Conceptual theoretical model for life cycle energy analysis of Photovoltaic modules.
Medojevic, Milovan ; Cosic, Ilija ; Sremcev, Nemanja 等
Conceptual theoretical model for life cycle energy analysis of Photovoltaic modules.
1. Introduction
With average annual growth rates in excess of 40% over the past
decade [1,2], the success of the PV industry can largely be attributed
to the steadfast growth of wafer-based multi-crystalline and
mono-crystalline silicon. This growth has been sustained through a
powerful combination of three critical competitive advantages: (1)
industry-leading full module area sunlight power conversion efficiencies
(to date, monocrystalline silicon continues to provide the highest power
conversion efficiency among all commercially demonstrated single
junction PV modules [3]); (2) product 'bankability' from the
appropriately qualified suppliers (with warranties for 80% of original
performance after 25 years of service now being standard [4,5]); and (3)
a consistent ability to offer competitively priced modules, which has
been enabled through an ability to realize cost reductions throughout
the c-Si module supply chain. In addition, PV technology offers some
unique benefits that are not realized by other renewable energy
technologies, such as the fact that it represents a silent energy source
which in most cases does not require moving parts [6]. Furthermore,
PV's have a long system lifetime with low maintenance costs with
experienced substantial reduction in upfront cost over the past two
decades. Being a decentralized technology, PV systems increase the
resilience of the energy infrastructure, while simultaneously improving
national security of supply. This ascertainment constitutes support and
points to the importance of research in this area.
Having in mind the aforementioned, determination of production
system energy performance and efficiency could be identified by
implementation of the life cycle energy analysis (LCEA). Conventionally,
life cycle analysis (LCA) takes into account the direct and indirect
impacts throughout the entire life cycle of the product, including
material sourcing, manufacturing, operation, transportation, disposal,
etc. Moreover, as given by many authors, such as phylipsen [7], Alsema
[8], Knapp [9], Phent [10], Meijer [11], LCA is recognized as an
invaluable tool to assess the energy and environmental profiles of a PV
systems in practice for many years. Likewise, LCEA is an approach to
energy management system implementation involving the quantitative
evaluation of a product's overall energy performance and impact.
Energy requirements throughout the whole life cycle of the product are
estimated in order to enable such evaluation and provide results that
can be used for related energy analysis and assessment. On the other
hand, since life cycle is related to a broad range of variables and is
complicated, it is difficult to comprehend the exact significance of the
results, where, accordingly, it is highly important to define a purpose
for the evaluation.
However, a majority of studies dealing with this issue, lacks a
holistic approach in determination of energy payback time and intensity
of energy consumption of a typical PV system. In the most studies, the
system boundary is defined as the pre-manufacturing, manufacturing,
installation and use phases, while recycling and disposal phases are
excluded [12,13]. Furthermore, in some cases boundary conditions for
analysis only take into account energy consumption of specific quartz
sand-to-PV module manufacturing processes [14,15]. Likewise, a shortage
of studies that takes into account inter process/operation
transportation energy consumption, as well as energy consumed during
distribution and logistics phase (before putting the system in
operation) has been identified.
Therefore, in this paper, LCEA principles are suggested as a mean
for overall efficiency identification regarding crystalline-based PV
technology, where a more comprehensive energy analysis includes the
total life-cycle of the PV system, encompassing raw material production,
manufacturing, use, maintenance, inter process/operation energy
consumption, and end-of-life management. This has been concretely and in
detail given as a conceptual theoretical model, while it is strongly
believed that application of this model ensures systematic monitoring of
a system process defined by implied system boundaries.
2. Conceptual model for PV module life cycle energy analysis
Having in mind that the objective of this study was to implement
the LCEA approach for identifying and guiding the PV modules life cycle,
a detailed description of the LCEA methodology and its application is
presented as conceptual theoretical model. Even though the analysis
could be deeper and more complex it stimulates logical identification
for potential optimization spots, system effectiveness and process
energy efficiency.
2.1 Defining the system boundaries
By respecting that the system boundaries should be defined with
careful consideration, the scope of the analysis is to evaluate the
total energy requirements for the observed system scope level (OSSL),
where OSSL considers the complexity and how detailed the system should
be analysed.
