Hantzsche, Arno ; Lopresto, Marta ; Young, Garry 等
This paper introduces a special issue of the Review on how the
National Institute Global Econometric Model (NiGEM) is being used to
navigate uncertain times. NiGEM is the leading global macroeconomic
model, used by both policy-makers and the private sector across the
globe for economic forecasting, scenario building and stress testing.
The paper summarises the main features of NiGEM and describes some
standard model simulations to illustrate how the model responds to
monetary, fiscal and technology shocks.
Keywords: NiGEM, macroeconomic model, open economy macroeconomics,
global structural model, spillovers.
JEL codes: C5, E37, F41.F47.
I. Introduction
Macroeconomic models are intended to provide a useful framework for
understanding how economies work. They are particularly important in
uncertain times, as it is possible to use them to think through the
effects of various identifiable risks and assess the appropriate policy
responses. In current circumstances these risks include Brexit, the
imposition of US tariffs on imports as well as possible retaliatory
tariffs on US exports, abrupt changes in fiscal policy, and sharp
movements in exchange rates and other financial market prices.
In a recent special issue of the Oxford Review of Economic Policy,
Olivier Blanchard argued that different classes of models are needed for
different tasks (Blanchard, 2018). He described the purposes of five
different classes of macroeconomic models: foundational models, dynamic
stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models, policy models, toy models
and forecasting models.
This special issue is about the National Institute Global
Econometric Model (NiGEM) and how it is being used to navigate the
uncertain times we are facing. NiGEM is what Olivier Blanchard would
describe as a policy model as it is:
'aimed at analysing actual macroeconomic policy issues. Models
in this class should fit the main characteristics of the data, including
dynamics, and allow for policy analysis and counterfactuals. They should
be used to think, for example, about the quantitative effects of a
slowdown in China on the United States, or the effect of a US fiscal
expansion on emerging markets'. (Blanchard, 2018)
This description fits NiGEM like a glove. NiGEM is the leading
global macroeconomic model, used by both policy-makers and the private
sector across the globe for economic forecasting, scenario building and
stress testing. It consists of individual country models for the major
economies that are linked through trade in goods and services and
integrated capital markets. So, in NiGEM, a slowdown in China,
associated with lower imports, would impact on the United States and
other countries through the effect of lower exports to China and
associated shifts in asset prices. The overall effect would depend on
both the underlying source of the shock in China and the policy response
in China and other countries.
The individual country models within NiGEM are 'economy-wide
systems of dynamic equations, based around the internationally-accepted
national accounting framework, with parameters estimated from aggregate
time-series data' (Wallis, 2000). They all have broadly the same
New Keynesian structure in that agents in the model are generally
assumed to have rational expectations, though this can be amended, and
there are nominal rigidities that slow the process of adjustment to
external events. Importantly, the individual country models incorporate
well-specified supply-side behaviour that underpins the sustainable
growth rate of each economy in the medium term. As far as possible the
same theoretical structure has been adopted for each of the individual
country models, except where clear institutional or other factors
prevent this. As a result, variation in the properties of each country
model reflects genuine differences emerging from estimation, rather than
different theoretical approaches.
One of the benefits of using NiGEM for macroeconomic analysis is
that a version of the model has been used regularly for forecasting and
policy analysis since it was first developed in 1987; an earlier
description of the properties of NiGEM is in Barrell et al. (2004).
NiGEM has not stayed the same over this period, but has evolved and been
improved to incorporate new thinking, evaluate new policies and adapt to
new circumstances. Recent changes to incorporate macroprudential
instruments into the model are described in Carreras et al. (2018). The
current structure of NiGEM is described more fully later in this
A particular strength is the growing community of NiGEM users that
has supported the work of NIESR both financially and by providing an
impetus to further model development. This special issue includes
contributions from five institutions that use NiGEM and illustrate how
the model has been applied to some of the key issues of the day.
Nigel Pain, Elena Rusticelli, Veronique Salins and David Turner
(OECD) investigate the potential macroeconomic benefits of increased
public sector investment, focusing on the case of the United States.
They show that a fiscal expansion that takes the form of an increase in
public investment has a more enduring effect on the economy than an
equivalent increase in public consumption. This is because extra
investment spending raises the capital stock and so adds to productive
potential, while an increase in public consumption has no long-lasting
impact on capacity. They also use the model to calculate cross-country
differences in the effect of equivalent expansions in public investment
and show that the effect is smaller in more open economies. They also
provide quantitative estimates of the extent to which a coordinated
fiscal expansion by the G7 countries would spill over to other
countries. Somewhat surprisingly they show that the short-term effect on
output in some of the smaller countries arising from the spillovers is
larger than the effect in the larger countries that are increasing
investment spending. This illustrates how a quantified macroeconomic
model like NiGEM can provide interesting insights that are not otherwise
available as easily.
Markus Jorra, Andreas Esser and Ulf Slopek (Deutsche Bundesbank)
also look at the role of international spillovers. In particular, they
examine the wider effects of the recently enacted US tax reform. They
also consider the global impact of a hard landing in China. These are
exactly the questions that Olivier Blanchard suggested policy models
should be used to answer. They show that spillovers are not uniform and
that while higher US demand has a positive impact on activity in close
trading partners like Mexico and Canada, the effect on countries like
Germany and Japan is less clear cut as the effect of higher global real
interest rates counteracts the direct demand impact. In carrying out
this analysis, the authors show that the results are sensitive to how
the model is set up, focusing on the specification of import demand, and
suggest important ways in which the model can be improved.
