Information Efficiency Premium can also Explain Expected Stock Returns: Evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange.
Fraz, Ahmad ; Hassan, Arshad
Information Efficiency Premium can also Explain Expected Stock Returns: Evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange.
This study explores the impact of market premium, size premium,
value premium and information efficiency premium on average equity
returns of Pakistani equity market from June 2002 to June 2012 for 152
stocks using the methodology proposed by Fama and French (1992, 1993).
Result indicates that market premium, size premium, value premium and
information efficiency premium are priced by the market. These premiums
significantly explain equity returns in single factor, three factor and
four factor model. Capital asset pricing model (CAPM) is valid for
explaining average equity returns but multifactor model captures
additional information. Therefore, it can be concluded that size
premium, value premium and information efficiency premium are considered
as systematic risk and priced by the market. As Size premium. Value
premium and information efficiency premium exists in Pakistani equity
market investors and portfolio managers should consider these premiums
along with market premium for selecting and valuation of their
JEL Classification: G110, G120, G150
Keywords: Size Premium, Value Premium, Information Efficiency
Premium, CAPM
Precision of information in stock prices is an important
characteristic of information environment, which reduces the uncertainty
about firm value [Lambert and Verrecchia (2015)]. High quality
disclosure has more precision of information in stock prices and decease
cost of equity [Francis, et al. (2005)]. Botosan, et al. (2004) examine
the quality of public and private information, using analyst forecasts
and report negative association between precision of public information
in analyst's forecasts and cost of equity. The study also suggests
that precision of private information in analysts' forecasts are
positively associated with cost of equity and both private and public
information offset the effect of each other. However, Lambert, Leuz, and
Verrecchia (2012) suggest that prevision of public and private
information is an increasing function and it is negatively associated
with the cost of equity.
Public information is not fully captured by market and the residual
movements in stock price variations are captured by private information
[Roll (1988)]. The study further suggests that more firm specific
information tend to have low R square or Stock price synchronicity
(SPS). SPS is defined as the tendency of stock market prices to move in
the same direction in a given period of time. Farooq and Ahmed (2014)
argue that SPS is an increasing function of governance environment of a
firm and better governance mechanism reveal higher SPS and poor
governance mechanism exhibit lower SPS. Leuz, et al. (2003) argue that
monitoring of managerial discretion is difficult for those firms have
inadequate governance mechanism and managers of these firms do not
disclose true information. Poor disclosure increases the information
asymmetries for the investors. Prior literature suggests that investors
show more reaction towards negative news for poor governance mechanism
firms than higher governance mechanism firms [Douch, Farooq, and Bouaddi
(2015)]. So, investors react more severely to the negative shocks in
those firms having higher information asymmetries than firms have better
governance mechanisms [Mitton (2002)].
Bae, Lim, and Wei (2006) suggest that firms with poor governance
environment hide bad information or release bad information slowly. As a
result of such behavior, returns of these firms are positively skewed.
Whereas, Douch, Farooq, and Bouaddi (2015) argue that even in an
inefficient market, investors are able to see such behaviours and will
penalise such firms. So, there is more probability of negative tails in
these firms with low governance environment. Results of this study
report that low SPS is associated with poor governance and have higher
probability of dominant negative tails.
Kelly (2007) reports that high SPS firms attract institutional
investors and institutional investors are holding long term positions
for stocks, they do not overreact to negative news. Institutional
investors have positive relationship with corporate governance
mechanism, because they prefer to invest in firms with better governance
mechanisms, because of lower monitoring costs [Chung and Zhang (2011)].
Therefore, the returns of those firms will be higher with high SPS than
low SPS firms. As, Roll (1977) argues that market risk premium proxy of
difference between market return and risk free rate is not capture true
and complete market information and leads CAPM being invalid. Empirical
literature identifies various anomalies which include size, BTM ratio,
leverage, momentum, dividend yield etc. So, SPS based premium may also
help to capture the variations in portfolio returns as a proxy of
information efficiency using asset pricing models as an additional
This study makes a substantial contribution to the existing
literature by providing the evidence about information environment
quality in general and Pakistani equity market particular. Because,
Pakistani market is an emerging market during last decade phenomenal
growth is observed, but at the same time market saw number of ups and
downs. It is generally considered as high risk and high return market.
The market also attracted foreign investment during last decade. But, it
is also criticised that foreign investment is a source of volatility in
market. In developed markets like, US, UK, Japan etc., any information
is quickly incorporated in the security prices and markets are
considered more efficient.
In case of an emerging market like Pakistani stock market the
situation may be different due to different political, social and
economic conditions of the country as compare to developed countries.
The empirical literature states that an established and emergent stock
market is an indication of economic growth. When social, economic or
political condition of any country changes, it affect the performance of
stock market. In this context, Pakistan faces these types of changes in
recent past and it is also observed that these changes have linked with
fluctuation of Pakistani stock market. The findings of this are helpful
to add the role of information environment quality in explaining the
equity market returns along with price adjustment dynamics of Pakistani
equity market.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows: Section 2 provides a
brief overview of empirical work done and covers the literature on the
subject. Section 3 provides data description and deals with
methodological issues which discuss the econometric model Section 4
reports and analyses the results, and Section 5 concludes the study.
Corporate managers are always interested in information issues.
Along with corporate managers, individual as well as institutional
investors also give a suitable weightage to company specific information
while selecting the portfolios of stocks or bonds. Information
efficiency has presented a lot of discussion in financial economics,
which is expected to affect an immediate increase or decrease in the
stock prices. Asset pricing theory implies that expected returns on
market securities have a positive linear relationship with market beta
and market beta explains future expected returns. So, stocks with high
return should have higher beta. Conversely, empirically evidences have
provided by different studies and fail to find the variations in stock
returns by following market beta alone.
