Strength and Microstructure Analysis of Spot Welded Joints between a Sheet and a Nut of Different Steels.
Vytautas, Jurgaitis ; Ramunas, Cesnavicius ; Sigitas, Kilikevicius 等
Strength and Microstructure Analysis of Spot Welded Joints between a Sheet and a Nut of Different Steels.
1. Introduction
Spot welding is a widely used process in many industries. This
process can be easily automated as it does not require additional
components. In the automotive industry, spot welding is used in the
entire cycle from joining of body parts to welding of various fasteners.
Nuts and bolts for spot welding are designed with embosses which melts
during welding in such way producing a welded joint.
Marashi et al. studied dissimilar resistance spot welds between low
carbon galvanized and austenitic stainless steels [1]. They studied the
relationship between failure mode and weld fusion zone characteristics
and found that spot weld strength in the pullout failure mode is
controlled by the strength and fusion zone size of the galvanized steel
side. The microstructure, fracture and fatigue behaviour of resistance
spot-welded cold-rolled high strength austenitic stainless steel was
analysed by Liu et al. [2]. It was stated that the improper welding
parameters easily caused folding interface in HAZ between welded-sheets.
Sometimes determining the quality of a welded joint, the diameter of the
weld spot is evaluated. This parameter is strongly influenced by the
welding current. The study [3] showed that when the weld current is
increased, the spot diameter increases until some certain value is
reached. After that value, the diameter decreases due to the excessive
melting and splashing.
However, the majority of studies on the strength of spot welding
mainly are focused on tensile-shear tests on joints between sheets
[4-11]. Burca and Lucaciu [12] investigated joints between standard M8
nuts made of made of E295 steel and thin (up to 3 mm) sheets of S235J0
steel by the projection welding method of electric welding by pressure
derived from spot welding by pressure to which the joint is made by
flanges. However, the tensile test of the joints was not carried out.
As the welding parameters highly affect the welding quality and the
materials to be welded, this paper aims to investigate the influence of
the welding current on the quality of spot welded joints of a custom nut
made of C22 steel and a thin sheet of DC01 steel by carrying out tensile
tests, a microstructural analysis and measuring the hardness of the
welded contacts.
2. Experimental set-up
Eleven specimens, which were welded with three different welding
currents, were produced. The specimen with dimensions is shown in Fig.
A contact welding machine "FASE FS 160-380" (Fig. 2) was
used for welding the specimens. The welding process parameters can be
changed. They were controlled by a digital controller "F4400
HHT". The controller has a digital display that can easily change
the welding parameters and monitor them in real time. The welding
parameters were kept constant (the press time before welding was 32 ms,
the number of pulses was 1, the welding time was 3 ms, the press time
after welding was 15 ms and the pressure force was 5 kN). The spot weld
diameter was 2 mm.
Three types of specimens were manufactured, when the welding
current I was altered, while the other parameters were kept constant.
Four specimens of the first type were welded with a welding current of
9.2 kA, four specimens of the second type were welded with a current of
7.5 kA, and three specimens of the third type were welded with a current
of 9.7 kA.
The strength test was carried out using a 25-ton
tension-compression machine (Fig. 3).
The test set-up consists of the 25 t tension-compression machine 1.
Pressure triggering as well as the tension/compression direction can be
controlled with the control unit 2. The output signal is transmitted to
the special laboratory charge amplifier 3. The amplifier sends a signal
to the oscilloscope 4 "PicoScope 3204", where it is processed
and transmitted to the computer 5 through an USB cable. The variation of
the tensile force was recorded using "PicoScope 5.12"
software. A specimen is attached to the standard fixing device 6, which
can be changed according to the geometry of the specimen. At the top,
the specimen is attached to the upper mounting loop. At the bottom of
the specimen, the plate is attached to the holder 7 which was specially
designed for this test. At the bottom of the holder, there is another
plate with a hole, which secures the holder to the standard bottom loop.
The microstructure analysis was performed using a "Carl Zeiss
Axio Scope" metallographic microscope. A universal hardness meter
"VERZUS 750 CCD" was used to carry out a hardness test.
