Nevertheless They Persisted: Gendered Frameworks and Socialization Advantages in Indian Professional Service Firms.
Ballakrishnen, Swethaa S.
Nevertheless They Persisted: Gendered Frameworks and Socialization Advantages in Indian Professional Service Firms.
THE GROWING LITERATURE ON GENDER and professional work affirms that
despite increasing feminization across fields, stark gender inequality
persists (Witz 2013), resulting in what has been termed a
"stalled' gender revolution (England 2010). To explain this
persistence, scholars have, beyond a range of explanatory mechanisms,
made a serious cast for thinking of gender as a "background
identity" (Ridgeway and Correll 2004) that creates gender-biased
"ideal workers" and organizations (Acker 1990). Yet, while
many of these inhibiting patterns are universal researchers
investigating contexts outside of the global north have offereed points
of divergence, especially concerning the insufficiency of western
theories to apply across cultural contexts (e.g., Kumar 2012;
Mukhopadhyay 2004).
This article uses the Indian case to offer further nuance to these
narratives about the impact of global cultures on the gendered
experience of professional work. I find that while gender certainly
infiltrates all workspaces through the framework of a background
identity, there remain occupational and organizational differences in
the ways in which women experience their environments. Particularly,
while Indian women lawyers overall are more disadvantaged in many ways
than their international counter parts, women lawyers in very elite law
firms do much better than both their local and global peers. A
confluence of factors might be responsible for this unusual experience
of professional work, but this article highlights the importance of one
set of supply side dynamics: the variations in socializing experiences
and expectations before professionals enter elite firms In doing so, it
adds to the literature that suggests the importance of early training
and educational socialization for gender egalitarian outcomes in the
workforce (e.g., Cech 2015; Seron et al. 2016). It also lends credence
to the "pipeline" fix for gender equality by highlighting the
substantive influence of increased representation on the ways men and
women both think about their careers. Further, it reveals the particular
global stickiness of gender frameworks: all sites are gendered, but the
specification of these gendered identities is impacted by their
respective embedded cultural contexts.
The persistence of gender inequality across professional fields
dovetails our understandings about the feminization of high-status work:
the rise in female participation within any given workforce is
predicated either on the relative low status of the work or its
compatibility with "gender-friendly" traits (England 2010). As
a result, women are concentrated in mostly female-friendly, low-status
work that, in turn, cements the inequalities of their representation
(Davies 1996). To explain these inequalities, most theorists converge on
the idea that causal mechanisms producing gender inequality do not work
in isolation. Instead, inequality within the professions is created and
cemented by a recursive, self-fulfilling mechanism wherein women's
entry is constantly pitted against other "ideal types" (Acker
1990; Williams 2000) and background frameworks about gender that are
universally unhelpful to women (Ridgeway 2011; Ridgeway and Correll
2004). One way in which reinforcement happens is the ways in which
gender socialization impacts entry and advancement of women within
professional tracks even as they enter at the same rates as their male
peers. It is the unpacking of this socialization, within the broader
context of a persistent gender system, that offers the theoretical
framework for this research.
Persistent Background Frameworks of Gender
Gender theorists (Ridgeway and Correll 2004) have argued that
sticky stereotypes are pivotal mechanisms in the production of
entrenched hierarchies because they stem from strong and accepted
preexisting assumptions about how different actors should respond in
social situations. This strain of research gives us an important,
multidimensional view of how gender is "done" (West and
Zimmerman 1987), because it reminds us that even though stereotypes
attach at the individual level (e.g., "she is too aggressive for a
woman"), they are often cemented with interactional and
institutional reinforcement, forming a social structure where
assumptions about gender identity are not only accepted, but also
expected. As a result, social interactions are not only fraught with
background assumptions; they are also feeder mechanisms into creating
persistent constructs of gender-based inequality in organizations
(Ridgeway 2011).
