Transient thermal behavior of automotive dry clutch discs by using Ansys software.
Mouffak, E. ; Bouchetara, M.
Transient thermal behavior of automotive dry clutch discs by using Ansys software.
1. Introduction
Current clutches are the result of a long technical evolution
which, since 1960, resulted in the single disc configuration with dry
diaphragm, spring washer Belleville. The configuration with only one
friction disc has a high compactness, very important for applications
where cross motor the motor, clutch, gearbox and differential must be
contained within the width of the hood of the car. The clutch system is
the set of mechanical components that can be coupled and uncoupled
gradually the engine to the drive train of the vehicle transmission. The
clutch plate receives the rotational movement of the flywheel and
transmits it to the transmission input shaft. It basically consists of
six elements, the flywheel, the diaphragm spring, the clutch disc, the
pressure plate, the clutch housing and the control necessary for
operation of the clutch (Fig. 1) [1].
When setting the vehicle movement phase starting or off, the clutch
ensures smooth transition between zero speed and the minimum speed of
said vehicle idling speed. To ensure movement of the vehicle layout and
the limit of retaking regime of the engine, it is sufficient to
accelerate the engine gradually while releasing the clutch. During gear
ratio changes, the clutch temporarily disengages the motor from the rest
of the transmission. This results in a reduction in engine torque and a
speed difference between the engine and the input shaft box. After
engagement of the gear ratio, the gradual engagement of the clutch
ensures synchronization of the rotational speeds of the two shafts.
During normal operation, the clutch is fully forward and the engine
torque without sliding of the rest of the transmission.
The clutch operation is controlled directly by the driver through
the gradual release of the pedal. It consists of four phases: a
recovered very fast pedal until reaching the contact point where the
pressure plate comes into contact with the friction disc, a slower
closing to increase the vehicle acceleration to the desired level a
holding position until the synchronization and eventually complete
closure. The frictional torque generated by the clutch during the slip
or engagement of the clutch phase can be very important and generate a
significant amount of heat may cause thermal cracks and deformation of
the clutch disc, especially for the high motor vehicles. In this
context, the object of this study is to analyze the thermal behavior of
a single plate dry clutch during the starting phase and gear changes by
modifying a number of parameters influencing tried to minimize heating
power of the clutch plate and thus optimize the design of the clutch
from the thermal point of view.
In recent years, many studies have been performed to study the
thermal problems associated with dry friction sliding, including disc
brakes and clutches. M. Bouchetara et al. applied the finite element
method for brake disk contact modeling to analyze the thermoelastic
behavior [2]. They determined the heat transfer coefficient by the
finite volume method and evaluated the effect of ventilation on the
cooling ventilated discs using different models [3]. B. Czel et al [4]
used the three-dimensional finite element method to evaluate the
temperature distribution within a ceramic disc model, taking into
consideration the effect of convection along with cyclic repetitions,
achieving an alignment with their experimental results. Seo et al [5]
have proposed a thermal model to estimate the temperature distribution
for a lubricated clutch, came up with a good approach between their
theoretical and experimental results. Zhang et al [6] have developed a
new model for oiled clutches, considering the hydrodynamic aspect, using
Matlab and Simulink software to calculate the temperature (range) during
the course of engagement. A two dimensional conducting model was used to
evaluate the temperature distribution along its radial and axial
directions, the obtained results have validated the experimental ones.
O.I. Abdullah et al [7] used the two dimensional finite element methods
to solve the problems related to the clutches, for that purpose they
have chosen two types of loads with constant pressure and wears; As a
result, they have concluded that the max temperature for the first load
is higher than the second loading. O.I. Abdullah and J. Schlattmann [8]
developed a two dimensional finite element model for evaluating energy
correction factor for a uniform pressure change with a repetitive
frequency of 10 engagements. The heat flow commitments are lowest at the
inner radius and highest at the outer radius. Choon et al [9] used the
finite element method to study the effect of thermomechanical loads
applied on pressure plate as well as the friction clutch system, three
types of loads are considered, the heat load due to sliding, pressure
and the centrifugal force due to the rotation; subsequently, it is
recommended to increase the thickness of the pressure plate in order to
increase the heat capacity. El-Sherbiny and New-comb [10] have used the
finite difference method for modeling the thermal balance within each
part of the clutch, they determined the temperatures at various elements
when the contact band occurs between the friction surfaces of an
automobile clutch, and they also evaluated the simple and repetitive
In this work, we study the temperature distribution for three
models of clutches during the sliding time and for a single engagement,
changing the friction material, the angular velocity and the pressure
exerted by the pressure plate. So, the main purpose of this study is to
analyze and modify the model of clutch disc to minimize the friction
energy converted to heat due to conduction and convection; to find
solutions for a better clutch model.
