Object Recognition in Images.
Milan, Adamek ; Petr, Neumann ; Martin, Pospisilik 等
Object Recognition in Images.
1. Introduction
Computer Vision Systems are used in many areas of human activities.
In the Security Technology field, it is possible to detect objects; or,
eventually, even to identify individuals, as captured by a security
camera. In most cases, this often involves the detection of faces, their
physical build, or the identification of a person by means of studying
and comparing their physio-motoric mannerisms and manifestations. In the
Industrial Production field, one can--with the assistance of
video-recording, to assure product quality control; video-recordings are
very often components of Robot Control Systems.
Prior to detecting objects in a recorded image, the "captured
record" must first be converted from an analogue to a digital form.
Before the actual segmentation of the image into sub-segments--the
recorded image is very often adjusted in such a way as to make it
possible to better search for the object, (that is), being searched for.
This adjustment very often includes geometric transformations,
brightness transformations, filtration, and focusing.
2. Image Segmentation
Image Segmentation is a set of processes, the course of which leads
to the subdivision of the image into its subcomponents, which--at least
to a certain extent, are related to reality. Mutual Indivisibility is a
requisite for all areas of an area in a given set. The degree of
matching is sought between the segments and the actual objects that are
discovered. Depending on their degree of accord, the segmentation can be
further sub-divided into Complete and Partial. It is logical that
Partial Segmentation has a lower degree of consistency, unlike Complete
Segmentation [1].
An image is obtained in the course of Partial Segmentation, which
is divided into several independent parts. The greatest advantage of
this type of segmentation is the ability to elaborate even complex
scenes; and further, to reduce the volume of the processed data. The
result of this type of segmentation is a set of homogeneous regions,
which have a certain colour and brightness. The fundamental disadvantage
of this type of segmentation is the need to use subsequent steps, which
help to acquire the relevant results [1,4].
Image Segmentation can be broken-down, according to principles
used, into three basic methods. The first, is based on an overall
general knowledge of images, or their parts. This method is represented
with the aid of histograms. The second, exploits algorithms that specify
the algorithms between objects. The third, is based on the algorithms
that these areas create [3,6].
2.1. Object Description
It is possible to describe an object in an image in two ways. The
first, is based on the Quantitative approach--this approach uses a set
of numerical characteristics. As a rule, under the term "set of
numerical characteristics", it is possible to consider and evaluate
the object size, colour scattering. or comparability. The second, is to
describe the object using a Qualitative approach. This approach to
description is based on the description of the relationships between
selected objects; and describes their shape properties and
characteristics. When comparing and recognising objects, these
descriptions are considered as input information [2,5].
2.2. Classification
The task of classification is to include an object found in the
image into a group of known classes. The Classification methods are
divided into two groups; Symptomatic and Structural. Symmetric
Classification, uses groups of characteristic object numbers, which
describe its properties; like, for instance, location or size.
Quantitative Description of the object is used for the description of
the object. Cluster Analysis can also be considered as a form of Symptom
Analysis. This analysis classifies objects into cluster groups in such a
way as that objects in a group have identical, or very similar
Structural Classification works on the basis of the assignment of
certain properties that are characteristic for the given object. This
type of classification works with the Qualitative Description of the
given object. The properties of the object are, through the intermediary
of algorithms subjected to by word-breakdown processing, which describe
the object - and subsequent to control, the language, grammar, and
alphabet can be defined [7,8].
3. A Programme Application Designed to Search Objects in Images
The Matlab programme environment was used for the creation of a
programme designed for searching for an object in an image. The
following Image/Fig. (1), shows how to create a GUI in Matlab.
