know about tools, techniques, and resources to retrieve
the information from the online sources".
Different universities present online lectures to their students
which are available on different web browsers. Everyone can access these
lectures which are the great source of information and these lectures
explore the worldwide teaching method. Moreover, the variety of
information on internet clears the concepts and helps to understand
different topics.
St. 7 voiced "Online lectures and video build my concept about
the topic for the preparation of exam".
Tch. 5 pointed out "Online lectures enhanced my ability to
deliver the lectures".
Social media, blogs, views, and forums share the information about
their profession worldwide This information easily acquire and retrieve
that increased independent lifelong learning skill.
Almost all female respondents indicated that internet facilitates
them to make new recipes. Their cooking gets better. It also helps to
decorate their home.
Reading on Internet Improves Professional Skills
It was the open ended question. Mostly 88% respondents indicated
that reading on internet improves their professional skills.
Every profession has different professional skills. Teachers
indicated that when they read on the internet they get information about
teaching methodology across the world. Video lectures and information on
current research articles of the whole world improved their professional
The Internet presents multimedia type information i.e videos,
pictures, graphs and maps which help to explain the topics. These
various form of information help the history teachers to explain and
make understandable the topic. In this way, the teaching of history
A History teacher told. "Information available on my subject
field for example ancient history and civilization in the forms of
pictures, graphs, and maps, these help me to improve my teaching".
Researchers pointed out, internet-enhanced their research skills by
studying the research articles and their research methodology.
Re 2 "I can explain my research in a better way due to online
Online research articles and their scholarly language improve
researcher's language. It identified that online research articles
enhanced writing skills. Many articles on one topic provide a large
number of words and their synonyms through which they better their
scholarly writing.
Re.1 indicated "When I read writing of western writers on the
internet it improves my writing skills".
Librarians identified they learn to use different databases with
the help of online tutorials and demos. Also, know methods of getting
free of cost e-journals and e-books. They provide better services to its
users. By this way, their professional skills enhance.
Lb.3 voiced that "My professional skills increases through
internet because online tutorials and demos helps me to learn and run
new software."
Internet improves their communication skill by providing different
methods to communicate with administration and management persons,
moreover publishers and users.
Lb. 1 indicated "As a librarian I have to communicate with my
administration staff and publishers and through internet I can get
different formats and methods of correspondence ".
Variety of information on internet helps to do project works with
the help of available worldwide online projects. Additionally, online
Forums, blogs and educational networks enhance their skills. It gives
current and up to date information about their profession. It increases
their professional skills.
Lb. 2 "Online my professional forum enhanced my professional
skills because through it I can get current, up to date information
about my profession."
Reading on Internet Improves Language Skills
It was asked, is reading on internet improves your language skills?
two options Yes or No were given. The respondents who gave the answer
with yes, further an open-ended question asked, how internet improves
your language skills?
80% respondents' percept reading on internet improves their
language skills. Respondents indicated, the internet provides them
variety and a large amount of reading material and as a result of
reading they are able to express their knowledge and enhance language
Re. 6 replied, "We can beautify our language through the
internet because the internet provides us so many topics in every
Bk. Identified "Variety of online information helps us to
express my knowledge into words".
Tch. 5 indicated "When on internet large amount of information
I see and read again and again, automatically my language skills
Jur. 2 identified "I perceive and understand the language when
I see the variety of information on the internet".
Language websites played an important role in improved language
skills. On the internet, language improvement tests are available these
enhance grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary.
St. 4 said, "Websites provide us different grammar tests by
which our language skills enhanced".
Bm. 1 voiced "By links to links movement I can understand my
required topic".
On the other side, almost all doctors indicated that reading on
internet not improves their language skills. Unauthentic websites and
layman language destroy their language skills. Additionally, Social
media and websites used no proper vocabulary, grammar, sentences to
present their information. While teachers, students, and researchers
indicated, internet improves their English language skills because on
the internet mostly information are available in English language and
they can understand the English language. They get synonyms and acronyms
of any term easily.