2. Heat flow in sliding phase
The clutch friction mechanism consists mainly of the pressure
plate, flywheel and clutch disc, it also, consists of two packing as
well as an axial disc, which is in the middle (Fig. 2).
During sliding phase, we may notice heat production due to the
friction between the two linings of the disc and the different parts.
During the sliding phase of the clutch, the speed difference between the
friction surfaces may be equated with Coulomb friction model. The
friction torque generates a heat flow which is expressed by the
following equation [11] (Fig. 3):
T = n[micro][r.sub.m][F.sub.n][[omega].sub.s], (1)
where T - friction torque of the clutch; [mu] - dynamic coefficient
of friction; [r.sub.m] - average radius of the gasket crown; [F.sub.n] -
normal Effort applied to friction surfaces; [[omega].sub.s] - angular
velocity slip; n - number of friction surfaces in the clutch disc (n =
2, double surface disk motor-friction wheel and pressure-plate disc).
Heat flux q expressed the quantity of heat generated by friction
and based on the total friction surface:
q = [micro]p[r.sub.m][[omega].sub.s], (2)
p - pressure exerted on the clutch disc.
At time t, the [[omega].sub.s] slip angular velocity equal to:
[[omega].sub.0] - initial angular velocity of slip of the clutch
disc; [t.sub.s] - sliding time.
The heat flow equation becomes:
In this study, we opted for the case of a uniform lining wear
because that choice is decisive for calculating the friction torque and
the heat flow. Under these conditions, the friction torque and the heat
flow are expressed as follows respectively (Fig. 3) [8]:
[p.sub.max] - maximum pressure which determines the maximum
transmittable torque; [A.sub.f] - total friction surface; [r.sub.i],
[r.sub.e], [[omega].sub.0] represents respectively the inner radius and
the outer radius the angular velocity of sliding of the clutch disc.
The thermal flow generated during the sliding phase is partitioned
between the friction portions [12]:
The coefficient of thermal [xi] sharing depends on the physical
properties of materials in contact:
[xi], k, [rho] and c are respectively the thermal partition
coefficient, thermal conductivity, density and specific heat of
materials with their indices: c for clutch disc, f for the flywheel and
p for pressure plate.
In this study, we apply total heat for parts of friction, we use
contact model [13]:
[q.sub.1] = [q.sub.2]. (10)
3. Transient eat transfer by conduction and convection
Transient heat conduction in three dimensional heat transfer
problem is Governed by The Following differential equation [2]:
[q.sub.x], [q.sub.y], and [q.sub.z] are conduction heat fluxes in
x, y and z directions, respectively, c is the specific heat, [rho] is
the specific mass, and T is the temperature that varies with the
coordinates as well as the time t The heat conduction Eq. (11) is given
for material with no internal heat production.
The conduction heat flows can be written in the form of temperature
using Fourier's law. Assuming constant and uniform thermal
properties, the conduction heat flowrelations are:
[k.sub.x], [k.sub.y] and [k.sub.z] are thermal conductivity in x, y
and z directions, respectively.
For the case of a disc clutch, the boundary conditions are usually
the conduction and convection (Fig. 3). The bondary condition is:
[T.sub.s] = T(x, y, z, t), - [q.sub.s] = h([T.sub.s] -
[T.sub.[infinity]]), (13)
[q.sub.s] the specified surface heat flux (positive into a
surface); h the convective heat transfer coefficient; [T.sub.s] the
unknown surface temperature, and [T.sub.[infinity]], the convective
exchange temperature.