4. Programme Application Functions
4.1. Loading/Reading Images
The recorded image is loaded/read in this application by using the
button, which uses the loadBotton_Callback function. It is necessary to
define the place where the image is to be opened; on a standard basis,
in a new window. The performance of the above steps is accomplished
through the intermediary of the following function:
function loadButton_Callback (hObject, eventdata, handles)
[filename , pathname] = uigetfile({'*.bmp'; '*.jpg'; *.gif '; ' *.*'},
Vyber obrazok ');
S~= imread ([pathname , filename ]) ;
uiwait (msgbox (' Trenovacie data nacttane ! ', 'Data nacUane !')) ;
axes (handles. mainAxes ) ;
imshow(S) ;
handles.S~= S;
set (handles.vyberButton , 'enable', ' on ') ;
guidata (hObject, handles) ;
The following function can be used to record/capture images:
function kamButton_Callback (hObject, eventdata, handles)
vid = videoinput (' winvideo ' , 1, 'RGB24 640x480 ') ;
axes (handles. mainAxes) ;
vidRes = get (vid, ' VideoResolution ') ;
nBands = get (vid, 'NumberOfBands ') ;
hImage = image(zeros (vidRes (2) , vidRes (1) , nBands)) ;
4.2. Selecting and Cropping Images
The object Selection function initiates the process of selecting an
object in an image, in such a way as one would know what object to
search for. This function can also be used in the case where there are
multiple objects in the image. The Display a Selection Rectangle
function serves to indicate the object. The following functions can be
used for selection purposes:
function vyberButton_Callback (hObject, eventdata, handles)
S~= handles.S;
axes (handles.mainAxes) ;
if isfield (handles, 'api ')
handles . api. delete () ;
rmf ield (handles, ' api ') ;
rmf ield (handles, ' hRect ') ;
axes (handles.mainAxes) ;
imshow(S) ;
axes (handles. mainAxes) ;
s z = size (S) ;
handles.hRect = imrect (gca , [round(sz (2) / 2) round(sz (1)
/ 2) 50 50 ]) ;
handles. api = iptgetapi (handles. hRect) ;
set (handles.orezButton , ' enable ' , ' on ') ;
guidata (hObject, handles) ;
4.3. Pre-processing
Another function is the Pre-processing feature, i.e. Image
Pre-processing. After starting it, the Boot_Callback command is called.
After recording and loading the cropped image, this is converted into
shades of grey. Thereby, colour tones and saturation are removed; but
image brightness is conserved/retained. This is followed by the
"thresholding" of the image using the graythresh and im2bw
commands. This approach encapsulates the following features:
function pripravaButtonCallback (hObject, eventdata , handles)
img crop = handles.img crop ;
imgGray = rgb2gray (img crop) ;
prah=graythresh (imgGray) ;
bw = im2bw(img_crop,prah) ;
This is followed by an automatic cropping feature, which crops the
object right up to its limits in such a way that there are no faint
surfaces on it. This is accomplished by the following script:
bw2 = auto_orez (bw) ;
axes (handles.mainAxes) ;
imshow(bw2 ) ;
handles.bw2 = bw2 ;
This is followed by cycles for detecting white spots in the image.
The cycles function on the principle of the sum of the values of the
elements in the matrix columns. The white space search cycles are as
follows: The following are the cycles for detecting the white spots in
the image. Cycles work on the sum of values of the elements in the
matrix columns. The white gap space search cycles are as follows:
while (sum(bw(:, pocB))==y2pom)
x1=x1 + 1;
while (sum(bw(pocB, :))==x2pom)
while (sum(bw(:, pocB)) = =y2pom)
while (sum(bw(pocB, :))==x2pom)
Subsequently, using the imcrop command, the final version of the
crop is realised, and the image is the subsequent output of the given
script. The cropping function is as follows:
bw2=imcrop (bw, [ x1, y1, (x2-x1) , (y2-y1) ])
The NNdata variable creates a matrix of an image, which must be the
same size for Neural Network Training purposes. When inserting the image
into a database, the image is rotated by 360 [degrees]; and the
rotations take place every 45[degrees].
Each rotation is saved as a new image, the reason is for improving
the learning of the neural network purposes. The whole function appears
as follows:
if get (handles.radiotren , ' value ') == 1
for i ~= 1 : 8
pause (1) ;
handles.NNdata (:, :, handles.pocobj)=imresize (bw2, [80, 80]) ;
bw2 = (bw2 == 0) ;
bw2=imrotate (bw2,4 5, ' bilinear ') ; bw2 = (bw2 = = 0) ;
bw2 = auto orez (bw2) ;
handles.NNdata (:, :, handles.cnt)=imresize (bw2, [ 80, 80]) ;
4.4. Training Neuron Networks
After processing and inserting the objects into a database, one can
begin to train a neural network. The treningButton_Callback function can
be used to train a neural network:
function treningButton_Callback (hObject, eventdata, handles)
hasField = isfield (handles, 'NNdata ')
if hasField
NNdata = handles.NNdata ;
[NNinput NNtarget]=traindata (NNdata, handles.cnt, handles.pocobj) ;
The "traindata" script contains two parameters at input;
the first is the NNdata variable, (which contains the matrix of embedded
images)--and the other is the total number of objects in the database.