Sophie Haincourt (Banque de France) examines the macroeconomic
effects of recent currency fluctuations, emphasising the importance of
identifying the source of the movements. She focuses on dollar and euro
fluctuations in 2017 and their effect on inflation and activity in the
United States and the Euro Area. The sources of currency movements are
identified by the contributions of their currency counterparts and
attributed to variations in risk premia and monetary policy. She uses
this approach to argue using NiGEM that, contrary to popular belief, the
depreciation of the US dollar over this period was associated with lower
US growth as it was caused partly by a rise in risk premia that were
detrimental to US investment.
Ulf Slopek (Deutsche Bundesbank) studies the macroeconomic effects
of the imposition of import tariffs by the United States. For
illustrative purposes he focuses on the hypothetical case of a US tariff
applied on all non-commodity imports, irrespective of what country they
come from. The results are sensitive to assumptions about how export
prices are affected by tariffs, and how the tariff revenue is spent. But
the main case suggests that tariffs act in a similar way to adverse
supply shocks and have detrimental effects on activity and prices in the
United States and abroad.
Hugo Erken, Raphie Hayat, Carlijn Prins, Marijn Heijmerikx and Inge
de Vreede (Rabobank) analyse the effect of Brexit on the UK economy
using NiGEM. They estimate that a hard Brexit would reduce cumulative UK
GDP growth by 18 percentage points by 2030. These estimates are
significantly larger than in other studies, many of which also used
NiGEM. The main reason for the difference is that, unlike many other
studies, Erken et al. analyse the endogenous impact of Brexit on UK
productivity using a new empirical model of UK productivity estimated
over 1969-2016. This empirical model suggests that UK productivity
growth is related to factors such as R&D capital, human capital and
the openness of the economy, that might be adversely affected by a hard
Brexit. Significant adverse effects of Brexit through these channels
account for the larger effects that are estimated.
Thomas Conefrey, Gerard O'Reilly and Graeme Walsh (Central
Bank of Ireland) analyse the effect of external shocks, including
Brexit, on the Irish economy. They use a two-step approach. First, they
use NiGEM to evaluate the effects of the shocks in question on
Ireland's main trading partners. Second, they then feed these
estimates into a sectoral model of the Irish economy, COSMO. In the case
of Brexit, based on previous NIESR research on Brexit that excludes
possible productivity effects (Ebell, Hurst and Warren, 2016), Conefrey
et al. estimate that a hard Brexit would reduce UK GDP by 3 to 4 per
cent in the long run. They find a similar impact on the Irish economy
arising from a fall in demand for Irish exports, mainly from the UK, and
the deterioration in Ireland's relative competitiveness due to the
modelled depreciation in sterling.
These papers demonstrate the wide range of issues that may be
analysed using NiGEM to provide quantitative insights. Of course, the
answers provided by any model are sensitive to the modelling choices
made and need to be assessed against a range of other evidence,
including the other types of models referred to in Blanchard (2018).
In the remainder of this article we provide a more detailed
overview of the NiGEM model. Section 2 summarises the country coverage
and the broad structure of the model. Section 3 describes the behaviour
of the agents in the model: households, firms, governments and monetary
policy authorities. Section 4 outlines the key pricing and trading
relationships in the model and how the model is brought into
equilibrium. Section 5 sets out some standard model simulations to
illustrate how the model responds to monetary policy, fiscal policy and
technology shocks.
2. Country coverage and broad structure of NiGEM
NiGEM is a global model, and almost all countries in the OECD are
modelled individually within it. There are also separate models of
Argentina, Chile, China, India, Russia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Brazil, South
Africa, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Romania and Bulgaria,
while the rest of the world is modelled through regional blocks. The
global coverage of NiGEM is illustrated in the map shown in figure 1.
All country models contain the determinants of domestic demand,
export and import volumes, prices, current accounts and net assets. In
the long run, output is tied down by factor inputs and technical
progress interacting through production functions. In the short run, the
dynamic properties of the model are consistent with the data and
International linkages come from patterns of trade, the influence
of trade prices on domestic prices, the impacts of exchange rates and
patterns of asset holding and associated income flows. The structure of
the trade block ensures overall global consistency of trade volumes by
imposing that the growth of import volumes is equal to the growth of
export volumes at the global level. Trade volumes and prices are linked
by Armington matrices, based on 2016 trade patterns. The volumes of
exports and imports of goods and services are determined by foreign or
domestic demand, respectively, and by competitiveness as measured by
relative prices or relative costs. The export demand variable is
constructed as a weighted sum of other countries' imports, which
ensures approximate balance, and any discrepancy is allocated to exports
in proportion to the country's share of world trade. Import prices
depend on a weighted average of global export prices, and this ensures
that the ratio of the value of exports to the value of imports remains
at around its historical level. It is assumed that exporters compete
against others who export to the same market as well as domestic
producers via relative prices. Imports depend upon import prices
relative to domestic prices and on domestic total final expenditure. The
overall current balance depends upon the trade balance and net property
income from abroad, which comprises flows of income onto gross foreign
assets and outgoings on gross foreign liabilities. World flows of
property income balance because all assets are matched by liabilities,
revaluations of liabilities match those of assets and income flows match
3. Agents in the model
In this section we describe the behaviour of the key agents in
NiGEM: households, firms, governments and monetary authorities. In
general, the model can be solved under a number of different assumptions
about behaviour: for example, whether expectations are rational or
adaptive. In what follows we describe the default behavioural
3.1 Households
Households in the model are assumed to choose consumption in
accordance with life-cycle considerations as a function of their current
and expected future real disposable income as well as wealth from
housing and financial assets, all net of taxes. In the long run,
consumption depends on a dynamic adjustment path around real disposable
income and real wealth, and follows the pattern discussed in Barrell and
Davis (2007).
