Vacuum Gauge Verification Methodology for Vacuum Coating Deposition Processes.
Stekleins, Antons ; Gerins, Eriks ; Kromanis, Artis 等
Vacuum Gauge Verification Methodology for Vacuum Coating Deposition Processes.
1. Introduction
Vacuum nano-coating deposition is performed using specialized
vacuum systems. In order to ensure consistent vacuum nano-coating
properties, technological process parameters must remain unchanged and
controlled at certain level. Vacuum gauges are used to measure a
pressure with the vacuum chamber in result of which proper vacuum level
is controlled. Vacuum gauge accuracy may leave a significant impact on
deposition technological process resulting in low nano-coating quality
and properties. In order to minimize associated risks two gauges are
used in vacuum systems as a standard. Nevertheless, after certain
operation time pressure measurements of the vacuum gauges start to vary
considerably. Hence a vacuum gauge calibration is commonly used when the
pressure measurement accuracy starts to fail and it is impossible to
secure necessary nano-coating quality and properties [5]. Some studies
analyse vacuum gauge accuracy and calibration period, but there are no
clear approaches for vacuum gauge verification under manufacturing
conditions before calibration operation. [14] There are two particularly
important considerations to be made to determine vacuum gauge
calibration period [14]. First, has the device been calibrated at least
twice before, without adjustment, with one calibration being quite
recent? [14]. Second, what measurement uncertainty is needed? For the
majority of instruments the recalibration interval is about a year, but
it is important that the historical data relates to the device when used
in an environment and in a way that is similar to the way it is normally
used [14]. If no historical data is available it is not possible to
answer the question [14]. In addition, users have to stop their
manufacturing process for at least several weeks during the period of
calibration [6]. This is inappropriate in manufacturing conditions.
Moreover, some users are worried about the damage of their vacuum
gauge during transportation [6]. Vacuum gauge calibration decision must
be made as final step based on reliable information. That's why it
is so important to develop vacuum gauge verification methodology. Than
vacuum gauges can be tested, adjusted, necessary coefficient implemented
and historical data obtained. In the following paper, we are
representing multifunctional vacuum gauge verification methodology using
custom-made vacuum system. Experiments were conducted using various
methods to obtain full-scale data. In the result of the proposed
verification methodology it is possible to perform a vacuum gauge
analysis and conclude whether a tested vacuum gauge can be used further
or calibration must be performed in accredited metrology laboratory.
Main purpose of this paper is to present the new vacuum gauge
verification methodology. The new approach allows to acquire a full
spectre of vacuum gauge performance data and perform correction on
tested vacuum gauge, thus enhancing deposited vacuum nano-coating
quality and properties.
2. Discussion of Prior Art
Oxide coating process, such as SiO2 deposition is a reactive
process using metallic targets because of cheapness of metallic target
in comparison with conductive ceramic targets [2]. Therefore, vacuum
deposited coatings of metal oxides have a wide use in various
applications [3]. The main problem in the vacuum nano-coating deposition
process is unreliable accuracy of vacuum gauge. Incorrect pressure
measurements and even small pressure deviations can reduce nano-coating
properties and quality. For example, SiO2 nano-coating is very sensitive
to pressure deviation. In confirmation of said statement, the experiment
was performed where a SiO2 nano-coating was deposited using laboratory
vacuum system UV 80 and diaphragm vacuum gauge CDG 025D INFICON[R].
Conducted experiment results are showed at figure 1 and table 1.
Light transmission coefficients were measured using MC 122
spectrophotometer, but thicknesses were measured using FILMETRICS F20-UV
spectroscopic reflectometer.
After the preliminary analyses of experimental results it was
concluded that transmission coefficient and coating properties changes
depending on the pressure or vacuum value. In the following experiment
the transmission coefficient values were above defined standard limit T
= 87.5% for oxide coatings. Therefore, the coating quality at 3.2E-03
Torr and 5.3E-03 Torr was unacceptable and did not meet the necessary
Vacuum coating thickness also must be considered as one of the main
parameters. It is well known that the technological process as such is
combined from a set of factors and parameters, where a pressure or
vacuum is very important. Vacuum gauge verification in certain periods
of time should be performed, obtained data should be analysed and
correction coefficient/-s should be implemented. The result should be in
the form of a reliable and accurate vacuum gauge.