A deformed specimen after the tensile test is shown in Fig. 4.
The mechanical properties of the DC01 [13] and C22 [14] steels are
presented in Table 1.
3. Tensile strength results
In Fig. 5, several segments can be distinguished, which are typical
for all the obtained curves. In the first part of the graph, the AB
segment shows an increase in the tension force. In BC, the force
fluctuation is decreasing until the point C is reached. In the CD
segment, the force is beginning to increase more rapidly until the
critical point D. At the critical point D, the first crack occurs and
one of the four spot welds is broken. At this point, the highest value
of the tensile force is reached. At the DE segment, there is a decrease
in the tensile force, this place deforms the nut plate, and this
deformation requires less force. The point E indicates that the
remaining welding points are being stretched further. Finally, at the
point F, the ultimate tensile force of another weld point is reached and
the welding point is broken. The force drops to the point G. At the
segment FG, the nut plate deformation continues until, at the point G,
the remaining two spot welds are being stretched further.
The results of the tensile test are shown in Fig. 6. The averaged
curves are given for each of the specimen types welded under the
investigated values of welding current.
It was found that the specimens welded with a current of 7.5 kA
were able to withstand a longer time and broke down at 7749 N.
Meanwhile, the specimens welded with a higher welding current broke down
with a lower tensile force (5808 N when the welding current was 9.2 kA
and 6402 N when it was 9.7 kA).
4. Microstructure analysis
A microstructural analysis was carried out to determine and compare
the quality of the welded joints welded with different parameters.
Three zones of microstructure can be distinguished by examining the
specimens. The first one is the base metal (BM), in this case it is the
plate to which the non-standard nut was welded. The second zone is the
welded nut (WN). The third zone is the molten metal (FZ) between the nut
and the plate, where the merging process takes place.
In the case of the first sample (Fig. 7), when the welding current
is 9.2 kA, it is seen that the asymmetry of the central FZ zone appears.
Most often, this phenomenon occurs due to the different thermal
properties of metals, since the nut and the test plate are made of
different steel. Another cause of asymmetry can be the different
geometry of the elements. In this case, we conclude that the nut
material has a higher thermal conductivity than the part's
After examining the welding, a line is visible which indicates the
transition from the zone FZ to the heat affected zone (HAZ), as shown in
Fig. 7, a. This zone is marked with the letter A and shown in Fig. 7, b.
When evaluating the second type of specimens with a welding current
of 7.5 kA, we can distinguish the same zones as in the first sample. As
shown in Fig. 8, a the FZ zone is asymmetric as in the first sample.
The HAZ area is larger on the nut side, but it is seen that in this
specimen the HAZ area on the side of the part is smaller than in the
first sample. Fig. 8, a shows a welding defect, i.e. the hollow cavity.
This zone is marked with letter B and shown in Fig. 8, b.
In addition to the formation of separate metal structures that do
not connect with the rest of the sample, it shows that there was an
explosion in the metal in this area. The formation of this zone affects
the strength of the welded joint. When the metal is thermally exposed,
when structural changes occur, internal stresses are formed inside it,
which may lead to the formation of micro-cracks after reaching a certain
limit. Fig. 8 shows the lines, which are micro-cracks in the material.
During the welding process, high amounts of heat are released.
Heat-affected materials change their properties, one of these properties
is the hardness of material. These changes can influence the strength of
the weld, therefore, measurements of the hardness of the welded point
were done in this study.
After the microstructure analysis, the hardness of the material was
measured at the location of welding zone. The Vickers hardness test was
carried out, i.e. the quadrilateral diamond pyramid is pressed into the
sample. The measurement of distances between the angles of the pyramid
was done and calculation of the hardness of the material was performed.
The first type of specimens, welded at 9.2 kA, had the highest
hardness at the FZ area and is equal to 476.9 HV units. The point of
highest hardness in the first type of specimens is shown in Fig. 9, a.
The second type of specimens, welded at 7.5 kA, had the highest hardness
at the FZ area and it was equal to 422.1 HV units. The point of highest
hardness in the second type of specimens is shown in Fig. 9, b.
