Lightweight Educational Scara Robot for Palletizing of USB Sticks.
Stuja, Kemajl ; Bruqi, Mirlind ; Markl, Erich 等
Lightweight Educational Scara Robot for Palletizing of USB Sticks.
1. Introduction
The modern production systems are inclined for custom-made
solutions. In the past customized solutions are accompanied with very
high engineering costs and very long setup time. Nowadays with the
support of a powerful computer design software and advanced
manufacturing systems it is possible to manufacture and implement
components into production systems. Additive manufactured manipulator
controlled with low cost controller card besides the educational purpose
will be enough accurate to palletize small parts like a USB- Stick. The
main task of the manipulator is to pick up the unsorted USB- Sticks from
an input conveyor and to place this into trays--output conveyor. The
distance between the two conveyors is about 350 mm at the same level.
This work shows stage by stage a design of the robot system as well
as its integration to the palletizing cell. As mentioned before for this
stage of the research a CAE tool SolidWorks was used. The results of
this work confirmed that the designed and manufactured robot system
under certain circumstances can be used not only in the education but as
far for accomplishing a simple manufacturing tasks. The main advantage
of this robot is the light weight and the small moment of inertia. So
the fast acceleration and short retardation of the robot joints are very
significant compared to the heavy casting robot. The energy consumption
is the fundamental feature of this robot system. The main disadvantage
of this robot is the rigidity compared to heavy casting robot.
In the previous work [1] a small 4 axis serial kinematic polyamide
robot for palletizing handy covers, was presented. The main disadvantage
of this robot- caused by serial kinematic- was vibrations and an
elongated time for stabilisation of manipulator, when a high speed was
required. In the second work [2] was designed a serial Research Robot
for Didactical Development with 6 DoF. The main advantages of this robot
can be described as:
* Low- Cost
* Lightweight
* Open hardware and software architecture
* Modular Structure
* Safe use
* Easy to disassemble, in order to explain the internal Structure
of the Robot to students etc.
Open hardware and software architecture enables the possibility for
mechatronic students to research and develop the future modular
structures and the motion control algorithms. In the figure 1 a) was
shown the CAD Model of palletizing robot. Figure 1 b) shows the 6 axis
didactical vertically knick arm robot.
2. Design of Scara Robot
Robot links are made by using of the plastic laser sintering system
EOS FORMIGA P 110. This Machine uses laser to sinter powdered material,
binding it together to create a solid structure of the parts. The slice
unit of this platform is about 0.1 mm (layer thicknesses). The used
powder material is PA 2200 which is a non- filled powder on basis of PA
12 with the following characteristics [3]:
* High strength /stiffness.
* good chemical resistance,
* excellent long-term constant behavior,
* high selectivity and detail resolution,
* Various finishing possibilities etc.
2.1. Mechanical Design of the prior 3D Draft
The first step, which is necessary to be done, is a drafting of
links and Joints of the Scara. Traditionally the procedure starts with
the calculation and selection of the motors and gears. Whereas
industrial design starts with 3D modelling in order to calculate the
motors and the gear. This paper shows the second procedure. Since the
robot will be manufactured using additive technology, it is very
imported to take care of the feasibility of the 3D printing. The Links
which are very long and outside of work area of the 3D Printer, will be
fragmented into more parts. This approach is known in the literature as
"Designing for manufacturing". The software tool used for 3D
modelling was SolidWorks from Dassault Systemes. SolidWorks covers a
wide range in the engineering area such as Mechanical design and
optimization, static simulation and dynamic motion analysis. The biggest
motor Nema23 of the first joint and second motor Nema 17 of the second
joint are placed collinear and bolded to the static part of the robot-
to base. The last two motors Nema 11 concerns rotation and translation
of the last link of the robot. The picture 2 b) shows the kinematic
structure of the 4 axis Scara RRR T (R- Rotational joint, T-
Translational joint) and the main dimensions.
2.2. Drive calculation for the cycle time
Traditional drive calculations procedure starts with moving profile
for the cycle time. In order to achieve the cycle time all drives must
ensure the required moment of torque. As shown in the figure below every
joint of the robot has three moving stages: acceleration, constant speed
and retardation. Following this when the angular velocity is constant
the Torque is Zero. In fact for the acceleration and retardation
it's very important to calculate the moment of inertia [3].