4. Determining the heat transfer coefficient by ANSYS CFX
To determine the coefficients of heat transfer by convection, we
proceed to the modeling of the clutch disc and the flow of air through
and around the disc. Fig. 4 shows the three clutch disc variants
selected for this study. Main geometrical characteristics of the clutch
plate are given in Table 1. For each variant of the clutch disc, one
builds the corresponding CFD model that includes the solid domain
(clutch plate) and the air domain (Fig. 5). Using CFX code, we proceeded
to the domain mesh solid and air field (Figs. 6 and 7). The element type
used is linear tetrahedral four-node.
The calculated values of the thermal transfer coefficient h = h(t)
on each free surface of the disc will be imported using the ANSYS CFX
module. After it gets the configuration by CFX PRE and defines the
parameters of the model Physics:
* The fluid domain: ambient air at 22[degrees]C and reference
pressure of 1atm with a variation of speed, one chooses a turbulent flow
of type k-[epsilon]. This allows us to observe the turbulence around the
* The solid domain: the clutch disc with a variable speed, we
choose the SiC for the friction surfaces and steel for the axial disc,
the initial temperature is 40[degrees]C.
Then the definition of the boundary conditions is necessary for the
fluid domain, the selection of the side inlet of the air
"inlet" with a speed of 16.67 m/s that also represents the
speed of the vehicle with an intensity of turbulence by 5%. Air enters
by "opening" on choosing this type of condition with a
relative pressure equal to zero, it also uses the wall condition for
fluid and solid domain to indicate adiabatic surfaces, and in the
external surface we applied the interfaces of the domains (fluid-solid)
and (solid-fluid).
For modeling, we valid "thermal energy" option,
considering that the clutches are axisymmetric and all materials are
isotropic, three discs are assumed fixed and heat flux is applied with
the relationship (7) on the friction surfaces, and heat flux
distribution is uniform on the friction surfaces. But before you start
solving the heat problem, we must enable the calculation of the heat
transfer coefficient for the surfaces of solid-fluid interfaces. The
evolution of the thermal transfer coefficient for the three clutches
discs' variants is given in Fig. 8. We note that ventilation of the
disc through a multiple surface of friction has a positive effect on the
heat transfer coefficients, using the values of heat transfer
coefficient calculated by ANSYS CFX to evaluate the boundary conditions
related to the convection of the free surfaces of the clutch disc and
then to analyze the transient change in temperature. At the beginning of
the sliding phase, part of the frictional heat escapes into the air by
convection. The determination of the heat transfer coefficient is
necessary [15].
5. Evolution of the transient temperature of the clutch disc
5.1. FE model and boundary conditions
The thermal transient simulation is performed using the ANSYS
Workbench by introducing the initial conditions (Fig .9) and limits the
thermal and loading mode applied to the friction surface (Fig. 10) and
also the convection conditions imposed in air-disc interfaces (Fig. 8).
The initial and boundary conditions are:
* total time sliding t = 0.4 s;
* initial time step = 0.004 s;
* minimum initial time = 0.0004 s;
* initial temperature of disc [T.sub.i] = 40[degrees]C at t = 0 s;
* disc type analyzed: full disc and disc with four and eight
surfaces of friction;
* material: SiC (Table 2);
* the heat flux is applied if a uniform wear;
* the disc initial angular velocity [[omega].sub.0] = 200 rad/ s.
We have used three types of elements: the quadratic Tetrahedron
element having10 nodes, APDL name is Mesh 2000 for the volume mesh.
Regarding the contact zone, the quadratic triangular target element
Targe170, while for the contact between axial disc and friction material
the quadratic triangular is used.
5.2. Temperature distribution of clutch disc
In this part of the study, comparing different disc variants to
assess the temperature levels and the effect of the number of pads on
the cooling disc. The Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 show that the disc fully
filling reached a temperature maximum T = 161.1[degrees]C at t = 0.2 s
and T = 133.07[degrees]C at the end of the slip time t = 0.4 s.
