摘要:Introduction The Saghand mining district is a part of Bafq-Saghand metallogenic zone in the Central Iranian geostructural zone which is located in northeast of city of Yazd. This area is known to be more susceptible to mineralization of U and Th radioactive elements, but in fact is that its main importance is for relatively large iron deposits. However, in this region similar to some of the ore deposits within the Bafq area, rare earth elements have a high anomaly. Alkali-metasomatism occurs in a large variety of environments and geological periods. It can be spatially associated with ore deposits, as for some IOCG deposits or exists in barren systems such as metasomatism within the ocean crust (Johnson and Harlow, 1999). Although average U and REEs contents of the ore bodies associated with alkali-metasomatism are not high, they represent a promising exploration target because the resources of such deposits are relatively large (Cuney et al., 2012). The alkali-metasomatism could take place in all kinds of rocks. In addition to wide distribution in granite and granodiorite, it could be also identified in all kinds of metamorphic rocks, pegmatites, subvolcanic and volcanic rocks, and they all have mineralization (Zhao, 2005). Materials and methods After field studies, host rocks and metasomatites were sampled from outcrops, trenches, and core drillings. Since the rare earth elements and radioactive elements are present within the same mineralogy (Samani, 1985), surface spectrometry measurements were used in the selection of appropriate samples. For microscopic studies, 210 samples were prepared and studied. Ore minerals were investigated in polished and polished thin sections using optical microscope and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analysis was done in the Iranian Mineral Processing Research Center. An LEO-1400 SEM with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry and back-scatter electron (BSE) imaging capabilities was used (accelerating voltage, 17-19 kV, and beam current of 20 nA). The 16 samples were analyzed by the ICP-MS method at Zarazma Mineral Studies Company, Iran, for major and trace elements at the various radiations and lithological ranges. The detection limit and precision for determination of REE, U and Th concentration were 0.2 to 1 ppm and 1 to 0.1 ppm, respectively. Discussion and results Based on field evidence and microscopic studies, four main stage of metasomatism with continuous evolution have been distinguished in the Saghand area, including: 1) Na-metasomatism, 2) Ca-Mg metasomatism, 3) K-metasomatism, and 4) Epidote±chlorite±calcite±quartz vein and veinlets. All metasomatic zones are generally enriched in U and REE and compared with the host rocks but economic grades are less widespread and limited to Ca-Mg metasomatite zones near pinkish to red color albitites. The major Ti-REE-U(Th) minerals are davidite and brannerite, which have mainly crystallized during the Ca-Mg metasomatic stage. Ti or Ti-bearing minerals as paragenesis with davidite and brannerite are also deposited in amphibole-albite metasomatic zones. All these minerals are usually fractured and along fractures and its margin is replaced by titanite, leucoxene and rutile. In this study, geochemical analysis results of igneous rocks in the Saghand ore deposit, confirm the active continental margin arc setting and the nature of calc-alkaline magmatism in the region. The good adaptation of the REEs patterns in granites with the quartzdiorite-diorite rocks, can be a strong reason for their common tectono-magmatic origin. This Geodynamic environment had been the appropriate background in terms of protolith, heat engine for metasomatism cycle and supply hydrothermal solution and controlling structural pathways. The proximity of mineralized metasomatic rocks with the granitic rocks and intrusion of the granite apophysises into the metasomatic rocks, mobility of REE elements in the metasomatic environments, adaptation of geochemical properties of REE, U and Th elements in the mineralized metasomatitic rocks with the granitic rocks and finally, there was no evidence of intrusion of unusual magmas such as the carbonatite or alkaline magmas at the current level of ore deposit outcrops. Thesesuggest a close relationship between mineralization and metasomatic events with the granite intrusion. Fluids differentiated from the Douzakh-Darreh granite have entered the fault and crushed zones in a tectonically active regime of marginal continental arc. Due to reaction of the high temperature fluid with the protolith rocks, the ratios of Na+/K+ and Na+/H+ in fluid in equilibrated to feldspars of protolith rock elevated (Cuney et al., 2012). A basically alkaline medium to low temperature hydrothermal fluid is a suitable environment for the activation and transfer of U and REE in the form of hydroxyl complex (Romberger, 1984). Conversely, Th remained essentially immobile during the metasomatic processes (Cuney et al., 2012) and therefore, cannot be in abundance carried by this fluid. Hematite pigmentation of albite and transfer of U shows that oxygen fugacity in the early hydrothermal fluid has been quite high. These geochemical conditions simply allow U, and REEs enter from wall rocks to fluids and form hydroxyl complex of these elements, which are sustainable and are portable. Titanium bearing minerals within the quartzdiorite-diorite rocks and Douzakh Dareh granite easily decompose under hydrothermal activity and form titanium hydroxides, which is a very strong absorbent for U. After mineralization of albite and hematite, oxidation degree of fluid quickly drops and as a result, conditions for instability of complexes containing Ti, REE and U are provided. Acknowledgements This paper is based on a part of the first author's Ph.D thesis at Shahid Beheshti University. This research was also supported by Skam Company and Iranian Mines & Mining Industries Development & Renovation Organization.