In[C.sub.t] = [[alpha].sup.c] + [[beta].sup.C] In([RHW.sub.t]) + (l
- [[beta].sup.c]) In([RTW.sub.t] + [RNW.sub.t]) (3.1.1)
where C is real consumption, RHW is real human wealth, defined
below, RTW is real tangible wealth, mainly housing, and RNW is real net
financial wealth.
Human wealth is the forward-looking component in the consumption
model and is defined as a function of expectations of future real
disposable income as follows:
[RHW.sub.t] = E [[T.summation over (j=0)][[empty set].sup.j]
[RPDI.sub.t+i]] (3.1.2)
where RPDI is real personal disposable income, [empty set] is the
discount factor, determined by the real interest rate.
Real interest rate effects are captured by the [empty set]
parameter in equation (3.1.2). Higher interest rates entail lower
current consumption as the opportunity cost of giving up savings is
higher. This is similar to an Euler equation, which links the optimal
intertemporal consumption decision of a representative consumer with
rational expectations to a discount factor and the real interest rate.
The dynamics of adjustment to the long run are largely data-based.
Differences between countries can be attributed to differences in the
relative importance of types of wealth and of liquidity constraints.
The key parameters embedded in the model equations for the G7
countries are reported in table 1. The impact of a change in tangible
(housing) wealth on consumption in the short run is about five times
stronger than the impact of a change in financial wealth in countries
for which data is present.
The short-run response to changes in real income captures the
number of liquidity constrained consumers. In the presence of borrowing
constraints, less liquid assets and in particular tangible wealth have a
smaller effect on current households' consumption (Byrne and Davis,
2003). When credit constraints are low, households can consume their
illiquid wealth to smooth consumption over time. Borrowing allows
smoothing out the impacts of fluctuations in income, thereby driving a
faster adjustment to the long-run equilibrium consumption. This suggests
relatively few borrowing constraints in the US and the UK, with a
greater degree of borrowing constraints in Germany and France.
3.2 Firms
Aggregate supply in the individual country models is based around
an underlying constant-returns-to-scale CES production function with
labour-augmenting technical progress. This is embedded within a
Cobb-Douglas relationship to allow the factors of production to interact
with oil usage:
Q = [[gamma].sup.Q][{[[s.sup.Q][(K).sup.-[rho]] + (1 -
[s.sup.Q])[([Le.sup.[lambda]t]).sup.-[rho]]}.sup.[alpha]][M.sup.1-[alpha]] (3.2.1)
where Q is real output, K is the total capital stock, L is total
hours worked, [lambda] is the rate of labour-augmenting technical
progress and M is oil input. (We omit time subscripts in this and
subsequent equations, unless it is crucial to include them.)
This relationship underpins the factor demand equations in the
model, forms the basis for unit total costs and provides a measure of
capacity utilisation, which then feeds into the price system. Demand for
labour and capital are determined by firms' profit maximisation,
implying that the long-run labour-output ratio depends on real wage
costs and technical progress, while the long-run capital-output ratio
depends on the real user cost of capital
InL - [[alpha].sup.L] + lnY -(1 - [alpha])[lambda]t -
[sigma]ln(w/p) (3.2.2)
InK = [[alpha].sup.K] + InY - [sigma]ln (c/p) (3.2.3)
where [[alpha].sup.L] and [[alpha].sup.K] are constant terms
related to the other parameters in the model, w/p is the real wage, c/p
is the real user cost of capital and o is the elasticity of substitution
between capital and labour.
Barrell and Pain (1997) estimate an elasticity of substitution
[sigma] of 0.5 from the labour demand equation. The user cost of capital
depends on the real long-term interest rate and a risk premium.
Business investment is determined by an error-correction-based
relationship between actual and equilibrium capital stocks as below.
I[B.sub.t] = [K.sub.t] - [K.sub.t-1] * (1 - dep) (3.2.4)
where IB is business investment, K is the capital stock, dep is the
depreciation rate and the long-run equation for the capital stock is
3.3 Governments
The government budget deficit is:
BUD = CED * (GI + GC) + TRAN + GIP - TAX - CTAX - ITAX (3.3.1)
where the government budget deficit (B UD) is determined by
spending minus revenues. Government spending includes spending on
investment (GI) and consumption (GC) rising in line with trend output in
the long run, with delayed adjustment to changes in the trend. They are
revalued in line with the consumers' expenditure deflator (CED). In
addition transfers (TRAN) to unemployed and pensioners as well as
interest payments (GIP), depending on the size of the accumulated debt
and the prevailing interest rate, are identified. The revenues include
corporate (CTAX) and personal (TAX) direct taxes and indirect taxes
(ITAX) on spending.
The deficit flows onto the debt stock, which affects interest
payments and private sector wealth.
[DEBT.sub.t] = [DEBT.sub.t-1] + [BUD.sub.t] [DELTA][M.sub.t]
where [DELTA]M is the change in the money stock, representing
possible monetary financing of the deficit.
