出版社:Faculty of Humanities, Kaunas University of Technology
其他摘要:Comparison of the DC corona field in the system „wire-to-cylinder“ with the cylinders radius 2 times greater than the distance between electrodes and in the system „wire-to-plane“ with the same distance between electrodes is performed by using the Deutsch‘s– Popkov‘s method. The space charge of the „wire-to-cylinder“ system increases the field strength on the wire surface by 16 % and decreases it on the surface of cylinder by 69 %. Corresponding quantities of change of the field strength in „wire-to-plane“ system are 8 % and 54 %. Computed value of onset voltage for the system „wire-to-cylinder“ is 4.70 kV, the experimental one – 4.35 kV. Corresponding quantities for „wire-to-plane“ system are 4.55 kV and 4.10kV. Current of discharge for the system „wire-to-plane“ are greater by 25 % in comparison with the values of current for „wire-to-cylinder“ system in the range of voltages near the onset value. This difference is egual to 16 % in the range of voltages exceeding the onset value by 50 %. The DC corona field for the „wire-tocylinder“ system can‘t be changed by the field of the system „wire-to- plane“ for given values of geometric parameters without introducing the substantial errors. It may be done when the radius of cylinder exceed the distance between electrodes more than 10 times. Ill.4, bibl. 6, tabl. 2 (in Lithuanian; summaries in Lithuanian, English and Russian).