CAPM is one of the most important and debatable topic of modern
finance. CAPM is the central idea of finance based on "The
portfolio theory of Markowitz (1952)". The portfolio theory is
based upon the portfolio selection by investors on the basis of expected
return and risk. CAPM is based on the idea that principle if there is
high expected risk investors demand additional risk. It is an economic
model for valuing different securities and stock that are traded in
equity market, different derivatives and assets that are associated with
some kind of risk and expected return attached with it.
The problem arises that what should be done for calculating the
expected return and risk, Sharpe (1964) developed a model, as an
extension of Markowitz's portfolio theory to introduce the concept
of systematic and specific risk. Some parallel work has also been done
by Treynor (1961), Lintner (1965), Mossin (1966) and Black (1972), and
CAPM come in to existence. It is also named as SLB model that is Sharpe
(1964), Lintner (1965) and Black (1972) model and SLM model Sharpe
(1964), Lintner (1965) and Mossin (1966) model. For the work have been
done on CAPM, Sharpe shared the 1990 Nobel Prize in Economics with
Markowitz and Miller.
The traditional CAPM has long been debated by the researchers in a
context to portfolio risk and returns that tries to find out the
relationship between risk and return in a rational equilibrium market.
It assumes that variance is sufficient tool to measure the risk and it
might be acceptable if returns were normally distributed. But often
returns are not normally distributed [Galagedera (2004)]. In other
words, CAPM states that expected returns of stocks are positively
related to market betas and these betas are the only risk factor to
explain the cross-sectional variation of expected returns. CAPM does not
help to identify and understand the ground factors and included their
affect in the risk and return relationship. This model assumes that
investors have the same opinion for the given beta and its return of any
The idea behind CAPM is that investors need to be compensated in
two ways. One is the time value of money and the second one is risk.
Risk free rate is given for time value of money and is used as a
compensation for the investors putting the money for that time period.
The other portion of this formula represents the market risk premium.
CAPM assumes that variance is sufficient tool to measure the risk. It
might be acceptable if returns were normally distributed and CAPM does
not explain the variation in stock returns. Jensen, Black and Scholes
(1972) examine that those stocks have low beta that may offer higher
returns than the model would predict.
Roll (1977) argues that using stock index as a proxy for the true
market portfolio can lead to CAPM being invalid. Since the true and
complete market index is not available such tests will be biased.
Moreover, CAPM is used as a forecasting model that is the reason that it
should be tested fairly and correctly to predict investor expectations
regarding risk and return. This criticism led to the development of
alternative models. Arbitrage pricing theory (APT) is one of such models
that discuss the probability of more than one factor. The APT is an
extension of the CAPM but in much more general concept. Both compute a
linear relation between assets' expected returns and their
covariance with other random variables. In CAPM, the covariance is with
the market portfolio's return and in APT impact of as covariance
with other factors is also considered. APT does not identify factors for
a particular stock of industry/market. So the real challenge for the
investor is to identify three things. First, each of the factors
affecting a particular stock, second expected returns for each of these
factors and the third one is the sensitivity of the stock to each of
these factors.
APT is a valuation model developed by Ross (1976). The APT has the
power to reduce CAPM weaknesses. CAPM argues that security rate of
return is linearly related to a single common factor, the rate of return
on the market portfolio. The APT assumes that each stock's or
asset's return to the investor is influenced by several independent
factors. This theory has the potential to predict a relationship between
the returns of a portfolio and the returns of a single security through
a linear combination of many independent macro-economic variables. APT
covers a lot of factors which may occur for calculating the return of
stock or assets. These can be divided into different groups, i.e.
Macroeconomic factors, Company specific factors and behavioural factors.
Early work in this area including Jensen, Black and Scholes (1972),
Fama and MacBeth (1973) and Blume and Friend (1973) support the standard
and zero beta model of CAPM. A lot of criticism on single market premium
model CAPM questions the asset pricing theory. Lately, anomalies are
reported, Basu (1977) discuss earning price ratio and report that firms
with low earning price ratio have yielded higher returns and firms with
higher earning price ratio have produced lower returns than justified by
beta. The famous study of Banz (1981) finds that size (market
capitalisation) effect increase the explanatory power of model and helps
to better explain cross section returns with market beta. This study
reports that portfolio returns of small size stock are high with their
given beta estimates as compare to large size stocks. Stattman (1980)
and Rosenberg, Reid and Lanstein (1985) investigate book to market (BTM)
ratio and find that it is positively related with US stocks. BTM ratio
takes significant part to explain cross-section portfolio returns [Chan,
Hamao, and Lakonishok (1991)]. Bhandari (1988) also examines the
relationship of leverage and average stock returns. This study suggested
that there exists a positive relationship between leverage and portfolio
Chen, et al. (1986) have identified different macro-economic
factors include Changes in inflation, Changes in GNP, Changes in
investor confidence due to changes in default premium in corporate
bonds, changes shift in the yield curve. Recently, Fama and French
(1992, 1993, 1995, 1996 and 2015) have reported that calculation of
simple beta is an insensible approach to forecast stock returns. They
have examined that the portfolios formed on the basis of high BTM ratio,
high earning price ratio, small size and high leverage earn higher
returns. Therefore, it can be concluded that size, earning to price
ratio, BTM and leverage can capture the cross-sectional differences in
return better than market p. All these firm specific variables
incorporate information to the market and contribute towards explaining
the equity market returns.
Rich literature exists that identifies number of factors that
influence equity returns. The significance of different factors
explaining cross-sectional returns have contradicted the presence of
single market factor CAPM based on mean variance theory. Numerous
studies reject the single factor model and state that market risk
premium is not capture fiill relevant information [Officer (1973) and
Breeden and Douglas (1979)]. Fama and French (1992) investigate the
relationship among Size, BTM, E/P and market beta in the equity market
returns for NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ from 1963 to 1990. This study uses
portfolio betas to predict the stated variables by using second pass
regression of Fama and Macbeth (1973). Results indicate that all
relevant variables have significant power to predict equity returns
except beta. Fama and French (1993) extend the previous study by using
Jensen, et al. (1972) time series approach both on stocks and bonds.