A default budget rule is included to ensure that governments stay
solvent in the long run, i.e. that the deficit and debt stock return to
sustainable levels in all scenarios. The budget rule adjusts the
aggregate tax rate when the public debt ratio (gbr) deviates from its
target (gbrt) as below:
[taxr.sub.t] = [taxr.sub.t-1] *
[0.01*[y.sub.t-1]([p.sup.y.sub.t-1]/100)*([[beta].sup.taxr]([gbrt.sub.t-1] - [gb.sub.rt-1]))/pi] (3.3.3)
where taxr is the tax rate, y is GDP and [p.sup.y] is the GDP
deflator and pi is personal income. Other solvency rules may be used
within the model, including with different speeds of adjustment.
This entails that if the government budget deficit is greater than
the target, then the income tax rate adjusts upwards to return the
deficit to target in the medium term (a time span of around five years).
3.4 Monetary policy authority
The monetary policy authority in the model operates predominantly
through the setting of the short-term nominal interest rate. This is
done with reference to a simple feedback rule depending on inflation,
the output gap, the price level, and nominal output. Different monetary
policy rules are defined, with the two-pillar strategy being the default
The two-pillar strategy sets the short-term interest rate as a
function of the ratio of the nominal GDP target to nominal GDP and the
difference between inflation expectations and the inflation target. (1)
[i.sub.t] = [[gamma].sup.i][i.sub.t-1] + (1 - [[gamma].sup.i]) *
[-[[alpha].sup.i]ln ([NOM.sup.*.sub.t]/[NOM.sub.t]) +
[[beta].sup.i]([inf.sub.t+1] - [inf.sup.*.sub.t+1])] (3.4.1)
Where i is the short-term nominal interest rate, NOM is nominal
output, NOM* is a specified target for nominal output, inf is inflation
expectations (=[DELTA]ln[CED.sub.t+1]) and inf* is the inflation target.
4. Prices, trade and equilibrium
This section outlines the key pricing and trading relationships in
the model and how the model is brought into equilibrium.
4.1 Prices of goods and services
The prices set by firms depend on the cost of inputs to production.
Firms are assumed to choose factors to minimise the cost of production
given the production function (3.2.1). Substituting optimal factor input
levels ([bar.L],[bar.K]) into the cost function (and abstracting from
energy inputs into production) yields an expression for total costs:
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (4.1.1)
Assuming that firms operate on demand curves for factors in the
long run, [bar.L] and [bar.K], we derive an expression for the marginal
cost of production:
MC = [([bar.L]/Q).sup.1+[rho]]
[([[gamma].sup.Q][e.sup.[lambda]t]).sup.[rho]] w/(1 - [s.sup.Q]) (4.1.2)
Under imperfect competition, firms charge a mark-up over the
marginal cost. The assumed market structure is similar to the standard
assumption of monopolistic competition but not identical to it, allowing
for more flexibility and institutional differences across countries. To
take a demand-dependent mark-up into account, we augment equation
(4.1.2) with capacity utilisation to yield an expression for observed
total cost per unit:
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (4.1.3)
Parameter [[alpha].sup.UTC] varies across countries to reflect
different degrees of product market regulation. The first column of
table 3 shows that for countries with less regulated product markets,
like the US and the UK, parameter [[alpha].sup.UTC] tends to be lower.
Taking logs, we can derive the following linear expression:
InUTC = [[theta].sup.UTC] + [[alpha].sup.UTC] InCU + lnw +
[[beta].sup.UTC.sub.1] ln L/Q + [[beta].sup.UTC.sub.2]t (4.1.4)
where [[beta].sup.UTC.sub.1] = (l + [rho]), = [[beta]]
= [rho][lambda]. The constant term [[theta].sup.UTC] =
[rho]ln[[gamma].sup.Q]-ln[(1 - [s.sup.Q]).sup.2] collects parameters of
the production function.
Consumer prices in the model are a function of unit total cost and
a wedge explained by prices of imported goods and services:
In CED = [[beta].sup.CED] In UTC + (1 - [[beta].sup.CED]) In PM
Parameter [[beta].sup.CED] captures the sensitivity of consumer
prices, and inflation, to price pressure from abroad and depends on the
openness of the economy and demand for imports.
Short-term expressions for all price equations are written in error
correction form, such that the growth rate of unit total cost,
[DELTA]lnUTC, also depends on lagged differences of wages and lagged
technological change. Consumer price inflation is also a function of
lagged unit total cost growth, and import price inflation.
4.2 Wages and unemployment
Wage bargaining
In equilibrium, the level of real wages is determined in a
bargaining process between workers and firms. The higher is
unemployment, the lower is the bargaining power of workers. We assume a
Phillips curve relationship between real wage growth and unemployment.
Profit maximisation on behalf of firms also requires wages to move in
line with productivity over time. We therefore allow for an error
correction of wages to trend labour productivity as well as deviations
of actual labour productivity from trend. The productivity-augmented
real wage Phillips curve is written as:
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (4.2.1)
[w.sub.t]/[[CED].sub.t] is the real consumer wage and [U.sub.t-1]
the lag of the unemployment rate. [w.sub.t-1]/[UTC].sub.t-1] is the real
producer wage, In [Q.sub.t-1]/[L.sub.t=1] is realised (log of) output
per hour worked, i.e. labour productivity, and ([t.sub.t-1] - ln
[Q.sub.t-1]/L.sub.1]) the deviation of (log) labour productivity from a
long-run productivity trend.
Parameters [[beta].sup.w.sub.1] and [[delta].sup.w] vary across
countries and reflect differences in labour market institutions that
determine the bargaining power of workers relative to firms, such as
union density, unemployment insurance, employment protection and minimum
wages (table 3).
