Development of the National Standards Coaching Efficacy Scale.
Knott, Stephen E. ; Ridinger, Lynn L. ; Makovec, Katelyn S. 等
Development of the National Standards Coaching Efficacy Scale.
Development of the National Standards Coaching Efficacy Scale
Past research exploring the effectiveness of coaches has involved a
variety of research methodologies and measures. Traditionally, the most
common means of evaluating a coach is through his or her win-loss record
(Leland, 1988). However, contemporary scholars suggest that win-loss
records may not truly reflect the ability of an individual to be an
effective coach. Other factors such as leadership (Chelladurai &
Saleh, 1980), athlete-coach relationships (Jowett & Ntoumanis, 2004)
and coaching efficacy (Feltz, Chase, Moritz, & Sullivan, 1999;
Malete & Feltz, 2000; Myers, Feltz, Chase, Reckase & Hancock,
2008) can also play a role in coaching effectiveness. In particular,
coaching efficacy has gained much recent attention and has been linked
to several salient outcomes including athlete satisfaction (Myers,
Vargas-Tonsing, & Feltz, 2005), team efficacy (Vargas-Tonsing,
Warners, and Feltz, 2003), commitment to coaching (Feltz, Short &
Sullivan, 2008), leadership behaviors (Sullivan, Paquette, Holt &
Bloom, 2012), and win-loss records (Feltz et al., 1999; Myers et al,
Coaching efficacy is a form of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is
defined as "beliefs in one's ability to organize and execute
the course of action required to produce a given attainment"
(Bandura, 1997, p.3). Self-efficacy is concerned with people's
beliefs in their ability to influence events that affect their lives and
it is considered the foundation of human motivation and performance
accomplishments (Bandura, 1997, 2006). Coaching efficacy is defined
"as the extent to which coaches believe they have the capacity to
affect the learning and performance of their athletes" (Feltz et
al., 1999, p. 765). Feltz and colleagues identified four components of
coaching efficacy: game strategy, motivation, technique, and
character-building efficacy. These components were developed partially
from the National Standards for Athletic Coaches (NASPE, 1995) as well
as previous literature on coaching confidence (Park, 1992). Based on
this framework, Feltz et al. (1999) developed the Coaching Efficacy
Scale (CES), a 24-item questionnaire designed and tested to measure the
four dimensions of coaching efficacy. A revised version of the CES for
high school team sport coaches (CES II-HST) added a fifth dimension,
physical conditioning (Myers et al., 2008).
In 2006, the National Standards for Sport Coaches (NASPE, 2006) was
revised to include eight domains (i.e., philosophy and ethics, safety
and injury prevention, physical conditioning, growth and development,
teaching and communication, sport skills and tactics, organization and
administration, and evaluation). These eight domains represent the
essential elements for effective coaching of young athletes and serve as
the foundation for several coaching education programs (NASPE, 2008).
While the previously designed scales (Feltz et al., 1999; Myers et al.,
2008) were based in part on the previous national standards, they did
not directly measure coaching efficacy associated with each of the eight
domains of the latest National Standards for Sport Coaches (NASPE,
2006). A better understanding of coaches' beliefs in their capacity
to effectively implement the standards in each of these eight domains
would allow coaches and administrators of coaching education programs to
recognize specific areas of strength as well as identify areas in need
of improvement. Thus, the purpose of this study was to develop and
validate a tool to measure coaching efficacy associated with the eight
domains of the National Standards for Sport Coaches.
Methods and Results
The development of the National Standards Coaching Efficacy scale
(NSCES) was conducted in three phases. Phase I involved the development
of the scale items and the measurement of fidelity or the degree to
which the scale items measured the specific domains of the National
Standards for Sport Coaches (Wright, 2008). Fidelity and appropriateness
were verified using a test blueprint to relate each scale item to the
eight coaching domains, as well as having items evaluated by a panel of
experts in the field of coaching. Phase II tested for commonality or the
shared features of another validated instrument (Wright, 2008). This was
done by correlating the NSCES with the CES (Feltz et al., 1999).