High-status workplaces are organic environments for the application
of this background framework of gender because they have historically
been male dominated (Charles and Grusky 2005). One reason this is
problematic for new entrants like women and minorities is that when the
parameters of an ideal worker are already set, all and any deviations
from this construct suffer a penalty for not being "ideal"
(Acker 1990). Seen from this perspective, if the ideal worker is a man
without family responsibilities (Williams 2000), then organizations feel
legitimate in levying a motherhood penalty (Correll, Benard, and Paik
2007) and stigmatizing women when they access "flexible" work
(Williams, Blair-Loy, and Berdahl 2013).
Gendered Pathways and Educational Socialization
The wealth of empirical research on women in high-status
organizations reflects strong evidence for this theoretical positioning.
Studies on elite women professionals show that women are disadvantaged
at entry (Gorman 2005), have less helpful career referents (Gibson and
Lawrence 2010), make fewer meaningful networks (Ibarra 1997), have
barriers to promotion (Dencker 2008), and are overall structurally set
up against advancing within the firm (Kanter 1977). The legal profession
has been a prime site for the creation and reproduction of these
gendered hierarchies (Epstein 1981; Menkel-Meadow 1989; Pierce 1996;
Shultz and Shaw 2003). Particularly in large law firms, research
documents strong structural obstacles for women including lack of formal
inclusion (Kay and Gorman 2012), limited mentorship (Mobley et al.
1994), stereotype-ridden professional ideology (Wald 2009),
male-friendly partner composition (Chambliss and Uggen 2001), and a
general preference for male law-firm capital (Kay and Hagan 1998).
Together, these factors have resulted in wage disparities (Dinovitzer,
Reichman, and Sterling 2009; Hagan and Kay 1995), missed partnership
opportunities (Walsh 2012), and a host of other kinds of inequality
(Sterling and Reichman 2012, 2016). Research has also begun to reveal
ways in which women may adopt "coping strategies" for
inclusion and validation (e.g., Hatmaker 2012), but the predominant
narrative is of women responding to a biased system that is likely to
reproduce unfavorable hierarchies (Witz 2013).
To explain these entry and advancement patterns, scholars have
begun to pay especial attention to the role of education and
socialization in reproducing gender inequality, especially, the
importance of socialization in acculturating a sense of identity
"fit" between the individual and organization (Cech 2015; Cech
et al. 2011; Hatmaker 2012). For instance, while Cech et al. (2011)
offer that the relative lack of women's "professional role
confidence" within the "culture of engineering"
contributes to their attrition from the field; Seron et al. (2016) offer
further that professional socialization has important implications for
the cultivation of this confidence. It is a similar exposition of
professional socialization advantages that this article seeks to
Gender and Professional Work in India
Global contexts offer new ways to reflect on the implications of
these studies. In the Indian context, gender differences exist in
professional participation, but they are not determined by the same
kinds of supply-side factors as evidenced in the West (Kumar 2012;
Mukopadhyaya 2004). Simultaneously, organizational inequalities persist
and women, to the extent they enter the formal workforce, continue to
face strong barriers to success and advancement (e.g., Budhwar, Debi,
and Bhatnagar 2005; Nath 2000; Teijesen, Sealy, and Singh 2009; Vinze
1987). In particular, the legal profession has been generally hostile to
feminization. Michelson (2013), for example, suggests that while most of
the world's professions have feminized over the last half a
century, India still remains predominantly male with only about 5
percent women (compared to an average of about 30 percent).
Unsurprisingly, this representation gets even starker at senior
positions. For instance, in the over 200 senior counsels in the Mumbai
High Court, only one active senior counsel is a woman (Ballakrishnen
forthcoming). In contrast, women in leading law firms are at par at both
entry and partnership with their male peers and often talk about gender
as though it does not matter (Ballakrishnen 2013, 2017).
Ridgeway's (2011) theory might suggest that this is a function
of temporality--older organizations are more set in their ways than
newer organizations and, consequently, more likely to be wary of new
entrants. However, even among similarly new and elite professional firms
differences are stark. Particularly, my research suggests that while
women in new law firms experience work environments that are relatively
gender agnostic, women in consulting firms do not enjoy a similar
privilege. Contrasting these two cases of novel field emergence against
gendered accounts of the traditional litigation system in India (e.g.,
Sorabji 2010) that has stayed relatively unchanged following
globalization (e.g., Mishra 2016; Rajkotia 2017), this article focuses
on the relationship between institutional novelty and socialization to
shed light on its implications for theorizing about professional
stratification more generally.