For the disc with 4 surfaces, the maximum temperature reached is T
= 163.63[degrees]C at t = 0.20 s and T = 130.33[degrees]C at the end of
the slip time, while the disc with 8 surfaces its maximum temperature is
T = 101.61[degrees]C at t = 0.20 s and T = 85.89[degrees]C at the end of
the slip time. These values clearly show that end of the slip time
increasing the number of friction surfaces of the disc linings greatly
reduces the temperature level and thus reduces thermal stress.
Fig. 13 shows the variation of the temperature along the radius of
the disc. It is found that the temperature increases in an almost linear
manner in the radial direction of the disc. This means that the
temperatures at the inner edge of the disc are minimum and maximum on
the periphery of the disc. For full disc, the temperature rises from T =
71.21[degrees]C in internal radius at T = 124.15[degrees]C in outer
radius, a difference of 53[degrees]C. For the disc with 4 surfaces, the
temperature difference is 42[degrees]C. For the disc with 8surfaces, it
ranges from T = 54.53[degrees]C to T = 82.27[degrees]C in a linear
manner (Fig. 13). The temperature difference is only 28[degrees]C. The
temperature variation depending on the thickness of the disc is shown in
Fig. 14. In the case of full disc, the temperature is maximum at the
ends T = 122[degrees]C and the minimum temperature in the middle of the
axial disc with T = 85[degrees]C. The other two variants have a similar
behavior but with lower temperatures. For the disc with 4 surfaces, the
temperature is maximum at the ends of the disc with an average T =
119[degrees]C and in the middle of the axial disc 83.03[degrees]C. In
the disc with 8 surfaces the average temperature at the ends of the disc
is 80[degrees]C, and at the axial disc, it is 62.34[degrees]C.
Fig. 15 shows the temperature distribution of the three following
variants clutch disc thickness. It is noted at the level of the groove
there is a temperature drop relative to the flat areas of the clutch
disc. This is due to the flow of cooling air. The ventilation effect of
disc with 4 surfaces and 8 surfaces of friction is visible through the
temperature drop.
6. Parametric investigation
6.1. Effect of the friction material on the thermal behavior of the
As for the case of disc brakes, the choice of friction material has
a positive effect on the thermal and tribological behavior of the clutch
elements. In this section, we try to compare the thermal behavior of
three different materials of a single disc clutch linings. The chosen
materials are ceramics SiC carbide, alumina Al2O3 and Si3N4 silicon
nitride. They are generally used in the tribological and
thermomechanical domain because of their good wear behavior and friction
and resistance to thermal stresses.
From Fig. 16, the temperature of the liner [Si.sub.3][N.sub.4]
during the sliding phase is much larger than the other two types of SiC
and alumina linings. The liner [Si.sub.3][N.sub.4] reaches a maximum
temperature T = 234.78[degrees]C at t = 0.2 s and at the end of the
period of sliding T = 183[degrees]C, while for the material of alumina
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] is T = 115.48[degrees]C at t = 0.21 s and T =
95.10[degrees]C to t = 0.4 s. The maximum variation in temperature at t
= 0.20 s is 120[degrees]C and at t = 0.40 s it is 88[degrees]C. In case
of the lining of SiC, the maximum temperature at the instant t = 0.20 s
is T = 163.91[degrees]C and passes at T = 133.07[degrees]C at t = 0.40
s. From the thermal point of view, the best alternative is the lining of
alumina [Al.sub.2][O.sub.3].
6.2. Influence of the speed of rotation
The initial rotational speed has an influence on the friction
torque and the thermal flows into and thus on the thermal behavior of
the clutch disc. Fig. 17 shows the evolution of the maximum temperature
of the full clutch disc according to the slip time for different initial
speeds. For an initial rotational velocity of [omega] = 200 rad / s, the
maximum temperature of the disc at t = 0.2 s is for T = 164[degrees]C,
at the end of the sliding period T = 133.10[degrees]C. For [omega] = 150
rad / s, then T = 133[degrees]C at t = 0.20 s and T = 109.50[degrees]C
at the end of sliding. For [omega] = 100 rad / s, [T.sub.max] reached
120[degrees]C at t = 0.2 s and at the end of sliding time T =
6.3. Effect of slidding time on the disc temperature
In this part, we chose the full disc variant SiC using the same
initial and boundary conditions used in paragraph 5.The sliding total
time which corresponds to total closure was only varied, the Fig. 18
shows the temperature field for different sliding time.