3. Vacuum gauge verification experimental approaches
Vacuum gauge verification using reference gauge. The first step of
verification methodology was made using INFICION[R] diaphragm vacuum
gauge CDG 025D and ionization vacuum gauge HPG 400. Any type of gas does
not affect diaphragm vacuum gauge and it has high accuracy (inaccuracy
is 0.2% of reading) [1,4,7]. Unlike CDG 025D, ionization vacuum gauge
HPG 400 accuracy is [+ or -] 15% of reading [9]. Verification was
performed in various pressure ranges, with argon correction coefficient
option turned on for ionization vacuum gauge and without it. Experiment
was performed using custom made vacuum system, where CDG 025D and two
ionization HPG 400 vacuum gauges were verified. Ionization vacuum gauge
coefficient was enabled. Argon flow was gradually reduced from 10 sccm
to 1 sccm. In the same time a diaphragm vacuum gauge was considered as
reference gauge. Results are showed at figure 2.
After preliminary analysis of the results, it was concluded that
the ionization vacuum gauge HPG 400 (SN 549) pressure measurement values
differ significantly comparing to the reference gauge. Lack of accuracy
exceeds acceptable boundary [+ or -]15% of reading, thus no further
operations can be performed with this gauge. HPG 400 (SN 566) ionization
vacuum gauge pressure measurements and graphic line is more similar to
the reference gauge. Ionization vacuum gauge HPG 400 (SN 566) starts to
show significant changes in pressure from seventh measuring point to
ninth. Identical pressure deviation character was observed in several
experiments with disabled argon correction coefficient. Overall ten
experiments with enabled and disabled gas correction were conducted and
necessary data obtained. This verification experiment combines several
approaches such as: testing in different pressure ranges, gradual
reduction of gas, and comparison to the reference gauge. All this
approaches create vacuum gauge full-scale performance map necessary for
the evaluation.
Ionization vacuum gauge correction coefficient test. Vacuum gauge
built-in correction coefficient option may have its own inaccuracy.
Accordingly, ionization pressure can be determined by following equation
[p.sub.eff] = K x pressure indicated (1)
Ten identical experiments were conducted to check ionization vacuum
gauge performance with enabled gas correction coefficient. Experiment
results are shown in table 2. After preliminary analysis of experimental
results, it was concluded that measured pressure values are lower than
estimated pressure values. A maximum value of inaccuracy is 9.8%, which
should be considered high because measuring device has inaccuracy [+ or
-] 15% of reading. This approach shows that measuring device inaccuracy
is not the only value to be considered.
Vacuum gauge verification using constant pumping speed. For this
experiment, custom-made vacuum gauge verification system was developed
and used together with turbo-molecular pump TURBO - V 3K - T for high
vacuum and back up mechanical pump HB3-100/1 for low vacuum. Prior art
discusses that pumping speed can be constant at certain point, see
figure 3 [8].
In this experiment diaphragm vacuum gauge CDG 025D was used to
measure pressure within a vacuum chamber and to analyse its performance.
Argon (Ar) and Oxygen (O2) gases were fed into the chamber in certain
amounts. Argon pumping curve at figure 3 rapidly rises from atmosphere
pressure till approx. 10-3 mbar, but after that point pumping speed is
constant up to approx. 5x[10.sup.-7] mbar. Therefore, the experiment was
conducted in constant pumping speed range. Experiment results are shown
in table 3.
The pressure can be determined by following equation [10]:
P = Q x K/S (2)
Where: P is pressure; Q is gas flow amount; S is pumping speed, K
is unit conversion value.
Based on the experimental results, which are shown in table 3, it
was possible to calculate pumping speed when a pressure and injected gas
amount is known. Unit of throughput conversion is necessary for further
calculations, thus seem = 1,27 x [10.sup.-2] torr x l/s [10].
First measurement in table 3 was taken as input data for pumping
speed calculations [10].
