Price and Quality of Prescription Drugs.
Jin, Ginger Zhe
Price and Quality of Prescription Drugs.
It is difficult for patients to perceive the quality of
prescription drugs even after they consume them, because they lack
medical knowledge and because symptom alleviation depends on
comorbidities, diet, and other factors. Additionally, multiple factors,
ranging from active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and purity to
transportation and storage conditions, affect drug quality. After a
pharmaceutical product is approved for the market, ensuring quality in
production and distribution is crucial.
This is why the U.S. Food and Drug Administration routinely
inspects domestic drug manufacturing plants for compliance with good
manufacturing practice. In theory, all drugs approved for use in the
United States, whether made domestically or overseas, must comply with
applicable federal regulations. But it is more difficult to conduct the
good manufacturing practice inspection abroad, where roughly 80 percent
of APIs and 40 percent of finished drugs are made. Because the FDA lacks
legal jurisdiction outside the U.S., it can only send warning letters,
issue import alerts, and deny market access for foreign plants that are
found to be out of compliance.
In the early years of this century, several high-profile episodes
of contaminated imports resulted in substantial numbers of deaths in the
United States, leading the FDA to strengthen its quality control program
in China, India, and many other countries. Even after these steps,
however, the FDA mainly inspects wholesale imports. "While the
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) prohibits the importation
of unapproved drugs into the U.S., including retail purchases by
individuals who shop on the internet, the FDA does not vigilantly
enforce the ban. (1) Thus it is possible that some low-quality
pharmaceutical products are still reaching U.S. consumers as a result of
online retail sales.
My collaborators and I have studied the trade-offs that are
associated with direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical sales by internet
sellers, studying in particular the quality variation across drug
providers and the evolving access that U.S. buyers have to offshore
Certification and Quality Variation
Four to six percent of U.S. residents order prescription drugs from
online pharmacies. (2) Some are foreign pharmacies that may not meet FDA
standards. The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP)
reviewed 7,430 internet pharmacies in December 2010 and found that 96
percent were not in compliance with U.S. state and federal laws and/or
NABP patient safety and pharmacy practice standards. (3) Among
non-compliers, 34 percent had server locations in a foreign country, 27
percent had a physical address outside the U.S., 56 percent did not
provide any physical address, 84 percent did not require valid
prescriptions, 62 percent issued prescriptions via online consultation,
50 percent offered foreign or non-FDA-approved drugs, and 83 percent did
not offer medical consultation. These findings suggest that the rise of
internet-marketed pharmaceuticals has introduced new concerns about drug
The NABP, which emphasizes that consumer importation of drugs
violates the FFDCA, certifies U.S. web-based pharmacies that comply with
laws in both the state of their business operation and the states to
which they ship. As of February 29, 2012, the NABP had certified 30
online pharmacies. Twelve of these were run by large pharmacy-benefits
management companies open to members only; others are the online
branches of national chain pharmacies such as and Walgreens.
com, and large online-only pharmacies such as
Another certification agency,, has a similar focus
on U.S. websites. It was endorsed by the NABP to screen pharmacy
websites after 2011. As of November 2016, LegitScript was monitoring
over 80,000 Internet pharmacies. It estimated that between 30,000 and
35,000 were actively selling prescription drugs at any one time. Among
active websites, 96 percent did not satisfy LegitScript's
certification criteria and therefore were not fully compliant with U.S.
laws and regulations. (4) NABP endorses the use of LegitScript by domain
name registrars to assist in identifying illegally operating websites; I
therefore consider websites certified by either agency as
The other two private and the
Canadian International Pharmacy Association (CIPA)--are fundamentally
different. CIPA is a trade association of Canadian pharmacies and only
certifies Canadian websites that comply with Canadian laws, while
PharmacyChecker covers the U.S., Canada, and many other countries.
