摘要:PT SMS, pemerintah pusat berkerjasama dengan pemerintah daerah kabupaten Dompu pada tahun 2014 telah mengembangkan usahatani tebu khususnya pada lahan kering/tegalan disertai pembangunan pabrik gula. Terjadinya pergeseran fungsi lahan pengembangan tebu tersebut dikarenakan adanya alih fungsi lahan sawah irigasi teknis menjadi bangunan industri dan infrastruktur lainnya. Dengan adanya pergeseran budidaya tebu pada lahan kering/tegalan diharapkan tercapainya sasaran swasembada gula nasional. Implementasi intensifikasi dan ekstensifikasi usahatani tebu di lahan tegalan dapat dilakukan dengan cara pendampingan dan pengawalan teknologi melalui penyediaan teknologi yang sesuai (P3GI, 2008). Tujuan kajian ini adalah 1). Untuk mengetahui Peran stakeholder dalam kegiatan Pengembangan Tebu Rakyat di pabrik Gula (PG) pekat PT SMS Kabupaten Dompu,2). untuk mengetahui faktor pendukung dan penghambat peran stakeholder dalam kegiatan Pengembangan Tebu Rakyat di PT SMS Kabupaten Dompu. Berdasarkan kajian yang telah dilakukan, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa stakeholder terkait dalam Pengembangan Tebu Rakyat pada wilayah kerja PT SMS telah menjalankan peran dengan baik. Hanya saja penyuluh dibidang perkebunan perlu ditingkatkan kinerjanya dengan melakukan pendampingan ke petani tebu secara intensif.
其他摘要:PT SMS, the central government in collaboration with the regional government of Dompu district in 2014 has developed sugarcane farming especially on dry land / moor accompanied by the construction of a sugar factory. The shift in the function of sugar cane development land is due to the conversion of technical irrigated rice fields into industrial buildings and other infrastructure. With the shift in sugarcane cultivation on dry land / moor it is expected to achieve national sugar self-sufficiency targets. The implementation of intensification and extensification of sugarcane farming on dry land can be done by assisting and escorting technology through the provision of appropriate technology (P3GI, 2008). The purpose of this study is 1). to find out the role of stakeholders in the activities of the Development of People's Sugar Cane in the concentrated sugar factory (PG) of PT SMS in Dompu Regency, 2). to find out the supporting and inhibiting factors of the role of stakeholders in the activities of the Development of People's Sugar Cane in PT SMS Dompu Regency. Based on the studies that have been conducted, it can be concluded that the relevant stakeholders in the Development of People's Sugar Cane in the work area of PT SMS have performed their roles well. This can be seen from the role of stakeholders in activities (1) Providing capital credit to sugarcane farmers; (2) Extension activities; (3) Partnership Meeting Forum Activities; (4) Core garden activities; and (5) payment system. It's just that extension workers in the plantation sector need to be improved by providing assistance to sugarcane farmers intensively.