The tail of a whale: A real-world problem for the maths classroom.
Woolcott, Geoff
The tail of a whale: A real-world problem for the maths classroom.
Southern Cross University (SCU) educators and local teachers have
developed a fivelesson instructional sequence built around fluke
identification as a way of resolving the question: How fast do humpback
whales travel up the east coast of Australia?
Every year, humpback whales move up and down the east coast of
Australia from their feeding grounds in the Antarctic to their breeding
grounds in tropical waters of eastern Australia, near Hervey Bay in
Queensland. Peta Beeman, a research student at Southern Cross University
(SCU), is recording the patterns of whale flukes, the powerful swimming
fin or tail of a whale. (Figure 1 shows a breaching humpback whale.) The
pattern of each fluke is distinctive for each whale and, when people
send images to Peta, she is able to process them using pattern
recognition software called Fluke Matcher. This allows Peta and her team
to recognise where each whale is at a particular time.
In 2014 SCU initiated a team project that developed resources for
teachers and school students designed to involve them in real-world
investigations being undertaken by some of our scientists. Peta worked
with a team of university educators and local teachers to develop a
five-lesson instructional sequence built around fluke identification as
a way of resolving the question: "How fast do humpback whales
travel up the east coast of Australia?" (1) The idea was for
students to go through similar processes to a scientist who was trying
to answer this question, to see how they would respond to being involved
in a real-world scientific inquiry.
Why tail flukes
There were several reasons for presenting students with this
problem. One was that there was a lot of information already available
about humpback whales. A team led by Daniel Burns at the Marine Ecology
Research Centre, a SCU centre with researchers based at Coffs Harbour
and Lismore NSW, had already documented the migration of humpback whales
and their behaviours during their journey up and down the migratory
corridor off the east coast of Australia (Burns et al., 2014). It was
this team that developed the Fluke Matcher software, using it to
identify whales from their fluke patterns--scars and pimentation
patterns which act like fingerprints due to their uniqueness for each
individual (Figure 2) (2).
Humpback whales had been part of a once-flourishing industry based
at whaling stations along the migration route, including near the
modern-day observation point at Byron Bay, which is as far east as the
Australian coastline extends. Humpback whale numbers were estimated to
be as low as 100 when whaling ended in the 1970s, but numbers had
increased to 10,000 in 2015 (Bejder et al., 2016) and Peta has reported
that numbers are expected to be more than 30,000 in 2018. Whale watching
is now a major tourist attraction and people flock to various places
along the east coast to observe them in the wild, particularly at Hervey
Bay (Queensland), where the whales stay for up to two months, mating and
giving birth to young calves before their return to the Antarctic.
Peta's question was designed to find out how fast the whales
travelled on their migration. This included considering the questions:
Do they travel at a constant speed?, Do they vary their speed at night?,
Do they all leave Antarctic waters at the same time?. Knowing that fluke
identification could be used to log the whales' journey, Peta
invited contributions of fluke images from whale watchers all along the
east coast of Australia for the East Coast Whale Watch Catalogue, a
citizen science project. Since images uploaded also note a date and
location, identification in Fluke Matcher allows her to create a
catalogue that shows an individual whale at particular times during its
journey up and down the coast.
Analysis of photographs of flukes, such as those contributed by
people on whalewatching boats, enable researchers to identify individual
whales in repeated sightings from year to year along their migration
path (Figure 3). The catalogue has been used to analyse data on over
1000 humpback whales (between 2005 and 2014) enabling researchers to
obtain valuable information about life histories, population size,
migration timing, travel speeds, movement and association patterns (who
swims with whom, and when).
Whale tail lessons
The topical issue of whale migration was included as part of the
Regional Universities Network's (RUN) (3) Digital Classroom project
conducted from 2013 to 2015. The aim of this project was to bring
scientific and mathematical research into the secondary classroom, using
collaborations within each of the six universities of RUN, and with
teachers and secondary school students within each university's
educational footprint. Peta's research question was considered a
good example of how science and mathematics (4) could be integrated
across a real-world problem, using appropriate levels of knowledge,
skills and experiences from each subject. The five-lesson whale
migration sequence is shown in Table 1, although it can easily be
reconfigured to take up more or less time in a school program.
Each lesson plan provided an opportunity for an instructional
practice based on student-centred inquiry around a central goal
statement, rather than an expositional or didactic framework (teacher
explaining and students listening). In this way student participation
can be optimised verbally and through interaction with peers as well as
with the teacher. The lesson materials provided opportunities for
students to develop their own conclusions individually and in groups,
and compare them with those of their peers and their teacher.
