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  • 标题:The 2016 annual update of the industry economic accounts initial statistics for the second quarter of 2016 revised statistics for 2013-2015 and the first quarter of 2016.
  • 作者:Barefoot, Kevin B. ; Jolliff, William A. ; Vogel, Vanessa M.
  • 期刊名称:Survey of Current Business
  • 印刷版ISSN:0039-6222
  • 出版年度:2016
  • 期号:December
  • 出版社:U.S. Government Printing Office
  • 摘要:ON NOVEMBER 3rd, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released estimates of real gross domestic product (GDP) by industry for the second quarter of 2016 and revised quarterly and annual estimates beginning with 2013. These estimates reflect newly available source data for the second quarter of 2016 as well as new and revised data for 2013 through the first quarter of 2016, which were incorporated as part of this year's annual update of the industry economic accounts (IEAs).

    The revisions to the statistics for 2013 through the first quarter of 2016 also reflect the results from the 2016 annual update of the national income and product accounts (NIPAs) and the 2016 annual update of BEA's international transactions accounts (ITAs). (1)

    The statistics show that economic growth in the second quarter was led by private-services producing industries; 15 of 22 major industry groups contributed to the overall 1.4 percent increase in real GDP. Eighty-four percent of this growth was accounted for by information and professional services, by transportation and warehousing, and by health care and social assistance, which together contributed 1.17 percentage points (chart 1).

    With the release of the 2016 annual update of the IEAs, estimates of real gross output and real intermediate inputs are now available for the first time, for both annual and quarterly IEA statistics. Annual statistics are available beginning with 1997. Quarterly statistics for the 22 major industry groups are available for the first quarter of 2005 forward.

The 2016 annual update of the industry economic accounts initial statistics for the second quarter of 2016 revised statistics for 2013-2015 and the first quarter of 2016.

Barefoot, Kevin B. ; Jolliff, William A. ; Vogel, Vanessa M. 等

The 2016 annual update of the industry economic accounts initial statistics for the second quarter of 2016 revised statistics for 2013-2015 and the first quarter of 2016.

ON NOVEMBER 3rd, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released estimates of real gross domestic product (GDP) by industry for the second quarter of 2016 and revised quarterly and annual estimates beginning with 2013. These estimates reflect newly available source data for the second quarter of 2016 as well as new and revised data for 2013 through the first quarter of 2016, which were incorporated as part of this year's annual update of the industry economic accounts (IEAs).

The revisions to the statistics for 2013 through the first quarter of 2016 also reflect the results from the 2016 annual update of the national income and product accounts (NIPAs) and the 2016 annual update of BEA's international transactions accounts (ITAs). (1)

The statistics show that economic growth in the second quarter was led by private-services producing industries; 15 of 22 major industry groups contributed to the overall 1.4 percent increase in real GDP. Eighty-four percent of this growth was accounted for by information and professional services, by transportation and warehousing, and by health care and social assistance, which together contributed 1.17 percentage points (chart 1).

With the release of the 2016 annual update of the IEAs, estimates of real gross output and real intermediate inputs are now available for the first time, for both annual and quarterly IEA statistics. Annual statistics are available beginning with 1997. Quarterly statistics for the 22 major industry groups are available for the first quarter of 2005 forward.

Real GDP increased 1.4 percent in the second quarter of 2016. Overall, 15 of 22 major industry groups contributed to real GDP growth.

Mining decreased 20.4 percent in the second quarter after decreasing 4.0 percent in the first quarter. The second-quarter decrease primarily reflected a 20.1 percent decrease in the oil and gas extraction industry.

Construction decreased 3.7 percent in the second quarter after increasing 7.1 percent in the first quarter. This was the first decrease after nine consecutive quarters of growth for this industry and the largest decrease since the first quarter of 2011.

Retail trade decreased 2.8 percent in the second quarter after decreasing 0.8 percent in the first quarter. The second-quarter decrease primarily reflected the decrease in general merchandise stores.

Transportation and warehousing, the leading contributor to real GDP growth, increased 14.0 percent in the second quarter after decreasing 6.7 percent in the first quarter. The second-quarter increase reflected a 51.7 percent increase in air transportation and a 16.5 percent increase in truck transportation.

Professional, scientific, and technical services increased 3.7 percent in the second quarter. This growth stemmed from an increase in miscellaneous professional, scientific, and technical services, which includes industries such as architectural and engineering services, scientific research and development services, and management consulting services.

Health care and social assistance, the second leading contributor to real GDP growth, increased 4.7 percent in the second quarter after decreasing 1.6 percent in the first quarter. The second-quarter growth reflected an increase in ambulatory health care services, which increased 5.7 percent after increasing 4.1 percent, and an increase in hospitals, which increased 7.0 percent after decreasing 6.6 percent.

Private goods-producing industries decreased 1.6 percent in the second quarter after increasing 1.9 percent in the first quarter.

Private services-producing industries increased 2.0 percent in the second quarter after increasing 0.7 percent in the first quarter.

U.S. economic growth accelerated in the second quarter, increasing 1.4 percent after increasing 0.8 percent in the first quarter. Overall, 15 of 22 major industry groups contributed to the acceleration in economic activity.

Construction turned down in the second quarter, subtracting 0.16 percentage point from real GDP growth after contributing 0.29 percentage point in the first quarter.

Wholesale trade turned up in the second quarter, contributing 0.06 percentage point to real GDP growth after subtracting 0.27 percentage point in the first quarter.

Transportation and warehousing contributed 0.40 percentage point to real GDP growth in the second quarter after subtracting 0.21 percentage point in the first quarter. This industry group was the largest contributor to the acceleration in real GDP growth, primarily reflecting upturns in air transportation and truck transportation.

Finance and insurance turned down in the second quarter, subtracting 0.01 percentage point from real GDP growth after contributing 0.62 percentage point in the first quarter. The second-quarter downturn was primarily led by Federal Reserve banks, credit intermediation, and related activities.

Management of companies and enterprises turned up in the second quarter, contributing 0.14 percentage point to real GDP growth after subtracting 0.12 percentage point in the first quarter.

Health care and social assistance turned up in the second quarter, contributing 0.34 percentage point to real GDP growth after subtracting 0.12 percentage point in the first quarter. This upturn primarily reflected the upturn in hospitals, which contributed 0.16 percentage point after subtracting 0.16 percentage point in the first quarter.

Annual updates are conducted to maintain the accuracy and relevance of BEA accounts, incorporating source data that are more complete and reliable than those previously available. Typically, annual updates affect the three most recent years of previously published estimates. This year's annual update features revised annual and quarterly estimates for 2013 through the first quarter of 2016. As is usual for the annual IEA revisions, the incorporation of more complete and revised source data and the results of the 2016 annual update of the NIPAs and the ITAs were the primary drivers of the revisions. Overall, the revised statistics continue to support the picture of the ongoing economic recovery observed in the previously published estimates.