While all professional sites are riddled with obstacles, the
background framework theory offers potential for possible exceptions.
Particularly, it suggests that in "sites of innovation" where
the basic framework of the job is not particularly gender typed, there
is a possibility for the gender frame to be more diluted (Ridgeway
2011). This categorization of new sites of innovation is useful because
it gives us some hope for breakthroughs in existing hierarchies (e.g.,
Smith-Doerr 2004). From Mountain View to Mumbai, there are new kinds of
organizations and types of professional practice that did not exist even
a few decades ago, and across these sites there is innovation in the
types of work and professional practice.
Although not empirically concerned with the effects of global
capital and workflow, Ridgeway's (2011) constructs for evolution
and change offer valuable tools to analyze new changes in global
economy. Particularly, as an emerging economy, India offers a range of
professional work contexts to extend and test Ridgeway's (2011)
suggestion that new sites offer optimistic possibility for the
renegotiation of hierarchy. Most professional practice in the country
was organized around individual or family practitioners until 1991 when
liberalization reforms allowing foreign direct investment exposed the
historically closed market to new work, transactions, and clients.
Following these new reforms, new kinds of professional services (e.g.,
management consulting) and multinational firms were introduced alongside
older professions like law, accounting, and banking. But even among
existing professions (e.g., law), liberalization brought about
organizational changes and new kinds of firms and work began to emerge
alongside vestigial individual practice.
Using a theoretical sampling logic (Eisenhardt 1989), the initial
case variation (Yin 2003) followed the empirical advantage of variations
in India's liberalization process. I chose two cases varying these
dimensions of novelty--that is, the variation in organizational
structure and nature of work across firms. The first was traditional
litigation practice that was still organized in pre-1991 fashion, around
individual practitioners or small partnerships. The second were
transactional law firms that were only created postliberalization in
1991 and that worked on new kinds of work including mergers and
acquisitions, capital markets, and international banking. From my
interviews and observations in the field, it became clear that newer
firms were indeed differently impacted by globalization--a finding that
others studying the professions have noted (see, generally, Wilkins,
Khanna, and Trubek 2017)--and that women, in particular, experienced
their careers very differently in new firms. However, when over the
course of analysis, it became clear that novelty along these dimensions
was not enough to explain the variation in gender experiences, I chose
also to focus on a third site--management consulting firms. I theorized
that if novelty of work and structure was indeed what was explaining the
difference between women in older litigating practice versus new kinds
of transactional law firms, then other kinds of new firms ought also to
expose its inhabitants to similar surroundings. The professionals that
entered these new law and consulting firms were graduates of similarly
prestigious schools and were relatively homogenous at the individual
level (predominantly forward caste, middle class, urban,
English-speaking). As a result, these three sites were similar enough to
warrant comparison in that they were all highly prestigious work sites
with professional entry requirements. But their variations in emergence
and organizational structure offered a design variation that was
Over the course of my analysis, it became clear that novelty along
one more dimension--that is, schools that socialized recruits before
entry--might be useful in creating egalitarian frameworks of gender.
While elite law firms recruited predominantly from new and elite
National Law Schools, the hiring pool for consulting firms were
graduates from elite engineering and business schools. These schools
were similarly prestigious and recruited from homogenous class
backgrounds, but they varied significantly in gender composition. The
National Law Schools, as new schools that incidentally emerged around
the same time as these new law firms, had gender equal cohorts at entry
and graduation (Ballakrishnen forthcoming). In contrast, elite business
and engineering schools were older, more traditional schools that had
remained predominantly male even following liberalization. This
variation was important, as these data reveal, but the salience of their
underlying mechanisms in reproducing inequality was something that
emerged from analysis, not something the research was designed to
My data are from 139 semistructured interviews conducted between
2011 and 2015 with professionals across these three main theoretical
cases in Mumbai, India (Table 1). As the financial capital of a newly
emerging economy, Mumbai is home to a range of new multinational
professional sites as well as an established presence of older
professional firms. The ethnographic interviews focused on these
professionals' personal and career histories and their
organizational experiences. Initial interviews helped explore emergent
themes (Spradley 1979) and subsequently became more streamlined to
include, as in this case, specifics about peer interactions, experiences
across organizations, as well as the ways in which gender socialization
before entry into these firms shaped exchanges and experiences.