S = Q x K/P = 1 x 0.0127/0.0017 = 7.47 1/s (3)
When pumping speed is known it is possible to estimate pressure in
the remaining gas flow. Calculated pressure is acquired by using (2) and
results are showed in Table 3.
After preliminary analysis of results, we concluded that diaphragm
vacuum gauge indicated pressure and estimated pressure values are
significantly different. Furthermore, the changes should be linear i.e.,
pressure value should change twice if gas flow amount is changed twice.
Inaccuracy exceed 100% boundary and reached maximum value of 132.88%,
which is unacceptable and high. Preforming vacuum coating deposition
process using this vacuum gauge may result in poor coating quality.
This experiment proved that it can be performed for fast accuracy
check of vacuum gauge when typical pumping curves are known.
Mass flow controller performance experiment. During technological
process vacuum gauge measures pressure within vacuum chamber while gas
is fed into it. Mass flow controller (MFC) is responsible for gas flow
delivery and control. Therefore, it is possible that MFC inaccuracy will
influence vacuum gauge indicated pressure. This vacuum system element
check is necessary to ensure good deposition process and perform
preliminary analysis of obtained data.
MFC verification experiments were performed by separately
delivering argon (Ar) and oxygen (O2) in various amounts into vacuum
chamber and obtaining pressure measurements. Experiment results are
shown in table 4.
Next step was to perform manipulations with gas delivery system by
connecting argon flow channel though O2 mass flow controller. Schematic
representation of gas connection establishing through O2 MFC is showed
in figure 4.
Since argon gas is delivered through the O2 mass flow controller,
gas correction factor must be implemented. For argon, a gas correction
factor according to the @MKS data is 1.39 [11]. Obtained experimental
results are showed in table 5.
After preliminary analysis of obtained data, it was concluded that
measured pressure of the diaphragm vacuum gauge can be different
delivering the same amount argon or oxygen into the chamber. Gas
connection through Oxygen MFC did not result in accurate measurements.
It was concluded that oxygen MFC has increased uncertainty. Pressure
values should be identical, when argon is delivered into the chamber
through Ar and O2 MFC.
Vacuum gauge verification using Student's t-distribution.
T-distribution is used to obtain vacuum gauge confidence interval, thus
its accuracy is checked. Experiment was performed using ionization HPG
400 vacuum gauge. Argon gas flow equal to 30 sccm was fed into the
chamber, after pressure stabilization injection was stopped. When gas
injection is stopped, pressure value should return to the initial value.
Pressure inside vacuum chamber was set up 4.05E-4 Torr.
Experimental data and estimated values are shown at table 6.
The sample mean can be determined by following equation [12]:
[bar.x] = [SIGMA][x.sub.i]/n = 4,1E - 04(Torr) (4)
Where: [SIGMA][x.sub.i]--all pressure values, n-number of
When the sample mean estimation is complete, then a pressure
standard deviation is calculated using following equation [12]:
S = [square root of ([[summation].sup.n.sub.i][([x.sub.i] -
[bar.x]).sup.2])/n - 1] = 0.227E - 04(Torr) (5)
After standard deviation, confidence interval of the mean is
determined. We used 95% confidence level for (f) degrees of freedom:
f = n - 1 = 9, (6)
Where: n is number of measurements. Multiplier t = 2.26 for 95%
confidence level and 9 degrees of freedom [12]. Confidence interval
equation is as follows [12]:
[DELTA][bar.x] = [square root of ([S.sup.2])/n] = S/[square root of
(n)] = 2,26 x 0,227/[square root of (10)] = 0.16223E - 04 Torr (7)
After calculations it was concluded that standard deviation
confidence interval is 4.1 [+ or -] 0.16E-04 Torr. This approach shows
vacuum gauge possible inaccuracy interval, which should be considered
performing coating deposition process.
Vacuum gauge zero adjustment. As vacuum gauge verification final
step, a zero adjustment must be performed. If the vacuum gauge accuracy
if very low and exceeds accepted limits, then it is necessary to perform
vacuum gauge zero adjustment.