Finally, Phase III was conducted to determine the scale's
reliability by using Cronbach's alpha coefficient to assess the
internal consistency of each of the eight domain subscales. All
procedures were reviewed and approved by the authors'
university's institutional review board prior to participant
Phase I: Item Development
Phase I involved item development for the NSCES. Items for the
NSCES were initially developed by the three members of the research
team. The research team consisted of a 58 year old white male with over
35 years of coaching experience, a 24 year old white female who was an
assistant field hockey coach at a Division I university, and a 50 year
old white female with over 20 years of experience as a coach and
athletic administrator. Each of the three researchers independently
generated five to eight efficacy statements related to each domain of
the National Standards for Sport Coaches (NASPE, 2006). They then met to
discuss the statements and reached consensus on 50 items addressing
coaching efficacy based on the national standards.
After initial item development, items were evaluated by a panel of
experts to determine clarity and relevance. The panel included two males
and two females ranging in age from 38 to 71 (M = 52.3, SD = 14.6), with
coaching experience ranging from 15 to 30 years (M = 20.8, SD = 6.7).
Members of the panel were all former or current high school coaches. In
addition, one member of the panel was a current athletic director, two
members were members of the Virginia High School League (VHSL) coaching
education committee, and one member was a university professor who
taught courses and conducted research on coaching education. The panel
was asked to evaluate the clarity of each item based on a three-point
scale and then submit comments regarding clarity. They were also asked
to evaluate appropriateness of each item by categorizing it into one of
the eight domains of the National Standards for Sport Coaches (NASPE,
Based on the responses of the panel of experts, each item was
categorized as either acceptable (i.e., mean score of 2.5 and above) or
unacceptable (i.e., mean score of below 2.5) (Myers et al., 2008). All
50 items were rated as acceptable so no revisions were needed based on
this assessment. Next, inter-rater reliability was used to evaluate the
appropriateness or fit of each item into its respective domain.
Acceptability of each item in the NSCES was based on agreement among at
least three out of four panel members, resulting in an inter-rater
reliability score of .75 or higher (Miles & Huberman, 1994). At this
stage, ten items were eliminated due to low (<.75) inter-rater
reliability scores. In the final step of phase I, the primary researcher
constructed a survey blueprint which is a matrix to ensure appropriate
and equitable coverage of all domains. After phase I, the NSCES included
40 total scale items with four to six items measuring each of the eight
Phase II: Determining Commonality
Once fidelity and appropriateness were established in phase I, the
next step was to determine commonality. Commonality was demonstrated by
examining the correlation coefficients between the efficacy scores of
the NSCES and the previously validated CES (Feltz et al., 1999). To
determine commonality, 21 university students (15 male, 6 female;
[M.sub.age] = 20.8, SD = 3.3; [M.sub.yearscoaching] = 1.3, SD = 1.7)
attending a coaching education course at a mid-Atlantic University were
asked to complete both the NSCES and the CES. Two participants were
Hispanic, seven were Caucasian, and 12 were African-American.
Participants completed both the NSCES and the CES online approximately
two weeks apart.
A Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was computed to
assess the relationship between the mean scores of the NSCES and the
CES. To demonstrate fidelity and appropriateness within each of the
subcategories, or domains, an inter-item correlation was examined. The
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient revealed a positive
correlation (r = .824, n = 21, p = .000) between the two scales. The
overall correlation between the NSCES and the CES was considered
acceptable (Nunnally, 1978). In addition, the inter-item correlation
scores were all above .70 which is considered acceptable (see Table 1).
The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients and the inter-item
correlations supported the commonality and appropriateness of the NSCES
as related to coaching efficacy.
