Functional Safety Concept for a Handling Robot Built on Optical Systems.
Radinger, Thomas ; Stuja, Kemajl ; Wolfel, Walter 等
Functional Safety Concept for a Handling Robot Built on Optical Systems.
1. Introduction
A typically safety concept variant to protect humans from the
movements of industrial robots in the past was to place the robots in
guarded robotic cells. Safety guarded robotic cells avoids not only
mechanically interaction between human and robots, in the same time
between the mobile and stationary robots too. For that reason, this kind
of safety systems is incompatible with the future industrial concept
such as industry 4.0. A main task of the new safety concept is to allow
the sharing of the work-areas between mobile and stationary robots, and
to avoid the mechanical contact- collisions between a humans and
non-collaborative robots. Differentiation between human and mobile
robots can be achieved, only with adding of very expensive third-party
hardware and software components. This would be immense disadvantage for
the small and medium sized companies. In order to offer a low-cost
solution for mentioned companies, at the University of Applied Sciences
Technikum Wien was written to works by [1] and [2] for these subject.
The knowledge of this two works would be used in this research to
build the new cost-effective safety optical system concept for one pick
& place robotic cell, which among other enables the possibility for
recognizing of humans entering of the threatened area of the stationary
robots. This system implements the Kinect low-level sensor from
Microsoft, capable to recognize humans before they can enter a mentioned
2. Problem statement and requirements
For the digital factory of the UAS Technikum Wien should be built
and implement a safety work system based on optical system for
three-dimensional workspace monitoring capable for recognizing (among
others) of humans. The safety system must to take into account all
relevant safety-related standards, as well as the state of the art
(German Institute for Standardization, 2010). Among that, the system
status should be detailed by changing of signal state, as well as to
activate acoustic devices and warning lights. By default, when persons
or objects do not enter the warning and protection area, a green lamp
should be light up. When entering the warning area, should be switched
from green to orange light. Entering the protection area by human, the
orange light should be switched to red light, and the speed of the robot
should be reduced to 0 mm/s. On the other hand, if the mobile robot
would come into the safety area the robot should operate with programmed
speed. A flashing orange should indicates a failure of the safety
system. Therefore request of this work/project was, to find a suitable
inexpensive real-time monitoring system on the local market capable for
differentiating of humans from other moving components in the digital
factory on Technikum Vienna.
3. Solution and methods
The problem was solved by combining two optical monitoring systems:
the core part "SafetyEyes" provided by Pilz GmbH and add-ins
part "Kinect" provided by Microsoft. The core part is
responsible for protected area and second part monitors the warning
3.1. Components of safety system:
Using "SafetyEye" library is possible to create several
virtual warning and protection areas. The hardware of this system is
shown in the figure 1 and contains [3]:
* the sensor unit consisting of three cameras
* the processing unit for processing of the image data
* the safety controller for interacting with the robot and the
periphery. The safety controller is relayed to the input module of the
robot controller.
A second part of the safety system is a Kinect sensor shown in the
figure 2. The system contains [5]:
* An RGB camera for capturing a colour image that stores data in a
1280x960 resolution
* An infrared (IR) emitter, which emits infrared light beams
* An IR depth sensor. Which reads the IR beams reflected from
object back to the sensor and converts into depth information measuring
the distance between an object and the sensor
* A multi-array microphone for capturing sound, as well as to find
the location of the sound source and the direction of the audio wave
* A 3-axis accelerometer designed for a 2G range and used to
determine the current orientation of the Kinect. G is the acceleration
due to gravity
* A 3-axis accelerometer is the most important sensor at Kinect.
Accuracy of the accelerometer is 1 degree. The accuracy of the Kinect is
slightly temperature sensitive [6], with up to 3 degree of drift. If
required the user can compensate this drift by comparing the
accelerometer vertical (the y-axis in the accelerometer's
coordinate system) and floor plane depth data.