To identify respondents, I first wrote to law firm partners in the
five firms in Mumbai that had been ranked consistently as the top legal
firms by global ranking agencies in the preceding five years. These
senior lawyers had influential internal networks that they were embedded
in, which made it easier to contact both junior colleagues and peers in
their own firms, as well as colleagues in the other professional sites.
I spoke to women and men in each of these firms, for between 40 and 90
minutes. Although I oversampled women, the men in the sample were
crucial for placing this experience in context since they provided an
interactional peer perspective.
Professional organizations in neoliberal sites have received some
sociological attention (e.g., Faulconbridge and Muzio 2012), but
focusing on professionals, instead, gives us one way of perceiving how
individuals and their actions scale up to organizational outcomes
(Thorton 1999). Particularly, while other scholars have explored global
gender processes in white collar work contexts (e.g., Radhakrishnan
2009), the rich literature on formal "global" work in India
encapsulates a very different demographic from the elite professionals
in my sample. (1) These data cannot--and do not claim to--give
comprehensive detail about all the mechanisms at play in global
organizations. They do, however, have rich detail about subjective
meanings of organizational processes that its actors hold and the
rational extensions this has for the environments they find themselves
in (Morrill and Fine 1997).
These data reveal two kinds of significant comparisons within these
professional spaces. The first is between older and newer kinds of
professional practice. In line with the other evidence, older firms were
more rigid in their expectation of an ideal worker and the exclusion of
women within these firms was legitimated by these constructs. Still,
novelty alone was not explanation enough. The second set of
comparisons--between different kinds of newer professional
practice--revealed the importance of pre-entry socialization in
dictating the nature of inclusion that newer firms offered. Together
these findings have implications for extending other research on
feminization that suggests that the gendering of organizations needs to
be understood not just by blatant exclusion of women, but also by their
kinds of specific inclusion (Davies 1996).
Comparison A: Traditional Litigation Practice versus Newer Kinds of
Professional Work
Historically, professional stratification in India was a simple
case of access to resources (Ballakrishnen forthcoming; Dezalay and
Garth 2010; Gandhi 1987). With limited domestic institutions to train
students, law in colonial India was reserved for those with access to
closed professional networks or the capacity to travel internationally,
that is, elite men (Ballakrishnen 2009; Gandhi 1987). Few women acquired
legal training and even fewer joined the profession (Sorabji 2010).
Recent demographic data suggest that this trend has not changed over the
last three decades (Michelson 2013). One extension of this segregation
is that Indian litigation practice, like other accounts in the global
legal profession (e.g., Pierce 1996), is a professional site where
gender impacts everyday interactions and experiences through hegemonic
practices, stereotypes, and unequal interactions. Mohan, a male
litigator in his 30s who was in charge of a practice that, in his own
words, could have as easily been his sister's, elaborates on this
gendered distinction:
The chances of a future life are at stake when you are a rude,
abrasive lawyer and a woman--you are setting up a foundation, at
least that is the perception, of how you are going to be judged. My
sister had the same opportunities of me, and she would have been a
much better lawyer than me, but she chose not to because of this
perception--she didn't want to be judged ... And clients have other
perceptions too--women are unique because of this reputation that
can be tainted. You think of women as people you want to keep safe
and take care of--you don't want them mistreated, not overburdened
and while you give them their respective dues and there is no
inequality, it's still a perception
The comment that female "rude abrasive lawyers" are
susceptible to judgment is interesting because Mohan mentions later in
the interview that it is exactly these qualities of aggression that make
male lawyers successful in courts. The differences in the pathways
between Mohan and his sister highlight the importance of gendered
frameworks in defining professional identities in litigation. Even as he
attests that there is "no inequality" and women are treated
well without being "not mistreated or overburdened,"
Mohan's account suggests that such treatment does not guarantee
professional rewards, and that women are simultaneously likely to be
judged harshly when they act in ways that might challenge that identity.