The manufacturing of solar cells, to produce electrical power, is
quite complex and involves many steps starting from the initial grains
of sand to the finished solar cell module or panel, it utilization and
end of life treatment. (Fig. 1).
In this study, the manufacturing process is roughly divided into
sub categories where some of them are consisted of specific actions and
often represent separate processes that in some cases can be outsourced.
This also applies to the product end of life treatment processes
respectively. However, it is of high importance to establish the
important physical components or subsystems for both energy and
production systems that play a key role in the supply and demand side of
overall process operation. When energy and process flowcharts are put
together, valuable information is provided on where, why and what type
of energy is used. This represents the basis for decisions on setting up
energy cost centres (ECC), segments (i.e. units of equipment or single
equipment) where activities or production volume are quantifiable and
where a significant amount of energy is used [16]. Given the
aforementioned, this model identifies key processes in a PV module life
cycle as an ECC's upon which general energy balance equation could
be generated and derived depending on research complexity. The Fig. 1
illustrates the OSSL, where:
RP--Resource production process
PF--Part fabrication process
CM--Cell manufacturing process
MM--Module manufacturing process
D&L--Distribution and logistics
D&R--Disassembly and Recycling
WT--Waste treatment
[E.sub.T]--Inter-process transportation energy consumption
[E.sub.RP]--RP Energy consumption
[E.sub.PF]--PF Energy consumption
[E.sub.CM]--CM Energy consumption
[E.sub.MM]--MM Energy consumption
[E.sub.D&L]--D&L Energy consumption
[E.sub.SOL]--Solar gains (Insolation)
[E.sub.U]--U Energy consumption
[E.sub.GEN]--Generated energy
[E.sub.D&R]--D&R Energy consumption
[E.sub.WT]--WT Energy consumption
In order to determine overall system energy consumption (ESyS),
energy inputs for each stage of the life-cycle in the lifetime period
are stated in Equation (1):
[E.sub.sys] = [E.sub.RP] + [E.sub.PF] + [E.sub.CM] + [E.sub.MM] +
[E.sub.D&L] + [E.sub.U] + [E.sub.D&R] + [E.sub.WT] + [summation]
[E.sub.T] (1)
In addition, energy payback time (EPBT), a metric adopted by
several analysts to characterize the energy sustainability of various
technologies could be introduced to identify overall energy
profitability of observed system. It is the energy analogy to financial
payback, defined as the time necessary for a photovoltaic panel to
generate the energy equivalent to that used to produce it. In this case
EPBT can be determined as given in the Equation (2):
EPBT = [E.sub.sys]/[E.sub.GEN] (2)
Considering all previously mentioned, the same approach is applied
to identified subcategories based on defined research boundaries given
in the Fig. 1.
2.2 Resource production
The basic, starting material for solar cells manufacturing is
silicon. Silicon is an important resource and semiconductor which is
extremely brittle. Resource production process (RP) represents its
manufacturing (Fig. 2) by heating quartz sand with the coke at a high
temperature in an electric furnace and then processed to metallurgical
grade silicon with a purity of about 99%. The silicon is then refined in
a complex purification step involving the intermediate trichlorosilane.
Polycrystalline silicon ingots are then moulded from the crystalline
silicon granules (solar-grade silicon).