Improvements incorporated during this annual update include the incorporation of new and revised source data, the incorporation of the 2016 annual update of the NIPAs, and the expansion of industry detail for annual and quarterly statistics.

Source data

This year's annual update incorporates the latest Census Bureau service annual survey (SAS) tabulations, which revised statistics for 2013 and 2014. In addition, newly available data for 2015 from the SAS replaced estimates based on the Census Bureau's quarterly services survey (QSS) data. Similarly, revised and newly available data from the Department of Treasury's Statistics of Income (SOI) Division led to revisions to underlying components of the current-dollar estimates of value added by industry, including corporate profits, nonfarm proprietors' income, and net interest for 2013 and 2014.

Additional improvements reflected in this annual update include the following:

* Revised Census Bureau construction spending data for nonresidential, residential, and public construction (1)

* More detailed refinery production data from the Energy Information Administration for the petroleum and coal products industry

* Newly available Census Bureau data from the 2014 Annual Survey of Manufactures, the 2014 Annual Retail Trade Survey, and the 2014 Annual Wholesale Trade Survey

The 2016 annual update of the NIPAs

The IEAs are a consistent time series that are fully integrated with the NIPAs, thus the results of the 2016 annual update of the NIPAs directly affects the industry statistics. (2) The most significant revisions for 2013 through the first quarter of 2016 resulted from the incorporation of revised and newly available source data into the NIPA estimates of personal consumption expenditures (PCE), corporate profits, proprietors' income, and net interest. Additionally, estimates of PCE and corporate profits were further revised to reflect ongoing improvements to the NIPA seasonal adjustment process. (3)

Expansion of published industry statistics

With this annual update, real gross output and real intermediate input statistics are available for the first time. Annual statistics are available beginning with 1997. Quarterly statistics for the 22 industry sectors are available beginning with the first quarter of 2005. Quarterly statistics for 71 industries are available as part of the underlying detail for the IEAs beginning with the first quarter of 2012. (4) This expansion of published industry statistics provides opportunities for more in-depth analyses of economic trends.

The percent change in real GDP growth for the first quarter of 2016 was revised down 0.3 percentage point to 0.8 percent from the previously published 1.1 percent. This revision reflected downward revisions to both private goods-producing industries and services-producing industries. The direction of growth in real value added was revised in 6 of 22 major industry groups.

* The downward revision to real value added in health care and social assistance was the leading driver to the downward revision in real GDP; growth in this industry was revised down to -1.6 percent from 3.8 percent.

* Retail trade was the second leading driver to the downward revision to real value added. Growth in this industry was revised down to -0.8 percent from 4.8 percent.

* Durable-goods manufacturing drove the downward revision within private goods-producing industries.

This industry's growth was revised down to -2.6 percent from -0.6 percent.

Quarterly statistics for 2013 through 2015 were benchmarked to the corresponding annual estimates. Revisions to the statistics for these quarters typically follow the revisions to the annual data. Updated quarterly source data and revised seasonal factors also contributed to revisions to the quarterly estimates. Table 3 presents revisions to annual percent changes in real value added by industry group.


Real growth in GDP was revised up 0.2 percentage point to 2.6 percent in 2015. Growth in the private services-producing industries led the increase; growth was revised up to 2.9 percent from the previously published increase of 2.7 percent. Growth in private goods-producing producing industries led the increase; growth was revised up to 2.9 percent from the previously published increase of 2.7 percent. Growth in private goods-producing industries was revised down to 2.6 percent from 3.1 percent. Government was revised up 0.7 percentage point to 0.4 percent, largely reflecting an upward revision to state and local government. The direction of growth was unchanged in 19 of 22 major industry groups.

* The revision to health care and social assistance drove the upward revision to real value added. Growth in this industry was revised up to 4.5 percent from 3.4 percent. This revision reflected the incorporation of new Census Bureau service annual survey data for 2015. The increase in health care and social assistance marks the largest increase since 2008.

* The downward revision in private goods-producing industries was driven by the farm industry, which is in the agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting sector. These revisions reflect the incorporation of U.S. Department of Agriculture forecasts for 2015.


Real GDP growth in 2014 was an unrevised 2.4 percent. Private services-producing industries led the growth in real GDP with a revised growth rate of 2.7 percent. The upward revision in private services-producing industries was offset by the downward revision in private goods-producing industries. The direction of growth was unchanged in 20 of 22 major industry groups.

* Finance and insurance was the leading contributor to the upward revision in private services-producing industries. This industry was revised up to 5.1 percent from 2.3 percent as a result of the incorporation of newly available data from the Statistics of Income (SOI).

* Nondurable-goods manufacturing was the leading contributor to the downward revision in private goods-producing industries. Growth in this industry was revised down to 0.2 percent from the previously published 1.6 percent.


Real GDP was revised up to 1.7 percent from the previously published 1.5 percent, reflecting upward revisions in both private goods-producing industries and private services-producing industries. Private goods-producing industries was revised up to 3.6 percent from the previously published 3.1 percent. Private services-producing industries was revised up to 1.3 percent from 1.1 percent. The direction of growth was revised in only 1 of the 22 major industry groups.

* Professional, scientific, and technical services was revised up to 0.1 percent from the previously published -0.9 percent. The leading contributor within this group was miscellaneous professional, scientific, and technical services, which was revised up 1.2 percentage points to 0.9 percent.

* Real estate and rental and leasing was the leading contributor to the upward revision in real GDP growth, primarily reflecting an upward revision to other real estate, which reflected the incorporation of newly available SOI data.

* Finance and insurance was the leading offsetting industry to the upward revision to real GDP. Growth in this industry was revised down to -4.5 percent from -3.3 percent. The leading contributor to the downward revision was Federal Reserve banks, credit intermediation, and related activities, which was revised down 2.9 percentage points to -8.3 percent as a result of incorporating newly available SOI data.

* Mining and nondurable-goods manufacturing drove the upward revision to private-goods producing industries. Mining was revised up to 6.7 percent from the previously published 4.7 percent.

By Kevin B. Barefoot, William A. Jolliff, and Vanessa M. Vogel

(1.) For more information, see Stephanie H. McCulla and Shelly Smith, "The 2016 Annual Update of the National Income and Product Accounts" SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS 96 (August 2016) and C. Omar Kebbeh and Eric Bryda, "Annual Revision of the U.S. International Transactions Accounts" SURVEY 96 (July 2016).

(1.) The updated data include corrections issued by the Census Bureau to monthly estimates of private residential improvements for January 2005 through October 2015 as part of its November 2015 construction spending release. BEA will incorporate the corrected data for the years before 2013 with the release of the 2018 comprehensive update.