In a similar description of these gendered expectations, Priya, a young
litigator, revealed that judges were prone to "testing
boundaries" with women, often expecting them to have emotional
reactions and evaluating their seriousness in the courtroom accordingly:
... most judges won't yell at a woman who is making these mistakes,
you know? [Someone] who is being an idiot--they won't yell in the
way they might have yelled [to teach] a man: they don't give any
woman their time. They are always afraid that the girl is going to
break into tears ...
Alongside demographics of the field more generally, these
indicative accounts from Mohan and Priya confirm that in an established
professional field like litigation, the assumptive standard of an ideal
worker is better met by men (e.g., men had the ability to "shout
and scream in court"); women, even when they did meet it, were
under constant appraisal and subject to backlash. As a result, Priya and
other women like her, had to navigate a professional environment where
women were seen as not being strong enough for the tasks at hands (e.g.,
"they are always afraid the girl is going to break into
tears") and their careers, as too futile for seniors to invest in
(e.g., "they don't give any woman their time"). This
exclusionary setup that elite professional practice creates for women is
not novel in itself. But it sets up an important comparison point for
appreciating newer workplaces without similar embedded expectations.
Unlike set notions of what it meant to be a litigating lawyer,
professionals in newer fields like transactional law and consulting felt
differently restricted by this imagined notion of the ideal worker. In
contrast to litigation, women in transactional law firms felt like
gender was not a main determinant of their career trajectory and
success. Lata, a senior associate at an elite law firm, describes this
comparative ambivalence while describing her identity and work
People don't think of it as an issue--I get the perspective would
have been different if I had been a litigating lawyer. For example,
when I was interning [in a litigating office], my senior was a
woman and I know that judges looked at a case differently when a
male lawyer was arguing instead of a female lawyer. So if I had
been in litigation, it would have been different. But not here, not
at all.
Similarly, newness of work and organization helped women
professionals in new kinds of consulting firms as well. As new firms
with new kinds of professionals, there was similar mobility regarding
the constructed identity of a "good consultant" and although
this identity was negotiated along other lines of difference, gender was
not an immediately discriminating factor as it was in more traditional
practice. Saraswati, a fourth-year management consultant, suggested that
although there was not a "single senior consultant with a child and
a client-facing role," her environment was "pretty
egalitarian" and that there were "very few actual
situations" where gender distinctions mattered in her work. In
Saraswati's words, "per se, there is no difference in our
ability to do the work or in consulting ... the only difference,
however, comes in getting to the higher levels."
Her account suggests that gender was still relevant to
Saraswati's professional identity but, unlike for Priya, there were
no defined differences in the "ability to do the work" because
she was a woman. This contrast between Priya and Saraswati is useful to
highlight the distinctions between older and newer sites. All work is
gendered, but unlike old sites where expectations about the perfect
worker were set and women had to constantly prove they were either
"just like men" or "not too much like women," the
notion of the ideal worker in newer sites felt a bit more diffuse. They
had to contend with gendered hurdles ("... isn't a single
senior consultant with a client-facing role who has a child"), but
these were not because they were inherently believed to be unfit for the
job by clients and peers ("... per se, there is no
Comparison B: New Law versus New Consulting
To the extent they did not have to continuously prove that they
were the right "fit" for the job, the accounts of Lata and
Saraswati seem similar. However, while Lata and Saraswati both had the
advantage of not having to compete against a fixed ideal type of a
"good litigator" or "good consultant," their work
environments varied drastically in gender composition. Saraswati's
professional life was not as blatantly sexist as Priya's, but
despite feeling like there were no "technical" differences,
her caveat about more senior consultants is pertinent because it reveals
the underlying inequalities in environments that look and feel
egalitarian in other ways.