In the Fig. 2 it is possible to distinct three main categories of
silicon manufacturing processes, resulting in different purity levels:
(1) Electronic-grade silicon (9N), (2) Medium-grade silicon (6- 7N) and
(3) Metallurgical-grade silicon (>5N). At the beginning, quartz sand
is imported via quartz sand loader (QSL), for which, it is need to
ensure adequate amount of energy ([E.sub.QSL]). Then, quartz sand is
transported to the next operation which indicates that transportation
energy consumption (ET) should be also taken into account. The next step
is coke reduction (CRAF) where metallurgical-grade silicon with 98.5%
purity is produced from quartz sand in an arc furnace at very high
temperatures. Here the high temperature (1800[degrees]C), necessary for
process execution, is provided by electric arc furnace, which indicates
significant power draw of the furnace and thereby energy consumption
([E.sub.CARF]). Having in mind the height of temperature which must be
reached, potential of energy recovery should be considered. In this
case, system modification and upgrade with heat exchangers could ensure
that the certain amount of energy could be recovered (E[R.sub.CARF]) and
used in the next process step or for heating, hot water preparation, as
well as for other heat-demanding processes. After coke reduction, the
metallurgical grade silicon powder is dissolved in hydrogen chloride
([D.sub.HCL]) and subsequently distilled to form a saline gas. In most
instances, this is the trichlorosilane, but could be others. This
process is 6 times less energy intensive in compared to CRAF since it
requires temperature of 300[degrees]C. This thermal energy
([E.sub.DHCL]) could be largely provided as (E[R.sub.CARF]), if it does
not disturb the functioning of the system. Next in a row is so-called
Siemens Process (SP) where the polycrystalline silicon is grown at quite
high temperatures (900[degrees]C). It requires hydrogen and produces
more hydrogenchloride as a by-product. Similarly to previously mentioned
CARF, significant power draw occur indicating energy consumption
([E.sub.SP]), while at the same time potential for energy recovery
becomes obvious (E[R.sub.SP]). The Siemens Process is the last step in
production of electronic-grade silicon (9N). In addition, the big
drawback of the standard process as described above is that a Siemens
reactor is very expensive and the Siemens process itself requires a lot
of energy. A number of new proprietary processes reduce the energy
consumption and the capital costs for silicon production, though they
are still similar to the traditional Siemens process. These are so
called modified Siemens processes (S[P.sub.M]) where two main
alternatives are imposed. The first one is Fluidized Bed Reactor which
operates at much lower temperatures and does not produce by-products,
while the second one is Vapour to liquid deposition which is similar to
Siemens, but ensures faster extraction. In both cases medium-grade
silicon (6-7N) is produced. However, S[P.sub.M] also consume energy
([E.sub.SPM]) and therefore it is equally important to analyse potential
for energy recovery (E[R.sub.SPM]). Lastly, in an altogether different
process, metallurgical-grade silicon is chemically refined (CR). By
blowing gasses through, the silicon melts, the boron and phosphorous
impurities are removed, followed by directional solidification. Energy
consumption of CR is defined as ([E.sub.CR]), while taking this
production route metallurgical-grade silicon (>5N) is generated.
However, it could be concluded that by avoiding high purification,
manufacturing costs could be reduced significantly [17].
In order to determine RP consumption ([E.sub.RP]), energy inputs
([E.sub.i]) for each process stage are summed up while energy recovery
potential (ER) which could be reused or reapplied is subtracted from the
inputs sum. This has been given below by Equations (3) and (4):
[E.sub.RP] = [summation] [E.sub.i] - [summation] [E.sub.R] (3)
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (4)
Here the Equation (4) could be derived more, which is not necessary
to understand this model in theory, while model practical application
generate more precise results by increasing research complexity level.
2.3 Part fabrication
Part fabrication process (PF) or "wafering" is where the
ingots are firstly cut to small bricks and then to thin quadratic
slices, so called wafers (Fig. 3). The cutting of silicon wafers is one
of the most difficult parts of the entire machining process.
Polycrystalline silicon is a material that consists of multiple
small silicon crystals. The manufacture method is to solidify the
melting silicon (to get the polycrystalline silicon ingots, the melting
silicon will be casted via slowly cooling from bottom to top in the
squared crucible, then the ingots are being cut in bricks and finally
sliced into wafers). Process starts by importing Poly Si chunk via Poly
Si chunk loader (PSCL) and consumes energy ([E.sub.PSCL]). Then, in the
next step directional solidification occur (DS) where the melting
silicon will be casted via slowly cooling from bottom to top in the
squared crucible in order to generate silicon ingot. Having in mind the
energy intensity of melting silicon ([E.sub.DS]), during the cooling
process a certain amount of energy could be recovered (E[R.sub.DS]).
Furthermore, generated ingots are being squared (IS) by engaging
required energy ([E.sub.IS]), and inspected (II) in order to identify
possible fractures and irregularities. Inspection of ingots is not as
energy intensive process as previously presented ones but still requires
electricity ([E.sub.II]) for its operation. Inspected ingots that meet
the desired quality are forwarded to cropping (IC) and then to
chamfering (I[C.sub.H]), while the ([E.sub.IC]) and ([E.sub.ICH])
represent the energy consumption of these processes respectively.