6.4. Influence of pressure loading exerted on the disc temperature
Fig. 19 shows the influence of the pressure exerted on the two
friction faces of the clutch full disc on its thermal behavior as a
function of the slip time. The simulation results show that the increase
of the pressure on the clutch disc is increased his temperature. This is
because of the entering heat flow which is directly dependent on the
pressure exerted on the disc.
7. Conclusion
In this study was analyzed using the calculation code Ansys the
thermal behavior of different variants clutch disc during the sliding
phase assuming a single engagement of the clutch disc. The models
studied are a full disc, four and eight friction surfaces.
The results of the simulation for the case of full disc liner that
shows the evolution of the temperature of the disc 3D model is analogous
to the 2D model studied by OI. Abdullah [11]. The absolute maximum
temperature of the disc is reached half the total shift time (t = 0.2
s), and this regardless of the drive variant chosen. Increasing the
number of friction surfaces of the pads, separated by ventilation
grooves decreases the friction surfaces and promotes the transfer of
heat by convection and therefore the cooling of the clutch disc. At the
end of the slip time, the temperature difference between a full disc and
a disc with 8 friction surfaces is 48[degrees]C, a decrease of 37%. The
temperature distribution in the radial and axial direction is not
uniform. It is higher on the periphery of the disc relative to the inner
edge. In the case of the disc at full filling the radial temperature
difference is about 43.69%.
In the parametric study, it was found that the choice of the lining
material greatly influences the thermal behavior of the clutch disc. The
alumina linings [AL.sub.2][O.sub.3] have better thermal behavior in the
sliding phase in relation to the linings with the two other materials:
SiC carbide ceramics and silicon nitride [Si.sub.3][N.sub.4]. Increasing
the rotational speed strongly influences the increase in the temperature
of disc. We note that reducing of the sliding time also contributes to
the improvement of the thermal characteristics of the disc. It is
preferable to reduce the sliding period. This also applies to the
pressure on the clutch disc.
The thermal behavior of a clutch disc depends on the choice of
several factors:
* disc model;
* friction material;
* rotation velocity;
* loading and motorization;
* boundary conditions and loading.
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E. Mouffak, M. Bouchetara
The clutch is an important element for comfort during frequent
maneuvers so-called start-up and speed gear change for a vehicle
equipped with a manual transmission. During the phase of sliding or
closing the clutch, the clutch torque is generated by the friction of
the pad on the flywheel disc and the plate and then transmitted to the
input shaft of the box by the friction disc. This friction generates a
quantity of heat which leads to a temperature rise of the clutch. During
this sliding phase of the clutch, the speed difference between the
friction surfaces may be equated with Coulomb friction model. Currently,
the clutches are subjected to high thermal stresses due to the engine.
It is therefore useful to estimate the parameters influencing the
thermal behavior of the clutch disc when starting or amount gearshift.
In this study, we chose three geometric clutch models designed in
3D using Solid Works software, which are then converted into FEM model.
Before beginning the analysis of the transient thermal behavior of each
model, we proceed to the evaluation of the heat transfer coefficients
using ANSYS CFX code. We also analyzed the effect of parameters such as
the time of the slip, the angular speed, the lining material and the
pressure exerted by the plate on the thermal behavior of the clutch to
arrive at end correlations between the selected parameters and the
temperature of the clutch disc.
Keywords: Dry friction, clutch disc, friction materials, heat flow,
finite element methods.
Received November 07, 2015
Accepted November 25, 2016
E. Mouffak(*), M. Bouchetara(**)
(*) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, USTO University, L.P 1505,
El-Menaouer, USTO31000ORAN, Algeria, E-mail:
(**) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, USTO University, L.P 1505,
El-Menaouer, USTO31000ORAN, Algeria E-mail:
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