Results reveal from the study report that size and BTM have significant
impact on equity returns and bond default premium. Hence, suggests that
three factor model consists of market premium should also be used size
and BTM to predict future equity returns.
Fama and French (1995) investigate the behaviour of equity returns
by using size and BTM by using full and sub period sample regression.
Results revealed from this study suggests that returns respond to the
BTM ratio, and firms with persistent low earnings tend to have high BTM
ratio and positive relationship with HML, whereas firms with persistent
high earning have low BTM ratio and negative relationship with HML and
BTM portfolios of small stocks are less profit able than big stocks.
Chan, et al. (1991) examine size, BTM, earning yield and cash flow yield
for monthly equity returns of Tokyo stock exchange for the period of
1971 to 1988. This study has employed Seemingly Unrelated Regression
(SUR) model and Fama and MacBeth (1973) methodology. This study finds
BTM and cash flow yield are significantly positively related to expected
average returns.
Daniel and Titman (1997) contradict the findings of Fama and French
(1992, 1993, 1996) by using data from 1973 to 1993. This study reports
that average equity returns are not function of loading factor of Fama
and French. Davis, et al. (2000) have extended the Daniel and Titman
(1997) work and contradicts to their findings. In this study expected
returns and factor loadings are examined after controlling size and BTM.
In their study the argument of Daniel and Titman against Fama and French
is rejected on the basis of low power of prediction due to short period
sample of 20 years. Kothari, Shanken and Sloan (1995) argue that betas
are estimated for short intervals and are biased due to using monthly
returns rather than using annual returns for trading frictions and
nonsynchronous trading. They find a significant relation between beta
and cross-sectional returns. Even in late 1920's and early
1930's the period of great economic instability and markets are
found inefficient, the smaller firms are more influenced the returns
than the larger firm.
Kothari and Shanken (1997) explore the relationship among BTM
ratio, dividend yield and US equity market returns by employing Bayesian
bootstrap procedure from 1926 to 1991. Results indicate that BTM ratio
has a strong relationship for the sample period, but dividend yield and
equity returns are found related for the period of 1941 to 1991 only.
Chui and Wei (1998) have first time tested the multifactor model for
Asian region including Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand
from 1977 to 1993. A weaker relationship is found between portfolio
returns and market betas, but finds BTM ratio and size significantly
explained the stock returns variations. This study has also indicated
that BTM ratio has insignificant relationship with stock returns in
Gaunt (2004) investigates multifactor model using size and BTM
ratio for Australian equity market for the period of 1991 to 2000.
Results reveal from this study suggests that size and BTM ratio is
significantly related with stock returns. Results of this study are
aligned with Fama and French (1993). In addition, this study provides
the evidence that BTM ratio has more effect than size. Fan and Liu
(2005) examine the relationship of size and BTM to explain the future
expected returns of US equity market for the period of 1965 to 1998 by
using second pass regression. The study reports that size and the BTM
ratio contain distinct and significant components of financial distress,
growth options, the momentum effect, liquidity, and firm
Peterkort and Nielsen (2005) use BTM ratio as a proxy of risk for
the equity market of US by developing similar model to Fama and French
(1992) for the period of 1978 to 1995. This study finds inverse
relationship between BTM ratio and portfolio returns of the firms with
negative book value. Whereas no relationship has reported between BTM
ratio with equity returns after controlling size. They suggest that BTM
ratio increases due to market leverage and vice versa. Javid and Ahmad
(2008) investigate that existence of CAPM with macroeconomic variables
in Pakistani equity market for the period of 1993 to 2004. This study
suggests that CAPM has no adequate explanatory power for equity returns.
Mirza and Shahid (2008) has tested Fama and French model by using size
and BTM ratio for 81 companies listed at Pakistani equity market. This
study suggests that size and value premium is priced and confirm the
presence of Fama and French model validity for Pakistani equity market.
Hassan and Javed (2011) also examine the multifactor model of Fama
and French (1992) for the period of 2000 to 2007 by using size and value
premium for Pakistani equity market. Both size and BTM ratio are found
positively related to equity market returns. This study provides
evidence that BTM ratio effect is less for lowest BTM ratio portfolios
and higher for high BTM ratio portfolios. Results also provide insight
about size factor loading is less for largest size portfolio and high
for smallest portfolios returns. This study confirms that CAPM has low
predictive power than multifactor model.
The CAPM can be used in several purposes. For example, Portfolio
evaluation, Making Financing decisions, Valuation of stocks, Value of
Companies, Capital budgeting, CAPM gives the rate to discount expected
cash flows, Mergers and acquisition etc. with the passage of time
certain issues have been identified, which are not discussed by CAPM.
For example, CAPM assumes that asset returns are jointly normally
distributed for random variables. But often returns are not normally
distributed. The abovementioned discussion has indicated that asset
pricing mechanism has a long debate. Only few studies on CAPM and Fama
and French three factor model have been conducted in Pakistan. However,
information efficiency factor R square is not explored. This study is an
effort to explain role of information efficiency in explaining returns
in Pakistani market.
3.1. Data Description
In this study for testing multifactor asset pricing model weekly
and monthly closing prices for 152 stocks listed at KSE for the period
of 2002 to 2012 are employed with the following criteria:
(1) The sample consists of 152 stocks from non-financial sector.
(2) Stocks included companies that are the part of KSE-100 index
over the sample period.
(3) Six-month treasury bill rates are used as a proxy of risk free
(4) Market value index of KSE-100 index is used for market return.
(5) For calculating BTM ratio and size data for book value and
number of outstanding shares have been collected from the financial
statements of the companies and for market value is taken from different
(6) R square is calculated from 52 weeks' stock returns at the
end of June for every year t-1 by using market model.
Accounting data collected from Balance Sheet Analysis published by
State Bank of Pakistan, stock prices data obtained from business
3.2. Methodology
3.2.1. Portfolio Formation
The following criterion is used for portfolio construction.