In contrast, Lata worked for a corporate law firm, within a team
with a female partner and was herself a mid-level associate on what she
felt was a clear track to partnership. In speaking about her progress
and success within the firm, Lata, like many of her within-firm peers,
reported gender as not being a consideration and highlighted how her
advancement across different levels of the firm (i.e., both at associate
and partner levels) was "on track" and at par with male
colleagues of similar standing. At the same time, Lata's position
did not emerge from just an idealized assumption about the firm she
worked for. The year she was recruited, her firm hired more women than
men--two who started at the same level at the firm as herself--and a
little over half the lawyers who had been promoted to partnership that
year were women. By her account, she had the same opportunities as her
male peers in terms of "promotions, bonuses, or getting
clients." For Lata, and other women in her firm, gender was not an
explicit issue that threatened their career prospects. Research on
successful professional women has offered notes of caution in
interpreting overoptimistic accounts by women who downplay the role of
gender (Britton 2017; Demaiter and Adams 2009). And it would be naive to
assume equal representation of women meant that new elite law firms were
not gendered in their own ways. But in creating environments where women
felt like they were not actively disadvantaged against, new law--and not
all new--firms offered a site of aberration.
Socialization Differences
One explanation for why gender was "not an issue" for
Lata and her peers was the blase way in which their male peers
accepted--and even expected--their successes. As lawyers trained
predominantly in new domestic law schools that were gender egalitarian
at intake and graduation, men and women alike were still negotiating the
frameworks of what it meant to be an elite law firm lawyer. Take this
explanation given by Nitin, a new partner at one of the elite law firms
about why the gender difference seemed redundant to him:
I went to law school with these [women]--many of them beat the s***
out of me in class--why would they be different in a meeting or
interaction here? Just because they are a woman? I'm going to say
there is no difference--and it is not just because I can't think of
anything. Be it competence, client facing ability, you name
it--there is no difference. Does a team of 4 boys differ from a
team with 2 boys and 2 girls or 4 girls? Maybe
banter--(laughs)--but that too depending on how close they are. But
for [the] most part--No!
In contrast, professionals in consulting firms were typically
graduates of older engineering and business schools, where gendered
frameworks and meanings were more strongly embedded and the demographics
themselves were less gender-balanced. Most consultants--male and female
alike--agreed that the "70/30 ratio" (of men and women,
respectively) was ideal, but not exactly possible in more senior levels
for a range of attrition reasons including incoming cohort demographics
in business schools, women's "choices," and the
inevitable strains of cultural assumptions about gender in India that
made it hard for women to stay. Vihaan, a senior consultant, justified,
like many of his peers, his firm's gender composition as a direct
result of similar business-school demographics: (2)
... There are no women at the top, but in the mid-manager level,
there is probably 70/30 ... yes, favoring men, but maybe I am being
optimistic. But you cannot do anything about this. You also have to
look at the supply side and the selection pool that feeds into this
sector, both from engineering and business schools. [Name of Firm]
tries very hard to pick women--I mean, not that they get
preferential treatment or anything, but if you see, the number of
women in the firm is a higher representation than the number of
women in business school--it's hard to do. Besides, not all
business schools have the same male-female mix--cities like
Bangalore have more women than business schools in cities like
Calcutta or worse, other B-cities ... so making that representation
filter up is difficult.
Vihaan's reasoning is grounded in his experience. Elite
business schools and engineering programs, as main feeder schools into
consulting firms, were central to socializing professionals. And their
gender composition impacted the choices firms made at recruitment. But
alongside the skewed numbers, being socialized in environments where
women were a minority had other implications for the ways in which
gender played out in interactions. Farhan, another mid-level consultant,
who had gone through what he called a "typical consultant"
track of an elite engineering and business school education, described
it as follows:
Women have it really tough in [Consulting Firm Name]. They are
still a minority and have very high rates of attrition. It's
inevitable--with family and children, they just can't keep up with
the highly competitive environment. So women typically exit after a
child, because then they have to take six months off to have the
child and when you are on a tenure system, six months means you are
no longer in your cohort, so you have to necessarily compete with
your juniors. And when that happens, women get emotional and leave.