Lastly, final-shaped ingots are cut in bricks and sliced into wafers
(WS) after which wafers are inspected to meet the required quality (WI).
Here energy consumption of wafer slicing operation is presented as
([E.sub.WS]), while energy consumption of final wafer inspection is
According to the same principle adopted to determine energy
consumption of RP given in the Equation (4), PF energy consumption is
given in the Equation (5):
[E.sub.PF] = [E.sub.PSCL] + [E.sub.DS] + [E.sub.IS] + [E.sub.II] +
[E.sub.IC] + [E.sub.ICH] + [E.sub.WS] + [E.sub.WI] + [summation]
[E.sub.T] - E[R.sub.DS] (5)
As already mentioned regarding the Equation (4), Equation (5) could
be derived more as well, depending on the research complexity.
2.4 Cell manufacturing
In the cell manufacturing process (CM), a functional solar cell is
produced from the wafer. Cell production is a multistep
physical-chemical process which includes variety of important steps such
as doping, the anti reflex coating and electrical contacts soldering
(Fig. 4).
Cell manufacturing process starts by wafer loading (WL) and
cleaning by using acid or alkali liquid to do saw damage removal, and in
order to perform work, it will consume certain amount of energy
([E.sub.WL]). The next step is so called etching or texture forming
([E.sub.TC]), where acid or alkali liquid is used to form texture and
consumes ([E.sub.ETC]) amount of energy for operation. Coming up next,
Phosphorus Diffusion (PD) occur under high temperature vacuum tube
process with gas (PO[Cl.sub.3]) to define positive/negative electric
junctions, where ([E.sub.PD]) represent PD energy consumption. Upon
completion of PD, phosphorus glass removal (PGR) process, also known as
Wet Edge Isolation, starts by using acid liquid in order to remove
Si[O.sub.2] layer from wafer surface and isolate wafer edge. Next stage
in the process flow is the Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition
(PECVD) where anti-reflection layer (SiNx) is built on wafer surface.
After that, screen printing operation (placing the electrode pattern on
both side with metal component paste) starts (SP) followed by operation
called co-firing (CF), where high temperature heater is used to make
cross-link between electrode and junction for electric current output.
After CF, solar cells are inspected (CI) by surface visual inspection
with AOI (automated optical inspection) and electricity with IV-tester
[18]. All of the previously mentioned operations (PGR, PECVD, SP, CF and
CI) are accompanied by specific energy consumptions ([E.sub.PGR],
[E.sub.PECVD], [E.sub.SP], [E.sub.CF], [E.sub.CI]) respectively, where
the cell manufacturing process energy consumption ([E.sub.CM])
represents the sum of energy inputs at this process stage as given by
Equation (6):
[E.sub.CM] = [E.sub.WL] + [E.sub.ETC] + [E.sub.PD] + [E.sub.PGR] +
[E.sub.PECVD] + [E.sub.SP] + [E.sub.CF] + [E.sub.CI] + [summation]
[E.sub.T] (6)
2.5 Module manufacturing
In the module manufacturing process (MM), the solar cell has its
characteristic appearance and ability to convert the sunlight into
electrical power. Likewise, CM in MM, the solar cells are assembled to
ready-for-use modules. Several solar cells are connected together to
form solar modules in order to generate a useful amount of electrical
power. The MM process flow is shown in the Fig. 5.
The process of module manufacturing starts by loading solar cells
in the solar cell loader (SCL), where the ([E.sub.SCL]) represents the
amount of energy needed to perform the operation. Next operation
considers tabbing and stringing (TS), after which cells are being laid
up by automatic cell lay-up machine (AL). This is followed by energy
consumption ([E.sub.TS]) and ([E.sub.AL]) respectively. In addition, the
laid up cells are forwarded to bus bar soldering (BBS) and electrical
inspection (EI), while analogously to previous processes ([E.sub.BBS])
and ([E.sub.EI]) represent energy consumption of these operations.