(1) In order to capture size effect, size sorted portfolios have
been constructed. Market capitalisation is calculated by multiplying
market price per share with number of outstanding share for individual
stock at the end of June for every year t-1 and then stocks are
organised small to big. After finding the median that data is divided
into two equal portfolios. First portfolio consists of stocks having low
market capitalisation called "Small". The other portfolio
consists of large market capitalisation called "Big".
(2) In second step BTM ratio is calculated by dividing book price
per share with market price per share at the end of June for every year
t-1 and then the size sorted portfolios are further divided into two
portfolios on the basis of BTM ratio. The first portfolio contains High
BTM ratio stocks and the second portfolio contains Low BTM ratio stocks.
When "Small" is further subdivided into two portfolios on the
basis of BTM ratio, it forms two portfolios namely S/H and S/L. When
"Big" is further subdivided into two portfolios on the basis
of BTM ratio, it forms two portfolios B/H and B/L.
(3) In third step R square is calculated by using market model for
52 weeks' stock returns at the end of June for every year t-1 and
then the BTM ratio sorted portfolios are further divided into two
portfolios on the basis of R square. The first portfolio contains High R
square stocks and the second portfolio contains Low R square stocks.
When "S/H" is further subdivided into two portfolios on the
basis of R square, it forms two portfolios namely S/H/HR and S/H/LR.
When "S/L" is further subdivided into two portfolios on the
basis of R square, it forms two portfolios namely S/L/HR and S/L/LR.
When "B/H" is further subdivided into two portfolios on the
basis of R square, it forms two portfolios namely B/H/HR and B/H/LR.
When "B/L" is further subdivided into two portfolios on the
basis of R square, it forms two portfolios namely B/L/HR and B/L/LR.
3.2.2. Variable Construction for Information Premium
To separate the factor premiums from each other, the three factors
are construed as follows:
SMB = 1/4 x (S/H/HR - B/H/HR) + (S/H/LR - B/H/LR) +(S/L/HR -
B/L/HR) + (S/H/LR - B/H/LR) ... (1)
HML = 1/4 x (S/H/HR - S/L/HR) + (S/H/LR - S/L/LR) +(B/H/HR -
B/L/HR) + (B/H/LR - B/L/LR) ... (2)
IEP = 1/4 x (S/H/HR - S/H/LR) + (S/L/HR - S/L/LR) +(B/H/HR -
B/H/LR) + (B/L/HR - B/L/LR) ... (3)
MKT = (Rmktt - Rft) ... (4)
[Rmkt.sub.t] = Ln ([MP.sub.t] / [MP.sub.t-1])
MKT is market premium. [Rmkt.sub.t] is market return for the month
"i" and "[MP.sub.t]" and "[MP.sub.t-1]"
are the month end values of KSE 100 index for the months of "f and
"M". [Rf.sub.t] is 6 months t bill rate used as a proxy of
risk free rate.
3.2.3. Model Specification for Information Premium
This study employs a three factor model to capture the role of
market premium, BTM ratio and information efficiency premium in
determining the equity returns. This methodology is in line with famous
three factor model proposed by Fama and French (1993).
The algebraic representation of models is as under.
The first equation is:
.sub.t] - [R.sub.ft] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1] (Market premium) +
error term ... (5)
[R.sub.t] - [R.sub.ft] = [[alpha].sub.i] + [[beta].sub.1]
[MKT.sub.t] + [e.sub.t] ... (6)
[R.sub.t] = Return of portfolio for period "t"
[R.sub.ft] = Risk Free Rate.
MKT = [Rmkt.sub.t] - [Rfr.sub.t]
The second equation is:
[R.sub.t] - [R.sub.ft] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1] (Market premium)
+ [[beta].sub.2] (Size premium) + [[beta].sub.3] (Value premium) + error
term... (7)
[R.sub.t] - [R.sub.ft] = [[alpha].sub.i] + [[beta].sub.1]
[MKT.sub.t] + [[beta].sub.2] [SMB.sub.t] + [[beta].sub.3] [HML.sub.t] +
[e.sub.t] ... (8)
[R.sub.t] =Return of portfolio for period "t"
[R.sub.ft] = Risk Free Rate.
MKT = [Rmkt.sub.t] - [Rfr.sub.t]
S MB - [S.sub.Return of small size stocks t] - [B.sub.Return of big
size stocks, t]
HML - [H.sub.Return of high BTM ratio stocks, t] - [L.sub.Return of
low BTM ratio stocks, t]
The third equation is:
[R.sub.t] - [R.sub.ft] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1] (Market premium)
+ [[beta].sub.2] (Size premium) + [[beta].sub.3] (Value premium) +
[[beta].sub.4] (information efficiency premium) + error term ... ... (9)
[R.sub.t] - [R.sub.ft] = [[alpha].sub.i] + [[beta].sub.1]
[MKT.sub.t] + [[beta].sub.2] [SMB.sub.t] + [[beta].sub.3] [HML.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.4][IEP.sub.t] + [e.sub.t] ... (10)
[R.sub.t] = Return of portfolio for period "t"
[R.sub.ft] =Risk Free Rate.
MKT= [Rmkt.sub.t] - [R.sub.ft]
SMB = [S.sub.Return of small size stocks t] - [B.sub.Return of big
size stocks, t]
HML = [H.sub.Return of high BTM ratio stocks,t] - [L.sub.Return of
low BTM ratio stocks t]
IFP = [H.sub.Return of high R square stocks,t] - [L.sub.Return of
low R square stocks t]
The Fourth equation is:
[R.sub.t] - [R.sub.ft] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[lambda].sub.1] Beta of
(Market premium) + [[lambda].sub.2] Beta of (Size premium) +
[[lambda].sub.3] Beta of (Valuepremium) + error term ... ... ... (11)
[R.sub.t] - [R.sub.ft] = [a.sub.i] +
[[lambda].sub.1][[beta].sub.1i][MKT.sub.i] + [[lambda].sub.2]
[[beta].sub.2i] [SMB.sub.i] + [[lambda].sub.3] [[beta].sub.3i]
[HML.sub.t] + [e.sub.t] ... (12)
[R.sub.t] =Return of portfolio for period "t"
[R.sub.ft] = Risk Free Rate.