A focus on spatial reasoning
Although real-world problem solving was the central focus of the
five-lesson whale sequence, several of the study components (lesson
plans and resources) in the first two lessons incorporated spatial
reasoning. A number of studies have focused on the importance of spatial
reasoning (or spatial thinking) in secondary schools, as well as its
importance in STEM (Wai, Lubinski, & Benbow, 2009). Importantly,
Uttal et al. (2013) have shown that spatial skills are malleable, that
is, they can be taught. Although the use of spatial skills is integral
with human-lived experience and spatial negotiation in a 3D world,
school curricula have only recently begun to recognise the value of
teaching that encompasses these skills (Bruce et al., 2017).
The first two lessons in the sequence have a strong spatial skill
component: lesson one is dedicated to students finding a way to identify
whales from patterns on their tail flukes; and lesson two is dedicated
to using spatial information to document the whales' journey and
their speed of travel. The two lessons involve categories of spatial
skills in teaching tasks described by Uttal et al. (2013) as either
intrinsic or extrinsic, and as involving either static or dynamic tasks
(see Figure 4).
'Intrinsic' specifies the parts of an object and their
relations whereas 'extrinsic' refers to the relations among
objects in a group. 'Static' refers to fixed information and
'dynamic' refers to objects that are moving or moved, or
viewed from a moving reference point. The classroom identification
process required that students synthesise and differentiate the patterns
represented in a set of given whale fluke images, as well as visualise
the identification patterns. In other words, students combine elements
from several sources to identify a commonality in pattern, but also
separate elements according to difference to determine which fluke
patterns are different. The second lesson, to do with the whales'
speed of travel, required that students use identification data as well
as annotated maps of travel pathways.
How did this work in the classroom?
The lesson sequences, along with the associated resources, were
trialled successfully in several schools in the SCU region. The
researcher acted as a passive observer in each lesson of the sequence,
but took extensive notes during the lessons. At the end of each lesson
the researcher interviewed the teacher, engaging them in discussion of
how the lesson was received. A summary of the first two lesson outlines
in the sequence is provided in Table 2.
Lesson observations
Lesson one: Fluke matching
Classes were not accustomed to this type of real-world inquiry
(even though an expectation of the curriculum) but teachers were
interested in seeing how students handled an issue clearly relevant for
them through their familiarity with, and interest in, whales and whale
migration. In the first two parts of the lesson, teachers employed the
lesson format as recommended, with the introductory video followed by
Whale Fluke Bingo done in competing groups: some of the flukes shown by
the teacher have images matching those in the image set provided to each
group. Teachers asked students how they identified similar whale flukes
in the game and provided information from university scientists to
confirm student responses.
The third part of the lesson, also conducted in small groups,
engaged students in using the images and an acetate grid (unit squares)
to find percentages of dark or light pigmentation (Figure 5). Teachers
used the fourth part of the lesson, as recommended, for a guided
discussion around the similarities and differences in fluke patterns
that could be used for identification.
Lesson two: Whale travel
Each teacher used the given lesson materials to develop this part
of the investigation in different ways. Despite having a narrative
context for the whale journey, students experienced particular
difficulty in interpretation of the visual material on the maps
provided. Students also had difficulty in trying to provide reasons for
changes in whale speed and how this related to latitude markings (see
Figure 4 right-hand images). The teachers used a diagram from Burns et
al. (2014) showing a map of the migration as well as locations and times
(summarised in Figure 4). The materials provided were designed to assist
in interpretation of a diagram representing the entire journey of
Migaloo (an albino whale with a dedicated fan base and website, and an 'average' whale, through use of
partially completed interpretative tables.
What does this say about spatial reasoning?
In this section, we are looking to examine what spatial reasoning
skills were integral to each lesson. Clearly the scientists working on
this problem had an excellent command of the skills required to answer
their real-world research questions. In observing student activities in
lessons one and two, we were able to see what spatial reasoning skills
students already had and what skills they were yet to obtain, at least
in this problemsolving context. The spatial reasoning skills indicated
in Figure 4 can be organised into four categories as outlined in Table
3. In observing student behaviour we focused on the four combinations
of: intrinsic-static; intrinsic-dynamic; extrinsic-static; and,
Lesson one: Fluke matching
In the whale problem context of lesson one, intrinsic refers to
spatial activities that involved describing objects, such as pigment
markings or scars, tail or fin shape and edge markings on the whale
flukes. The patterns on the fluke did not change with respect to each
other and hence were considered static. There was almost no requirement
in lesson one for students to consider objects that were dynamic, for
example, in predicting what the fluke might look like if it was seen
from another angle. Extrinsic here refers to spatial activities where
the students determined relations; in lesson one these were the
relations between the flukes, fluke shapes and markings.