While workers and firms base their economic decisions on real
wages, in practice nominal wages are bargained over. Rational agents not
only take into account the current price level but also form
expectations about the price level in the future. We account for the
forward-looking nature of nominal wage setting as follows:
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (4.2.2)
[w.sub.t] is the nominal wage. [CED.sub.t] is the current price
level (consumer expenditure deflator), itself a function of unit total
costs of production, consumption tax rates and import prices.
E[[H.summation over (h=1) [DELTA]ln[[CED].sub.t+b]] is expected
inflation over H periods. Expectations are consistent with model
Parameters [[alpha].sup.w.sub.1] and [[alpha].sup.w.sub.2] govern
the extent to which agents are forward-looking, or 'rational'.
[[alpha].sup.w.sub.2] =0 would imply that expectations are formed purely
adaptively. In NiGEM, such a parameter setting is optional.
[[alpha].sup.w.sub.1] [not equal to] 0 implies that expectations about
the price level are sticky and allows us to account for nominal
rigidities. This can be compared to approaches in the DSGE literature to
model nominal rigidities, such as the concept of Calvo pricing (Calvo,
1983; e.g. Christiano et al., 2005). By contrast, our method is more
strongly motivated by empirical considerations (fitting the data), and
parameters [[alpha].sup.w.sub.1] and [[alpha].sup.w.sub.2] vary across
countries. Similar to DSGE-type models, nominal rigidities in NiGEM
ensure that monetary policy has real effects.
Equilibrium rate of unemployment
Using the optimal demand for labour [[bar.].sup.L] (equation
(3.2.2)), the price setting equation (4.1.5) and the wage setting
equation (4.2.2), the equilibrium rate of unemployment can be derived.
In equilibrium, actual inflation equals expected inflation and capacity
utilisation will settle at an equilibrium. In addition, actual labour
productivity and labour-augmenting technological progress should grow at
the same rate. The equilibrium rate of unemployment can then be written
as a function only of structural parameters, the terms of trade (export
relative to import prices, PX/PM) and domestic producer price inflation
relative to imported inflation to allow for global current account
imbalances in the long run
[U.sup.*] = [[alpha].sup.U.sub.1] + [[alpha].sup.U.sub.2] [DELTA]ln
PX/PM + [[alpha].sup.U.sub.3] [DELTA]ln UTC/PM (4-2.3)
where [[alpha].sup.U.sub.1] captures the parameters associated with
product and labour market institutions in the price and wage setting
equations. If [[alpha].sup.U.sub.1] was zero, this would imply that the
equilibrium unemployment rate would only be determined by structural
factors and the terms of trade.
[U.sup.*] can also be interpreted as the non-accelerating inflation
rate of unemployment (NAIRU): it indicates the level of unemployment
below which inflation would be expected to rise relative to
expectations. Figure 2 above summarises the labour market equilibrium
graphically. The price setting relationship is upwards sloping in
unemployment as a result of decreasing returns to labour input into the
production function (equation 3.2.1 above): as unemployment decreases,
or employment increases, the marginal cost of production would increase
with the effect that firms will charge higher prices. In that sense, the
price setting equation could be thought of as a labour demand equation.
Vice versa, the wage setting relationship, according to which wages are
negatively related to unemployment, would correspond to a labour supply
curve in a standard analysis of the labour market.
From the equilibrium rate of unemployment, the equilibrium level of
employment can be derived:
[L.sup.*] = LF(1 - [U.sup.*]) (4.2.4)
where LF is the labour force. The size of the labour force depends
on demographics, migration and participation rates. We take it as
exogenously given, using projections from official sources. With respect
to employment, we further distinguish between employees in employment
and the self-employed. Only the former are assumed to be relevant for
the wage and price setting process.
4.3 International trade
NiGEM is a globally closed model in that all income and asset flows
into one country are matched by outflows from other countries.
International trade is driven by demand such that no country exports
unless there is demand from other countries. Import demand is modelled
as a function of total final expenditure and import price
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (4.3.1)
Total final expenditure [TFE.sub.t] is defined as domestic demand
less imports. The paper by Jorra et al. (2018) in this Review augments
the import demand function to account for differences in the import
content of expenditure components. The authors show that this can have
implications for the magnitude of international spillovers. In the long
run, a demand elasticity [b.sup.M.sub.1] > 1 is imposed to allow for
a continued rise in the share of trade in world output, i.e.
globalisation. Import price competitiveness is defined as the ratio of
import prices to domestic consumer prices: the higher the price of
imports relative to prices at home, the lower import demand. Import
prices are a weighted average of prices for commodity and noncommodity
PM = [[alpha].sup.PM]P[M.sup.cou] +(1 -
[[alpha].sup.PM])[PM.sup.NCOM] (4.3.2)
Commodity import prices PMCOM are exogenously given prices for
metal, agricultural raw material, food, beverages and fossil fuel. In
the long run, the growth rate of these prices is determined by the
growth rate of non-commodity prices. [[alpha].sup.PM] is a
country's share of commodity exports in total exports.
Non-commodity import prices [PM.sup.NCOM] of country i are a weighted
average of other countries' export prices P[X.sup.NCOM.sub.i]
[PM.sup.NCOM.sub.i] = [J.summation over
(j=1)][wt.sub.j][PX.sup.NCOM.sub.j] (4.3.3)
where weight [wt.sub.j] is the share of country j's exports in
all imports of country i and J is the number of trading partners.