3.2. Calculation of minimum distance for mounting of
The calculation of the minimum distance S is dependent of various
statically predetermined as well as on dynamic parameters. These dynamic
parameters depending on factors such as mounting and on the
configuration of the system. The minimum distance S was calculated using
the formula (1) by following parameters (as [1] and [3]):
S = K x (t1+t2) + C + Zg (1)
* The minimum distance S is determined by the approach speed K=1600
[mm/s] (Deutsches Institut fur Normung e. V., 2010)
* the response time of the SafetyEyes t1=0,365 [s]
* the response and stopping time of the robot as well as the robot
control t2=0,4 [s]
* the addition for the mounting height of the sensor unit for used
case C=850 [mm]
* the addition for system-specific measurement tolerances Zg=235
Using the given formula and parameters, the minimum distance S can
be defined like in (2)
S = 1600 x (0,365 + 0,4) + 850 + 235 = 2309 [mm] (2)
3.3. Minimum distance for mounting of " Kinect"
Kinect (in default mode) can recognize humans [5] standing between
0.8 meters and 4.0 meters away. A practical range (shown in Fig 3) is
between 1.2 to 3.5 meters. High accuracy of recognizing can be achieved
only in this range. Technically is possible to extend a range of safety
area by using of a second camera. Though, if more than one Kinect sensor
is used to light up the safety area, a reduction in the accuracy and
precision tracking will be noticed due to interferences of light
4. Results
The final implementation of the safety system is presented in
Layout (Figure 4) with components used in [7] and [8]. This layout shows
pick & place robot cell. In normal/working mode (see the flow chart
Figure 5), when persons or objects are moving outside of warning-,
safety- and robot area, a green lamp will light up. When entering the
warning area by human the industrial robot decelerate to programming
speed max 250 mm/s. An acoustic/light signal is activated in order to
warn the threatened person. When the Robot/Safety is violated by human,
the SafetyEye controller sends a signal to the robot controller, which
forces the manipulator to stop its operation. The system is in Emergency
mode. On the other hand, if the mobile robot enters the warning area an
Arduino board relayed from Kinect sensor sends a signal to SafetyEye
controller in order to deactivate Robot area an dot enables the working
mode. The Safety area still remains active.
Furthermore, it was observed a moving persons in different
orientation toward camera in the warning area. Four samples, each with
84 tests, were carried out with the following result:
Table 1. Recognition percentage of moving human toward Kinect sensor.
Human orientation moving toward Kinect sensor: percentage [%]
Frontal 100,00
Backward 39,29
Lateral left (Eyes along negative x-axis of Kinect) 28,57
Lateral right (Eyes along positive x-axis of Kinect) 32,14
As can be seen in Table 1, the lateral movement of humans toward to
Kinect is very difficult for sensing, although the probability for this
kinds of moving is very low.
5. Conclusion
For the digital factory of the University of Applied Sciences
Technikum-Wien in Vienna should be built and implement a safety system
for the robot handling cell. The safety system must to take into account
all relevant safety-related standards, as well as the state of the art
(German Institute for Standardization, 2010). Among others, this system
must be capable to monitor work areas in real time in order to prevent
human casualties. Another very important demand for this system, is to
be inexpensive. Summary, the main task of this research was, to find a
suitable inexpensive real- time monitoring system on the market capable
for differentiating of humans from other moving components for the robot
handling system in the digital factory.
The problem was solved by combining two optical monitoring systems:
the core part "SafetyEyes" provided by Pilz GmbH and add-ins
part "Kinect" provided by Microsoft. The core part is
responsible for recognizing of any kind objects entering the safety and
robot area. The second part is responsible for recognizing of humans
entering the warning area. The designed safety system was implemented,
on the digital Factory of University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
and was tested/ analysed for functionality, failures and difficulties.
Different data, like reaction rate and different orientation of human
entering to the safety area has been collected and presented above.
Deficiency of this system is sensitivity against lighting conditions for
both cameras and lateral movement of the humans toward Kinect camera.
While the first part can be resolved, more by providing of constant
light conditions and less by reducing reflective surfaces of the
objects. The second deficit can be resolved by mounting the second
Kinect camera crosswise to the first one.
The further works of this project is to increase the level of
accuracy of safety system for the poor light conditions, as well as
implementing within entire manufacturing system. In order to achieve a
high level for the recognizing of the human actions and behaviours, a
design and implementation of advanced algorithm based on artificially
intelligence for the new Kinect Version 2 sensor would be of great
DOI: 10.2507/28th.daaam.proceedings.022
6. References
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[3] Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, (2011). SafetyEye:
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Caption: Fig. 1. SafetyEye--Pilz GmbH. [4]
Caption: Fig. 2. Microsoft Kinect [5]
Caption: Fig. 3. Kinect recognizing range: horizontal view (a) and
vertical view (b) like in [6]
Caption: Fig. 4. Layout of robot Cell and monitoring areas
Caption: Fig. 5. Decision logic of safety system.
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