Similar to NABP, PharmacyChecker also charges fees for an approved
website to be listed on beyond a short initial
period. (5)As of March 9, 2012, at about the time my collaborators and I
were studying this issue, PharmacyChecker had approved 73 foreign
websites and 51 U.S. websites. Because PharmacyChecker is unwilling to
share its complete list of approvals, it is impossible to conduct a full
comparison between approvals by PharmacyChecker and those by the NABP,
LegitScript, or the CIPA. Among the four certification agencies,
PharmacyChecker is the only one that provides head-to-head drug price
comparisons across online pharmacies.
To investigate whether drug quality differs between certified and
uncertified online sellers, Roger Bate, Aparna Mathur, and I obtained
365 samples of five popular brand-name prescription drugs from three
tiers of online pharmacies: NABP-certified websites (tier A),
PharmacyChecker/CIPA-certified websites (tier B), and websites that were
not certified by any of the four certifiers (tier C). (6) We then
compared all the testable samples (328) with authentic versions, using
the Raman spectrometer. (7) There was zero failure in tier A and tier B
samples, but eight tier C samples of Viagra failed the authenticity
test. All other testable drugs that were purchased from Tier C passed.
This finding validates concerns that using uncertified online pharmacies
may be risky, but the lack of failure among tier B pharmacies also
suggests that not all foreign pharmacies are rogue.
It is important to note that there can be price differences in
addition to quality differences. In our audit test, although tier A and
tier B samples exhibited similar quality, tier B samples were 49.2
percent cheaper than tier A samples after controlling for other factors.
Samples from tier C websites were 54.8 percent cheaper than those from
tier A websites. Importantly, these differences were driven by
non-Viagra drugs, all of which passed the authenticity test. In
contrast, the failing samples of Viagra were cheaper than the passing
samples, but there was no significant price difference across tiers once
we conditioned on testability and authenticity.
The large price difference between tier A and the other two tiers
highlights price variations in the international market of prescription
drugs. Because many non-US. countries are willing to impose price
regulations on prescription drugs, the same drug could be much cheaper
outside the U.S., even if the drug was patented by a U.S. manufacturer.
For example, a 2005 study estimated that Canadian prices for the 100
top-selling brand-name drugs were on average 43 percent below U.S.
prices for the same drugs. (8) As a result, saving money is one of the
leading reasons to buy prescription drugs online, despite quality
uncertainty. (9)
Access to Internet Pharmacies
It is easy for shoppers to find "cheap" pharmacies
online. Internet shopping allows U.S. consumers to access low-priced
drugs, while also allowing rogue pharmacies to take advantage of
gullible consumers. This trade-off has been recognized by the platforms
that permit consumer search. As online pharmacies expanded, Google
contracted with PharmacyChecker to filter websites listed in its
sponsored search results. However, a Department of Justice investigation
found that Google was allowing unapproved pharmacies to purchase
sponsored links and target U.S. consumers. In February 2010, Google
started to ban pharmacies not certified by the NABP from sponsored ads
targeting U.S. consumers, and to block pharmacies not certified by the
CIPA from sponsored ads targeting Canadian consumers. Other search
engines followed suit. In August 2011, Google settled with DOJ and
agreed to forfeit $500 million in ad revenues.
How does the ban of sponsored ads affect consumer search and click
behavior concerning online prescription drugs ? Matthew Chesnes, Weijia
(Daisy) Dai and I apply synthetic control and difference-in-differences
(DID) to corn-Score click-through data from 1 million U.S. households.
(10) The monthly click-through data, ranging from September 2010 to
September 2012, track the number of searches and searchers for a query
and the number of organic and sponsored clicks on each website that
result from the query. To be comprehensive, we started with more than
8,000 health-related queries and narrowed down to 528 queries that
either accounted for the majority of click volume or were most likely
leading to pharmacy websites. Searches using drug and pharmacy queries
generated 97 percent of the traffic on pharmacy websites.
We sorted online pharmacies into the same tiers: tier A for
NABP-certified websites, tier B for PharmacyChecker or CIPA-certified
websites, and tier C for websites not certified by any of the four
agencies. By definition, tier A pharmacies are not subject to the ban on
sponsored listings and therefore not the subjects of the study. For each
tier B or tier C pharmacy website, we constructed a control group sample
using clicks on health-related non-pharmacy websites following drug and
pharmacy queries. The synthetic control sample is chosen such that
organic clicks reflect the same underlying trend in consumer interests
as the treated website, but are not directly affected by the search
engine ban.