In the trials, students were able to refer to intrinsic-static
features, such as overall shape, the colour and shape of distinctive
markings from fluke images provided, as well as edge patterns, including
scarring. In the exercise with acetate grids (Table 2 and Figure 5),
many students were also able to calculate relative percentages of
coverage of black or white patches, and some students were also able to
recognise symmetry in the fluke markings. Extrinsic-static features
recognised included patterns of configurations of shapes and colours
within the fluke. Some students were able to additionally recognise
these in the same fluke in a different position. Although there was
little opportunity for observing dynamic spatial reasoning skills in
lesson one, a few students (three or less) were able to model an
identity pattern for a whale fluke and use this to identify whales from
twisted or rotated fluke images. These students were also able to
predict the distance of the same fluke viewed from a greater distance,
by comparing the sizes of the grid of black or white areas on current
Lesson two: Whale travel
In lesson two the exercise was essentially dynamic, developed
around graphing spatial positions and predicting time of travel and
spatial position against a pattern of differing sets of information that
served as a distraction. The static object was the map of eastern
Australia showing degrees of latitude in only some parts of the journey,
with lines showing the migratory path of the humpback whales, and
duration markers (directional arrows) showing travel times, north and
south, between the given latitude lines. For example, for the breeding
range of the whales (latitudes 21[degrees]S to 15[degrees]S), the
duration markers indicated travel times up and back as 2.5 weeks for the
average whale, but 1.1 weeks for Migaloo.
Most students were able to interpret that the intrinsic-static
features of latitude lines (degrees) and duration markers (weeks) on the
resource sheet (annotated map) were members of a spatial category, such
as static-extrinsic (although they did not need to know the names of
such categories). The difficulty arose from the irregular spacing of the
latitude lines and duration markings (Figure 1, top right image). The
intrinsic-dynamic skills were less often observed where the skill needed
was to transform the spatial codings of latitude and duration to predict
whale positions for either the average humpback or for Migaloo. Most
students had difficulty in interpreting the latitude lines in relation
to time travelled and, hence, did not generally demonstrate this skill.
In lesson two, extrinsic refers to spatial activities where the
students determined relations between a whale's location relative
to other whales, or to the latitude and time markings, or places
labelled on the map. Demonstration of extrinsic-static features required
that students relate latitude of whale sighting to travel time, which
was not in equal increments (e.g., a relatively long time in the
breeding area). Few students were able to estimate distances between
locations of the map by spatial partitioning, or to convert degrees to
kilometres as required in this activity, even when the teacher provided
exemplars for this context (for Migaloo). When provided with a
completion table (Table 4) over the route taken, students fared better
and were able to convert the information to a distance/time graph. The
extrinsic-dynamic category was even more difficult. Students needed to
predict the position of a whale based on the slope of a distance time
graph derived from the sighting data and only three students were
observed to do this.
How did teachers overcome the difficulties in lesson two?
Teachers reported that, although they had conceived this lesson as
having a group activity component, the difficulty of the interpretation
of these kinds of largely extrinsic spatial skills was best dealt with
as a teacher-guided activity. One teacher, for example, prepared
additional graphs and projected these from her laptop for the whole
class to view. These graphs related to translating the distance
travelled in given time periods and using this to compare parts of
Migaloo's journey with that of an average whale.
One of the issues apparent from the lesson observations was that
most students did not appear to have sufficient prior knowledge related
to the map context and were consequently unable to engage completely
with potential solutions to the problem. As the teachers indicated,
prior knowledge of both spatial and non-spatial skills in such contexts
may have assisted students in identifying and using latitude
measurements to calculate distances. The lessons also required an
overlap of cognitive functions, for example, integration of spatial
skills with calculation or reading skills. Students, however, seemed to
understand the nature and context of the problem, even where they were
not always able to use the data provided for its resolution.
Overall, the project was successful in engaging world-class
researchers, specialist educators, teachers and students in co-creation
of digital teaching resources based on real-world problems and
up-to-date solutions. The 'tail of a whale' lesson sequence is
of particular interest to mathematics teachers since it is one of the
few resources that aligns elements of the Australian Curriculum in both
science and mathematics for Years 9 and 10. Some of our teachers have
shown, however, that the whale lesson sequence can be separated as
lessons for Years 7 to 10. The financial mathematics required for
Lessons four and five are best suited to Years 9 and 10, as is the
analysis of sound graphs in Lesson three.