[[beta].sub.1i] MKT = beta of ([Rmkt.sub.t] - [Rf.sub.i])
[[beta].sub.2i]SMB = beta of ([S.sub.Return of small size stocks,
t] - [B.sub.Return of big size stocks, t])
[[beta].sub.3i] HML = beta of ([H.sub.Return of high BTM ratio
stocks, t] - [L.sub.Return of low BTM ratio stocks, t])
The Fifth equation is:
[R.sub.t] - [R.sub.ft] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[lambda].sub.1]Beta of
(Market premium) + [[lambda].sub.2]Beta of (Size premium) +
[[lambda].sub.3]Beta of (Value premium) + [[lambda].sub.4]Beta of
(information efficiency premium) + error term ... (13)
[R.sub.t] - [] = [a.sub.i] + [[lambda].sub.1]
[[beta].sub.1i] [MKT.sub.i] + [[lambda].sub.2] [[beta].sub.2i]
[SMB.sub.i] + [[lambda].sub.3] [[beta].sub.3i] [HML.sub.i] +
[[lambda].sub.2][[beta].sub.2i] [IEP.sub.i] + [e.sub.t] (14)
[R.sub.t] = Return of portfolio for period "t"
[R.sub.ft] = Risk Free Rate.
[[beta].sub.1i] MKT = beta of [Rmkt.sub.t] - [Rf.sub.i]
[[beta].sub.2i] SMB = beta of ([S.sub.Return of small size stocks,
t] - [B.sub.Return of big size stocks, t])
[[beta].sub.3i] HML = beta of ([H.sub.Return of high BTM ratio
stocks, t] - [L.sub.Return of low BTM ratio stocks, t])
[[beta].sub.4i] IEP = beta of ([HR.sub.Retun of high R square
stocks, t] - [LR.sub.Return of low R square stocks, t])
This Section reports the results of single factor CAPM based on
market premium, three factor model based on market premium, size premium
and value premium and four factor model based on market premium, size
premium, value premium and information efficiency premium for sample
period from 2002 to 2012. Descriptive statistics are presented in Table
1 for monthly returns of portfolios constructed on the basis of size,
BTM ratio and R square for 152 stocks for the period of 2002 to 2012.
Results presented in Table 1 indicates that small stocks portfolio
provides high return at high risk level as compare to big stocks
portfolio (B) provides low return at low risk level that are aligned
with the empirical work on size effect [Banz (1981)]. It is also found
that BTM ratio results are also in line with the results of Stattman
(1980) that stock with small size and high BTM ratio (S/H) earn higher
return than stocks with small size and low BTM ratio (S/L). That
confirms the hypothesis of value stocks have more returns than growth
stocks. After sorting on the basis of BTM ratio, portfolios are further
divided on the basis of R square. Results shows that returns of low R
square stocks from big size and high BTM ratio (B/H/LR) and returns of
low R square stocks from big size and low BTM ratio (B/L/LR) have more
returns that those stocks having high R square from big size and high
BTM ratio (B/H/HR) and having high R square from big size and low BTM
ratio (B/L/HR) Thus low R square stocks are risker stocks and should
have to provide more return than these stocks having high R square
stock. Reasons of this behaviour might be the ups and down of the KSE
during this period. The one declaration of KSE as the most liquid and
biggest stock exchange in the world during 2002 and index reached at the
ever highest point in 2007 as well as in this period market was crashed
in 2008.
Whereas, some portfolios results are contrary, for example (B/H)
stocks are riskier and providing less returns and (B/L) are less risky
providing high return. Along with these results, returns of small size
portfolios that are further sub divided portfolios on the basis of R
square are not evident of West (1988) hypothesis. It is observed that
small size, high BTM ratio and low R square (S/H/LR) stocks and stocks
with small size, low BTM ratio and low R square (S/L/LR) have less
returns that those stocks having high R square from small size, high BTM
ratio and high R square (S/H/HR) and stocks with small size, low BTM
ratio and high R square (S/L/HR).
First pass regression results of CAPM, three factor Fama and French
(1992) and four factor model for low R square sorted portfolios from
2002 to 2012 are presented in Table 2.
Table 2 reports the results of single factor CAPM based on market
premium, three factor model based on market premium, size premium and
value premium and four factor model based on market premium, size
premium, value premium and information efficiency premium for low R
square portfolios. Results indicate that market premium and size premium
is significant and positive for single factor, three factor and four
factor model. It is also found that value premium is significant and
positive for portfolio with high BTM ratio and significant and negative
for portfolio with low BTM ratio. It shows that high BTM ratio stocks
earn more return than low BTM ratio stocks.
Whereas, information efficiency premium is found significant and
negative for low R square stocks. Results suggest that prevision of
public and private information is an increasing function and it is
negatively associated with the equity return. These results are
consistent with Lambert, et al. (2012). Therefore, SMB, HML and IEP
factor cannot be ignored for low R square stocks. The explanatory power
of four factor model based on information efficiency premium is higher
than single factor model CAPM and three factor Fama and French (1992)
model. However, CAPM results shows that market premium is significant
and positively related to all portfolios returns and the intercept is
found insignificant. It is also observed that CAPM is a valid model for
explaining the results of low R square stocks. CAPM does not capture
precise information regarding firm specific factors so, its explanatory
power is lower which is in line with low SPS. The missing information
can be captured by using premium associated with difference of SPS.
First pass regression results of CAPM, three factor Fama and French
(1992) and four factor model for high R square sorted portfolios from
2002 to 2012 presented in Table 3.