Farhan's description that women's attrition is
"inevitable" is similar to accounts that other consultants
shared about these trajectories. But his explanation informs the
underlying gendered constructs of this "inevitability." Women
colleagues, by this description, were unlikely to be successful within a
"highly competitive environment," both because of their
competing personal concerns and their obvious emotional response to this
call for balance--attrition. Similarly, Mihir, another consultant, who
makes this connection between the elite schools he graduated from and
his current work environment:
... There were 414 students in [Engineering School], but only 30 or
even 22 Girls.... With a percentage like that, there are not that
many interactions with women or that much training on how to be
around women.... What you learn from just being in an environment
like [Consulting Firm] you don't in [Engineering School] because it
is not available to you. I think I got that training from [Business
School], which had more women and also teams where you had to work
with women in. I know it is a bad word, but this exposure to the
opposite sex, to girls, only happened in business school, where 25,
or sometimes as high as 35 percent were female.
Unlike Nitin, who was used to women colleagues in his own
competitive environment because many of them "beat the s*** out of
him" in law school, for consultants like Farhaan and Mihir, women
were new and unlikely entrants into a competitive system for whom entry
was an exception and attrition was "inevitable." Instead, the
general consensus among consultants was that while firms were "male
heavy," they were not "as bad as" the schools that they
had most recently graduated from. This, as Mihir suggests below, made
consulting firms much better in comparison to the schools they recruited
from. And as a consequence, any lack of gender equality was seen as an
individual--rather than an organizational or institutional--problem :
[Business School] had 30% vertical reservation for women and
[Consulting Firm] doesn't. So even though women are recruited in
equal proportion or numbers [of the 17 in his cohort, 3 were
women], there is no policy that forces them to stay. This is in
spite of [Consulting Firm] not caring if women take time off,
putting their clock on pause, etc.
Building truly innovative workspaces is difficult because, no
matter how radical, old frameworks of operation and management still
attach themselves to new organizational forms (Padgett and Powell 2012).
But while organizational genesis certainly "does not mean virgin
birth" (Padgett and Powell 2012:5), this research reminds us that
new kinds of work environments have some leeway in introducing new kinds
of workers who are seen as good fits for the tasks at hand. Unlike women
in litigation who had to constantly counter--and fall short of--the
benchmark of an ideal male professional, women in newer work
environments like transactional law and management consulting felt less
constrained by a predetermined idea of the perfect professional. As
newly emerging professional fields, the cultural meanings of what
constituted a "good corporate lawyer" or a "good
consultant" was still in flux and as fields not predisposed to
being gender typed, both transactional lawyers and consultants alike
shared this structural advantage.
In addition, women in these new organizations were also advantaged
by the idea of a global, cosmopolitan professional. As graduates from
some of the country's best schools, hiring these professionals was
a matter of pride for many modern organizations and reflected their
ideological commitment to "meritocracy." Further, as urban
professionals from English-medium schools, "fit" within
organizations was equally buttressed by the advantages of class. But
holding the advantage of class constant across elite workspaces, women
in law firms still were able to navigate their environments with less
sticky constructs than their peers in consulting.
To explain this variation, firm and work novelty, in themselves,
were not enough. As new organizations with mild preexisting frameworks
of reference, the structural positioning of new firms were conducive to
the construction of novel gendered hierarchies. But what additionally
advantaged lawyers in new transactional firms was the exposure to
genderegalitarian constructs before entering these workspaces. Elite
lawyers who were trained in law schools with gender-balanced entry were
better equipped to unlock the advantages of "innovative"
gender frameworks than elite consultants who, despite working for new
organizations, still remained circumscribed by the sticky frameworks of
gender that their male-heavy schools of engineering and business
This is not to suggest that elite law firms were devoid of gendered
meanings and frameworks. In other work, I show that although differently
valorized, there were deeply pervasive gendered meanings that permeated
each of these sites (Ballakrishnen 2017). Similarly, neither is this to
suggest that lawyers were advantaged because law schools were created
with intention to create egalitarian workspaces. The new national law
schools were hardly designed as feeder schools for law firms
(Ballakrishnen forthcoming), and these schools remain gender imbalanced
and unequal in other important ways (e.g., Ballakrishnen and Samuel
forthcoming re: recruiting female faculty and creating feminist spaces;
Basheer et al. 2017 re: caste and class inequality). Instead, the gender
equal entry into these schools--and subsequent reinforcement in these
firms--was predicated on other factors like a high threshold for entry
that attracted the most competitive students (regardless of gender (3)),
and new kinds of testing (which were not yet gender typed). Further
still, it is also possible that the initial gender balance was
predicated on the fact that law was not always seen as a uniformly
high-status professional field and therefore attracted fewer entrants of
high-status (i.e., men). But more than anything, the symbiotic
co-establishment of new law schools alongside new elite law firms was
happenstance. And the reinforcing pattern for gender equality that it
offered between students and professionals was, even if fortuitous,
This research reinforces the persistence of gendered frameworks
across organizations, even in new and modern workplaces. At the same
time, it also offers some hope for the creation of more
gender-egalitarian professional sites, especially through socialization
offered by early gender-equal institutional structures. The law firms in
this article may not be feminist firms, they might not even be equal
firms. But in seeming to have parity, they are at the precipice of
affording a different kind of opportunity to Indian professional women.