Non-commodity export prices are written in error correction form to
converge to an equilibrium defined by competitors' export prices
and the domestic price level:
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (4.3.4)
Competitors' export price level is defined as the average of
export prices of competitors l in a particular market, weighted by the
presence of competitors in that market [v.sub.l]:
[CPX.sup.NCOM.sub.i] = [L.summation over (l=1)]P[X.sup.NCOM.sub.l]
In the short run, export prices not only depend on domestic price
inflation but also export competitors' domestic prices. These are
defined as average domestic prices weighted by exports from country i to
country m relative to total exports from country i
[DPX.sup.NCOM.sub.i] = [M.summation over (m=1)][u.sub.m]
[CED.sub.m]/RX (4.3.6)
Putting import demand and relative price levels together allows us
to write the dynamic export equation as follows:
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (4.3.7)
In the long run, export volumes are tied down by foreign demand and
the competitiveness of export prices relative to export prices of
competitors and trading partners' domestic prices, with short-run
adjustments made with respect to changes in the same variables. Slopek
(2018, this Review) explores the role of tariffs in shaping the
relationship between export prices and foreign demand for exports. He
finds that assumptions made about the adjustment of export prices can
have important implications for the adjustment of the economy to the
introduction of tariffs.
The trade balance is calculated as export volumes less import
[TB.sub.t] = [X.sub.t]/[RX.sup.b] [PX.sub.t]/[PX.sup.b] -
[M.sub.t]/[RX.sub.t] [PM.sub.t]/[PM.sup.b] (4.3.8)
where superscript b indicates a variable's base year value.
4.4 Financial market prices
Like product markets, international financial markets clear such
that global liabilities equal global assets. A country's net income
from interest payments, profits and dividends (IPD) can be written as
the difference between income credits and debits:
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (4.4.1)
The terms in the first bracket represent credit with the rest of
the world. GA are gross assets held, and GL are gross liabilities, which
are both assumed to be a proportion of nominal GDP. ROR is the rate of
return on foreign assets, which error-corrects in world debit.
[i.sup.*.sub.t] is the short-term interest rate earned on liabilities in
the rest of the world. We assume it to be identical to the US risk-free
rate (policy rate).
The second bracket contains debit with the rest of the world. It is
written as a function of profits less corporate taxes, interest payments
on government debt and private and government debt as well as stock
market returns expressed in domestic currency.
The current account balance is the sum of the trade balance (TB),
net foreign income (IPDC less IPDD) and balance of payments transfers
(BPT), the latter defined as being proportional to nominal GDP in
foreign currency terms [BPT.sub.t] = [[beta].sup.BPT.sub.t]
[y.sub.t][p.sup.y.sub.t]/R[X.sub.t] with [p.sup.y.sub.t] being the GDP
[CB.sub.t] = [TB.sub.t] + ([IPDC.sub.t] - [IPD.sub.Dt]) +
[BPT.sub.t] (4.4.2)
Prices on international financial markets, i.e. long-term interest
rates, exchange rates and equity prices, adjust in a forward-looking
manner while allowing for (small) deviations from a standard
no-arbitrage condition.
Short-term interest rates [i.sub.t] are determined by the monetary
policy rules described in section 3.4 thereby responding endogenously to
the state of the economy. Long-term interest rates [LR.sub.t] result
from a 10-year forward convolution of short-term rates plus a term
premium (TPREM), which may capture risks associated with uncertainty
about future monetary policy, bond market liquidity, or sovereign
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (4.4.3)
The bilateral exchange rate [RX.sub.t], is defined as domestic
currency per unit of foreign currency. It is forward-looking in that it
jumps in response to news about the expected path of interest rates,
solving an uncovered interest parity condition:
[RX.sub.t] = [RX.sub.t+1] (1 + [i.sub.t]/1 + [i.sup.*.sub.t])
The article by Haincourt (2018) in this Review studies the effect
of unexpected shocks to the exchange rate on the macroeconomy. Finally,
equity prices move with discounted future values of profits relative to
private sector capital stock KP plus a premium:
[EQP.sub.t] + [PROF.sub.t] - [TAX.sup.c.sub.t]/[KP.sub.t] +
[EQP.sub.t+1] [KP.sub.t+1]/(1 + [i.sub.t])(l + [EQPREM.sub.t])
[KP.sub.t] (4.4.5)
The equity risk premium drives a wedge between returns on equity
and returns on interest-bearing debt.
4.6 Estimation, calibration and solution method
Data used in the model is quarterly and mainly based on the
internationally agreed national accounting framework. Model parameters
are determined primarily through estimation and calibration. Model
equations are regularly re-estimated to pick up changes to the structure
of the economy. We employ standard time series and panel estimation
methods to obtain robust estimates.
The model is solved using the Extended Path method for non-linear
equations (Fair and Taylor, 1993, 1990). The default setting is that
agents in the model have rational expectations in that their
expectations are consistent with model predictions. In other words, the
variance of future shocks does not affect agents' current
expectations. In practice this implies that iterating along the solution
path expectations are recalculated until convergence is achieved (see
also Barrell et al., 2003). The model may also be solved in
backward-looking mode using alternative equations that do not contain
forward looking terms.
5. Forecasting, stress testing and policy analysis
The NiGEM model is primarily used for forecasting, stress testing
and policy analysis. The global forecasts produced using the model are
described elsewhere in this Review. While, for brevity, these are mainly
presented as point forecasts, stochastic simulations of the model are
also carried out to produce distributions around these point forecasts.