(2.) See Erich H. Strassner and David B. Wasshausen, "Preview of the 2013 Comprehensive Revision of the Industry Economic Accounts: Statistical Changes" SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS 93 (June 2013).

(3.) For more information, see the box "Update on BEA's Work to Enhance Its Approach to Seasonal Adjustment," in McCulla and Smith, 4.

(4.) BEA plans to carry this expanded publication of the quarterly statistics back to the first quarter of 2005 (the beginning of the quarterly GDP by industry time series) with the release of IEA's 2018 comprehensive update.


Erich H. Strassner, Associate Director for Industry Economic Accounts, Thomas F. Howells III, Chief of the Industry Analysis Division (IAD), and David B. Wasshausen, former Chief of the Industry Sector Division (ISD), super-accommovised the preparation of the estimates. Amanda S. Lyndaker, Chief of the Input-Output Statistics Branch, managed the economic information systems used to produce and review the statistics. William A. Jolliff, Chief of the Goods and International Trade Branch, Paul V. Kern, Chief of the Information, Business Services, and Travel and Tourism Satellite Accounts Branch, Edward T. Morgan, Chief of the Professional and Distributive Services Branch, and Patricia A. Washington, Chief of the Personal Services and Government Branch, provided guidance and contributed to the preparation of the industry statistics and analysis. Jeffrey A. Young and Jennifer Lee provided valuable assistance in the review and coordination of these statistics. Kali K. Kong, Special Assistant to the Associate Director, Maxine V. Tiggle, and Patricia A. Wilkinson provided administrative and program assistance.

The following staff also contributed to the preparation of the statistics:

Agriculture, mining, manufacturing, international trade, and inventories: Kevin B. Barefoot (program manager), Justin M. Harper (program manager), David M. Curtis, Olivia M. Frank, Patrick Georgi, Cailyn M. Kreitz, Peter D. Kuhbach, Matthew Y. Park, Ethan Schein, and Blaire Thomson.

Construction: Jeffrey A. Young (section chief) and Chelsea K. Nelson.

Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing: Sarah B. Osborne (program manager), Seth D. Markowitz, Luke M. Mendelsohn, and Jamie Williams.

Health care; arts, entertainment and recreation; accommodation and food services: Daniel W. Jackson (program manager), Aaron J. Baker, Alexander M. Eisenmann, and Taylor M. Grant.

Information, business, and management services: Mariapia E. Carbajal, Robert Omohundro, Andres F. Orozco, and Mandy C. Roberts.

Other services, education, and government services: Brian M. Lindberg (program manager), Darlene C. Robinson-Smith, and Linda Y. Wong.

Professional services and value added: Jennifer Lee (section chief), Richard Cao, Nikki Dubria, Teresa L. Gilmore, and Cyril P. McNeill.

Retail and utilities: Ricky L. Stewart (program manager) and Vanessa M. Vogel.

Wholesale, transportation, and warehousing: William H. Nicolls IV (program manager), Louis E. Feagans, and Marina Kotzavekiaris.

Economic Information Systems: Jeffrey A. Young (section chief), Matthew E. Calby (program manager), Kristie L. Flaherty, Gabriel W. Medeiros, Eugene N. Njinkeu, Nilay Patel, and Phillip J. Sporrer.

In addition, the Industry Economic Accounts Directorate expresses gratitude and appreciation for the contributions of staff from the National Economic Accounts Directorate and the International Economic Accounts Directorate.

Data Availability and Methodology

Data availability. The full time series of industry statistics are available interactively on BEA's Web site. The GDP by industry section includes real, current-dollar, and price data for value added, gross output, intermediate inputs, and KLEMS statistics as well as access to the underlying detail tables. The input-output section includes an annual time series of make and use tables--both before and after redefinitions--as well as direct and total requirements tables. The 2007 bench-mark input-output account is also available.

Methodology. For information on the methodology for preparing the annual statistics, see Donald D. Kim, Erich H. Strassner, and David B. Wasshausen, "Industry Economic Accounts: Results of the Comprehensive Revision and Revised Statistics for 1997-2012," SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS 94 (February 2014).

For information on the methodology for preparing the quarterly statistics, see Erich H. Strassner and David B. Wasshausen, "New Quarterly Gross Domestic Product by Industry Statistics," SURVEY 94 (May 2014).

The Latest Snapshot of U.S. Producers

Table 1. Percent Changes in Real Value Added by Industry Group
[Seasonally adjusted at annual rates]

                                             I      II     III   IV

     Gross domestic product                    2.0    2.6   2.0    0.9
Private industries                             2.4    2.3   2.0    1.2
  Agriculture, forestry, fishing,
  and hunting                                 -5.7   -2.0  25.9    3.5
  Mining                                       5.1  -17.9  -6.8  -19.5
  Utilities                                  -23.8   20.5   6.0   -3.5
  Construction                                 1.6   12.7   5.6    4.8
  Manufacturing                                6.2   -2.6   0.7   -2.5
   Durable goods                              -1.1   -0.1  -1.8    1.2
   Nondurable goods                           15.5   -5.5   3.7   -6.6
  Wholesale trade                              0.1    3.7  -1.8    2.4
  Retail trade                                 1.7    9.4   2.9    6.9
  Transportation and warehousing              -9.5    4.5   5.0   -1.9
  Information                                 13.8    9.9   4.6   12.3
  Finance, insurance, real estate,
  rental, and leasing                          3.4   -1.6   0.1   -2.6
    Finance and insurance                      2.6   -6.3  -2.8   -7.6
    Real estate and rental and leasing         3.8    1.1   1.7    0.2
  Professional and business services           3.6    3.6   3.3    2.8
    Professional, scientific,
    and technical services                     5.8    4.8   2.6    3.3
    Management of companies and enterprises   -1.4   -0.3   4.0    1.3
    Administrative and waste
    management services                        1.9    3.1   4.5    2.6
  Educational services, health care,
  and social assistance                        2.9    4.4   4.0    5.3
    Educational services                       0.1   -0.8   1.5    1.4
    Health care and social assistance          3.4    5.3   4.4    6.0
  Arts, entertainment, recreation,
  accommodation, and food services             0.0    4.0   2.0    4.8
    Arts, entertainment, and recreation       -0.1    3.2   2.3    7.8
    Accommodation and food services            0.0    4.3   1.9    3.8
  Other services, except government           -1.0    3.0  -0.2    3.6
Government                                    -0.2    1.2   1.1   -0.3
 Federal                                       0.3   -0.7  -0.5   -0.9
 State and local                              -0.5    2.1   1.9    0.0
  Private goods-producing industries (1)       4.0   -1.5   2.0   -2.3
  Private services-producing industries (2)    1.9    3.4   2.0    2.2