For this experiment diaphragm vacuum gauge CDG025D was selected.
The zero can be adjusted via the control button on the same gauge.
Pressure in the vacuum chamber must be reduced to a pressure according
to the manufacturers table, which is <5x[10.sup.-6] Torr [13].
The gauge was operated for at least 2 hours until signal was stable
according to the instructions from manufacturer of the gauge [13]. The
final step was to briefly press the zero button with a pin [13]. The
zero adjustment runs automatically and LED flashed until the adjustment
([approximately equal to] 8 sec.) was completed [13]. CDG 025D
capacitance gauge experimental zero adjustment is shown at figure 5.
Diaphragm vacuum gauge accuracy test after zero adjustment. This
operation is necessary if vacuum gauge accuracy is low after performing
its verification by methods described in this paper. After zero
adjustment vacuum gauge must be verified once again using all described
methods. For example, based on the obtained experimental data CDG 025D
diaphragm vacuum gauge pressure measurement accuracy was low. Therefore,
zero adjustment was performed and re-verified. Adjusted vacuum gauge was
checked using (3, 4) and calculating inaccuracy. Experimental results
are shown in table 7.
After preliminary analysis of obtained experimental data, it was
possible to conclude that diaphragm vacuum gauge pressure measurement
accuracy was high. After the adjustment, the indicated pressure values
were precise and uncertainty was low comparing to the diaphragm gauge
experimental results before zero adjustment as seen in table 3.
4. Vacuum gauge verification methodology
The overall vacuum gauge verification methodology includes all the
above described vacuum gauge verification approaches, which are
represented as block scheme in figure 6.
Main goal of verification is to obtain reliable data under
different conditions. Vacuum gauge performance will influence a quality
of deposited nano-coating during manufacturing process, therefore it is
necessary to secure reliable pressure indication. Each approach focuses
on critical and possible vacuum gauge inaccuracies, which may take place
or emerge. It was concluded that there is no need to perform expensive
and long-term vacuum gauge calibration in accredited laboratories,
because using the developed method it is possible to obtain full spectre
data and act accordingly. If vacuum gauge verification was performed and
even after adjustment pressure measurement uncertainty is high, then
evaluation of current situation is needed. Evaluation includes
technological process parameter and verification experimental data
analysis to introduce a correction coefficient. If correction
coefficient introduction is not possible, then vacuum gauge should be
declined for further use and send to recalibration. Diaphragm vacuum
gauge CDG 025D was verified using described methods. After adjustment
vacuum gauge inaccuracy did not exceed 2% limit. In this situation
correction coefficient implementation was not necessary.
5. Conclusion
The paper analyses vacuum gauge pressure deviation problems and its
influence on coating quality. It was concluded that even small pressure
changes will influence a visual look and parameters of the coating. To
prevent following disadvantages a precise and reliable vacuum gauge
shall be used for vacuum nano-coating deposition process. Vacuum gauge
verification should be performed before deciding, whether a vacuum gauge
recalibration is needed in special accredited laboratories. In a result
of presented research a vacuum gauge verification methodology was