Furthermore, after El, cells enter the laminator (L). Lamination is one
of the most critical processes in the solar module manufacturing line
which ensures the quality and durability of the PV module. The
lamination main function is module encapsulation by applying the right
pressure and temperature to laminate the various components. This is
energy intensive process ([E.sub.L]), after which cells are being cooled
down, which indicates the potential for energy recovery (E[R.sub.L]).
Next operations are edge cutting (EC) and frame assembly (FA),
followed by so called punching (PCK) where corner key is being placed.
These operations are followed by ([E.sub.EC]), ([E.sub.FA]) and
([E.sub.PCK]) energy consumption in order to perform desired tasks.
After PCK, El is conducted again, and cells are forwarded to Hi- pot
testing (HPT). Traditionally, HPT is a term given to a class of
electrical safety testing instruments used to verify electrical
insulation in finished appliances, other wired assemblies, printed
circuit boards, etc. HPT is low energy intensity process ([E.sub.HPT]),
but for the sake of consistency it should be taken into account [19].
The following operations, simulation (S), visual inspection (VI),
packiging (P), as well as storage and warehousing (S&W) represent
the final operations in the module manufacturing process while their
energy consumption by individual operation are given as ([E.sub.S]),
([E.sub.VI]), ([E.sub.P]), ([E.sub.S&W]) respectively.
MM process energy consumption ([E.sub.MM]) could be determined as
given in Equation (7):
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (7)
2.6 Logistics and distribution
Here, logistics is considered as the finalized solar modules flow
management between the point of origin and the point of destination in
order to meet arranged requirements of customers or corporations.
Especially the core logistics task, transportation of the goods, can
reduce costs and energy consumption through efficient energy management
[20,21]. The relevant factors are the choice of means of transportation,
duration and length of transportation and cooperation with logistics
service providers. Roughly, the logistics causes more than 14% percent
of C[O.sub.2] emissions worldwide [22]. In addition, an often case
during distribution is warehousing where the products are being stored
before being finally distributed to customers. Having in mind that
logistic processes can be quite complex, as well as that variety of
logistic models exists today, it was not analysed in detail as previous
process in this study. However, in order to determine energy
consumption, a specific distribution and logistics model should be
identified upon which overall energy consumption ([E.sub.D&L]) could
be determined. This process has been briefly shown in the Fig. 1.
2.7 Utilization process
The utilization of PV modules in order to generate electricity is
the most diverse process in the LCEA. This observation follows from the
fact that this process primarly generates energy in compared to the all
aformentioned ones which were more or less intensive energy consumers.
Although here energy consumption is also present, it is insignificant
compared to the amount of generated energy during operation period. The
utiliziation process (U) of PV modules is illustratively given in the
Fig. 6.
The process starts by distributing solar modules (SMD) to the
assembly location where the modules are being assembled (SMA) and
prepared for operation phase. In order to complete the operations, a
certain energy had to be consumed. These are presenteted as
([E.sub.SMD]) and ([E.sub.SMA]) respectively in the Fig. 6. Next phase
is PV module operating phase. This phase represents the crucial phase
for the LCEA as given by Equation (2), where EPBT is in inverse
proportion to the ([E.sub.GEN]). The general method to estimate the
([E.sub.GEN]) in output of a PV system is given in Equation (8):
[E.sub.GEN] = A x [eta] x [E.sub.SOL] x [P.sub.R] x [tau] [kWh/a]
The ([E.sub.GEN]) represents a function of total solar panel area
(A, [[m.sup.2]]), solar panel yield or efficiency ([eta], [%]), annual
average solar radiation on tilted panels ([E.sub.SOL],
[kWh/[m.sup.2]/a]) and performance ratio or losses coefficient
integration ([P.sub.R], [%]) over lifecycle operation time (t, [h]). In
addition, n is the yield of the solar module given by the ratio of
electrical power (in kWp) of one module divided by its area. For
example, the solar panel yield of a PV module of 250 Wp with an area of
1.6 [m.sup.2] is 15.6%. It is important to mention that this nominal
ratio is given for standard test conditions (insolation: 1000
W/[m.sup.2], cell temperature: 25 [degrees]C, wind speed: 1 m/s,
Reference Solar Spectral Irradiance at Air Mass: 1.5). [E.sub.SOL] is
the annual average solar radiation on tilted panels. Esol is highly
determined by PV system location and varies between 200
(kWh/[m.sup.2]/a) in Norway and 2600 (kWh/[m.sup.2]/a) in Saudi Arabia.