                                             I     II

     Gross domestic product                   0.8    1.4
Private industries                            0.9    1.2
  Agriculture, forestry, fishing,
  and hunting                                 6.2    8.8
  Mining                                     -4.0  -20.4
  Utilities                                   3.2    7.0
  Construction                                7.1   -3.7
  Manufacturing                               0.5    0.8
   Durable goods                             -2.6    0.3
   Nondurable goods                           4.4    1.3
  Wholesale trade                            -4.3    1.0
  Retail trade                               -0.8   -2.8
  Transportation and warehousing             -6.7   14.0
  Information                                 7.6   -0.2
  Finance, insurance, real estate,
  rental, and leasing                         4.2    1.0
    Finance and insurance                     9.2   -0.1
    Real estate and rental and leasing        1.7    1.6
  Professional and business services          0.4    3.6
    Professional, scientific,
    and technical services                    3.4    3.7
    Management of companies and enterprises  -6.1    7.3
    Administrative and waste
    management services                      -2.1    1.1
  Educational services, health care,
  and social assistance                      -2.0    3.6
    Educational services                     -4.2   -3.1
    Health care and social assistance        -1.6    4.7
  Arts, entertainment, recreation,
  accommodation, and food services           -3.6    0.2
    Arts, entertainment, and recreation      -2.2   -0.2
    Accommodation and food services          -4.1    0.4
  Other services, except government           0.7    0.8
Government                                    0.2    0.8
 Federal                                     -0.2    1.1
 State and local                              0.4    0.6
  Private goods-producing industries (1)      1.9   -1.6
  Private services-producing industries (2)   0.7    2.0

(1.) Consists of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; mining;
construction; and manufacturing.
(2.) Consists of utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade;
transportation and warehousing; information; finance, insurance, real
estate, rental, and leasing; professional and business services;
educational services, health care, and social assistance; arts,
entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services; and other
services, except government.

The Latest Snapshot of U.S. Producers

Table 2. Contributions to Percent Change in Real GDP by Industry Group
[Percentage points, seasonally adjusted at annual rates]

                                             I      II     III    IV

     Gross domestic product (1)               2.0    2.6    2.0    0.9
Private industries                            2.08   2.01   1.71   1.04
  Agriculture, forestry, fishing,
  and hunting                                -0.06  -0.02   0.23   0.03
  Mining                                      0.12  -0.39  -0.13  -0.35
  Utilities                                  -0.44   0.30   0.09  -0.06
  Construction                                0.06   0.48   0.22   0.19
  Manufacturing                               0.71  -0.33   0.07  -0.30
   Durable goods                             -0.08  -0.01  -0.12   0.08
   Nondurable goods                           0.79  -0.32   0.19  -0.38
  Wholesale trade                             0.01   0.22  -0.11   0.14
  Retail trade                                0.09   0.52   0.17   0.39
  Transportation and warehousing             -0.30   0.13   0.15  -0.06
  Information                                 0.58   0.43   0.21   0.55
  Finance, insurance, real estate,
  rental, and leasing                         0.67  -0.32   0.02  -0.53
    Finance and insurance                     0.18  -0.47  -0.20  -0.56
    Real estate and rental and leasing        0.49   0.15   0.22   0.03
  Professional and business services          0.42   0.42   0.39   0.34
    Professional, scientific,
    and technical services                    0.39   0.34   0.18   0.23
    Management of companies and enterprises  -0.03  -0.01   0.08   0.03
    Administrative and waste
    management services                       0.06   0.09   0.13   0.08
  Educational services, health care,
  and social assistance                       0.23   0.36   0.33   0.44
    Educational services                      0.00  -0.01   0.02   0.02
    Health care and social assistance         0.23   0.37   0.31   0.42
  Arts, entertainment, recreation,
  accommodation, and food services            0.00   0.15   0.08   0.19
    Arts, entertainment, and recreation       0.00   0.03   0.02   0.08
    Accommodation and food services           0.00   0.12   0.05   0.11
  Other services, except government          -0.02   0.07   0.00   0.08
Government                                   -0.04   0.16   0.15  -0.04
 Federal                                      0.01  -0.03  -0.02  -0.04
 State and local                             -0.05   0.18   0.17   0.00
  Private goods-producing industries (2)      0.83  -0.26   0.39  -0.43
  Private services-producing industries (3)   1.24   2.28   1.32   1.48

                                             I      II

     Gross domestic product (1)               0.8    1.4
Private industries                            0.82   1.06
  Agriculture, forestry, fishing,
  and hunting                                 0.06   0.08
  Mining                                     -0.05  -0.31
  Utilities                                   0.05   0.10
  Construction                                0.29  -0.16
  Manufacturing                               0.06   0.09
   Durable goods                             -0.17   0.02
   Nondurable goods                           0.23   0.07
  Wholesale trade                            -0.27   0.06
  Retail trade                               -0.05  -0.17
  Transportation and warehousing             -0.21   0.40
  Information                                 0.35  -0.01
  Finance, insurance, real estate,
  rental, and leasing                         0.84   0.20
    Finance and insurance                     0.62  -0.01
    Real estate and rental and leasing        0.22   0.21
  Professional and business services          0.06   0.44
    Professional, scientific,
    and technical services                    0.25   0.26
    Management of companies and enterprises  -0.12   0.14
    Administrative and waste
    management services                      -0.07   0.04
  Educational services, health care,
  and social assistance                      -0.17   0.30
    Educational services                     -0.05  -0.03
    Health care and social assistance        -0.12   0.34
  Arts, entertainment, recreation,
  accommodation, and food services           -0.15   0.01
    Arts, entertainment, and recreation      -0.02   0.00
    Accommodation and food services          -0.12   0.01
  Other services, except government           0.02   0.02
Government                                    0.03   0.10
 Federal                                     -0.01   0.05
 State and local                              0.03   0.06
  Private goods-producing industries (2)      0.35  -0.30
  Private services-producing industries (3)   0.47   1.36

GDP Gross domestic product
(1.) The estimates of gross domestic product under the contributions
columns are percent changes.
(2.) Consists of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; mining;
construction; and manufacturing.
(3.) Consists of utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade;
transportation and warehousing; information; finance, insurance, real
estate, rental, and leasing; professional and business services;
educational services, health care, and social assistance; arts,
entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services; and other
services, except government.
NOTE. Percentage-point contributions do not sum to the percent change
in real gross domestic product because the industry details are
calculated using source data and methodologies that differ from those
used to calculate growth in the top-line, expenditure-based measure of
real GDP.