Our trials of Lessons one and two indicated that our students may
need a stronger background in spatial reasoning skills, albeit in a
context of particular problems. A broader view of spatial reasoning
skills across the curriculum may benefit from the overarching view, at
least from the viewpoint of school learning, that all students may have
skills that are based in their lived experiences in the 3D world, but
which need to be adapted to the contexts required in school subjects.
The approach taken in developing this lesson sequence suggests that
spatial reasoning skills can be built into classroom problem solving,
with motivational aspects provided by use of real-world contexts that
are familiar to the students.
The Australian Government funded project, Regional Universities
Network (RUN) maths and science digital classroom: A connected model for
all of Australia (the RUN Digital Classroom), involved participants from
the Regional Universities Network (RUN) and three associated
organisations working with community-based educators and secondary
school students within the educational footprint of each RUN
institution. RUN is based in eastern Australia and comprises Southern
Cross University and the University of New England in New South Wales,
Central Queensland University, the University of Southern Queensland and
the University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, and Federation
University Australia in Victoria. The organisations involved in the
collaboration were the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
Organisation (CSIRO), the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute
(AMSI) and the Primary Industry Centre for Science Education (PICSE).
These lesson sequences are available, along with the other educational
resources developed for the Virtual Centre, on
Bejder, M., Johnston, D. W., Smith, J., Friedlaender, A., &
Bejder, L. (2016). Embracing conservation success of recovering humpback
whale populations: Evaluating the case for downlisting their
conservation status in Australia. Marine Policy, 66, 137-141.
Bruce, C., Davis, B., Sinclair, N., McGarvey, L., Hallowell, D.,
Drefs, M., Francis, K., Hawes, Z., Moss, J., Mulligan, J., Okamoto, Y.,
Whitely, W., & Woolcott, G. (2017). Understanding gaps in research
networks: using spatial reasoning as a window into the importance of
networked educational research. Educational Studies in Mathematics,
95(2), 143-161.
Burns, D., Brooks, L., Harrison, P., Franklin, T., Franklin, W.,
Paton, D., & Clapham, P. (2014). Migratory movements of individual
humpback whales photographed off the eastern coast of Australia. Marine
Mammal Science, 30, 562-578.
Newcombe, N. S., & Shipley, T. F. (2015). Thinking about
spatial thinking: New typology, new assessments. In J. S. Gero (Ed.),
Studying visual and spatial reasoning for design creativity (pp.
179-192). Netherlands: Springer.
Uttal, D. H., Meadow, N. G., Tipton, E., Hand, L. L., Alden, A. R.,
Warren, C., & Newcombe, N. S. (2013). The malleability of spatial
skills: A meta-analysis of training studies. Psychological bulletin,
139(2), 352-402.
Wai, J., Lubinski, D., & Benbow, C. P. (2009). Spatial ability
for STEM domains: Aligning over 50 years of cumulative psychological
knowledge solidifies its importance. Journal of Educational Psychology,
101(4), 817-835.
What makes a good fluke photo?
* Photo must show the underside surface of the fluke.
* Focus and contrast should be sharp enough that the markings can
be clearly seen.
* The angle of the fluke should not be so sharp that the markings
are obscured.
* At least 50% of the fluke should be showing above the waterline.
* Photos should be high resolution, saved as digital files (e.g.,
.jpeg or .tiff files).
To contribute photos to the East Coast Whale Watch Catalogue,
please use the online form at www.eastcoastwhales.
Geoff Woolcott
Southern Cross University, NSW
(1.) Although travel speed was an important part of Peta's
study, its overall focus was looking at patterns of migration timing,
such as year-to-year consistency, and residence time in the northern and
southern termini of the migration.
(2.) Similar software can also be seen at
(3.) The Regional Universities Network ( is based
in eastern Australia and comprises Southern Cross University (SCU) and
the University of New England (UNE) in New South Wales, Central
Queensland University (CQU), the University of Southern Queensland (USQ)
and the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) in Queensland, and
Federation University Australia (FedU) in Victoria.
(4.) This paper focuses on mathematics and science but recognises
that this focus may lie within the overall framework of Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
Caption: Figure 1. A breaching humpback whale on its migration
north, seen off the coast of New South Wales.
Caption: Figure 2. Peta used Fluke Matcher to identify a humpback
whale from the pattern on its tail fluke.
Caption: Figure 3. What makes a good fluke photo?
The photos to the right, are of the same whale travelling south
near Ballina in 2004 (left) and then again in Byron Bay in 2009 (right).
Caption: Figure 4. Illustrations of the four categories that
combine the intrinsic/extrinsic and static/dynamic categories of Uttal
et al (2013).
Caption: Figure 5. A whale fluke image being examined for patterns
using an acetate grid of unit squares.