The script is composed of three cycles. The first distinguishes
individual image matrices; the second determines the processing of the
lines; and the third controls the processing of the columns in the given
row. In essence, this functions by moving the whole matrix,
sequentially, into blocks--and counting all of the values in each block.
The dimensions of the matrix determine the total number of learning
objects, (i.e. number of columns), and number of object types, i.e.
(number of rows). Processing the matrix block by block, is shown in the
following figure.
The script entitled "createnn" creates the neural network
and trains it in using the input data:
[net, tr] = creatnn (NNinput, NNtarget, handles.cnt) handles.
5. Object Recognition
When using the designed GUI, one needs to first select the
Recognition Mode. The "radiotest_Callback" function will then
start. The function verifies whether there are NNdata and net variables,
i.e. whether there are database objects and a neural network.
Recognition Mode. Here is the function for switching over into the
object recognition regime:
function radiotest_Callback (hObject, eventdata, handles)
set (handles.radiotest, ' value ', 1) ;
set (handles.radiotren , ' value ' , 0) ;
set (handles.radiotren , ' enable ' , ' off') ;
ha sField = isfield (handles, 'NNdata ')
hasField2 = isfield (handles, ' net ')
i f hasField && hasField2
handles = rmf ield (handles, 'NNdata ')
set (handles.treningButton , ' enable ' , ' off') ;
set (handles.ulozbutton , ' enable ' , ' off') ;
set (handles.nacitajbutton , ' enable ' , ' off') ;
warningMessage = sprintf (' Varovanie : RozpoznavaN rezim je
najskor uskutocni trening siete. ') ;
uiwait (warndlg (warningMessage)) ;
set (handles.radiotren , ' enable ' , ' on ') ;
6. Saving and Retrieving Training Data
Data from the training set can be saved using the Save function,
which is executed by running the "ulozButton_Callback'
function ulozButton_Callback (hObject, eventdata, handles)
state .NNdata= getfield (handles, 'NNdata ')
state. cnt= getfield (handles, ' cnt ')
state. pocobj= getfield (handles, ' pocobj ')
state. menaObj= getfield (handles, ' menaObj ')
[ filename , pathname ] = uiputfile ({' *.mat ' }, 'Vyber objekty ') ;
save ([pathname , filename ], ' state ')
uiwait (msgbox (' Trenovacie data su ulozene ! ' , 'Data ulozene ! '
)) ;
guidata (hObject, handles) ;
In order to retrieve data from the training set, the Data Retrieval
function was designed--which uses the following function:
function nacitajButton_Callback (hObject, eventdata, handles)
[filename , pathname] = uigetfile ({ ' *.mat '} , 'Vyber objekty ') ;
load ([pathname , filename ], ' state ')
uiwait (msgbox (' Trenovacie data su nacttane ! ', 'Data nacttane !
')) ;
handles .NNdata=state .NNdata;
7. Creating a Standalone Executable Application
You can use the "mcc" command to create a standalone
executable application. Parameter "m" in the "mcc"
command creates a standalone executable application from the
"main.m" file.
8. Conclusion
In the course of creating a programme, it is also necessary to take
possible error events into account. These may be caused by incorrect
handling of the programme application. The majority of states that could
lead to the origin of error events are resolved by means of a GUI that
does not allow some buttons to run in the programme. Sin view of the
fact that it is not possible to resolve all the situations by means of
the buttons in the GUI, the programme application also has error
messages. An example of this is, for example, an error message that
appears in the case where a user starts the recognition mode without
prior training of the neural network.
DOI: 10.2507/28th.daaam.proceedings.163
9. Acknowledgments
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and
Sports of the Czech Republic within the National Sustainability
Programme project No. LO1303 (MSMT-7778/2014) and also by the European
Regional Development Fund under the project CEBIA-Tech No.
10. References
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[4] Dobes, M. (2008). Image processing and algorithms in C#.
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Caption: Fig. 1. Creating a graphic user environment in the Matlab
Caption: Fig. 2. Searching for White Spaces and the Creation of an
Automatic Clipping of Sectors.
Caption: Fig. 3. Processing the matrix block by block [8]
Caption: Fig. 4. The Neural Network Training Tool
Caption: Fig. 5. Schema of the creation of a standalone executable
application [8]
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