Different search engines provide the translation facility. In
addition, the internet provides online translation software's which
can be installed easily. It makes easy the translation of any word,
sentence, and phrase.
Respondents indicated the internet facilitate translation service.
Moreover, research articles and other literary material available in
many languages and Google translator and other online software translate
this material into understandable language.
Re. 1 indicated "Online articles available in many languages
and through the internet, I Understand these articles by translation
service ".
Online Dictionaries
Online dictionaries are the dictionaries which available and
accessible through internet and web browser. Individuals can get access
to a number of ways: free, free with a paid subscription for extended or
more professional content, or a paid-only service.
Most respondents viewed that online dictionaries which available
and accessible by internet. It is the most useful tool for improves the
language skills. They can find different meanings, synonyms, and
acronyms, sentence, and phrase which are an obstacle to understanding
any language.
Jur.1 indicated "We can easily access of any difficult terms
through internet by getting its meanings, synonyms, and acronyms".
Lb. 1 identified "For the professional correspondence I use
internet for getting word synonyms".
Pronunciation is a way to speak any word or language. Respondents
pointed out that internet facilitate them to know the words, sentences,
and phrase pronunciation.
Most respondents identified that videos and documentaries which are
available on the internet that improved their pronunciation. Audiobooks
also enhanced the pronunciation. Online dictionaries also provide the
facility to pronounce any term with sound. Now they can search any new
term on the internet and can acquire their meaning, acronyms, synonyms
and their style of pronunciation.
Re. 6 pointed out "How to pronounce any term we learn it
through the internet".
Lb.1 indicated "Sound and videos increased language skills
Smarts phones have the capability to download any application. With
the advancement of technology and electronic devices, various
educational applications are launched on smarts phones. There are many
applications which help in enhance language skills like the app:
pronounce the text in any language.
St. 8 said that:
"I downloaded applications which convert my text into
Vocabularies are the set of words which individual stored in his
memory and use in writing and speaking. It has the importance in every
language. Everyone has a need to enhance their vocabularies for build up
the strong language.
Respondents indicated that online reading enhanced their
vocabulary. The availability of a large amount of information in which
range of vocabularies used, the respondent's vocabulary increase
and they learn the correct usage of words. Simultaneously their grammar
automatically improves by reading this material.
Tch. 5 pointed out "When we got a number of online articles so
automatically our vocabulary increase".
The study concludes internet has enhanced the skills of readers.
These skills are relevant to their profession, language, and lifelong
learning. Digital media shift the reading behavior. Majority of the
professionals direct read on the internet instead of download and take
printout. Hence availability and accessibility of information anywhere
through android phone make it possible to use information more and more
which improve their skills. Language skill is enhancing through
translation service, online dictionaries, pronunciation, and
vocabularies. The professionals of every field are increasing their
knowledge, skills and their professional expertise. They are giving
better performance through the use of information which is easily
available through the internet.
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Munira Nasreen Ansari
University of Karachi,
Hira Ashfaq
Librarian Fatima Jinnah Dental College and Hospital
Dr Munira Nasreen Ansari
Associate Professor Dept of Library and Information Science
University of Karachi
Table 1: Demographic Information
Demographic Parameters No. of Respondents Percentage
Gender Male 11 22%
Female 39 78%
Age Group 18-22 6 12%
23-27 24 48%
28-32 11 22%
33-37 4 8%
38-42 2 4%
43-onwards 3 6%
Table 2 Time Spend on Electronic Reading
Time spend on electronic Frequency Percentage (%)
30 min-1 hr 13 26
1-2 hrs 13 26
More than 2 hrs 24 48
Table 3 Behavior of Reading on Internet
Behavior of Reading on Frequency Percentage (%)
Direct read on internet (Screen 23 46
Download and read on screen 22 44
Download and printout than 7 14
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