Caption: Over 50% of fluke submerged.
Caption: Oblique angle, low contrast.
Caption: Markings clearly visible.
Table 1. The lesson sequence for the whale migration research
Lesson one How are whales identified? Whale fluke
patterns as identification criteria.
Lesson two How can we identify how fast individual
whales are travelling? Using
rate/ratio, latitude and longitude.
Lesson three Whale-song graph analysis.
Lessons four Tourist Operator Analysis--investigating
and five the tourism industry surrounding
whale sightings.
Table 2. A summary of the four parts of each of the first
two lessons in the Whale Fluke sequence.
Lesson 1: How are whales Lesson 2: How can we identify
identified? Whale tail Bingo. how fast individual whales are
Part 1. Presentation and Part 1. This lesson involves
introduction of the looking at how fast whales
question. travel up and down the east
Research background in the coast.
form of a five-minute video, The teacher introduces using
presented by the project diagrams outlining the
scientist, on humpback movements of whales from
migration and identification. their Antarctic feeding
grounds to their breeding
grounds near the Great
Barrier Reef off
Part 2. Identification of Part 2. Calculating distance and
matching and non-matching time of travel. Students, in
tail flukes. pairs, interpret the resource
Whale fluke bingo using a set sheet information to obtain
of 50 printed whale fluke distance and time data and use
images. The teacher displays it to complete a table
ten images on a provided. Table to be completed
projector/screen and students for both Migaloo and for the
work to match their group's average whale'.
images with those displayed. The sheet shows the east coast of
Played as a game with three Australia and extends to the
correct matches of flukes Antarctic waters. The latitude
being a win for a team. lines, labeled with degrees,
Teacher then encourages are included for significant
students to note how the locations on the map. The
identified image was the teacher presents the key
same: What markings, question:
shapes, etc did they use? What assumptions/approximations
about time must we make about
residence times to get travel
times for both the feeding
range and the breeding range?
Part 3. Calculating the Part 3. Constructing travel
estimated area of a fluke. graphs.
Teacher/students overlay Students, in pairs, interpret
fluke images with an Figure 3 in the resource sheet
acetate grid. Teacher to obtain distance and time
demonstrates how to data and use it to complete
calculate the area with a the travel graphs for both
grid. Teacher presents Migaloo and for the 'average
key questions: whale'.
How can we calculate the
percentage of dark
pigmentation using the
grids acetate? What area
of the whale fluke was
black? White? What
percentage was white or
Part 4. Teacher-guided group Part 4. A teacher-led discussion
discussion around two main Using the graphs, interpret
questions. the slopes and identify the
How can we use the information fastest segment and slowest
collected to build a model segment of the whale's journey.
for identifying whale flukes? Students examine and interpret
Can we generate a rule, their graphs to determine the
pattern, or set of guidelines fastest and slowest segments of
for identifying whale flukes? the trip. The teacher presents
the key question:
What factors could influence the
speeds at which whales travel?
Table 3. The four categories of spatial reasoning skills adapted
from Newcombe and Shipley (2015).
Category of spatial skill
Intrinsic-static Coding the spatial features of objects,
including their size and the arrangement
of their parts i.e., their configuration
(e.g., to identify objects as members of
Intrinsic-dynamic Transforming the spatial codings of objects,
including rotation, cross-sectioning,
folding, plastic deformations (e.g., to
imagine some future state of affairs).
Extrinsic-static Coding the spatial location of objects relative
to other objects or to a reference frame
(e.g., to represent configurations of objects
that constitute the environment and to
combine continuous and categorical
Extrinsic-dynamic Transforming the inter-relations of objects as
one or more of them moves, including the
viewer (e.g., to maintain a stable
representation of the world during navigation
and to enable perspective taking).
Table 4. Migaloo's journey compared with an average humpback
provided as part of lesson two.
'Average' humpback whale migration patterns
Distance Degree Time Time
Location from latitude between since
origin points start
Feeding range 70 25 weeks 0 weeks
Top of feeding range 60
Feeding range to Ballina 3500 km 29 9 weeks
Ballina to Hervey Bay 1000 km 21 2.5 weeks
Breeding grounds 15 4 weeks
Migaloo's migration patterns
Distance Degree Time Time
Location from latitude between since
origin points start
Feeding range 70 28.6 weeks 0 weeks
Top of feeding range 60
Feeding range to Ballina 3500 km 29 4 weeks
Ballina to Hervey Bay 1000 km 21 1.1 weeks
Breeding grounds 15 11.7 weeks
Note: 1 degree latitude represents approximately 112 km
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