Table 3 reports the results of single factor CAPM, three factor
model and four factor model for high R square portfolios. Results
indicate that market premium, size premium and information efficiency
premium is significant and positive for in single factor, three factor
and four factor model. It is also found that value premium is
significant and positive for portfolio having high BTM ratio and
significant and negative for portfolio having low BTM ratio. The
behaviour of value premium and stock returns is same for low R square
portfolios and results of Table 2 and Table 3 are consistent. It shows
that high BTM ratio stocks earn more return than low BTM ratio stocks.
Size and value premium results are in line with the previous study of
Hassan and Javed (2011). Therefore, SMB, HML and IEP factor cannot be
ignored for low R square stocks also.
The explanatory power of four factor model based on information
efficiency premium is higher than single factor model CAPM and three
factor Fama and French (1992) model. However, CAPM results shows that
market premium is significant and positively related to all portfolios
returns and the intercept is found insignificant. It is also observed
that CAPM is still a valid model for explaining the results of low R
square stocks. Overall results of first pass regression indicate that
traditional CAPM is a valid model for Pakistani equity market. It is
also found that size premium, value premium and information efficiency
premium have significant effect on overall portfolios. It is evident
that three factor and four factor model raise adjusted R square which
explains the model better than the single factor CAPM based on market
premium. Therefore, it can be concluded that size, value premium and
information efficiency premium exists in Pakistani equity market and
investor should consider these three factors while devising their
investment strategies.
Second pass Fama and Macbeth (1973) regression results of three
factor and four factor model for overall portfolio from 2002 to 2012
presented in Table 4.
Table 4 presents the results of cross-sectional Fama and Macbeth
(1973) second pass regression. Average portfolio returns are regressed
on factor loading estimated for first pass regression (market premium,
size premium, value premium and information efficiency premium). Results
of three factor and four factor model indicate that market beta and HML
beta can explain portfolio returns. Whereas, factor loadings with SMB
beta and IEP beta are insignificant indicating that these are not priced
during the sample period.
4.2. Discussion
Table 2 and Table 3 report the results of single factor CAPM based
on market premium, three factor model based on market premium, size
premium and value premium and four factor model market premium, size
premium, value premium and information efficiency for high R square and
low R square portfolios. Results indicate that market premium, size
premium and information efficiency is significant and positive for in
single factor, three factor and four factor model. It is also found that
value premium is significant and positive for portfolio having high BTM
ratio and significant and negative for portfolio having low BTM ratio.
It shows that high BTM ratio stocks earn more return than low BTM ratio
Value premium results are in line with Stattman (1980), Rosenberg,
et al. (1985), Fama and French (1993) and Hassan and Javed (2011) that
value premium is significant and positive for high BTM ratio portfolios.
Whereas, value premium is found significant and negative for low BTM
ratio. Peterkort and Nielsen (2005) report that BTM ratio has inverse
relationship with stock returns and portfolio returns of the firms with
negative book value. Roll (1988) argues that stock prices capture firm
as well as market information to drive the stocks in same or opposite
Results of low SPS stocks are consistent with Lambert, et al.
(2012), who suggest that prevision of public and private information is
an increasing function and it is negatively associated with the cost of
equity. High quality disclosure has more precision of information in
stock prices and decease cost of equity [Francis, et al. (2005)]. Farooq
and Ahmed (2015) argue that SPS is an increasing function of governance
environment of a firm and better governance mechanism reveal higher SPS.
Findings of high SPS stocks are in line with this argument. Therefore,
information premium is present in the market.
The empirical results also documented that Fama and Macbeth (1973)
second pass regression found that past betas can explain current
returns. It is evident that three factor and four factor model raise
adjusted R square which explains the model better than the single factor
CAPM based on market premium. Therefore, it can be concluded that
information efficiency and value premium exists in and emerging market
and investor should consider these two factors while devising their
investment strategies.
This study examine the relationship between beta and stock returns
by using CAPM and multifactor models based on value premium and
information efficiency premium in Pakistani equity market for the period
of 2002 to 2012. This study employs Fama and Machbeth (1973) second pass
regression methodology used in famous studies of Fama and French (1992,
1993). This is the first study that investigates the relationship of
information efficiency premium by using R square. Small capitalisation
stocks earn high return than large capitalisation stocks and high BTM
ratio earn higher return than those stocks having low BTM ratio. Further
results of R square sorted portfolios show that returns of low R square
have more returns that those stocks having high R square.
West (1988) argue that stocks with low market model R square have
small size, low analyst coverage, age, institutional holding higher
transaction cost and more volatile. Results of single factor CAPM based
on market premium, three factor model based on market premium, size
premium and value premium and four factor model based on market premium,
size premium, value premium and information efficiency premium indicate
that MKT, SMB, HML and IEP factor is priced in Pakistani equity market.
Regression results indicate that market premium; size premium and
information efficiency is significant for single factor, three factor
and four factor model. CAPM results shows that market premium is
significant and positively related to all portfolios returns and the
intercept is found insignificant. Three factor model and four factor
model results shows that size premium is significant and positively
related to all portfolios returns. It is also found that value premium
is significant and positive for portfolio having high BTM ratio and
significant and negative for portfolio having low BTM ratio.
The explanatory power of four factor model based on information
efficiency premium is higher than single factor model CAPM and three
factor Fama and French (1992) model. Size and value premium results are
in line with the previous study of Hassan and Javed (2011). Therefore,
SMB, HML and IEP factor cannot be ignored for low R square stocks also.
Whereas, information efficiency premium is found significant and
negative for low R square stocks. Results of low SPS stocks are
consistent with Lambert, et al. (2012), who suggest that prevision of
public and private information is an increasing function and it is
negatively associated with the cost of equity. Farooq and Ahmed (2014)
argue that SPS is an increasing function of governance environment of a
firm and better governance mechanism reveal higher SPS. Findings of high
SPS stocks are in line with this argument. Therefore, information
premium is present in the market.