In order to select appropriate motor-gear system or drive system a
torque must to be considered:
M = I x [epsilon] (1)
Where: M--Torque [Nm], I--inertia [kg[m.sup.2]] and [epsilon]
angular acceleration [rad/[sec.sup.2]].
The second argument is angular acceleration. Cycle time required in
this work for pick and place operation was two seconds. That means
angular acceleration can be calculated easily from moving profile. A
fist argument is mass moment of inertia. Calculation takes very long
time, if no CAD system is being used. The more complex the geometry is,
the more complex is the calculation. Using CAD system is only a matter
of a few clicks. Mass moment of inertia is defined like:
I = [n.summation over (i=1)][r.sup.2.sub.i]d[m.sub.i] (2)
r[m] is the distance from the centre of gravity and rotation axis
is usually expressed in meter and m is the mass expressed in kilogram.
It is apparent from the (2) formula, that not only the mass of robot
parts is a critical parameter for the calculation of the system. A very
importing parameter is the distance from the rotation axis. For this
reason the second motor was placed to the fixed base in order to reduce
the mass of the system and to displace the centre of gravity near to the
first link. Secondly, using the PA 2200 material allows to reduce the
mass of robot and to take care of energy consumptions. The figure 4 a)
is a given a snapshot using 3D CAD system SolidWorks for calculation of
the centre of gravity and moment of inertia tensor. In figure 4 b) is
the simulation of the first joint in SolidWorks is shown. For the
acceleration of the rest of the system together with end-effector and
work piece was needed approximately about 2 [Nm].Meaning that the drive
system must be selected for this quantity in order to fulfil cycle time
requirements from the research demands, for the worst case scenario
2.3. Robot kinematics
Primarily the inverse kinematics was solved. Inverse kinematics
deals with the problem of finding the required joint angles to produce a
certain desired position and orientation of the end- effector. Finding
the inverse kinematics solution for a general manipulator can be a very
tricky task. Generally they are non- linear equations. Close-form
solutions may not be possible and multiple, infinity, or impossible
solutions can arise. Nevertheless, special cases have a closed-form
solution and can be solved [3].
For solving the robot kinematics, a very simple approach has been
followed. By simplifying the 3 dimension problematic into plan problem
(x, y coordinates) and using Pythagoras and Law of cosines to find the
position for the first and the second axis. After that the shift in the
third demining (z-coordinate)
Finding [[theta].sub.2]- angle for the second joint of robot:
[c.sup.2] = [x.sup.2] + [y.sup.2] (3)
[c.sup.2] = [a.sup.2] + [b.sup.2] - 2abcos([beta]) (4)
[beta] = 180 - [[theta].sub.2] [right arrow] cos([beta]) = cos(180
- [[theta].sub.2]) = - cos([[theta].sub.2]) (5)
[[theta].sub.2] = arccos([-[a.sup.2] - [b.sup.2] + [c.sup.2]]/2ac)
why c = [square root of [x.sup.2] + [y.sup.2]], then (7)
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (8)
Finding [[theta].sub.1]--angle for the first joint of robot:
[b.sup.2] = [a.sup.2] + [c.sup.2] - 2 accos([alpha]) (9)
[alpha] = arcos([[a.sup.2] - [b.sup.2] + [c.sup.2]]/2ac) (10)
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (11)
[[theta].sub.1] = [phi] - [alpha] (12)
[phi] = arctan(y/x) (13)
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (14)
2.4. Robot Control System
Stepper motors have found their way into many different areas of
automation and control systems. The wide popularity of these motors can
be attributed in part to the various ways the motor can be driven and
because of its compatibility with digital systems. In particular,
stepper motors are ideal for control systems that require discrete,
easily repeatable movements at moderate to low frequencies. The figure
below shows an example block diagram of a system with microcontroller,
stepper motor, and encoder- feedback. In this research, stepper motors
with a feedback provided for precision assistance will be used [4].
For controlling the robot system, the open Open-source electronic
prototyping platform Arduino will be used. Simulink (the add-on product
to MATLAB) provides an interactive, graphical environment for modelling,
simulating, and analysing of dynamic systems. It enables rapid
construction of virtual prototypes to explore design concepts at any
level of detail with minimal effort [5]. Simulink has also a support
package for Arduino hardware, which allows users to develop and simulate
algorithms that run standalone on the Arduino and configuring and
accessing the sensors and actuators on Arduino [7]. The following figure
shows how to use the Stepper Motor Driver and Stepper Motor blocks
together to implement a controlled permanent magnet stepper motor with
Simulink [6].
