出版社:Sociedad Mexicana de Administración Agropecuaria A.C.
摘要:The facuIty "Organizations Management Zones fOl Economic Development Under Market Incorporation Globalized" analyzed tbrough a retrospective exercise using as a methodologica1 tool lbe Logica1 Framcwork mesh to estab1ish consistency in lbe phenomenon to be analyzcd in order to c1ari1}' lbe stody object, which in lbis case, highlighls 1I1e Organizational Performance. As aresu1t oflbe aboYe itwas estab1ishcd lhatdeals wi1l1 what is investigatcd in two ways: The fmt is to describe how reality is prcsentcd in cxploiting 1I1e competitive advantages in thc performance of Agribusiness, taking into account lbe lbeoretical dimensions (Abstract) process, process evaluation and dcvelopment ofindicators and turn lbem against lbe empírical dimensions (Concrete) of information tcehnology and communications, qua1ity standards, training and tax issucs and lbe Sccond categorizc lbe problcms presentcd in Agnbusiness describing somehow lbe reality1l1ey live.