Overall result of first pass regression shows that traditional CAPM
is a valid model for Pakistani equity market. However, as discussed
above, it does not capture prescribed information regarding firm
specific factors and its explanatory power is lower. So the remaining
information can be captured by using premium associated with difference
of SPS. The empirical results also documented that Fama and Macbeth
(1973) second pass regression report that past betas can explain current
returns. It is evident that three factor and four factor model raise
adjusted R square which explains the model better than the single factor
CAPM based on market premium.
Ahmad Fraz <> is Assistant Professor,
Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad. Arshad Hassan
<> is Associate Professor, Capital
University of Science and Technology, Islamabad.
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Table 1
Descriptive Statistics of Monthly Returns of
Stylised Portfolios 2002 to 2012
Portfolio Mean Standard Kurtosis
P 0.005 0.063 0.299
S 0.006 0.072 0.309
B 0.004 0.067 0.868
S/H 0.011 0.073 0.183
S/L 0.001 0.076 0.480
B/H 0.003 0.074 1.034
B/L 0.005 0.063 0.920
S/H/HR 0.015 0.084 0.817
S/H/LR 0.006 0.074 0.797
S/L/HR 0.002 0.083 0.624
S/L/LR 0.001 0.082 0.828
B/H/HR 0.002 0.093 2.587
B/H/LR 0.004 0.064 0.048
B/L/HR 0.005 0.084 3.531
B/L/LR 0.006 0.058 0.882
Rm-Rf 0.010 0.087 6.228
SMB 0.002 0.049 2.197
HML 0.004 0.027 -0.107
IEP 0.002 0.045 7.027
Portfolio Skewness Minimum Maximum
P -0.286 -0.189 0.151
S 0.116 -0.183 0.187
B -0.449 -0.226 0.193
S/H 0.034 -0.184 0.196
S/L 0.180 -0.226 0.210
B/H -0.431 -0.270 0.211
B/L -0.415 -0.220 0.175
S/H/HR 0.046 -0.237 0.239
S/H/LR -0.138 -0.266 0.203
S/L/HR 0.066 -0.213 0.242
S/L/LR 0.003 -0.245 0.232
B/H/HR -0.318 -0.384 0.318
B/H/LR -0.341 -0.186 0.153
B/L/HR -0.650 -0.384 0.293
B/L/LR -0.365 -0.186 0.184
Rm-Rf -1.249 -0.460 0.236
SMB -0.441 -0.214 0.120
HML 0.204 -0.052 0.078
IEP 0.663 -0.186 0.233
Note: P is the portfolio consists of all 152 stocks;
S portfolio consists of those stocks having low market
capitalisation; B portfolio consists of those stocks having
large market capitalisation; S/H portfolio consists of those
small stocks having high BTM ratio; S/L portfolio consists
of those small stocks having low BTM ratio; B/H portfolio
consists of those big stocks having high BTM ratio; B/L
portfolio consists of those big stocks having low BTM ratio;
S/H/HR portfolio consists of those small stocks having high
BTM ratio and high R square and S/H/LR portfolio consists of
those small stocks having high BTM ratio and low R square;
S/L/HR portfolio consists of those small stocks having low
BTM ratio and high R square and S/L/LR portfolio consists of
those small stocks having low BTM ratio and low R square;
B/H/HR portfolio consists of those big stocks having high
BTM ratio and high R square; B/H/LR portfolio consists of
those big stocks having high BTM ratio and low R square;
B/L/HR portfolio consists of those big stocks having low
BTM ratio; high R square and B/L/LR portfolio consists of
those big stocks having low BTM ratio and low R square;
HML, high minus low; IEP, High R Square minus Low R square
and Rm-Rf, return to the market portfolio minus risk-free
Table 2
Regression Analysis of Low R-square Portfolio from 2002 to 2012
[]-[R.sub.ft] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1][MKT.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2][SMB.sub.t] + [[beta].sub.3][HML.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.4][IEP.sub.t] + [e.sub.t]
S/H/ S/H/ S/H/ S/L/
a 0.003 -0.005 -0.005 -0.002
T value 0.458 -1.384 -1.766 -0.364
[[beta].sub.1] 0.368 0.592 0.761 0.339
T value 5.474 13.638 16.279 4.381
[[beta].sub.2] 1.097 0.938
T value 14.471 13.181
[[beta].sub.3] 0.804 0.835
T value 6.192 7.315
[[beta].sub.4] -0.601
T value -6.252
Adj. R 2 0.18 0.72 0.78 0.12
F stat 29.97 110.63 117.43 19.19
F sig 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
[]-[R.sub.ft] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1][MKT.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2][SMB.sub.t] + [[beta].sub.3][HML.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.4][IEP.sub.t] + [e.sub.t]
S/L/ S/L/ B/H/ B/H/
A -0.006 -0.007 -0.001 -0.004
T value -1.851 -2.034 -0.207 -0.961
[[beta].sub.1] 0.683 0.783 0.514 0.561
T value 16.243 15.801 10.968 11.715
[[beta].sub.2] 1.421 1.328 0.272
T value 19.350 17.614 3.252
[[beta].sub.3] -0.627 -0.609 0.480
T value -4.983 -5.040 3.353
[[beta].sub.4] -0.353
T value -3.473
Adj. R 2 0.78 0.80 0.48 0.55
F stat 159.90 133.30 120.30 53.33
F sig 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
[]-[R.sub.ft] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1][MKT.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2][SMB.sub.t] + [[beta].sub.3][HML.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.4][IEP.sub.t] + [e.sub.t]
B/H/ B/U B/L/ B/L/
a -0.004 0.001 0.001 0.001
T value -1.058 0.268 0.326 0.244
[[beta].sub.1] 0.645 0.437 0.481 0.581
T value 11.212 9.920 10.182 10.327
[[beta].sub.2] 0.193 0.161 0.068
T value 2.200 1.955 0.800
[[beta].sub.3] 0.495 -0.253 -0.235
T value 3.529 -1.791 -1.716
[[beta].sub.4] -0.300 -0.353
T value -2.537 -3.051
Adj. R 2 0.56 0.43 0.45 0.48
F stat 43.30 98.41 36.46 31.45
F sig 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Mole: S/H/LR portfolio consists of those small stocks having
high BTM ratio and low R square; S/L/LR portfolio consists of
those small stocks having low BTM ratio and low R square; B/H/LR
portfolio consists of those big stocks having high BTM ratio and
low R square; B/L/LR portfolio consists of those big stocks having
low BTM ratio and low R square; a, a-coefficient; [[beta].sub.1],
[[beta].sub.1]-coefiicient; [[beta].sub.2], [[beta].sub.2]-
coefficient; [[beta].sub.3], [[beta].sub.3]-coefficient;
[[beta].sub.4], [[beta].sub.4]-coefficient Adj. [R.sup.2],
Adjusted R square; F stat., F statistics ; F sig.,
F significance.