We found the ban to have heterogeneous effects on pharmacy
websites. As shown in the left panel of the figure below, tier B
websites experienced a large increase in organic clicks--clicks on the
search results based on relevance to the search term rather than
advertiser's payment--making up for roughly two-thirds of their
loss of sponsored clicks. These results suggest that the ban increased
the search cost for tier B sites, but that some consumers overcome the
search cost by switching from sponsored to organic links. Indirectly,
these results also suggest that a sponsored search was likely effective
for tier B sites before the ban, though we may not causally attribute
all sponsored clicks before the ban to the effect of the advertising. In
contrast, in the right panel of the figure, tier C pharmacies barely
made up any of the loss in sponsored clicks, which can be explained by
rising consumer concerns about the quality of drugs sold on uncertified
websites after the ban, thanks to related media exposure and government
The differential effects on tier B and tier C sites suggest that
consumers may have become more cautious about which websites they buy
from and more likely to use information from third-party certifiers.
Furthermore, the increase in organic clicks on tier B pharmacies tends
to come from queries that target discount pharmacies, and the most
significant increase in organic links is for the drugs that treat
chronic conditions.
To summarize, while there is stringent regulation of drug quality
in the U.S., personal imports still expose U.S. consumers to the
potential risk of unsafe and low-quality drugs. This risk has been
addressed by private certification and enforcement action on a major
search engine, but the cost of these actions is that U.S. consumers may
face higher search costs and have less access to lower international
A similar price-quality trade-off exists in developing countries
and affects a much larger population. Bate, Mathur, and I focused on
eight drug types on the WHO-approved medicine list and obtained 899 drug
samples from seventeen low- and median-income countries. (11) We tested
for visual appearance and disintegration, and analyzed their ingredients
by chromatography and spectrometry. Fifteen percent of the samples
failed at least one test and failing drugs were priced 13.6-18.7 percent
lower than non-failing drugs after controlling for local factors, but
the signaling effect of price is far from complete, especially for
non-innovator brands.
In a subsequent study, we assessed basic quality of 1,437 samples
of Ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic that is used to treat many bacterial
infections, from 18 low- to middle-income countries. (12) Following the
Global Pharma Health Fund e.V. Minilab[R] protocol, we found that 9.9
percent of the samples had less than 80 percent of the correct API, of
which 41.5 percent were entirely falsified, containing zero API, and the
rest were substandard, with measurable but insufficient API. (13)
Although substandard drugs are on average cheaper than passing generics
in the same city, the average price of falsified drugs is not
significantly different from that of passing drugs. These patterns
suggest that careful consumers may suspect a drug is substandard before
purchase, but it is more difficult to identify falsified fied drugs ex
ante, since they mimic the price and packaging of high-quality, locally
registered products.
Ginger Zhe Jin received her PhD from UCLA in 2000 and is currently
a professor of economics at the University of Maryland, College Park.
She was on leave to the Federal Trade Commission in 2015-17, and served
as director of the FTC's Bureau of Economics from January 2016 to
July 2017. She has been an NBER research associate since 2012, and is a
member of the bureau's Industrial Organization Program.
Most of Jin's research focuses on information asymmetry among
economic agents and how to provide information to overcome this problem.
She has studied restaurant food safety, health insurance, prescription
drugs, e-commerce, online reviews, regulatory inspection, scientific
innovation, air quality, blood donation, intrafamilial interaction, data
security, and consumer protection. Her research has been published in
economics, management, and marketing journals, and has been supported by
the National Science Foundation, the Net Institute, and the Alfred P.
Sloan Foundation. She is currently co-editor of the Journal of Economics
and Management Strategy, associate editor of RAND Journal of Economics,
and guest senior editor for a special issue of Marketing Science on
consumer protection.