Table 3. Revisions to Percent Change in Real Value Added by Industry

Line                                                       2013
                                                  Revised  Published

 1        Gross domestic product                   1.7      1.5
 2    Private industries                           1.8      1.6
 3      Agriculture, forestry,
        fishing, and hunting                      17.0     18.5
 4      Mining                                     6.7      4.7
 5      Utilities                                 -0.8     -0.4
 6      Construction                               2.8      2.6
 7      Manufacturing                              2.0      1.5
 8       Durable goods                             1.2      0.9
 9       Nondurable goods                          2.8      2.2
10      Wholesale trade                            3.2      3.2
11      Retail trade                               2.9      2.7
12    Transportation and warehousing               1.1      0.5
13    Information                                  6.5      6.8
14    Finance, insurance, real estate,
      rental, and leasing                         -0.7     -0.8
15      Finance and insurance                     -4.5     -3.3
16      Real estate and rental and leasing         1.5      0.6
17     Professional and business services          1.3      0.6
18       Professional, scientific,
         and technical services                    0.1     -0.9
19       Management of companies
         and enterprises                           5.3      5.1
20       Administrative and waste
         management services                       1.6      1.4
21     Educational services, health
       care, and social assistance                 1.3      1.4
22      Educational services                      -2.1     -2.0
23      Health care and social assistance          1.8      2.0
24     Arts, entertainment, recreation,
       accommodation, and food services            2.4      2.2
25       Arts, entertainment, and recreation       3.0      3.0
26       Accommodation and food services           2.2      1.9
27     Other services, except government          -0.8     -0.6
28    Government                                  -0.8     -0.8
29     Federal                                    -2.4     -2.4
30     State and local                             0.0      0.0
31     Private goods-producing industries (1)      3.6      3.1
32     Private services-producing industries (2)   1.3      1.1
33     Information-communications-technology
       -producing industries (3)                   7.0      6.1


                                                  Revision  Revised

 1        Gross domestic product                   0.2       2.4
 2    Private industries                           0.2       2.6
 3      Agriculture, forestry,
        fishing, and hunting                      -1.5      -0.6
 4      Mining                                     2.0      10.0
 5      Utilities                                 -0.4      -2.2
 6      Construction                               0.2       1.7
 7      Manufacturing                              0.5       1.0
 8       Durable goods                             0.3       1.7
 9       Nondurable goods                          0.6       0.2
10      Wholesale trade                            0.0       3.8
11      Retail trade                               0.2       2.8
12    Transportation and warehousing               0.6       1.2
13    Information                                 -0.3       0.2
14    Finance, insurance, real estate,
      rental, and leasing                          0.1       3.1
15      Finance and insurance                     -1.2       5.1
16      Real estate and rental and leasing         0.9       2.0
17     Professional and business services          0.7       4.0
18       Professional, scientific,
         and technical services                    1.0       3.3
19       Management of companies
         and enterprises                           0.2       7.5
20       Administrative and waste
         management services                       0.2       3.5
21     Educational services, health
       care, and social assistance                -0.1       1.9
22      Educational services                      -0.1       2.1
23      Health care and social assistance         -0.2       1.9
24     Arts, entertainment, recreation,
       accommodation, and food services            0.2       2.7
25       Arts, entertainment, and recreation       0.0       3.6
26       Accommodation and food services           0.3       2.4
27     Other services, except government          -0.2       2.1
28    Government                                   0.0      -0.3
29     Federal                                     0.0      -0.8
30     State and local                             0.0       0.0
31     Private goods-producing industries (1)      0.5       2.2
32     Private services-producing industries (2)   0.2       2.7
33     Information-communications-technology
       -producing industries (3)                   0.9       2.5

Line                                              2014
                                                  Published   Revision

 1        Gross domestic product                   2.4         0.0
 2    Private industries                           2.5         0.1
 3      Agriculture, forestry,
        fishing, and hunting                       2.6        -3.2
 4      Mining                                     7.0         3.0
 5      Utilities                                 -4.0         1.8
 6      Construction                               0.9         0.8
 7      Manufacturing                              1.6        -0.6
 8       Durable goods                             1.6         0.1
 9       Nondurable goods                          1.6        -1.4
10      Wholesale trade                            3.3         0.5
11      Retail trade                               1.8         1.0
12    Transportation and warehousing               0.8         0.4
13    Information                                  3.9        -3.7
14    Finance, insurance, real estate,
      rental, and leasing                          2.3         0.8
15      Finance and insurance                      2.3         2.8
16      Real estate and rental and leasing         2.4        -0.4
17     Professional and business services          4.2        -0.2
18       Professional, scientific,
         and technical services                    3.3         0.0
19       Management of companies
         and enterprises                           6.9         0.6
20       Administrative and waste
         management services                       4.3        -0.8
21     Educational services, health
       care, and social assistance                 2.1        -0.2
22      Educational services                       1.9         0.2
23      Health care and social assistance          2.2        -0.3
24     Arts, entertainment, recreation,
       accommodation, and food services            3.0        -0.3
25       Arts, entertainment, and recreation       3.0         0.6
26       Accommodation and food services           3.0        -0.6
27     Other services, except government           2.5        -0.4
28    Government                                  -0.2        -0.1
29     Federal                                    -0.9         0.1
30     State and local                             0.2        -0.2
31     Private goods-producing industries (1)      2.3        -0.1
32     Private services-producing industries (2)   2.6         0.1
33     Information-communications-technology
       -producing industries (3)                   5.0        -2.5

Line                                                       2015
                                                  Revised  Published

 1        Gross domestic product                   2.6      2.4
 2    Private industries                           2.8      2.8
 3      Agriculture, forestry,
        fishing, and hunting                       2.4      8.9
 4      Mining                                     4.2      5.1
 5      Utilities                                 -1.5     -5.2
 6      Construction                               4.9      5.0
 7      Manufacturing                              1.5      1.3
 8       Durable goods                             0.9      0.9
 9       Nondurable goods                          2.3      1.8
10      Wholesale trade                            3.0      2.9
11      Retail trade                               3.7      3.6
12    Transportation and warehousing              -1.0     -2.1
13    Information                                  7.5      6.3
14    Finance, insurance, real estate,
      rental, and leasing                          1.5      1.8
15      Finance and insurance                     -0.3      1.4
16      Real estate and rental and leasing         2.5      2.0
17     Professional and business services          4.3      4.8
18       Professional, scientific,
         and technical services                    5.1      5.0
19       Management of companies
         and enterprises                           2.4      5.2
20       Administrative and waste
         management services                       3.5      4.0
21     Educational services, health
       care, and social assistance                 3.9      2.9
22      Educational services                       0.2     -0.1
23      Health care and social assistance          4.5      3.4
24     Arts, entertainment, recreation,
       accommodation, and food services            2.8      1.8
25       Arts, entertainment, and recreation       3.5      2.8
26       Accommodation and food services           2.6      1.4
27     Other services, except government           1.7      1.3
28    Government                                   0.4     -0.3
29     Federal                                    -0.6     -0.7
30     State and local                             0.9     -0.2
31     Private goods-producing industries (1)      2.6      3.1
32     Private services-producing industries (2)   2.9      2.7
33     Information-communications-technology
       -producing industries (3)                   8.0