Lastly, PR (Performance Ratio) is a very important value to evaluate the
quality of a photovoltaic installation because it gives the performance
of the installation independently of the orientation, inclination of the
panel, etc. PR value depends on the site location, technology, sizing of
the system, etc., while it function is to include overall system losses
such as Inverter losses (4% to 10%), Temperature losses (5% to 18%), DC
cables losses (1 to 3%), AC cables losses (1 to 3%), Shadings (0% to 80%
specific to each site), Losses at weak radiation (3% to 7%), Losses due
to dust and snow coverage ([less than or equal to] 2%), as well as other
possible losses (?%) [23].
An example of typical PV on-grid system components with energy
transformation flow is given in the Fig. 7. It consists of 15 modules
attached into 2 strings (7 and 8, 250 Wp, modules per string), 3.6 kWp
Inverter, connected via 6 and 4 [mm.sup.2] PV solar cables. The
effective capacity of this single phase PV solar system ammounts 3.75
kWp [24].
Having in mind the process flow given in the Fig. 8. usefull or
better said accountable ([E.sub.GEN]) is amount of energy handed over to
the grid.
If the system operation life time is 25 years, overall energy that
has been generated ([E.sub.GO]) by the PV system could be determined as
given in the Equation (9):
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (9)
During the operation period all the maintenance time occurred due
to the system failure or disconnection, should be subtracted from
([E.sub.GO]), because system or part of the system had not been
productive during that period. Solar module maintenance (SMM) is
accompanied by maintenance energy consumption ([E.sub.SMM]), which in
case of large PV power plants can be pretty intensive. After operation
life cycle ends, solar modules are being disassembled (DA) and
transported to the storage, from which they are being forwarded to
disassembly and recycling processes. Transportation energy consumption
([E.sub.T]), as well as disassembly energy consumption ([E.sub.DA]), are
illustratively shown in the Fig. 6.
According to the all previously mentioned, energy consumption of
(U) is given in the Equation (10):
[E.sub.U] = [E.sub.SMD] + [E.sub.SMA] + [E.sub.SMO] + [E.sub.SMM] +
[E.sub.SDA] + [summation] [E.sub.T] (10)
Likewise, Equation (11) stands for overall energy production
([E.sub.P]) of the (U) process individually:
[E.sub.P] = [E.sub.GO] - [E.sub.U] (11)
2.7 Disassembly, Recycle and Waste Treatment process
An example of PV disassembling and recycling technology that
enables the automatic separation consists of three main processes such
as aluminium frame removal, backsheet removal, EVA
(ethylene-vinyl-acetate) resin burning. This has been illustratevly
given in the Fig. 8.
The process starts by loading modules by module loader (ML) after
which modules are directed to the operation of automatic frame removal
(AFR), where aluminum frames (AF) are being separated and stored. Here,
([E.sub.ML]) and ([E.sub.AFR]) represent the energy consumption of
mentioned operations respectively. Next operation is back sheet removal
(BSR) followed by EVA film burning (EB). Unlike the BSR, which is only
characterized by its energy consumption ([E.sub.BSR]), EB has the
potential to partly recover (E[R.sub.EB]) energy consumed (Eeb) for the
incineration of EVA film burning. Next in a row is glass and cell
recovery (G&CR) where cell fragments are separated, while the glass
is forwarded to the glass crusher (GC) in order to produce glass cullet
(G[C.sup.*]) [25]. These are being followed by their specific energy
consumption ([E.sub.G&CR]) and ([E.sub.GC]) respectively.
Conclusively, all components of PV modules are being separated as
much as possible in order to recover and recycle valuable materials, so
they can be handed out to companies which refine metals and recycle
secondary metals. Likewise, glass that can be separated and retain high
purity is recycled as glass cullet. Lastly, materials difficult or
unable to separate, recover and recycle are being sent to landfill.