(1) The FDA defines personal drug imports as those that represent a
reasonable risk and are intended for personal use of no more than a
three-month supply. An agency handbook on drug-product control states
that when determining the legality of personal shipments, "FDA
personnel may use their discretion to allow entry of shipments of
violative FDA regulated products when the quantity and purpose are
clearly for personal use, and the product does not present an
unreasonable risk to the user."
(2) G. Orizio, A.Merla, P. Schulz, and U. Gelatti, "Quality of
Online Pharmacies and Websites Selling Prescription Drugs: A Systematic
Review," Journal of Medical Internet Research, 13(3), 2011. 65220
(3) National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. "Internet Drug
Outlet Identification Program Progress Report for State and Federal
Regulators" January 2011.
(4) LegitScript's certification criteria include a valid
license with local US jurisdictions, a valid registration with the US
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) if dispensing controlled
substances, valid contact information, a valid domain name registration,
a valid prescription, dispensing only FDA-approved drugs, and protecting
user privacy according to the HIPAA Privacy Rule (45 CRF164). There are
more LegitScript-certified websites than NABP-certified websites,
probably because the NABP requires interested websites to apply and pay
verification fees while LegitScript's approval is free and does not
require website application.
(5) Certification requirements on Pharmacy Checker include the
stipulation that any approved website must have a valid pharmacy license
from its local pharmacy board, requires a prescription for US purchase
if the FDA requires a prescription for the medication, protects consumer
information, encrypts financial and personal information, and presents a
valid mailing address and phone number for contact information.
(6) The prescriptions drugs were Lipitor (10 mg), Viagra (100 mg),
Celebrex (200 mg), Nexium (40 mg), and Zoloft (100 mg).
(7) The samples were also cross-checked against a second lot from a
separate national pharmacy chain store to verify consistency and
determine method robustness. R. Bate, G.Jin, and A. Mathur, "In
Whom We Trust: The Role of Certification Agencies in Online Drug
Markets" NBER Working Paper No. 17955, July 2013, and Berkeley
Express Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Contribution Tier,
14(1), 2013, pp. 111-50.
(8) B. Skinner, "Canada's Drug Price Paradox: The
Unexpected Losses Caused by Government Interference in Pharmaceutical
Markets," Fraser Institute Digital Publication, 2005.
(9) According to C Gurau, "Pharmaceutical Marketing on the
Internet: Marketing Techniques and Customer Profile," Journal of
Consumer Marketing, 22(7), 2005, pp. 421-8, the most frequent reasons
quoted by interviewees for buying or intending to buy online were
convenience and saving money, followed by information anonymity and
choice. In our own survey (R. Bate, G.Jin, and A. Mathur, 2014) of 2,522
members of RxRights, 61.54 percent purchased drugs online, mostly from
foreign websites, citing cost savings as the leading reason.
(10) M. Chesnes, W.Dai, and G Jin, "Banning Foreign Pharmacies
from Sponsored Search: The Online Consumer Response," NBER Working
Paper No. 20088, May 2014, and Marketing Science, 36(6), 2017, pp.
(11) R. Bate, G.Jin, and A. Mathur, "Does Price Reveal Poor-
Quality Drugs? Evidence from 17 Countries," NBER Working Paper No.
16854, March 2011, and Journal of Health Economics, 30(6), 2011, pp.
(12) R. Bate, G.Jin, and A. Mathur, "Falsified or Substandard?
Assessing Price and Non-Price Signals of Drug Quality," NBER
Working Paper No. 18073, October 2012, and Journal of Economics &
Management Strategy, 24(4), 2015, pp. 687-711.
(13) Substandard and falsified drugs are not necessarily
counterfeits. The World Health Organization in 2010
( defined counterfeit drugs by the intent to
deceive, but it is extremely difficult to prove intent in practice,
especially if the focus is on the intent to infringe trademark rather
than the intent to provide effective medicines. As a result,
deliberating on trademark infringement often diverts attention from drug
quality and its public health implications. By this definition, a
counterfeit drug could have zero, some, or even full content of API, if
it infringes the trademark; in the meantime, substandard or falsified
drugs could be produced by manufacturers that have the legal trademark
and other IP rights on the drug.
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