 1        Gross domestic product                   0.2
 2    Private industries                           0.0
 3      Agriculture, forestry,
        fishing, and hunting                      -6.5
 4      Mining                                    -0.9
 5      Utilities                                  3.7
 6      Construction                              -0.1
 7      Manufacturing                              0.2
 8       Durable goods                             0.0
 9       Nondurable goods                          0.5
10      Wholesale trade                            0.1
11      Retail trade                               0.1
12    Transportation and warehousing               1.1
13    Information                                  1.2
14    Finance, insurance, real estate,
      rental, and leasing                         -0.3
15      Finance and insurance                     -1.7
16      Real estate and rental and leasing         0.5
17     Professional and business services         -0.5
18       Professional, scientific,
         and technical services                    0.1
19       Management of companies
         and enterprises                          -2.8
20       Administrative and waste
         management services                      -0.5
21     Educational services, health
       care, and social assistance                 1.0
22      Educational services                       0.3
23      Health care and social assistance          1.1
24     Arts, entertainment, recreation,
       accommodation, and food services            1.0
25       Arts, entertainment, and recreation       0.7
26       Accommodation and food services           1.2
27     Other services, except government           0.4
28    Government                                   0.7
29     Federal                                     0.1
30     State and local                             1.1
31     Private goods-producing industries (1)     -0.5
32     Private services-producing industries (2)   0.2
33     Information-communications-technology
       -producing industries (3)

(1.) Consists of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; mining;
construction; and manufacturing.
(2.) Consists of utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade;
transportation and warehousing; information; finance, insurance, real
estate, rental, and leasing; professional and business services;
educational services, health care, and social assistance; arts,
entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services; and other
services, except government.
(3.) Consists of computer and electronic product manufacturing
(excluding navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control
instruments manufacturing); software publishers; broadcasting and
telecommunications; data processing, hosting and related services;
Internet publishing and broadcasting and Web search portals; and
computer systems design and related services.

Principal Sources of Data for the Annual Statistics

Table A. Principal Sources of Data for Annual Industry and Commodity
Output and Prices

Industry and               Source data for current-dollar
commodity                  statistics

Agriculture, forestry,     Farm output from the Bureau
fishing, and hunting       of Economic Analysis (BEA)
Farms                      national income and product
                           accounts (NIPAs) based on U.S.
                           Department of Agriculture
                           (USDA) data.
Forestry, fishing,         For forestry, NIPA farm output;
and related activities     for logging and forestry
                           upport activities, Census
                           Bureau annual survey of
                           manufactures (ASM), Census
                           Bureau manufacturers shipments,
                           inventories, and orders survey
                           (M3) data; for fishing,
                           hunting and trapping, commercial
                           landings data from the National
                           Oceanic and Atmospheric
Oil and gas                Energy Information Administration
extraction                 (EIA) data on quantities produced
                           and prices.
Mining, except oil         For coal mining, EIA U.S. Coal
and gas                    Supply and Demand in Review; for
                           uranium, EIA Uranium Marketing
                           Annual Report; for all other,
                           U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
                           Mineral Commodity Summaries.
Support activities         For mining exploration, trade
for mining                 source data on drilling costs
                           and footage drilled; all other
                           support activities, USGS Mineral
                           Commodity Summaries.
Utilities                  For electric power generation and
                           supply, EIA forms 861 and 826; for
                           natural gas distribution, EIA form
                           176 and Natural Gas Monthly; for
                           water, sewage and other systems,
                           Census Bureau service annual
                           survey (SAS).
Construction               Census Bureau construction
Residential                spending (value-put-in-place)

Nonresidential             Census Bureau construction
                           spending (value-put-in-place)
                           survey, U.S. Department of
                           Defense (DOD) expenditures,
                           USDA expenditures, and BLS
                           occupational employment
Manufacturing              Census Bureau M3 shipments and
                           inventories data, ASM data,
                           nonemployer survey data, and
                           EIA production data and BLS PPI.
Wholesale trade            Census Bureau monthly wholesale
                           trade survey and annual
                           wholesale trade survey data.
Retail trade               Census Bureau monthly retail trade
                           survey and annual retail trade
                           survey (ARTS) data.
Transportation and         Bureau of Transportation
warehousing Air            Statistics (BTS) Air Carrier
transportation             Financial Statistics (ACFS) and
                           U.S. Air Carrier Traffic
                           Statistics (ACTS) and BEA foreign
                           trade statistics.
Rail transportation        For rail passenger, Amtrak Annual
                           Report; for rail freight,
                           Department of Transportation (DOT)
                           Surface Transportation Board
                           (STB) selected earnings data.
Water transportation       Census Bureau SAS data.

Truck transportation       Census Bureau SAS data.
Transit and ground         Census Bureau SAS data and PCE
pas- senger                for ground passenger
Pipeline transportation    Census Bureau SAS data.
Other transportation and   Census Bureau SAS data.
support activities
Warehousing and storage    Census Bureau SAS data.
Publishing industries,     Census Bureau SAS data.
except Internet (includes
Motion picture and sound   Census Bureau SAS data.
recording industries
Broadcasting and telecom-  Census Bureau SAS data.
Data processing, Internet  Census Bureau SAS data.
publishing, and other
information services
Finance and insurance
Federal Reserve banks,     Census Bureau SAS data, Federal
credit intermediation      Deposit Insurance Corporation
and related activities     commercial bank call report data,
                           Federal  Reserve Board (FRB) data,
                           National Credit Union
                           Administration, and NIPA measures
                           of financial services indirectly
Securities, commodity      Securities and Exchange Commission
contracts, and invest-     FOCUS Report and Census Bureau
ments                      SAS data.
Finance and insurance
Insurance carriers and     For property and casualty
related activities         insurance, life insurance, and
                           reinsurance, private trade source
                           data and Census Bureau SAS; for
                           medical and hospitalization
                           Insurance, private trade source
                           data and NIPA statistics on
                           medical and hospital insurance
Funds, trusts, and other   NIPA imputed service charges for
financial vehicles         other financial institutions.
Real estate and rental     For residential dwellings, NIPA
and leasing Real estate    housing data and USDA data on farm
                           housing; for nonresidential
                           structures, Internal Revenue
                           Service (IRS) tabulations of
                           business tax returns, NIPA rental
                           value of buildings owned by
                           nonprofits, and NIPA foreign
                           trade statistics.
Rental and leasing         For rental and leasing services,
services and lessors       Census Bureau SAS data; for
of intangible assets       royalties, IRS tabulations of
                           business tax returns.
Professional, scientific,
and technical services
Legal services             Census Bureau SAS data and
                           BLS QCEW data
Computer systems design    Census Bureau SAS data.
and related services
Miscellaneous profes-      Census Bureau SAS data, NIPA
sional, scientific and     PCE, and BLS QCEW data.
technical services
Management of companies    BLS QCEW data.
and enterprises
Administrative and waste   Census Bureau SAS data; BLS
management services        QCEW for auxiliary industries.
Educational services       PCE data for education services
                           based on data from the Department
                           of Education and data from BLS
                           consumer expenditure survey.
Health care and social     Census Bureau SAS data.
Arts, entertainment,       Census Bureau SAS data.
and recreation
Accommodation and food
Accommodations             For hotels and motels, PCE; for
                           all other traveler accommodations
                           and bed and breakfasts, BLS QCEW
Food services and          Census Bureau ARTS data.
drinking places
Other services, except     For religious, grant making,
government                 civic and other nonprofit
                           services, personal services, and
                           dry cleaning services, Census
                           Bureau SAS data, PCE, and data
                           from the National Center for
                           Charitable Statistics; for repair
                           and maintenance, BLS QCEW; for
                           private household services, PCE.
General government         NIPA government expenditure
                           statistics; for federal structures,
                           DOD investment expenditures.