5. Conclusion
The goal of this research was to design and manufacturing robot
system for educational purposes and to improve a performance of this
system for by simple manufacturing task, such is palletizing of USB-
Sticks (see the Figure 8). The design stage was done using the powerful
CAD tool- SolidWorks. This powerful tool reduced radically the
engineering effort and provided a possibility for the optimization of
robot mechanical structure. In this perspective was reduced the weight
of manipulator converting them into lightweight robot class. Lightweight
ability of robot allows the fast acceleration as well as short the
breaking time. The energy consumption per cycle time was far below
comparing him with industrial robot. The outcomes of this research
confirmed our statement, which for the simple manufacturing tasks and
moderate accuracy, additive manufactured robots provides passable
However this work left some opened issues and future works to be
done. The future works are focused in optimizing the structure of robots
and human machine interface. The heavy step motors will be replaced by
lightweight servo motors in order to reduce the mass of the robot as
well for better positioning / path accuracy. By using of high resolution
of encoders it will be possible to capture the vibrations in order to
counteract with control logic. The second task will be focused on
developing HMI- human machine interface. It will be possible to use the
tablets and small devices like mobile phones to jog and programme the
robot targets.
DOI: 10.2507/27th.daaam.proceedings.015
6. Acknowledgments
We would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to IGUS-
Company- Austria for sponsoring the key components of the Scara robot.
Without this support it would not be possible to realise this research
inside the planed period. IGUS produces long life industrial components
such as cables, connectors, bearings and joints-links for small robots.
7. References
[1] Aburaia, B.; Markl, E. & Stuja, K. (2014). New concept for
design and control of 4 axis robot using the additive manufacturing
technology, 25th DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent
Manufacturing and Automation, Elsevier, ISSN 1877-7058, Katalinic, B.
(Ed.), pp. 1364-1369, Vienna.
[2] Schweidler, R.; Aburaia, M. & Engelhardt-Nowitzki, C.
(2016). Design of an Industrial Robot with Six Degrees of Freedom for
Educational Purposes, OAGM & ARW joint workshop on "Computer
Vision and Robotics" Kurt Niel, Peter M. Roth, Markus Vincze.
(Ed.), pp. 155-161, Wels, Austria
[3] Pires, J. N. (2007), Robot Manipulators and Control Systems,
ISBN: 978-0- 387-23325-3, Publisher: Springer US, New York, DOI
[4] (2014), PA2200 Datasheet, Fine
Polyamide PA 2200 for EOSINT P, Available at:, Accessed: 2014-09-20.
[5] Matthew Grant, (2005). Quick Start for Beginners to Drive a
Stepper Motor, Available from:
Accessed: 2016-09-20.
[6] (2016), IEEE- Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, New York, Available from:, Accessed:
[7] (2016), MathWorks, Natick,
Massachusetts, USA Available from:
help/physmod/elec/ examples/controlled-stepper- motor.html, Accessed:
[8] (2016), MathWorks, Natick,
Massachusetts, USA Available from: http://de.mathworks
.com/hardware-support/arduino-simulink.html?, Accessed: 2016-09-20.
This Publication has to be referred as: Stuja, K[emajl]; Bruqi,
M[irlind]; Markl, E[rich] & Aburaia, M[ohamed] (2016). Lightweight
Educational Scara Robot for Palletizing of USB Sticks, Proceedings of
the 27th DAAAM International Symposium, pp.0102-0108, B. Katalinic
(Ed.), Published by DAAAM International, ISBN 978-3-902734-08-2, ISSN
1726-9679, Vienna, Austria
Caption: Fig. 1. Education Robots a) 4 DoF Palletizing Robot and b)
6DoF Knickarm Robot
Caption: Fig. 2. Scara robot a) CAD design and position of drives,
b) kinematic structure of the Scara
Caption: Fig. 3. Movement profile a) The first three joints of
SCARA, b) torque
Caption: Fig. 4. Scara robot a) CAD design, b) kinematic structure
of the Scara
Caption: Fig. 6. Solving the inverse kinematics for the first and
second axis using Pythagoras and Law of cosines
Caption: Fig. 6. Example System with a Microcontroller, Stepper
Motor, and Feedback [4]
Caption: Fig. 7. Controlling a stepper motor with Simulink [6]
Caption: Fig. 8. Layout of robot cell for palletizing of USB-
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