Depending on subject to regulation and classification of hazardous
content, appropriate waste treatment process (WT) is applied where
process energy consumption ([E.sub.WT]), as well as the possibility of
energy recovery should be taken into account or considered. According to
the all previously mentioned, energy consumption of (D&R) is given
in the Equation (12):
[E.sub.R&D] = [E.sub.ML] + [E.sub.AFR] + [E.sub.BSR] +
[E.sub.EB] + [E.sub.G&CR] + [E.sub.GC] + [E.sub.WT] [summation]
[E.sub.T] - (E[R.sub.EB] + E[R.sub.WT]) (12)
3. Discussion
Having in mind that LCEA is a fundamental tool for evaluating and
guiding the development of PV technology, comprehensive modelling of a
PV system is essential for assessing its full potential as a sustainable
energy technology. The model equations presented here, provide a means
for evaluating the life- cycle energy performance of a PV system. on the
other hand, this paper emphasises a conceptual theoretical model
development in order to generate a holistic approach for LCEA of PV
systems. As previously mentioned, even though the analysis could be more
complex the purpose of this study is to stimulate logical identification
of potential optimization spots, system effectiveness and process energy
efficiency by respecting carefully defined system boundaries. It is
important to mention that the boundaries of the system under
investigation are variable depending on the specific scope and
objectives of each analysis.
Moreover, carefully conducted LCEA could be considered as major
input for Energy payback time determination. This metric assesses the
time period necessary for a PV project to become profitable from an
energy perspective.
Furthermore, electricity production efficiency should be the metric
of choice when comparing competing electricity-generating systems. The
maximum electricity production efficiency of a PV system is a function
of its useful life, so this metric can evaluate the lifetime energy
performance of an electricity-generating system. Energy payback time, in
contrast, does not address ultimate efficiency of the system being
Likewise, life-cycle conversion efficiency is a useful metric for
directly comparing alternative solar technologies because it measures
how efficiently a system converts sunlight into net energy in the form
of electricity. Life-cycle conversion efficiency allows another
meaningful comparison between various PV devices, such as crystalline
and amorphous silicon modules.
By applying this conceptual model in practice, systematic approach
to problem solving could be ensured, while the observation complexity
could be derived to the desired or needed level.
A more refined model would enable the evaluation of metrics based
on cases where energy input requirements are met by PV
electricity-generating systems or other renewable sources. Such a model
would require material production energy, manufacturing energy and other
energy inputs to be disaggregated into specific renewable and
non-renewable categories. Substitution of electricity for other energy
carriers, such as natural gas and fuel oil, could also be considered.
This scenario may result in a situation where the substitution leads to
more primary energy consumption than the conventional fuels case. For
example, an electrically heated boiler is less efficient on a primary
energy basis than a natural gas boiler, resulting in higher total energy
4. Conclusion
The increasing demand for renewable energy challenges society to
find out sustainable and renewable energy source. In this quest, LCEA is
imposed as a tool which can be used effectively in assessing the
sustainability of renewable energy sources, such as PV systems, while,
on the other hand, the collection of actual data for such study is a
quite challenging task.
This paper provides a holistic approach regarding PV system energy
consumption and generation over the useful life time. In addition,
potential energy recovery spots have been identified, but these still
represent the subject of change in terms of technology differentiation.
Practical implementation of this model combined with multi-objective
analysis of environmental, performance, cost and regulatory/policy
issues over the life- cycle of a PV system could ultimately provide the
most complete basis for design, planning and implementation. This full
set of information and data offers a more powerful means for promoting
PV technology as an effective source of sustainable energy.
Recognizing this goal, LCEA remains one of the most fundamental
components of a multi-objective analysis of an energy-generating system.
DOI: 10.2507/27th.daaam.proceedings.079
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Caption: Fig. 1. Observed system scope level and overall process
Caption: Fig. 2. Resource production process flow
Caption: Fig. 3. Part fabrication process flow
Caption: Fig. 4. Cell manufacturing process flow
Caption: Fig. 5. Module manufacturing process flow
Caption: Fig. 6. Utilization process flow
Caption: Fig. 7. Typical PV on-grid system components and energy
transformation flow [24]
Caption: Fig. 8. Disassembly and Recycle process flow
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