5. Numerical simulation of the spot welded joints response to
The spot welded joints response to tension was investigated
numerically in ABAQUS/EXPLICIT software using a 3D model (Fig. 10) of
the same geometrical parameters as the specimens used for the
The components of the welded joint were meshed using element type
C3D8R. An element size of 0.1 mm was used in the areas of the spot welds
while the most distant areas were meshed using an element size of 1 mm,
accordingly, the mesh contained 107930 elements. The spot weld features
were connected to the components using tie constraints. A prescribed
displacement in tension was defined on the nut plate. The mesh and the
boundary conditions are shown in Fig. 11.
In dynamic explicit analysis, it was assumed that the materials are
homogeneous and isotropic by defining the moduli of elasticity and
Poisson's ratios given in Table 1. The von Mises yielding criterion
and isotropic hardening were used to simulate the plastic response of
the components applying the true stress-strain curves of DC01 [13] and
C22 [14] steels. For simplification the heat affected zones around the
spot welds were not defined in the model. The ductile damage initiation
criterion was used in this study. The failure strain as a function of
stress triaxial state and equivalent plastic strain in the model was
considered. The failure strain values from the true stress-strain
tensile curves were used to govern damage initiation, 0.38 [13] and 0.5
[14] for DC01 and C22 steels, respectively.
6. Results of the numerical simulation
The simulation showed that the failure occurs in the DC01 sheet as
it has lower mechanical properties. Figs. 12 and 13 show the equivalent
plastic strain and the von Mises stress in the DC01 sheet after the
breaking of all the spot welds, respectively. The maximum displacement
of the DC01 sheet was 1.8 mm and the deformed shape is very similar to
the deformed experimental specimens.
The variation of the tensile force during tension under prescribed
displacement is presented in Fig. 14.
The profile of the simulated tensile force is very similar to the
profile of the experimental curves (Fig. 5). The maximum force value was
6296 N, which corresponds to the specimen welded with the current of 9.7
7. Conclusions
Investigation of the strength of welded specimens was carried out.
It was found that the specimens welded with a current of 7.5 kA were
able to withstand a higher tensile force of 7749 N.
Microstructure study of welded specimens was carried out as well.
The microstructure of the specimens was analysed and the welding contact
zones were determined. The welding contact zone was found to be
asymmetric since the materials have different thermal conductivity. This
material parameter has a major influence on the asymmetry of the welded
area. It has also been found that welding with a higher welding current
leads to more micro-cracks.
Considering the obtained results, it can be stated that among the
tested welding currents, 7.5 kA is the most preferable as it results in
less micro-cracks and the highest strength of the joint.
A numerical simulation of the spot welded joints response to
tension was carried out and showed that the investigated spot welded
joint was broken under 6296 N, this corresponds to the specimen welded
with the current of 9.7 kA. The profile of the simulated tensile force
is very similar to the profile of the experimental curves.
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Romualdas DUNDULIS
This study presents an investigation on the strength of spot welded
joints between a plate made of DC01 steel and a non-standard nut made by
cold forming of C22 steel. In order to determine the influence of the
welding current on the quality of such welded joints, three types of
test specimens were produced using different welding currents. The
strength of the welded joints was studied and microstructural analysis
was carried out as well as the hardness of the welded contacts was
measured. A numerical simulation of the spot welded joints response to
tension was carried out and the results were consistent with the
Keywords: spot welding, welded joints, welding parameters.
Received May 30, 2018
Accepted June 25, 2018
Vytautas JURGAITIS (*), Ramunas CESNAVICIUS (**), Sigitas
KILIKEVICIUS (***), Romualdas DUNDULIS (****)
(*) Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu 56, 51424, Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
(**) Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu 56, 51424, Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
(***) Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu 56, 51424, Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
(****) Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu 56, 51424, Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
Table 1 Mechanical material properties
Material Tensile Tensile Poisson's Modulus
strength, strength, ratio of
ultimate, yield, elasticity,
DC01 280 160 0.3 198
C22 650 350 0.3 201
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