These are illustrated in the fan-charts shown in the UK chapter of this
Review, for example, that provide estimates of the risks around the main
The model is also used to produce different scenarios whose
likelihood can be assessed by reference to the fan charts. Assessing
risks is critical in decision-making and macroeconomic scenarios are
increasingly important for risk assessment at banks and other financial
institutions. The new IFRS9 standard requires institutions to use a
range of possible economic scenarios to estimate an expected credit
loss. Scenarios are also required for various regulator-driven and
internal stress testing exercises. Some of these scenarios are known to
be extremely unlikely to materialise, but still absolutely vital to
consider in the proper management of risk.
In the rest of this section we present some building blocks to
scenario analysis, showing how the model can be used to assess the
effects of simple shocks to monetary policy, fiscal policy and
productivity. Besides showcasing the flexibility of NiGEM, the objective
is to confirm that the model produces dynamics that are in line with the
macroeconomic literature.
5.1 Monetary policy shock
We first describe the response of the model to shocks to short-term
interest rates. Because interest rates are determined in the model by
feedback rules, we assume that they are changed because of a short-term
(one year) change in the nominal GDP target.
Higher Euro Area interest rates
The first case we consider is an increase in the Euro Area nominal
interest rate of 25 basis points.
A contractionary monetary policy shock reduces overall domestic
demand through the effects of higher interest rates on consumption and
investment (figure 4). Higher rates reduce consumption through the
wealth effect depending on the number of liquidity-constrained consumers
that varies across Euro Area countries. Investment decreases immediately
after the shock as higher rates increase the user cost of capital, which
is a function of real long rates. The effect of the shock on the trade
balance is small as the fall in import volumes on the back of lower
demand is offset by a decline in exports, driven by an appreciation of
the euro. As domestic prices adjust over time, there is no long-run
impact on real variables: GDP is about 0.05 per cent lower after one
year, but returns to base values after about three years.
Inflation is lower by 0.04 pp immediately after the shock for both
domestic and external reasons. This is a little smaller than the effect
estimated for the UK by Cloyne and Hiirtgen (2016). The rise in the
unemployment rate due to the fall in demand drives down wages as they
are determined by a Phillips curve relationship (see section 4.2). The
consequent fall in unit total costs drives lower inflationary pressures.
Also, the appreciation of the euro driven by higher yields decreases
import prices, contributing to the deflationary effect.
Higher UK interest rates
We now consider an equivalent shock that increases the nominal
interest rate by 25 basis points in the UK. The effects are shown in
figure 4. The exchange rate and price channel govern the different
dynamics that arise in the UK relative to the Euro Area following a
monetary policy shock. Being a small open-economy, the UK has greater
labour market flexibility and lower price rigidity. Monetary policy in
the model has therefore a faster price adjustment than in the Euro Area.
The reaction of domestic demand is similar to the Euro Area. The
most notable difference is for the trade balance, which in the UK is
significantly above base one year after the temporary monetary policy
shock. After the immediate currency appreciation and decline in
inflation, the subsequent sterling depreciation makes exports more
competitive while import volumes remain lower than base. This improves
the trade balance to a significantly greater extent than in the previous
Euro Area shock.
Figure 5 compares the responses of exchange rates and inflation
rates to monetary tightenings in the Euro Area and in the UK. In both
cases, the exchange rate appreciates by about 0.25 per cent on impact,
but then reverts over time to base values. Partly driven by the exchange
rate's appreciation, inflation falls immediately by about 0.04
percentage points. In the UK, inflation reverts to base one year after
the shock as import prices are higher, determining a faster price
adjustment than in the Euro Area.
5.2 Fiscal policy shock
The fiscal shock considered is a permanent reduction in government
consumption equivalent to 1 per cent of GDP.
Co-ordinated fiscal contraction in the Euro Area
A co-ordinated shock to public consumption by the four major Euro
Area economies reduces GDP by around 0.5 per cent in the first year.
Table 4 displays the changing contributions of the expenditure
components to the change in output expressed as a percentage of baseline
GDP following the shock.
The assumed fiscal shock to the four major Euro Area major
economies contributes to a fall in government spending for the Euro Area
as a whole of almost 0.8 percentage points of GDP. The first-year GDP
multiplier effect is around half, although this fades over time as
private investment responds to a lower cost of capital (figure 5).
The immediate responses to the shock are of lower domestic demand.
Unemployment increases and puts downward pressures on wages, feeding
disinflationary pressures and encouraging a relaxation of monetary
policy. The real interest rate declines with the accompanying deflation
and investment is permanently higher. Lower interest rates also lead to
a euro depreciation which, together with a fall in domestic demand,
improves the trade position. Over time GDP returns towards its initial
equilibrium with the composition of demand having switched from
government consumption to private investment.
Fiscal contraction in Germany alone
An isolated shock reducing fiscal spending in Germany has smaller
effects for the Euro Area as a whole and for Germany itself than is the
case for a co-ordinated fiscal expansion as spillovers from abroad are
reduced in absence of direct fiscal shocks to the other countries
(figure 7). Consumption and overall output react similarly to the
isolated shock and to the co-ordinated one. The key difference is the
reaction of investment and the trade position. The co-ordinated shock
negatively impacts the demand for German exports by the other European
countries that have been shocked directly. Investment increases by more
in the co-ordinated case due to the larger decline in the user cost of
capital induced by the greater monetary policy response. Therefore, in
the coordinated exercise, the effective exchange rate of the euro
declines by significantly more than in the isolated case.
5.3 Productivity shock
We implement a permanent positive shock to labour-augmenting
productivity of I per cent of GDP simultaneously in four major Euro Area
economies, as well as an isolated improvement in the UK.