designed. The method allows to obtain complete data on vacuum gauge
pressure measurement accuracy and uncertainty thereof. Developed vacuum
gauge verification methodology allows to perform all the verification
operations under manufacturing conditions in short period of time in
order to rapidly resume the coating deposition process. The methodology
can be used as a guide in any company, which focuses on deposition of
various vacuum nano-coatings. Further research should focus on
correction coefficient implementation in vacuum gauges, its testing and
DOI: 10.2507/28th.daaam.proceedings.091
6. References
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Caption: Fig. 1. SiO2 coating samples after vacuum coating
Caption: Fig. 2. Performance comparison of HPG 400 and CDG 205D
vacuum gauges
Caption: Fig. 3. Pumping speed curves
Caption: Fig. 4. Experimental gas connection scheme
Caption: Fig. 5. Diaphragm vacuum gauge zero adjustment
Caption: Fig. 6. Vacuum gauge verification methodology
Table 1. Light transmission coefficients and thicknesses of SiO2
coatings under certain vacuum
No. Pressure, Torr Transmission coefficient, % Thickness, nm
1 5.3E-03 88.37 348.3
2 3.2E-03 88.37 362.5
3 1.6E-03 90.98 334.3
Table 2. Measured and estimated pressures values of HPG 400 vacuum
HPG 400 HPG 400
Argon flow, Measured pressure Estimated pressure,
No. sccm (correction off), Torr Torr
1 10 sccm 3.10E-03 2.48E-03
2 9 sccm 2.70E-03 2.16E-03
3 8 sccm 2.40E-03 1.92E-03
4 7 sccm 2.15E-03 1.72E-03
5 6 sccm 1.80E-03 1.44E-03
6 5 sccm 1.50E-03 1.20E-03
7 4 sccm 1.30E-03 1.04E-03
8 3 sccm 9.5E-04 7.6E-04
9 2 sccm 8.0E-04 6.4E-03
10 1 sccm 6.8E-04 5.44E-04
HPG 400
Measured pressure
No. (correction on), Torr Uncertainty, %
1 2.32E-03 6.4%
2 2.10E-03 2.8%
3 1.84E-03 4.2%
4 1.55E-03 9.8%
5 1.37E-03 4.9%
6 1.10E-03 8.3%
7 1.02E-03 1.9%
8 7.4E-03 2.6%
9 6.25E-03 2.3%
10 5.35E-04 1.7%
Table 3. Vacuum gauge estimated pressure and inaccuracy
No. Ar, sccm CDG 025D, Torr Estimated pressure, Inaccuracy, %
1 1 sccm 1.70E-03 Input data 0%
2 2 sccm 2.40E-03 3.4E-03 29.41%
3 4 sccm 3.70E-03 6.8E-03 83.78%
4 6 sccm 4.90E-03 1.02E-02 108.16%
5 8 sccm 6.10E-03 1.36E-02 122.95%
6 10 sccm 7.30E-03 1.7E-02 132.88%
Table 4. Measured pressure values depending on used gas type
No. Ar, sccm O2, sccm CDG 025D, Torr
1 50 0 3,40E-03
2 75 0 5,00E-03
3 100 0 6,68E-03
4 0 50 3,20E-03
5 0 75 4,67E-03
6 0 100 8,09E-03
Table 5. Vacuum indicated pressure values through different MFC's
Argon flow O2 converted CDG 025D indicated
No. value, sccm value, sccm pressure through
O2 MFC, Torr
1 50 36 3.58E-03
2 75 54 5.26E-03
3 100 72 6.92E-03
CDG 025D indicated Inaccuracy,
No. pressure through %
Ar MFC, Torr
1 3,40E-03 5,00%
2 5,00E-03 4,94%
3 6,68E-03 3,47%
Table 6. Ionization vacuum gauge measured and estimated pressure values
[x.sub.i] [DELTA]x = [bar.x]- [DELTA][x.sub.2],
No. HPG 400 pressure, Torr [x.sub.i], Torr Torr
1 3.99E-04 + 0.11E-04 0.0121E-04
2 4.11E-04 + 0.001E-04 0.0001E-04
3 4.25E-04 + 0.15E-04 0.0225E-04
4 3.80E-04 - 0.3E-04 0.09E-04
5 4.15E-04 + 0.05E-04 0.0025E-04
6 4.22E-04 + 0.12E-04 0.0144E-04
7 4.51E-04 + 0.41E-04 0.1681E-04
8 4.35E-04 + 0.25E-04 0.0625E-04
9 3.91E-04 - 0.19E-04 0.0361E-04
10 3.86E-04 - 0.24E-04 0.0576E-04
Table 7. Vacuum gauge estimated pressure and inaccuracy
No. Ar, sccm O2, sccm CDG 025 D indicated Estimated
pressure, Torr. pressure
1 50 0 2.86E-03 Input data
2 75 0 4.33E-03 4.29E-03
3 100 0 5.75E-03 5.72E-03
4 150 0 8.52E-03 8.58E-03
No. Inaccuracy,
1 0
2 0,93%
3 0,52%
4 0,70%
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