Government                 U.S. Postal Service receipts, EIA
enterprises                data for electric utilities, and
                           Federal Housing Administration
                           data; government agency data for
                           specific federal enterprises.
State and local
General government         NIPA government expenditure
Government                 NIPA statistics on government
enterprises                enterprises based on the Census
                           Bureau annual survey of government
                           finances; for Alaskan ferries,
                           waterports, and airports, Alaska
                           Railroad Administration; for
                           electric utilities, EIA data; for
                           state and local government
                           structures, Census Bureau
                           construction spending
                           (value-put-in-place) survey.

Industry and               Source data for
commodity                  price indexes

Agriculture, forestry,     NIPA prices based on USDA
fishing, and hunting       price indexes received by
Farms                      farmers; Bureau of Labor
                           Statistics (BLS) Producer
                           Price Index (PPI) data.

Forestry, fishing,         BLS PPI; NIPA personal
and related activities     consumption expenditure (PCE)
                           price indexes; USDA/National
                           Agricultural Statistics
                           Service unit prices.

Oil and gas                BLS PPI and EIA.

Mining, except oil         EIA, USGS, and BLS PPI.
and gas

Support activities         EIA, USGS, BLS PPI, and trade
for mining                 sources.

Utilities                  BLS Consumer Price Index
                           (CPI) and BLS PPI.

Construction               Census Bureau price deflator
Residential                for new single-family  houses
                           under construction and BEA
                           prices for multi-family home
Nonresidential             BLS PPI and BEA composite
                           prices based on trade source
                           data and on the Census Bureau
                           price deflator for single-family
                           houses under construction.

Manufacturing              BLS PPI and NIPA price indexes
                           based on DOD prices paid for
                           military equipment, and NIPA
                           hedonic prices.
Wholesale trade            BLS PPI and NIPA sales deflators.

Retail trade               BLS PPI and NIPA sales deflators.

Transportation and         BLS PPI.
warehousing Air

Rail transportation        BLS PPI.

Water transportation       For freight, BLS PPI; for passenger,
                           BLS CPI.
Truck transportation       BLS PPI.
Transit and ground         NIPA PCE prices.
pas- senger
Pipeline transportation    BLS PPI.
Other transportation and   BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.
support activities
Warehousing and storage    BLS PPI.
Publishing industries,     BLS PPI and BEA price indexes for
except Internet (includes  software.
Motion picture and sound   NIPA PCE prices.
recording industries
Broadcasting and telecom-  BLS PPI.
Data processing, Internet  BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.
publishing, and other
information services
Finance and insurance
Federal Reserve banks,     FRB-priced services and NIPA
credit intermediation      PCE prices.
and related activities

Securities, commodity      BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices
contracts, and invest-     based on both BLS CPI and PPI.
Finance and insurance
Insurance carriers and     BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.
related activities

Funds, trusts, and other   NIPA PCE prices.
financial vehicles
Real estate and rental     For residential dwellings, NIPA
and leasing Real estate    PCE prices and NIPA implicit price
                           deflators for farm rents paid; for
                           nonresidential structures, BLS PPI;
                           for real estate managers and agents,
                           BLS PPI and trade source data.

Rental and leasing         BLS PPI, BTS and construction
services and lessors       index, mining, crude oil receipts.
of intangible assets

Professional, scientific,
and technical services
Legal services             BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.

Computer systems design    BEA price indexes for software.
and related services
Miscellaneous profes-      BLS PPI, NIPA PCE prices, and
sional, scientific and     BEA price index for R&D.
technical services
Management of companies    BLS PPI.
and enterprises
Administrative and waste   BLS PPI.
management services
Educational services       NIPA PCE prices.

Health care and social     BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.
Arts, entertainment,       NIPA PCE prices.
and recreation
Accommodation and food
Accommodations             BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.

Food services and          BLS PPI.
drinking places
Other services, except     BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.

General government         NIPA price indexes based on BLS PPI
                           and CPI; for military facilities, DOD
                           data on employment, prices for
                           military construction, and
                           construction cost indexes from trade
Government                 BLS PPI.

State and local
General government         BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.

Government                 BLS PPI.

Principal Sources of Data for the Quarterly Statistics

Table B. Principal Sources of Data for Quarterly Industry and Commodity
Output and Prices

Industry and            Source data for current-dollar
commodity               statistics