The cultural malleability of new work is influenced heavily by its
workers: the earlier professionals are socialized into frameworks of
gender parity, the better prepared organizations can be for resisting
the plaque of persistent gender inequality.
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New York University Abu Dhabi
This research was made possible by the generous support of the
following fellowship and grant funding sources: The Diversifying
Academia by Recruiting Excellence (DARE) fellowship at Stanford
University, National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant
(SES-1423439); Harvard Institute for Global Law and Policy Research
(IGLP Doha Santander Grant 2014); Stanford Centre for South Asia (Summer
Research Grant 2012,2013); Harvard Law School Centre on the Legal
Profession (GLEE Grant 2012); International Institute for the Sociology
of Law (Juan Celaya Grant 2011); and the Stanford Vice Provost for
Graduate Education (Graduate Research Opportunity Award 2011, Diversity
Dissertation Research Opportunity Funds, 2013). The author thanks Scott
Cummings, Yves Dezalay, Sara Dezalay, Cynthia Epstein, Bryant Garth,
David Grusky, Tomas Jimenez, Woody Powell, Nicholas Robinson, Cecilia
Ridgeway, Becky Sandefur, Carroll Seron, and David Wilkins for comments,
interventions, and constructive criticism on various previous iterations
and drafts of this research. This manuscript also especially benefited
from the critical feedback and thoughtful framing suggestions from its
anonymous reviewers and the two editors of this thematic issue, Tracey
Adams and Sida Liu.
Swethaa S. Ballakrishnen, New York University Abu Dhabi, P.O. Box
903, Office A5 1205, NY, NY 10276. E-mail:
(1) In some comparison, employees in elite business process
outsourcing units in the information technology industry earned on
average, between $4,167 and $7,700 a year. In contrast, lawyers and
consultants at entry in these elite firms made, on average, between
$15,500 and $24,000 a year.
(2.) Elite business schools--where consultants in these firms are
hired from typically--have between 16 and 38 percent women (class of
2018) in an average batch of about 400 students a year. This gender
ratio is even further skewed among schools in smaller cities and in
smaller schools (less than 300 students), which have closer to 6 to 10
percent compared to schools in Mumbai (about 35 percent female). This is
a jump from even a few years ago (class of 2015), when 100 women
acceptances (in each school) were seen as "race that had gone too
far" and "at the cost of merit." See
and (last accessed May 15, 2017).
(3.) Note that some schools have vertical reservation for women but
they have historically never needed to be enforced because women always
enter through the general category in enough numbers.
Table 1
List of All Interviews (N = 139)
Gender Pilot (2011) 2012-2013
Traditional legal 4 2 10
Domestic law firm 3 1 6 4
Elite law firm 15 3 20 6
Banks and in-house 5
Gender totals 22 6 41 10
Other 3
Total 28 54
Gender 2014-2015 Total
Traditional legal 11 2 25 4
Domestic law firm 12 3 21 8
Elite law firm 4 2 39 11
Banks and in-house 8 1 13 1
Management 8 5 8 5
Gender totals 43 13 106 29
Other 1 4
Total 57 139
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