Phase III: Determining Reliability
The final phase of the study was to determine the reliability or
internal consistency of the NSCES and its eight subscales. For this
phase, individuals who enrolled in the VHSL online coaching education
program during the three month period of this investigation were invited
to participate in this study. They were provided with information about
the study and assured that participation was entirely voluntary. Those
who agreed to participate simply clicked on a link to access an online
survey with the NSCES questions. A total of 315 coaches (201 male, 80
female, 34 gender not disclosed; ages 19 to 66 [M = 21.5, SD = 13.5)
agreed to participate in the study. Participants' coaching
experience ranged from 0 to 6 (M = 3.4 SD = 1.6) years.
To determine the internal consistency of the survey instrument as
well as each of the subscales representing the eight domains of the
National Standards for Sport Coaches, Cronbach's alpha coefficients
were calculated. The NSCES produced an overall Cronbach's alpha
coefficient of .985, demonstrating a high level of reliability. In
addition, Cronbach's alpha scores ranged from .868 to .931 (see
Table 2) across subscales. All subscales maintained above acceptable
alpha levels (Nunnally, 1978).
Discussion and Conclusion
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a tool to
measure coaching efficacy associated with the eight domains of the
National Standards for Sport Coaches (NASPE, 2006). Coaching efficacy
has been shown to correlate with a variety of athlete, team and coaching
behavior outcomes (Feltz et al., 1999; Feltz et al, 2008; Myers, et al.,
2005; Sullivan et al., 2012; Vargas-Tonsing et al, 2003). Most previous
research measured coaching efficacy with the CES (Feltz et al., 1999).
Although the CES is a valid and reliable instrument, it assesses only
four components of coaching efficacy. The current study sought to
develop a scale that includes all eight domains of the National
Standards for Sport Coaches. By including all eight domains in the
NSCES, this measurement tool can assess a broader spectrum of abilities
and skills essential to effective coaching. The NSCES can help coaches
understand their own strengths and weaknesses related to coaching. Also,
it can assist administrators of coaching education programs in
identifying possible areas where coaches may not be as confident in
their abilities and thus require additional training. Through a thorough
three-phase development process, the NSCES was developed, tested, and
supported to be a valid and reliable instrument.
As with all research, there are limitations to address. First, the
sample sizes for both phase II and III were relatively small. Larger
samples could allow researchers to evaluate the factorial validity and
composite reliability of the NSCES. In addition, in phase II there were
fewer female participants than male participants; further efforts to
examine commonality should seek out more female participants to prevent
any gender bias. Also, the participants in phase II were college-aged
individuals with limited coaching experience, and therefore, future
analyses to confirm commonality should be done with individuals with
more coaching experience.
In the United States, there has been an increase in coaching
education programs over the last decade and many of these programs are
based on the 2006 NASPE standards (NASPE, 2008). This current research
involved the development of the NSCES as an instrument to measure
coaching efficacy related to the National Coaching Standards for Sport
Coaches. Although this study demonstrated that the NSCES is a valid and
reliable tool, further research conducted with larger samples, different
populations, various sports, and equitable representation from both male
and female coaches is recommended.
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Stephen E. Knott, Senior Lecturer, Old Dominion University
Lynn L. Ridinger, Associate Professor, Old Dominion University
Katelyn S. Makovec, Adjunct Instructor, Old Dominion University
Table 1
Inter-Item Correlations
Domain Inter-item Average
Philosophy and Ethics .759
Safety and Injury Prevention .776
Physical Conditioning .740
Growth and Development .819
Teaching and Communication .768
Sport Skills and Tactics .788
Organization and Administration .741
Evaluation .799
Table 2
Internal Consistency Scores
Domain Cronbach's Alpha
Philosophy and Ethics .870
Safety and Injury Prevention .924
Physical Conditioning .889
Growth and Development .910
Teaching and Communication .931
Sport Skills and Tactics .880
Organization and Administration .887
Evaluation .923
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