Synchronised improvement in productivity in the Euro Area
Productivity enters the production function and impacts potential
output directly, with the speed of adjustment differing across
countries. Euro Area potential output permanently increases with the
shock and drives actual output higher in the long run. The negative
output gap emerging from the temporary wedge between potential and
actual output puts downward pressures on prices in the short term.
Lower prices increase real disposable income supporting
consumption; the accommodative monetary policy reaction feeds through
the user cost of capital on the back of lower long real rates, which
encourages investment. Higher capacity stimulates government
expenditures. The trade balance represents a drag on output as imports
increase by more than exports with the increase in output (figure 8).
The fall in the capacity utilisation rate following the shock
drives a temporary rise in unemployment, consistent with the evidence
presented in Gali (1999) and Francis and Ramey (2003). This further
induces lower price pressures as the wage bargaining process is
hindered. Monetary policy reacts after one year to the deflationary
shock by decreasing nominal short rates, and returning inflation back to
base (figure 9).
Improvement in productivity in the UK alone
A permanent shock to labour augmenting technological progress
permanently increases actual output and potential output in the UK
similarly to the previous case. Different responses arise due to the
faster price adjustment mechanism and stronger exchange rate effects in
the UK (figure 10). The faster price adjustment mechanism in the UK
drives a greater fall in prices as the technology shock induces spare
capacity in the economy. Immediately after the shock, unemployment rises
and puts downward pressure on wages. Likewise, the exchange rate channel
is more responsive in the UK and determines a greater depreciation of
sterling than the shock in the Euro Area to the euro. Finally, monetary
policy response is more accommodative in the UK than in the Euro Area
and responds to the deflationary shock by decreasing the nominal rate.
Looking at the reaction of the expenditure components to the shock
in the UK, investment rises to a greater extent than in the Euro Area,
as the monetary policy reaction is more accommodative and leads to a
greater fall in the user cost of capital. The steep depreciation of
sterling drives greater export competitiveness, such that the trade
balance is not significantly different from base following the shock,
unlike in the Euro Area.
(1) Nominal GDP is determined by the GDP deflator by default, but
it is also possible to use a consumer expenditure deflator.
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Arno Hantzsche, Marta Lopresto and Garry Young *
* NIESR. E-mail:
Caption: Figure 1. NiGEM country coverage
Caption: Figure 2. Labour market equilibrium
Caption: Figure 3. Impact on Euro Area expenditure components from
monetary policy shock (per cent difference from baseline)
Caption: Figure 4. impact on UK expenditure components from
monetary policy shock (per cent difference from baseline)
Caption: Figure 5. Impact on respective currencies and inflation
from monetary policy shocks
Caption: Figure 6. Impact on Euro Area expenditure components from
a reduction in public consumption in four Euro Area major economies (per
cent difference from baseline)
Caption: Figure 7. Impact on German fixed investment and net trade
from co-ordinated and the isolated shock to public consumption (per cent
difference from baseline)
Caption: Figure 8. Impact on Euro Area expenditure components
following synchronised productivity shock (per cent difference from
Caption: Figure 9. Impact on Euro Area unemployment, inflation and
nominal interest rate after the co-ordinated productivity shock
(percentage point difference from baseline)
Caption: Figure 10. Difference between the effect of the
co-ordinated Euro Area and the UK productivity shocks on their
respective currencies and inflation (difference from baseline)
Table 1. Key consumption equation parameters
[beta]C [DELTA]ln [DELTA]n
US 0.93 0.15 --
UK 0.93 0.17 --
Germany 0.78 0.68 0.02
France 0.71 0.51 --
Italy 0.83 0.14 --
Canada 0.93 0.17 --
US 0.15 -- 0.03
UK 0.16 -- 0.03
Germany -- --
France -- -- 0.04
Italy -- 0.03 --
Canada 0.16 0.03
Note: [beta]c gives the long-run weight on
income from equation (3.1.1), the coefficients
indicate the short-run response of consumption
to changes in real income and wealth.
Table 2. Parameters of two-pillar monetary rule
[[gamma].sup.i] [[alpha].sup.i] [[beta].sup.i]
US 0.5 40 0.70
UK 0.5 30 0.95
Euro Area 0.5 40 0.70
Canada 0.5 30 0.95
Japan 0.5 60 0.75
Table 3. Selected model parameters reflecting the
degree of product and labour market regulation
UTC equation: Phillips curve: Phillips curve:
elasticity of unemployment error correction
([[alpha].sup.UTC]) elasticity parameter
capacity utilisation ([[beta].sub.l]w) (-[delta]w)
Canada 0.083 -0.001 -0.100
China 0.084 -0.002 -0.084
France 0.094 -0.001 -0.095
Germany 0.209 -0.004 -0.167
Italy 0.375 -0.004 -0.150
Japan 0.228 -0.004 -0.114
UK 0.021 -0.002 -0.036
US 0.075 -0.002 -0.149
Table 4. Euro Area expenditure components after the
coordinated fiscal policy shock by the four major
economies of the Euro Area (percentage points contribution)
GDP Private Fixed Net Public
consumption investment exports consumption
T+1 -0.48 -0.05 -0.05 0.37 -0.76
T+2 -0.31 -0.04 0.16 0.33 -0.76
T+3 -0.21 -0.03 0.23 0.34 -0.76
T+4 -0.16 -0.01 0.25 0.35 -0.76
T+5 -0.15 0.01 0.25 0.34 -0.75
Source: NiGEM simulations.
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