Table 3
Regression Analysis of High R square
Portfolio from 2002 to 2012
[]-[R.sub.ft] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1][MKT.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2][SMB.sub.t] + [[beta].sub.3][HML.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.4][IEP.sub.t] + [e.sub.t]
S/H/ S/H/ S/W S/L/
a 0.009 0.002 0.003 -0.004
T value 1.548 0.533 0.837 -0.801
[[beta].sub.1] 0.564 0.775 0.558 0.620
T value 8.132 15.162 10.413 9.637
[[beta].sub.2] 1.036 1.239
T value 11.603 15.201
[[beta].sub.3] 0.775 0.735
T value 5.059 5.625
[[beta].sub.4] 0.770
T value 6.995
Adj. R 2 0.33 0.70 0.78 0.41
F stat 66 13 101.62 116.98 92.88
F sig 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
[]-[R.sub.ft] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1][MKT.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2][SMB.sub.t] + [[beta].sub.3][HML.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.4][IEP.sub.t] + [e.sub.t]
S/L/ S/L/ B/H/ B/H/
a -0.007 -0.006 -0.007 -0.009
T value -1.518 -1.492 -2.098 -2.626
[[beta].sub.1] 0.832 0.668 0.964 0.954
T value 15.414 10.839 23.495 28.024
[[beta].sub.2] 0.870 1.022 0.019
T value 9.227 10.889 0.245
[[beta].sub.3] -0,446 -0.475 0.447
T value -2.760 -3,159 3.447
[[beta].sub.4] 0.578
T value 4.562
Adj. R 2 0.65 0.70 0.81 0.82
F stat 83.83 77.80 552.01 202.02
F sig 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
[]-[R.sub.ft] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1][MKT.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2][SMB.sub.t] + [[beta].sub.3][HML.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.4][IEP.sub.t] + [e.sub.t]
B/H/ B/L/ B/L/ B/L/
a -0.009 -0.005 -0.004 -0.003
T value -2.727 -1.519 -1.267 -1.251
[[beta].sub.1] 0.806 0.887 0.886 0.738
T value 16.661 25 480 23.265 17.931
[[beta].sub.2] 0.157 -0.028 0.109
T value 2.130 -0.427 1.741
[[beta].sub.3] 0.420 -0.168 -0.195
T value 3.562 -1.473 -1.936
[[beta].sub.4] 0.524 0.522
T value 5.280 6.169
Adj. R 2 0.85 0.83 0.83 0.87
F stat 190.30 649.23 217.75 220.10
F sig 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Note: S/H/HR portfolio consists of those small
stocks having high BTM ratio and high R square; S/L/HR
portfolio consists of those small stocks having low BTM
ratio and high R square; a, a-coefficient; [[beta].sub.1],
[[beta].sub.1]-coefficient; [[beta].sub.2], [[beta].sub.2]-
coefficient; [[beta].sub.3], [[beta].sub.3]- coefficient;
[[beta].sub.4], [[beta].sub.4]-coefficient Adj. [R.sup.2],
Adjusted R square; F stat., F statistics; F sig.,
F significance.
Table 4
Regression Analysis ofpast Betas on
all portfolios from 2002 to 2012
[] - [R.sub.ft] = [alpha] + [[lambda].sub.1]
[[beta].sub.1i][MKT.sub.i] + [[lambda].sub.2][[beta].sub.2i]
[SMB.sub.ii] + [[lambda].sub.3][[beta].sub.3i][HML.sub.i] +
[[lambda].sub.4][[beta].sub.4i][IEP.sub.i] + [e.sub.i]
a [[lambda].sub.1] [[lambda].sub.2]
Coefficient 0.022 -0.028 0.002
T value 2.976 -2.600 1.163
coefficient 0.021 -0.026 0.002
T value 2.686 -2.349 1.094
[] - [R.sub.ft] = [alpha] + [[lambda].sub.1]
[[beta].sub.1i][MKT.sub.i] + [[lambda].sub.2][[beta].sub.2i]
[SMB.sub.ii] + [[lambda].sub.3][[beta].sub.3i][HML.sub.i] +
[[lambda].sub.4][[beta].sub.4i][IEP.sub.i] + [e.sub.i]
[[lambda].sub.3] [[lambda].sub.4] Adj.R 2 F stat
Coefficient 0.004 0.652 5.367
T value 2.537
coefficient 0.005 0.002 0.626 3.932
T value 2.477 0.853
Note: a, a-coefficient; [[lambda].sub.1],
[[lambda].sub.1]-coefficient; [[lambda].sub.2],
[[lambda].sub.2]-coefficient; [[lambda].sub.3],
[[lambda].sub.3]-coefficient; [[lambda].sub.4],
[[lambda].sub.4]-coefficient Adj. [R.sup.2], Adjusted
R square; F stat., F statistics ; F sig., F significance.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Reproduced with permission of the Publications Division, Pakistan Institute of Development Economies, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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