Agriculture, forestry,  Farm output from the Bureau
fishing, and hunting    of Economic Analysis (BEA)
Farms                   national income and product
                        accounts (NIPAs) based on
                        U.S. Department of Agriculture
                        (USDA) data.
Forestry, fishing, and  For forestry, Federal Reserve
related activities      Board (FRB) industrial
                        production index (IPI) and
                        Bureau of Labor Statistics
                        (BLS) Producer Price Index
                        (PPI); for fishing, commercial
                        fishery landings data from
                        the National Oceanic and
                        Atmospheric Administration.
Oil and gas extraction  FRB IPI and BLS PPI.
Mining, except oil and  FRB IPI and BLS PPI.
Support activities for  FRB IPI, BLS PPI, and NIPA
mining                  fixed investment in mining
                        exploration based on trade
                        source data.
Utilities               For electric power generation,
                        transmission, and distribution,
                        Energy Information Association
                        (EIA) form 826; for natural gas
                        distribution, EIA form 857;
                        for water, sewage, and other
                        systems, Census Bureau
                        Quarterly Services Survey
Residential             NIPA fixed investment in
                        structures based primarily on
                        Census Bureau construction
                        spending (value-put-in-place)
Nonresidential          NIPA fixed investment in
                        structures based primarily
                        on Census Bureau construction
                        spending (value-put-in-place)
Manufacturing           Census Bureau Manufacturers'
                        shipments, inventories, and
                        orders survey (M3) and NIPA
                        electronic computer shipments;
                        for petroleum products, EIA
                        production data and BLS PPI.
Wholesale trade         Census Bureau monthly wholesale
                        trade survey data.
Retail trade            Census Bureau monthly retail
                        trade survey data.
Transportation and      For air transportation, NIPA
warehousing             personal consumption
                        expenditures (PCE) and Census
                        Bureau QSS data; for rail
                        transportation, Surface
                        Transportation Board freight
                        earnings data; for water,
                        truck, transit and ground
                        passenger, pipeline
                        transportation, and
                        warehousing, Census Bureau
                        QSS data.
                        Census Bureau QSS data, BLS
                        quarterly census of employment
                        and wages (QCEW), and box
                        office revenues from trade
                        source data.
Finance and insurance
Federal Reserve banks,  Census Bureau QSS data, Federal
credit intermediation,  Deposit Insurance Corporation
and related activities  commercial bank call report
                        data, FRB data, National Credit
                        Union Administration data, and
                        NIPA measures of financial
                        services indirectly measured.
Securities, commodity   Census Bureau QSS data and
contracts, and          Securities and Exchange
investments             Commission FOCUS reports.
Insurance carriers      NIPA PCE, Census Bureau QSS
and related             data, and trade source data.
Funds, trusts, and      NIPA PCE and NIPA imputed
other financial         service charges for other
vehicles                financial institutions.
Real estate and
rental and leasing
Real estate             For residential dwellings, NIPA
                        PCE, NIPA housing data, and NIPA
                        private fixed investment; for
                        nonresidential structures, NIPA
                        government receipts, BEA
                        foreign expenditures from the
                        international transactions
                        accounts, and BLS QCEW data.
Rental and leasing      For rental and leasing services,
services and lessors    Census Bureau QSS data and NIPA
of intangible assets    PCE rental income.
scientific, and
technical services
                        Census Bureau QSS data; for
                        veterinary services, NIPA PCE
                        data and BLS QCEW data.

Management of           BLS QCEW data.
companies and
Administrative and      Census Bureau QSS data; BLS
waste management        QCEW data.
Educational services    NIPA PCE data.

Health care and         Census Bureau QSS data.
social assistance

Arts, entertainment,    Census Bureau QSS data.
and recreation          NIPA PCE data.
Accommodation and
food services

Other services,         For repair and maintenance,
except government       personal services, and
                        grantmaking, civic,
                        professional, and similar
                        organizations, Census Bureau
                        QSS data; for religious, labor,
                        and political organizations,
                        NIPA PCE data; for private
                        households, NIPA compensation.
General government      NIPA government expenditures

Government              U.S. Postal Service quarterly
enterprises             reports, EIA monthly data for
                        electric utility sales and
                        revenue data for publicly owned
                        utilities, and NIPA PCE data
                        for broader aggregates for other
State and local
General government      NIPA government expenditure
Government              IPA statistics on government
enterprises             enterprises based on the Census
                        Bureau annual survey of
                        government finances; for Alaskan
                        ferries, waterports, and
                        airports, Alaska Railroad
                        Administration; for electric
                        utilities, EIA data; for state
                        and local government structures,
                        Census Bureau construction
                        spending (value-put-in-place)

Industry and            Source data for
commodity               price indexes

Agriculture, forestry,  NIPA prices based on USDA
fishing, and hunting    price indexes received
Farms                   by farmers.

Forestry, fishing, and  BLS PPI and USDA/National
related activities      Agricultural Statistics
                        Service unit prices.

Oil and gas extraction  BLS PPI.
Mining, except oil and  BLS PPI.
Support activities for  BLS PPI and NIPA prices based
mining                  on trade source data.

Utilities               BLS Consumer Price Index (CPI)
                        and BLS PPI.

Residential             Census Bureau price deflator for
                        new single-family houses under
                        construction and BEA prices for
                        multi-family home construction.

Nonresidential          BEA composite prices based on
                        trade source data and on data from
                        the Bureau of Reclamation and BLS PPI.

Manufacturing           BLS PPI and NIPA price indexes
                        based on Department of Defense
                        (DOD) prices paid for military
                        equipment, and NIPA hedonic prices.

Wholesale trade         BLS PPI and NIPA sales deflators.

Retail trade            BLS PPI and NIPA sales deflators.

Transportation and      For air transportation, BLS PPI;
warehousing             for rail, BLS PPI for rail passenger
                        transportation and BLS PPI for freight;
                        for wate transportation, BLS PPI, BLS
                        CPI, and trade source data; for truck
                        transportation, BLS PPI; for transit
                        and ground passenger transportation,
                        NIPA PCE prices; for pipeline
                        transportation, BLS PPI; for warehousing,
                        BLS PPI; for other transportation and
                        support activities, NIPA PCE prices
                        and BLS PPI.
                        For publishing industries (including
                        software), BEA prices for software and
                        BLS PPI; for information and data
                        processing, NIPA PCE prices and BLS PPI.

Finance and insurance
Federal Reserve banks,  NIPA PCE prices.
credit intermediation,
and related activities

Securities, commodity   BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.
contracts, and
Insurance carriers      BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.
and related
Funds, trusts, and      NIPA PCE prices.
other financial
Real estate and
rental and leasing
Real estate             For residential dwellings, NIPA
                        PCE prices and NIPA implicit price
                        deflators for farm rents paid; for
                        nonresidential structures,
                        BLS PPI and NIPA implicit price
                        deflators for nonprofit imputed rents.

Rental and leasing      BLS PPI and NIPA prices.
services and lessors
of intangible assets
scientific, and
technical services
                        For legal services, BLS PPI and NIPA
                        PCE prices; for computer systems design
                        and related services, BEA price indexes
                        for software; for miscellaneous services,
                        BLS PPI, NIPA PCE prices, and BEA price
                        index for R&D.
Management of           BLS PPI.
companies and
Administrative and      BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.
waste management
Educational services    NIPA PCE prices based on trade source
                        data for input costs.
Health care and         For ambulatory health care services,
social assistance       NIPA PCE prices based on BLS CPI and BLS
                        PPI; for hospitals and nursing and
                        residential care facilities, NIPA PCE
                        prices based on BLS CPI and Center for
                        Medicare and  Medicaid Services; for
                        social assistance, NIPA PCE prices based
                        on trade source data.
Arts, entertainment,    NIPA PCE prices.
and recreation
Accommodation and       For accommodations, BLS PPI and NIPA PCE
food services           prices; for food services, NIPA PCE
Other services,         BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.
except government

General government      NIPA prices based on BLS PPI, BLS CPI,
                        DOD data on employment and prices, BLS
                        employment cost indexes, and
                        construction cost indexes from trade
                        source data.
Government              BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.

State and local
General government      NIPA PCE prices.

Government              BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.
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